I just closed my sister's party last Sunday. I got this email from her this morning. FTR, I did not actually say she could earn the Chillzanne for a $150 show, I think when I told her how much she needed to qualify as a show and earn host benefits, she drew this conclusion. I'm glad she is so extraordinarily motivated by what she can get free, but I'm not sure how to answer her....
Missy, I have a girl that was unable to come to my party but would like to book a party - can that still go on my last show or does she have to wait until I turn in the book order in June? Also I wanted to make sure that I can get that deviled egg chillzanne in June - You had told me that all I needed to get it was $150.00 in sales but according to my flier it says $650.00 - What all can I get if I get $150.00 in book salesin June? What do I get if this girl books a show from me? She said she would only do it if I get credit for it - She wants to have a good one because she is working on getting the Pots and Pans set for 1/2 off - normally $710.00 she want to do a show and get them for $355.00. Love you, Sarah