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I thought I would try a leap year sale at work. I made the nutty brownies and the truffle brownie cups. I put two catalogs in each break room, along with some brownies, and a sale flyer. When I went back after lunch, no one even touched the brownies! Out of 5 plates in three locations, roughly one plate worth of food was eaten. And it looked like no one even touched the books. I put on the flyer it was just a sale for today since we got paid and there was just a bonus given out to employees and nothing. Well...except, when I just took the catalogs out of the one floor and I was waiting at the elevators, someone goes...You do that? as the doors closed! Instead of going to my location..I went to the first floor, the only place this person could have gone and she was no where in sight. So, today was a total bust for me.