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Managing Work While Battling Illness: Balancing Business and Health

In summary, my symptoms are severe and I'm not sure what is wrong with me. I am tired all the time, my bones hurt, my kidneys are not functioning right, and my rash is getting worse. My husband is always gone and I have two small children who I feel like I'm neglecting. I don't want to lose my hosts because they do more, but I feel like I need to be honest with them about my symptoms if I want them to continue hosting my shows.
I will apologize up front for the length of this :) I have been very sick of and on for about a year now. I am not contagious. I don't have a diagnosis yet and have been to seven doctors now, mosty different specialists. My family doctor thinks I have something autoimmune (where my body is fighting itself). I am having severe pain in my bones, fatigue, nausea, headache (nonstop for months), rash, ulcers in my mouth, and my kidneys are not functioning right :(
Now on top of all that my husband works out of town 5 days a week and I have two small children (ages one and 4).
Somehow I still manage to run a pretty successful PC biz. I sell around $3000 a month. I feel like if I don't get a diagnosis soon I will have to give up my business. I feel like my hosts get aggravated with me because it takes me longer than usual to do everything. I guess I feel like it is getting too hard to fake feeling good :D I don't want to explain how I am feeling to every hostess (I don't really know any of them personally) especially since I don't even know what is wrong with me! How do I explain why I don't bring alot to shows and why I need to do shorter shows without giving too much info???? I don't want to lose my hosts to other consultants because they do more.

Thanks in advace for any input... P.S. Prayers are welcomed :D
Wow, so sorry! Have you been checked for Lupus? Sounds like a lot of the signs...as far as the shows, just tell your hosts that it takes you a little longer to do normal things because of your fatigue level -- and that the beauty of this business is that you can do things at your own pace. Perhaps they can pitch in more and you will find yourself with a few more hosts to add to your team!You are doing well with your own business -- just know that you can take it a little slower if you feel the need...PEOPLE first, then money, then things.Hugs to you and prayers that the doctors figure it out soon.
Have you been tested for Lyme Disease? Those are all symptoms.It only takes a simple blood test, but it's often not done.
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Well they have done some basic tests for lupus but as with most autoimmune things there is no one test that confirms it. Nothing has been ruled out yet.
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They checked for lyme disease, even though I haven't had a tick bite in years LOL!
gilchrist_pchef said:
They checked for lyme disease, even though I haven't had a tick bite in years LOL!

I never even knew I had a tick bite, but was misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia for several years before finally being tested for Lyme. So now, I'm a little paranoid when people give those symptoms! :eek:
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LOL! I understand. I didn't know anything about Lyme until after six months of being sick my chiropractor suggested I get tested :) Funny the Chiropractor is thinking outside the box and not 7 specialists!
I am not in as bad shape as you, but I have been struggling since my thyroid cancer treatment a year ago, especially in the memory dept!! I don't tell my hosts what is going on, I just tell them I am recovering from a medical issue and am not offended at all when they remind me of things. (This kind of puts some of the responsibility of the show back on them). At my shows, I use the door prize slips a little differently. At the beginning of each show I point them out and call them a "communication slip". I tell them if they need anything from me, info about hosting a show, a recipe etc they have to fill that out and write on the back what I need to get back to them about. At the check out, if they start to talk to me about something, I ask them if they filled out a slip, many times they say no. So after we've talked, I ask them to please fill it out so I have a reminder of our conversation. They are usually more than happy to do so. This has been working really well for me, because now I don't have a bunch of slips to go thru that are of no value, I just don't have the energy for that. I joke with them that after the show, as soon as my car hits the back of the driveway, by brain goes ching-ching and is once again empty.
What I have been amazed about, is their expectations of me is more realistic now. Oddly enough, I am having the best year in sales of my 12 year career!!! I have had a $1k every month but one. I don't think you have to spill your guts about what is going on, but just simply say you are dealing with some medical issues that are hindering your efficiency.
I'm not going to pretend to know what is wrong with you, but I did have a conversation recently while doing a booth with another vendor who had a similar story. After a couple years, and many specialist, hers turned out to be extreme B-12 deficiency, she actually went blind. Her sight was restored after a series of shots.
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Great idea with the door prize slips! pjpamchef, it seems that when I mention any medical problem the hosts want more details and I am soooooo frustrated right now that if I say anything about the details I just start crying! It is just very hard to deal with. As for the B-12....checked it too and its normal. Thanks guys for the input of what this might be though! Every bit helps :)
  • #10
First and foremost all my prayers are with you....

I had been struggling through something most of my childhood and nobody could really ever put their finger on it. I was just always labeled as one of this 'sickly' children. I had a really bad spell where all the symptoms started pilling up arount the age of 14 but was treated for Meniere's Disease along with a couple of other things and they subsided.

By my senior year of high school the symptoms had begun again and were getting worse and adding on. From what appeared to be allergy related of Tinnitus, ringing and fullness in the ears, loss of hearing, skin problems, body temp regulation problems, fatigue, and more we began a search again with specialists. Over the course of that year I went from being a completely active 24/7 all-state soccer player to not being able to walk from my bed to a motor-lift chair unassisted.

We went to numerous places - Johns Hopkins, U of Pittsburgh, Thomas Jefferson, U of Rochester, and more. I have over 30 specialists working on my case as of today. At this time after more than 7 years I have just had to learn to adjust to my limitations and that I will no longer be that same person. I can not lift heavy things, my arthritis continues to get worse, and I continue to develop new problems/symptoms over the years.

I do not have a 'deffinitive' diagnosis even after all these years as my ANA titer for Lupus tests positive but not over 400. Many doctors will label it that way no matter what some refuse too. I have in result also found RA, Meniere's, Thyroid, and Myoclonic seizures in the process.

I am just starting my business. However, I did a competitive undergraduate at Penn State in less than the 4 years, an MBA in 1 year, and I am now begining on my doctorate. I also worked in the research arena for 3 years with very long hours in labs and working through data.

The biggest advice that I can give you is to eat as HEALTHY of a diet as you possibly can afford to - both mentally, physically, and financialy. I try to eat grains that are gluten free to give my digestive system a 'rest' from some of the harder to digest foods like red meats. Eat as much fiber as you can and take your Calcium every day to help your immunity. Along with this listen to your body and dry to stay in tune with what it tells you when you do things to it. Journaling can be annoying but 30-90 days can help you live a better life for decades to come.

All my best..... Ashley
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
I never even knew I had a tick bite, but was misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia for several years before finally being tested for Lyme. So now, I'm a little paranoid when people give those symptoms! :eek:

My aunt was misdiagnosed with Lymes Disease and after several years they found it was something totally different and with the correct treatment she's finally feeling fine again.

I think sometimes a doctor settles on the most likely thing (in his/her experience) and stops looking and I don't think that's bad but if the treatment isn't working be proactive and get someone to listen to you!

When I was 10 I was tested for everything under the sun and when they couldn't find anything they treated it as Rheumatic Fever. I was on bedrest (for over a year) and took Penicillin & Aspirin 4x/day which was the treatment for Rheumatic Fever at the time and labeled it that even though they said they didn't "find the bug" to be sure that was it. I did get better even though I still have some of those symptoms but it hasn't stopped me from living my life so it worked out I guess. I'm going through a lot of tests right now for something else - even though none of us are walking in your shoes we can know how frustrating it can be so know you aren't alone.

My prayers are with you that they find out what's going on soon and you are past all this soon and feel healthy again. Congrats on the great sales through it all!
  • #11
I know this isn't the question you asked- I can't really say for sure what I'd do in your case as far as my PC Biz. I'd probably keep it brief and make something up (bad back, or something?) as to why I don't bring alot...or Fatigue or whatever seems to work.I do hope you find some answers soon. May I suggest something you can check out that many have never heard of? www.knowthecause.com and a book called "The Fungus Link" by Doug Kauffman. The diet he suggests (along with several other doctors), corresponds to alot of other 'fad' diets- cutting out sugars, flour, grains (at first) and other similar sugars- some for good, some just for a period of time. But what is interesting is the 'WHY'!! His book(s) are full of accounts of people this has saved- many who were thought to have Fibromyalgia, IBS, even "cancer"...or those that doctors had NO CLUE what was wrong.It's not a large book - so is a pretty easy read, and his website has lots of video clips also. I know several in my own family who've had "mystery illness", IBS, and other assorted things, when we went on this diet, they were healed, and have no problems anymore. (Including myself and my husband -but nothing as dramatic as your illness)Good luck!
  • #12
I only tell my hosts what I feel they need to know: I only bring enough products to do the recipe and I like to do a quick show to be respectful of everyone's time.
  • #13
I have an issue with my husband having medical issues. I do tell people I just meet (especially if they order from me at a booth) this "My husband has some medical issues and sometimes things fall through the cracks. Please feel free to give me a call if for ______ if you think I forgot to call you. It won't offend me in any way." I tell them there is an issue and what they can do to help themselves. If they ask what is wrong, I tell them it is a bit personal. I think you could do something similar at the beginning of your shows and when first host coaching.
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Thanks so much for all the comments! It helps sometimes just to hear other opinions on the situation...
  • #15
Sure! This is a such a great place to use as a guage! CS-not just PC advice! We'll even tell ya if you're acting like an idiot! (Which you are NOT!)
  • #16
AJPratt said:
I only tell my hosts what I feel they need to know: I only bring enough products to do the recipe and I like to do a quick show to be respectful of everyone's time.

Exactly! I hope you find your answer soon. Give yourself koodos for your consistent high sales. That shows dedication you have despite your struggles.
  • #17
I just rad this and wanted to check on gilchrist_pchef to see if you had any news? I have these symptoms and have Systemic Lupus (SLE). It took many specialist years to diagnose it and I had several incorrect diagnoses prior. I have had it for at least 18 years now and I am only 35. I also live in TN and have a fabulous specialist here although I don't think you are very close to Nashville where you are. I would love to speak privately with you about this is you like. I have had my business for 8 years and have a team of my own. I include the fact that I have Lupus in my story and that is why my business is so important and helpful to me. I get help many ways. I tell the host up front and usually either she or her husband helps me get things to and from my car or I have a team of my own and sometimes 1 will go with me for training and they will help me. I actually have recruited quite a few people that have health issues because of hearing my story and they see that I am able to swing it and they need the $ for bills, want to get out around others, and can have a director that understands what their challenges are. I don't know if this helps at all but I really look at my business and me having Lupus as a sort of ministry. God has blessed me and I really want to help others with health challenges too. Feel free to message me if you like. I am praying for you :)

Related to Managing Work While Battling Illness: Balancing Business and Health

1. How do I know if I should stay home from work when I'm sick?

If you have a fever, are vomiting, or have diarrhea, it is best to stay home from work. These symptoms can be signs of a contagious illness and it is important to not spread it to your coworkers. Additionally, if you are feeling too weak or fatigued to perform your job duties, it is best to stay home and rest.

2. What if I have a mild illness, like a cold or a headache?

If you have a mild illness, it is ultimately up to your personal judgment. If you feel well enough to work and are not contagious, then it is fine to come into work. However, if you are experiencing symptoms that may affect your ability to work effectively, it is best to stay home and take care of yourself.

3. Can I work from home if I'm sick?

Depending on your job duties and company policies, it may be possible for you to work from home while you are sick. However, if you are experiencing symptoms that may affect your ability to work, it is best to take the day off and focus on recovering. It is important to communicate with your supervisor and discuss any options for working from home.

4. What if I have a doctor's appointment during work hours?

If you have a doctor's appointment during work hours, it is important to communicate with your supervisor and make arrangements to take time off. Depending on the company's policies, you may need to use sick leave or make up the missed time. It is important to keep your supervisor informed and provide any necessary documentation from your doctor.

5. How can I prevent getting sick at work?

To prevent getting sick at work, it is important to practice good hygiene habits such as washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and disinfecting your work area. It is also important to stay home if you are feeling ill to prevent spreading any illness to your coworkers. Additionally, make sure to take care of your physical and mental health by getting enough sleep, eating well, and managing stress levels.

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