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Managing Mailing Lists: Dealing with Unsubscribe Requests

I send my newsletter to about 150 people each month, the addresses I get from my shows and when people enter them into the website. Every month I get at least 2 people wishing to be removed from my mailing list. Does everyone else get these too? Some are rude and some are not, of course I respond as politley as possible and remove them straight away.

What do you guys do in these situations? How do you feel when it happens?


Hi Misty,

Bless and Release. That's what I remind myself when it happens. I only get a handful a year, and some are from people I honestly don't remember, but one remove me note I got was from a past host! When I ran into her at a function she asked why I didn't send my newsletter out anymore, and when I told her she asked to be removed, she said she never sent that. Came to be that it was her husband who did it, posing to be her, because she was spending too much money on PC!!

I always feel bad when it happens, but I just let it go. People have lots of reasons, and most of them are probably not personal at all.

Just do what you're doing. Respond politely, bless, and release!

I just got my first REMOVE last week when I sent out the discontinued flyer
It is always nice to have a little line saying "to unsubscribe from my monthly newsletter, please reply to this email with ____ in the subject line." ...it is just a nice thing to see, so that if you do want to unsubscribe, you can. (that may take away some of the rudeness!)
I think I have had 4 people removed in over a years time. I don't get upset, I figured hey it's there loss!
I also include the "please remove me" note at the end of my enewsletter. I figure that there may occasionally be a person who just isn't quite as into PC as I am. If they don't want to know about the fabulous sales and wonderful cooking tips I include in my newsletter, it's their loss.
I just got my 2nd one yesterday.Although she was very nice about it, it still makes ya feel like :(
  • Thread starter
  • #8
yes, i think i will add this line. Its the rude ones that get me worried. I would hate to be a PITA for my potential clients!!
I got this one earlier:

Please stop sending me Pampered Chef emails to my work address. I am not
interested in purchasing any products.

Ahhhhh...bless and release.

For those you'd love to say, "Please stop giving out your work e-mail address to be put on mailing lists." (Sorry, that's the IT person in me speaking!!!!)

Sigh... :)
  • #10
janetupnorth said:
For those you'd love to say, "Please stop giving out your work e-mail address to be put on mailing lists." (Sorry, that's the IT person in me speaking!!!!)

Sigh... :)

Exactly!!! Why do they give you an address that they don't want you sending emails to?
  • Thread starter
  • #11
well, in all honesty, that email is from my website. When my host puts their email on the guest list, I snatch it off and put it on my newsletter mailing list. Is this too cheeky? Should I stop doing this?


  • #12
Personally, I don't do that for that very reason. I don't feel I should use that email unless they specifically give it to me. I don't like it when random people get my email either, IMHO.....
  • #13
I just don't understand why people have to be so rude! My e-mail list has a lot of contacts on it from a fair that I did. These people are rude when I call and rude when I e-mail. YOU GAVE ME YOUR INFO!! I didn't call ANY no's they were all maybe's or yes's. Why would you say maybe/yes, then get pissed when I call or e-mail. ARGGGGG! I could just jump through the phone and wring their necks!

I have had several e-mail removals that were totally rude even though they knowingly gave me thier address!
  • #14
Me too...I have at least 2 w/ remove EVERY MONTH:eek: & 5+ w/ undeliverable. I send; easily; 300 newsletters /month.

I look at it as
~ the one's who gave me their email wanted to try it... didn't like it. :confused:
~ rude people you don't want as hosts anyway :p
~ undeliverables will always happen :mad:

And you business will still grow. New people will come and WANT to get my newsletter.

At least 1 time per month I get an individual order or a show interest. It's all good!:D
  • #15
mistym said:
well, in all honesty, that email is from my website. When my host puts their email on the guest list, I snatch it off and put it on my newsletter mailing list. Is this too cheeky? Should I stop doing this?



I don't do this. I would rather they give me their email address themselves. I always reply to each person who actually places an order on my website (for a show) with a thank you for helping out so & so & then telling them that I offer a monthly newsletter & if they would like me to add them to it, that they can reply to this email. I've only had a handful want to. But I have almost every person at a show give me theirs & I've never had a person (knock on wood!) ask to be removed. I do get some undeliverables each month, but no one specifically wanting me to stop emailing them. I have about 150-200 people I send mine to.
  • #16
I make sure that I specifically say (when filling out door prize slips) that if they want to receive my monthly newsletter to give me their email address.

When I get an email address from an "outside source", like a home office lead order, I send them my newsletter with a note at the top that I send this newsletter out once a month and thought they would like it. I say that if they would rather not receive it to let me know.

Regarding office emails...I actually had a boss CALL me and ask where I had gotten a certain employees office email address! I told her that the employee had given it to me at a show, turns out the boss had purchased over $400 in PC products as an outside order on the employees show!! The boss asked for my latest catalog and ended up asking me to ADD her to my list :D How funny is that??!!
  • #17
So if they want to be removed, are you pissing them off further by sending an apologetic note letting them know you've unsubscribed them? Is it better to simply remove them and never respond?
  • #18
I always send a nice "confirmation" note like:

You have been removed, thank you! :)
  • #19
I got one nasty e-mail from a lady when I sent a fundraiser reminder to the host's guest list - It was regarding the fundraiser

I tried using the customer communciation thing on the PWS and it accidentally sent out 3 e-mails - The only person that automatically asked to be removed that I know of so far was a potential customer that was unreasonable - Couldn't please her under the circumstances

Third person that asked to be removed had a family member become a consultant

It still feels a bit uncomfortable but it's a part of business - I would perfer that people did not use their office e-mail and gave their home e-mail instead.
  • #20
I only send out my newsletter to people that gave me their email. At shows, I ask for an email address that they actually USE and tell them I'll be sending an email with the recipe when the show is closed and that I send out a monthly newsletter. By weeding them out in advance, I've only had maybe 5 people ask to be removed in almost 2 years.

I've had plenty of undeliverables, but that is bound to happen with the way people change ISPs and all.

When they ask to be unsubbed, I send a nice email letting them know that I've done it and I remind them to visit my website and bookmark it for future reference.

No harm done. It's not like they are asking you to never ever contact them ever again. They just don't want another email in their inbox--and frankly, I don't blame them.
  • #21
gilliandanielle said:
I just don't understand why people have to be so rude! My e-mail list has a lot of contacts on it from a fair that I did. These people are rude when I call and rude when I e-mail. YOU GAVE ME YOUR INFO!! I didn't call ANY no's they were all maybe's or yes's. Why would you say maybe/yes, then get pissed when I call or e-mail. ARGGGGG! I could just jump through the phone and wring their necks!

I have had several e-mail removals that were totally rude even though they knowingly gave me thier address!

I've gotten that too! It almost makes me afraid to call or email the people from fairs! I've had about a dozen yeses or maybes from fairs last year that were rude or hung up on me when I called them!! So why bother checking off yes or maybe????? I don't get it...
  • #22
I had my first one last night :( It was a nice one but I still got bummed out. She is a Creative memories consultant and I did a show at her house (not the host though) and she always sends me her e-mails and her husband works with mine!!
  • #23
I add people that give me their email addresses. I do reply to the removal requests to let them know they have been removed, and to keep me in mind should they ever need anything or would like to start receiving it again.

I figure, better to not even send than to just have them delete me every month!
  • #24
I never add anyone unless they specifically ask to be put on my enewletter mailing list. (I also have a USPS mailing list.) I have had way too many people just plop me on their mailing list without my request, to do that to someone else.
  • #25
I don't add them from my host's guest lists from PWS...I only add them from my drawing slips or order forms if they provide it...
  • #26
Specific areaI have a specific area on my door prize slip that says if you wish to get PC updates give me your email address. I have never had anyone ask to be taken off.
I have had a few that came back to me saying they no longet had that email with a failure notice and only one out of 3 this year emailed me to get them back on the updates list.

Just as Gillian said I would definitely email back the rude ones and tell them that they gave me their email addresses in the first place and that I was just doing my job. Then I would remove them!! It must be the pregnancy hormones!! They make us hostile sometimes!! LOL

Debbie :D
  • #27
I get them every once in a while. Take it as "no longer interested". View your offering the same as a waitress walking around and offering all the diners coffee. Yes Please! No Thank You! and Mayber Later! Coffee is just not my thing! are all to be expected responses. Someone who was once a Yes Please! could turn into a Never! -- maybe they have a close friend or relative who is now a PC consultant.

Don't let it stop you from sending e-mails. There is someone else who looks forward to the e-mail.
  • #28
This must be going around! I got my first please remove me email...I didn't respond back, just simply removed her address!
  • #29
jenniferknapp said:
I don't add them from my host's guest lists from PWS...I only add them from my drawing slips or order forms if they provide it...

Ditto here. I always talk up my WS and tell them all the perks they get when they visit (specials, recipes, etc). I always encourage them to simply block me if they no longer want e-mails from me.

I do put a "if you no longer want to receive e-mails from me, please reply to this e-mail with "Remove" in the Subject line." at the end of my correspondences, though.

It works, though I don't have many who do that. TG!!:D
  • #30
that's why I make sure when I have folks fill out the DPS that I tell them to put down an e-mail address that they are allowed to use for personal business!!! This way, if they put down a work email, I use it! Same for phone number-many workplaces allow personal calls (mine never did!).
In the 6.5 years I have done PC, I have only had 2 people ask to be removed, and each time it made me feel crappy...I guess it is just the rejections aspect...no one likes to be turned away.
  • #31
Do any of you mail out your newsletter? I have several "older" customers who don't have emails so I end up mailing out the newsletter to them. I do put that disclaimer on the bottom about being removed but not had anyone ask to be (knock on wood). I am steadily growing a large mailing list and am seriously wondering if it's worth the expense.?. I like to think it keeps me in the back of their minds though every month when they get one.
  • #32
Swirl said:
Do any of you mail out your newsletter? I have several "older" customers who don't have emails so I end up mailing out the newsletter to them. I do put that disclaimer on the bottom about being removed but not had anyone ask to be (knock on wood). I am steadily growing a large mailing list and am seriously wondering if it's worth the expense.?. I like to think it keeps me in the back of their minds though every month when they get one.

I send out newsletters to those that don't give thier email, but they have to spend a minimum of $60 unless they specifically request the newsletter.

It has worked for me. I send out less than 30 newsletters each month. I just put the postage in PP as an expense to write off at the end of the year.

  • #33
Since I don't send newsletters unless they are requested, my list is fairly small. I keep track of my postage for the tax deduction, too. I've been doing this for about 5 months. I've had a few sales/bookings as a result, so I think it's worth it.
  • #34
I think if you have a ton of people you've been sending newsletters to and they do not order or host a show; if you have their numbers I would use that has an opportunity to call them and ask them if they would still like to be on the mailing list and what a great chance to ask them to host a show!
Some people like that kind of personal touch.
  • #35
I have had a few people ask to be removed and in a couple of cases I have ran into them at other shows. They told me they can't open the attachment or that they have dial up and it took to long to down load. So there are other reasons besides not being interested. I don't let it bother me. I have plenty of customers who love my newsletter!!
  • #36
Living in the middle of nowhere, I have the same problem--dial-up service and difficulty opening large attachments. I have to assume many of my customers would have the same problem, so I make sure my newsletter's pretty simple.
  • #37
I don't know if this has been said, as I don't have time to read through all three pages on this thread! I glanced through it and didn't see this so I will add my thoughts! I very seldom get any removes and I think my reason is because when I pass out the survey slips at my show, I thouroughly walk the guests through it, which includes explaining about the e-mail part. What I say is: " For those of you who'd like an e-mail newsletter from me every month go ahead and fill in your e-mail address. My e-mail newsletter goes out once a month and tells you what's going on in the land of Pampered Chef!
It will have what the current specials are for both the guest and host. It will have some quick tips and recipes. It will also include any products that will be discontinued when a new season starts, and that will happen in 2 of the newsletters, once in the February newsletter and once in the August newsletter, because our new products always come out in March and September. NOW, IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS FROM ME, DO NOT PUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS DOWN, BECAUSE I WILL SEND IT TO YOU AND THEN I WILL BE YOUR SPAM!!! AND I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYONE'S SPAM!!!! I DO NOT WANT TO UPSET YOU IF YOU DO NOT WANT IT, SO I WILL NOT SEND IT TO YOU, IF YOU DON'T PUT IT DOWN!
I usually over emphasize the part in all caps!:D ;) :p and I make it funny so that everyone will laugh!!! I also let them know that if there is another reason why they want to put down their email (like for a promised recipe or other correspondence) then to also include (no e-mail newsletter, please) next to the email address!
This usually works well! I have had 1 remove ever! And she was someone who moved to another country with her husband (military) and became a consultant herself!
Anyway, another thing I do, is I always put in the beginning of the email that I will always respect their privacy and blind copy it to them, so that no one else will see their email address.
This works well for me!
Hope this helps!!!:D
  • #38
I have had one person ask to be removed because she has another consultant. Fair enough, but I can't remove her! For some strange reason, I have TWO contact lists in my Outlook. She is on the list that I can't find. Very strange. Any computer pros that can suggest how to find/remove an entire contact list on Outlook? (I have to remember not to mail her and I'm so worried I'll forget and she'll think I'm an idiot.)....

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