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Looking for Pink Apron: Anyone Willing to Part with One?

In summary, there was a discussion about the HWC apron and how some consultants had not been able to earn it due to cancellations or changes in shows. Some consultants expressed interest in purchasing the apron from those who had earned it. However, it was clarified that the HWC aprons are not for sale and can only be earned through meeting certain requirements. Some consultants shared their excitement about receiving their aprons and others expressed interest in purchasing a black half apron. One consultant even joked about selling their apron for a higher price. Overall, it was a positive and lively conversation about the HWC apron and how it is a highly coveted item among consultants.
I had a cancellation and tried to do a catelog show and didn't meet the 150 in time for the apron. If anyone won it and is willing to part with it, I will give it a good home! :) LOL!

i would like it too! i was sooo close to getting it but didn't! : ( I should get the tote bag in May though but i really wanted the apron!
Me three, I want one two, I had my baby in March and wasn't up to doing shows the first two weeks of April, have some booked for the end of the month though.
You aren't getting mine! Good luck though.
Just throwing this out there cause why not! I want one too! I had a show that postponed a month and a show that changed to a catalog show so I didn't meet my 2 shows! I wonder if there will be any way to buy them online?
AudraKYPCLady said:
I wonder if there will be any way to buy them online?

Probably not. I haven't seen the tablecloths/aprons that we've been able to earn in the past available ever - even in surprise boxes at conference.
I wonder if there will be any way to buy them online?[/QUOTE said:
I doubt it....it kinda takes the special-ness away if just anyone can get them after the fact...know what I mean?:rolleyes:
I don't know of anyone who would want to part with it! Start planning to get 3-4 shows scheduled for the May 1-15 time so there won't be any problems for you! I got a bunch of unexpected outside orders the first week of April that added up to $290 in commissionable sales ($305 in Guest Sales) so I gave it to my DD as Host. I closed the 2nd Show on April 15th with $795 in commissionable sales ($802 in Guest Sales). I planned in March to be sure to have at least 2 before the 15th and had one cancel. So glad I had all those outside orders come in at the last minute in March. I am working on booking only the May 1-15 right now. I am telling people my goal of getting the beautiful tote bag. I was in that same "boat" last year with always missing something by 1 show. I am determined never to do that again!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
My first 30 days ended in March so I wanted all the PC dollars I could get for that month since they were doubled. I didn't want to lose that! :) I got 1 show in. The other one rescheduled. I'm closing the catelog show (3rd one) today FINALLY. I have earned everything so far, but REALLY wanted that apron. :( I figured if someone wanted to sell it they would post it here, so I posted. Thanks!
  • #11
chefann said:
Probably not. I haven't seen the tablecloths/aprons that we've been able to earn in the past available ever - even in surprise boxes at conference.

I got a Dots Apron in one of my surprise boxes last year....;)
  • #12
Ooh- that's right. Those were in the boxes, and the patriotic ones from a few years back were, too.So, to clarify: I haven't seen any of the HWC earnables available or in surprise boxes. ;)
  • #13
does any one know if we can buy the apron's?
  • #14
chefann said:
Ooh- that's right. Those were in the boxes, and the patriotic ones from a few years back were, too.

So, to clarify: I haven't seen any of the HWC earnables available or in surprise boxes. ;)

Oh yeah! I remember the patriotic ones also.....:D
  • #15
rbvernon said:
does any one know if we can buy the apron's?

No. They aren't for sale.
  • #16
I'll sell mine......for $151!
  • #17
Mine came today!!! It's soooo pretty...

Sorry it's not for sale though. First time in a while for me I have earned one of the special aprons. Yippie!
  • #18
etteluap70PC said:
Mine came today!!! It's soooo pretty...

Sorry it's not for sale though. First time in a while for me I have earned one of the special aprons. Yippie!

First time for me that I've earned an apron that I actually can't wait to wear! My first show since getting mine is Thursday night!
  • #19
nldavis321 said:
I'll sell mine......

for $151!

Aren't you just soooo funny!!!
  • #20
I'd love one of the black 1/2 aprons if anyone is willing to part with theirs in that style. I can't stand having the "halter" part of the apron behind my neck and I'd love a PC 1/2 apron to wear to shows.
  • #21
I got mine today!!! LOVE IT!!!! HO did a great job on this one!
  • #22
There is one for sale already on e-bay. :eek:
  • #24
nldavis321 said:
I'll sell mine......

for $151!

I don't want to be rude, but I will offer a better deal.. $148.75!! ;)
  • #25
pamperedpals said:
There is one for sale already on e-bay. :eek:

Wonder what it will go for???
  • #26
I looked yesterday because I figured they be up fast on there and didn't find any, so they must have put them up today! I'm sure it will go for an astronomical amount.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
My husband saw the one on ebay and said, "that thing is hideous! that's what you want?" Now I don't want it anymore! LOL!

original poster....I'm just gonna wear a pink apron or better yet a pink top with my magnetic nametag.
  • #28
Janis - your husband is wrong! :p
  • #29
I would love to like have the help whip cancer apron they had the year before last.
  • #30
I noticed one on ebay today.. few days to close yet.. it's at $60 !! yikes. ..

the new incentive ones from 2009 pink/black
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  • #31
ouchy I don't know if it is really worth that much lol
  • #32
sk8rgrrl99 said:
I'd love one of the black 1/2 aprons if anyone is willing to part with theirs in that style. I can't stand having the "halter" part of the apron behind my neck and I'd love a PC 1/2 apron to wear to shows.

do you have the HWC halter style? I would be willing to trade. I want an HWC apron, but found I actually prefer the halter.
Offer open to anyone if Sarah doesn't have one to trade....

Related to Looking for Pink Apron: Anyone Willing to Part with One?

1. Can I still receive the pink apron even though I didn't meet the $150 minimum for my catalog show?

Unfortunately, the pink apron is only available as a gift with purchase for reaching the $150 minimum in sales during a catalog show. If you did not meet this requirement, you will not be eligible to receive the apron.

2. Is there any way to purchase the pink apron separately?

No, the pink apron is only available as a gift with purchase for reaching the $150 minimum in sales during a catalog show. It cannot be purchased separately.

3. Can I trade in another Pampered Chef item for the pink apron?

Sorry, we do not offer exchanges for our promotional items. The pink apron is only available as a gift with purchase for reaching the $150 minimum in sales during a catalog show.

4. Is there a way to still get the pink apron if I missed out on it during my catalog show?

Unfortunately, once a promotion has ended, we are unable to offer the promotional item. The pink apron is only available during specific promotional periods and cannot be obtained after the promotion has ended.

5. Can I request the pink apron for a future catalog show if I missed it during my current one?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the availability of the pink apron for future promotions. The apron is only available during specific promotional periods and may not be offered again in the future. We recommend reaching the $150 minimum in sales during your current catalog show to ensure you receive the apron.

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