hello everyone! This site is great!! I am horrible at trying to create things so if it wasn't for this site and all of you guys and your wonderfull ideas I wonder if I would even have a business!! Anyway I am having a show at a gymnastics center kind of a moms morning pampering thing. One of the mothers thought that it would be fun to do a PC show during the kids hour and a half long practice since normally they just sit around and chat. This would give them something to do. Anyway I am looking for a flyer to post and send home with the kids to fill all the parents in. And to let them know to bring a friend, also so the don't just drop the kids off that day. The show will be at 9:30 AM so I think I will make Cinn. rolls. or a coffee cake, and some fresh fruit. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you to all of you that make this site so great!!