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Leadership News and Information!

In summary, the General Session tomorrow afternoon is supposed to be all about new products. The email we received said that our director would tell us about the new products and anything else she's allowed to tell. We're all waiting to hear what she has to say. We have a meeting the weekend after conference so we won't have to wait too long to find out.
Gold Member
This is where we can post all info we hear from Leadership!
Waiting patiently! Have a safe and fun trip to all going!!!!
I am so excited to hear!! Have fun!!
I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear. I wonder if they will talk about S/S products first like they did at National Conference? Oh and trips .... both years with PC I have earned only Level 1 ... maybe 2008 will finally be the year!!!! Have fun to all who are going.
I am excited about the products, but I am dying to know the trip! I really want to earn at least Level 2 and knowing where I would be going will really help!
sfdavis918 said:
I am excited about the products, but I am dying to know the trip! I really want to earn at least Level 2 and knowing where I would be going will really help!
I'm with ya! It would be nice to know what I'm going to work my behind off to earn :chef: .....LOL! I don't really care, I'm still going for it :love:
I can't wait to hear all the details!
I was so excited to just check my email.....my director is having a conference call with our cluster tomorrow night after she gets back to her room!:thumbup: :balloon:
Um, Leadership starts tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Eastern. No news yet. In fact,I'm still at home.
  • #10
pkd09 said:
I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear. I wonder if they will talk about S/S products first like they did at National Conference? Oh and trips .... both years with PC I have earned only Level 1 ... maybe 2008 will finally be the year!!!! Have fun to all who are going.

I'm pretty sure our opening General Session tomorrow afternoon will be all about new products. I can't wait!
  • #11
DebbieJ said:
I'm pretty sure our opening General Session tomorrow afternoon will be all about new products. I can't wait!

That's what I"m thinking too. The email I got said she'd tell us about the new products & anything else she's allowed to tell!
  • #12
DebbieJ said:
Um, Leadership starts tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Eastern. No news yet. In fact,I'm still at home.
Yeah, I know.....bad joke.....:indif:
  • #13
Well, I'm here (at the hotel). Nothing starts til tomorrow, but it's still exciting (save me, I am such a junkie).
Just wanted to say that Ann's buttons are working. I saw a gal with one on her purse (as is mine) and said hello (it was pamperedalf....Amanda)
(aka leggy)
  • Thread starter
  • #14
You guys are so funny! I started this thread, thinking that nothing would really be posted on it til we got news tomorrow - and you've already hijacked it!
:love: :p :love:
  • #15
  • #16
ChefBeckyD said:
You guys are so funny! I started this thread, thinking that nothing would really be posted on it til we got news tomorrow - and you've already hijacked it!
:love: :p :love:
Uh....yeah......that's what we do around here! If Ann or KG were here is would have been hijacked sooner!
  • #17
Janet - ROFL!! :D

I'll have to remind my SIL to be careful when addressing her son (Jack) on their flight this summer.... :D
  • #18
I will be anxiously checking in tomorrow - can't wait for the news to start pouring in! :D
  • #19
I can't wait to find out! My director wont tell us anything till our meeting on the 28th! I don't want to wait.
  • #20
Christ Follower said:
I can't wait to find out! My director wont tell us anything till our meeting on the 28th! I don't want to wait.

That's a long time to wait, surely everyone will find out the information before then! We have a meeting the weekend after conference so I don't have to wait too long. I was supposed to give my number to a director in my cluster to call me when she found out but I kept forgetting to call her. So I'll just check on here!
  • #21
Ok---Went to Skyline for there famous chili----I got the secret----ingredient out of them-----CHOCOLATE----I had rice and beans-----yummm-----
---got a tip of the best place for ice cream -----A small kids cone----rasberry choc chip-----It's the best when the new home office rookie is being helped out with 12 bags of it for the HO staff----
oh---my nap----was great too------till next time----
  • #22
Christ Follower said:
I can't wait to find out! My director wont tell us anything till our meeting on the 28th! I don't want to wait.

You wont have to! You'll get the scoop here 2nd! Meaning those at Leadership will get 1st scoop!
My director always calls and I say "I knooooowwww!" And she says how do you know? I just say I have my ways! She knows Chef Success though!
I know!!! I can't wait either! We're like kids in a toy department at Christmas time!! :eek: :eek: :D :D
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Christ Follower said:
I can't wait to find out! My director wont tell us anything till our meeting on the 28th! I don't want to wait.

That is crazy - since earned products are scheduled to ship before then....some of it you would know before that date anyway! I bet some of the info will be on CC before that date too.
  • #24
ChefBeckyD said:
That is crazy - since earned products are scheduled to ship before then....some of it you would know before that date anyway! I bet some of the info will be on CC before that date too.

Yup the Special Edition CN will be online for consultants on January 14th.
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
That is crazy - since earned products are scheduled to ship before then....some of it you would know before that date anyway! I bet some of the info will be on CC before that date too.
I know and I earned the new stuff too! That will be the REALLY exciting part! I am just really hoping they will announce a new consultant incentive. I have a few fence sitters I would really like to sign for the new year! Plus of course knowing what the trip is going to be might boost my motivation as well!
  • #26
climbercanoe3 said:
Yup the Special Edition CN will be online for consultants on January 14th.
I'm glad they post it online! I don't get my mailed ones till like a month later! :eek:
  • #27
Christ Follower said:
I'm glad they post it online! I don't get my mailed ones till like a month later! :eek:
Most of the time the special edition Newsletters are in the change over kit. I think you get 2 if you attend leadership/national conference, 1 there at the conference and 1 in your change over kit! So you won't have to wait near as long for this newsletter!

How exciting Becky! Thanks for starting this thread! My hear skipped a beat when I first saw it, I was thinking "no way, already?:confused: ! this thread is going to be HUGE by Saturday!!!:D
You or someone else will have to start a new thread to just chat about everything, and leave this open for just the announcements or vice versa! Considering this one has been highjacked already and will be like 10 pages long before the first announcement:rolleyes: ;) , you might want to start and info only thread and leave this one for discussing everything! LOL!:p :)
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  • #28
Hey, guys!!Here's Colleen nerdin' it up in the hotel lobby.http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb315/chefann1138/Colleen.jpg
  • #29
Glad to see you arrived safe and sound. I figured you'd be the one nerdin' it up though!.
  • #30
How do you think I posted this? (duh)We have matching laptops. Awwww....
  • #31
chefann said:
How do you think I posted this? (duh)We have matching laptops. Awwww....
I was going to post something to that affect, but I was too lazy!
  • #32
chefann said:
Hey, guys!!

Here's Colleen nerdin' it up in the hotel lobby.


You have a beautiful thumb, Colleen - now can we see a picture with your FACE???
  • #33
Colleen - you are skinny as I expected. :) We need to get you married with a kid or two to join the rest of us... :(
  • #34
I'm posting so that I can get updates without logging on here

Thanks for all the info ladies and gents

  • #35
dannyzmom said:
You have a beautiful thumb, Colleen - now can we see a picture with your FACE???
I think Carolyn has 'thumb envy' :thumbup: LOL!

How's the thumb doing? Better?
  • Thread starter
  • #36
pamperedlinda said:
I think Carolyn has 'thumb envy' :thumbup: LOL!

How's the thumb doing? Better?

That seriously made me laugh out loud! My 3 yr old even came to see what made me laugh!
  • #37
climbercanoe3 said:
Yup the Special Edition CN will be online for consultants on January 14th.

That is what I always LOVE to see! Sometimes we can cheat and get it earlier but I think they figured that out b/c we could not with Conference this year! HAHA!
  • #38
dannyzmom said:
You have a beautiful thumb, Colleen - now can we see a picture with your FACE???
And your hair is so much longer than in your avatar! Beautiful!
  • #39
sfdavis918 said:
And your hair is so much longer than in your avatar! Beautiful!
I was thinking the same thing....:)
  • #40
Christmas EveThink I'll be like my kids, I'm going to bed early so tomorrow will get here quicker!! Bet I check this site before I do anything else after work tomorrow:love:
  • #41
MORFIA said:
Ok---Went to Skyline for there famous chili----I got the secret----ingredient out of them-----CHOCOLATE----I had rice and beans-----yummm-----
---got a tip of the best place for ice cream -----A small kids cone----rasberry choc chip-----It's the best when the new home office rookie is being helped out with 12 bags of it for the HO staff----
oh---my nap----was great too------till next time----

I guess being from Ohio - and living here, it's funny to hear about someone being excited for Skyline! Although, I wonder what ice cream you had...was it Graeter's? They are the best!

I wish I could've gone to Leadership.... :(
  • #42
I LOVE Cincinnati Chili and make it all the time - the secret in mine - Allspice - I got the recipe when we lived in NoVa from a restaurant owner from Cincinnati. I made it the weekend and have tons leftover in the fridge.
DH has a ballgame tomorrow night (basketball coach) - so I guess I'll have a bowl & logon to here and dream of Cincinnati!

I teach so Leadership was pretty much impossible - I didnt think it would bother me to not go but I am missing it now!!!!
  • #43
Ann $ ColleenI too have the matching computer----great meeting all of you----Heather it was GREATERS----Rasberry---Choc chippp====I was there when a dozen bags went out to the HOME OFFICE staff====GLAD YOU LIKED THE GAME----
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  • #44
Hey! Meet n greet!!I apparently forgot to set my camera to red eye reduction, which is why we look like the demon cluster. :)http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb315/chefann1138/MeetnGreetJan9.jpg
  • #45
names please
from left to right
  • #46
CN posts on MondayFor all of us that have to wait... there is good news! The Special Edition CN will post on Monday with all the goodies in it! That's what I read somewhere anyway!
  • #47
Back row: Meg, (Karen? Kathy? I'm sorry - it's slipped my mind), Kris (Leggy!), me
Front row: Amanda, Morfia, Katie, Colleen, AlisonThere were more of us, but a bunch went to a different area to sit, and some others went to find dinner someplace else.
  • #48
Oh I'm so sad....... I wanted to go so bad!!!! My Director is leaving tomorrow morning! I wish I had someone to sign up tonight so I could go! I would be packed in 10 minutes!

This is probably one of the only ones my husband would let me go to since I could drive! I'm so sad:(!!

Okay - I have to snap out of it! I can't wait to hear all the new stuff!! I won't be able to stay out of here for the next 2 days!!
  • #49
chefann said:
Back row: Meg, (Karen? Kathy? I'm sorry - it's slipped my mind), Kris (Leggy!), me
Front row: Amanda, Morfia, Katie, Colleen, Alison

There were more of us, but a bunch went to a different area to sit, and some others went to find dinner someplace else.
Thanks, now I feel like I'm right there with you :love: . Did I enjoy the drink you had for me? I hope it wasn't tequila :yuck:
  • #50
I'm sooooo excited to see the group pic!!!! Ya'll keep having fun!
<h2>1. What is the purpose of "Leadership News and Information"?</h2><p>The purpose of "Leadership News and Information" is to keep all Pampered Chef leaders informed and updated on the latest news, events, and resources related to leadership within the company.</p><h2>2. How often is "Leadership News and Information" updated?</h2><p>The "Leadership News and Information" section is updated on a regular basis, typically every week or as needed when important updates arise.</p><h2>3. Can anyone access "Leadership News and Information"?</h2><p>Yes, the "Leadership News and Information" section is accessible to all Pampered Chef consultants and leaders. It can be found on the company's website or through the Pampered Chef mobile app.</p><h2>4. What type of information can be found in "Leadership News and Information"?</h2><p>"Leadership News and Information" contains a variety of resources, including training materials, upcoming event details, recognition for top leaders, and important company announcements.</p><h2>5. How can I contribute to "Leadership News and Information"?</h2><p>If you have important news or information that you believe should be shared with other Pampered Chef leaders, you can submit it through the company's website or reach out to the leadership team directly with your suggestion.</p>

Related to Leadership News and Information!

1. What is the purpose of "Leadership News and Information"?

The purpose of "Leadership News and Information" is to keep all Pampered Chef leaders informed and updated on the latest news, events, and resources related to leadership within the company.

2. How often is "Leadership News and Information" updated?

The "Leadership News and Information" section is updated on a regular basis, typically every week or as needed when important updates arise.

3. Can anyone access "Leadership News and Information"?

Yes, the "Leadership News and Information" section is accessible to all Pampered Chef consultants and leaders. It can be found on the company's website or through the Pampered Chef mobile app.

4. What type of information can be found in "Leadership News and Information"?

"Leadership News and Information" contains a variety of resources, including training materials, upcoming event details, recognition for top leaders, and important company announcements.

5. How can I contribute to "Leadership News and Information"?

If you have important news or information that you believe should be shared with other Pampered Chef leaders, you can submit it through the company's website or reach out to the leadership team directly with your suggestion.

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