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Last Night I Wore My New Pampered Chef Shirt (Love the Periwinkle

In summary, Diane did not wear her apron last night, and two people commented. She thinks knowing she didn't HAVE to wear the apron, moved 2 to take information. Gillian, Michele, and Diane all wear jeans, and Diane thinks if you accesorize correctly, they are fine.
Last night I wore my new PC shirt (love the periwinkle "better" short sleeved shirt) and no apron. Truth be told I just forgot the apron until the last moment, then realized that my recipe (THE CHICKEN) was not at all messy ~ and I brought the cupcakes... so I just left it home. Anyways TWO people commented and were really interested to hear "it's my business, so I can choose when I want to wear the apron" type of response (I don't usually wear it at boutiques).

I think knowing she didn't HAVE to wear the apron, moved 2 to take information. Just a thought. I may wear it while cooking then take it off for the talk time...
very good idea, just might have to try it
Good thinking! Sometimes I leave my apron on the whole time; but I really like to take it off when I'm done cooking. Makes me feel more comfortable to sit there & visit. I like your thinking though, about not HAVING to wear it; if people are turned off by that....
I hate wearing an apron! I hate things around my neck, or like hanging around my neck! I take it off as soon as I am done demoing and ready to check out.
Just my thought on the issue!
I also only wear mine when doing the cooking, or at least, I put it on at the start of my demo and take it off for checkout.
Sssshhhhh...I don't wear mine - it makes me look fat:D

When I became a consultant, they recommended that you NOT put your apron on until you were ready to start cooking. Leaving it off to greet guests, welcome them, do your opening, etc helped everyone see you as "one of them" and not just "the PC lady/guy here to cook for you". Kind of put you on equal footing with them, so to speak. I only wear my apron when I'm doing the demo. As soon as the demo is over, I take it off and mingle with the guests again.
dianevill said:
I don't wear mine - it makes me look fat:D

Ha...I'm just the opposite! I like to wear mine so it hides my "pooch". I used to call it my "baby" fat but now that my baby is 11, it's not such a great excuse anymore!!! :rolleyes:
I don't wear mine either! One size fits all my butt! It goes past my knees and I just don't like it. I wear my pink HWC shirt and my name tag from Merrill with jeans. I don't want to start a debate about the jeans, but in AK jeans are "dressed up" so for me it is right!
  • #10
gilliandanielle said:
I don't wear mine either! One size fits all my butt! It goes past my knees and I just don't like it. I wear my pink HWC shirt and my name tag from Merrill with jeans. I don't want to start a debate about the jeans, but in AK jeans are "dressed up" so for me it is right!

Gillian, I wear jeans too! Its par for the course up here in Maine! I do make sure they are my nice, dark colored jeans...I'd never wear my faded jeans!:p
  • #11
I am from MA and I wear jeans too!!! I think if you accesorize correctly they are totally fine. I stopped wearing my apron too. I just wear PC logo shirts (I have 4 I think) and I put my pins on.
  • #12
That's an interesting thought! I'm pretty messy sometimes so I don't know if I could get rid of the apron all together. I do love wearing the logo shirt though as it is comfortable. I wear nice dark jeans to all of my shows as well. Hardly anyone dresses up out here in Montana and frankly I wouldn't have been as attracted to the business if I thought I had to dress up. I would hate to do Mary Kay for that reason alone!

Let us know if those two turn into recruits!

  • #13
I agree with the arpon fits all. I am a pretty short and petite person so of cours the apron makes me look short and fat. I have two of the youth shirts from VIP an than I just ordered another PC shirt. If I do wear my arpon I do not put it on until I do the demo and that I take if off as soon as I am done.
  • #14
I guess it is not that I am small, but I am young and I just look stupid in it. I wish they had a shorter mid thigh apron. I have one that I love that is smaller, but it doesn't have the PC logo on it obviously. I have one of those embroidery sewing machines, but I don't know how to get the logo off the computer and into the machine (or if that is even possible!!)
  • #15
I quit wearing mine and just wear a PC shirt. I get too hot!

  • #16
dianevill said:
I don't wear mine - it makes me look fat:D

My huge a$$ makes me look fat. I wish I could blame the apron... all those pull aparts went somewhere.
  • #17
gilliandanielle said:
I guess it is not that I am small, but I am young and I just look stupid in it. I wish they had a shorter mid thigh apron. I have one that I love that is smaller, but it doesn't have the PC logo on it obviously. I have one of those embroidery sewing machines, but I don't know how to get the logo off the computer and into the machine (or if that is even possible!!)

Did you know that you can buy iron on's at Wal-Mart? Located by the computer papers. They also have magnets which I make business card magnets for shows and hosts.
I have transformed A LOT of my own clothes. I even did a fancy iron on with my Greeting Card Factory Deluxe and the computer on a nylon jacket. The directions said not to do in on nylon but I got it on clearance and figured the most I'd be out was $11.00 if it didn't work. Worked like a charm. Just had to adjust the iron temperature a little cooler.
Just be sure to use only iron on's for whites with white fabric and the dark for colors or you can see where you cut the decal out.
You have a embroidery sewing machine? Is it one with a computer?
If so you could do LOTS with that!! I can't afford that so I do the iron on's.
Well enough babbling.
  • #18
gilliandanielle said:
I don't wear mine either! One size fits all my butt! It goes past my knees and I just don't like it. I wear my pink HWC shirt and my name tag from Merrill with jeans. I don't want to start a debate about the jeans, but in AK jeans are "dressed up" so for me it is right!

I hear ya!!!
I'm also with you with the jeans thing. If the jeans are new and dark, to me that is dressed up. Guess I'm kind of the Red Neck for gals! To me getting dressed up is a nice or fancy shirt or blouse with a new looking pair of jeans.
So.... since I have been trying to wear dress like clothes to shows and am so uncomfortable, I think I will wear my new blue jeans tomorrow with a nice blouse with my Iron on'd Pampered Chef logo! :p
  • #19
schel said:
I hear ya!!!
I'm also with you with the jeans thing. If the jeans are new and dark, to me that is dressed up. Guess I'm kind of the Red Neck for gals! To me getting dressed up is a nice or fancy shirt or blouse with a new looking pair of jeans.
So.... since I have been trying to wear dress like clothes to shows and am so uncomfortable, I think I will wear my new blue jeans tomorrow with a nice blouse with my Iron on'd Pampered Chef logo! :p

Oh.... and the apron for a short time! :D
  • #20
dianevill said:
I don't wear mine - it makes me look fat:D

I do wear mine as it covers my FAT :)
  • #21
it's possible :)
gilliandanielle said:
I guess it is not that I am small, but I am young and I just look stupid in it. I wish they had a shorter mid thigh apron. I have one that I love that is smaller, but it doesn't have the PC logo on it obviously. I have one of those embroidery sewing machines, but I don't know how to get the logo off the computer and into the machine (or if that is even possible!!)

My Mom has an embroidry machine and gets pictures (digitizes them and then sews them onto things!!!

her email well I"ll Pm you that info.

Good Luck:cool: :cool:
  • #22
Thanks Liz! I have to drag my machine out from under my house to look at it!! I know that it takes discs that have different embroidery patterns on them, but I have never used it. My aunt gave it to me a day before my daughter was born, so I just put it away for "later"!!
  • #23
I did a craft fair yesterday, and mid morning I remembered reading on CS somewhere to wear your apron , and I put it on. I walked to another booth to get something to drink and a woman yelled at me"hey Pampered Chef Lady, where is your booth?" I told her the location, and she came over and signed up for a catalog, and we talked and I booked a show for the end of the month. I'll wear the apron at my next fair too. It is long, but the logo is larger than the one that was on my shirt.
  • #24
At the expo yesterday there was WildTree, Tupperware, and a few others all wearing their aprons. It was cute, it looked like an apron convention. I just wore a logoed shirt.
  • #25
AJPratt said:
At the expo yesterday there was WildTree, Tupperware, and a few others all wearing their aprons. It was cute, it looked like an apron convention. I just wore a logoed shirt.
That made a statement - The CHEF was the only one WITHOUT the apron. :cool:
  • #26
Hey Gillian, my mom has one of those and I think you need special software to make your own designs. Good luck! If you figure it out, maybe I'll try it! I've been toying with trying it, but she won't let me borrow her machine...she's afraid I'll never give it back! It's SO fun!
  • #27
BethCooks4U said:
That made a statement - The CHEF was the only one WITHOUT the apron. :cool:
I kinda thought it was funny. I thought they all looked cute, but realized I never brought mine. We were trying to go for an upscale look to let people know we had a lot more to offer than the PC main staples.
  • #28
Another huge leap for non-aproners!! How did you do at the show Anne??
  • #29
So, I will be making some calls today! I weeded through the 51 entries I had. So far, these are the DOOR PRIZE RESULTS:

Having a show: 3 yes's and 4 maybes, one maybe wrote in a month
Catty Show: 2 yes's and 6 maybes
Opp: 5's=4 8's=1 9's=1 10's=1

Aside from the door prizes... I also had one lady actually ask me to do a show (they exist?), one guy wants a have a show, and one catalog show, just in talking with them. They all gave me their numbers to call to set it up. I will also be discussing the opportunity with the pushy sweepstakes lady (Melody) that was working across from us. Everyone in my group was annoyed by her, but I saw some potential... I figured that she isn't shy, which seems to be people I keep finding and she was worth a conversation.
  • #30
I'm thinking maybe I should ask one of my friends that sew to modify my aprom to make it fit better - the top is too long (no bust) and so the apron sags, but I'll bet we could cut the seam & make it fit better. I also don't wear the apron now because it just looks silly on me - like a kid playing "dress up".
  • #31
Awesome Anne! I can't wait to see you as a director with all those hot prospects!! Good luck!
  • #32
You could also get some extra towels and sew a ribbon to them to make a smaller apron...I usually don't wear one at all and I tuck a towel into my belt and that seems to be all I need.

I wear jeans too, usually people are dressed down around here, sometimes even in their PJ's!!
  • #33
That is a good idea Andrea! Then I could make it to fit me instead of wearing the "poncho" as my DH refers to it!!
  • #34
I wear my apron soley because it covers my pudge and gives me a place to put my dishtowel since I can't wear belts unless I favor looking like the Michelin man.

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