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Kind of Wish They'd Explained That . . .

In summary, the speaker will be featured in two local newspapers for an article about her doctor, who is being highlighted by the hospital. She agreed to have her picture taken during a consultation, but was surprised to find out she would be wearing a paper gown and discussing the female reproductive system. The picture will be published in both newspapers, leading to some humorous reactions from her friends and family. The speaker is not too concerned about the attention, as she has been in the paper before.
Staff member
I'm going to be in two local papers on (or just after) March 1. I will not be wearing any clothes in the picture. Don't freak out. I won't be naked. I'm just not wearing clothes in the picture.

Let me explain.

Today I had my annual gynecological exam. Yesterday I received a call from my doctor's office concerning my appointment. This is the way it was explained to me:

The hospital is doing some articles on several of the doctors. Dr. Murray is one of them. We were wondering if you would mind if we took a picture of you during a consultation with Dr. Murray. Not during the actual exam, of course, but just doing a consultation.

I thought that sounded fine, so I agreed.

Fast forward to this morning. I arrive at the office. They call me back. I'm given the little paper gown and told to strip down, don the gown, and have a seat on the edge of the exam table. The doctor comes in, thanking me for agreeing to do the picture. He then invites the photographer in. This is the point at which I realize that they plan to take the picture with me in the little paper gown (with lap cover, of course), sitting on the edge of the exam table, talking with the doctor, as we look at a plastic replica of the female reproductive system. :eek:

Now, honestly, I'm covered in the picture. I'm no more exposed than if I were wearing a short-sleeved shirt. The photographer took lots of pictures with a digital camera, then showed us each one. We both told her that any of the pictures would be fine. I signed the release for them to use the photo to accompany the article about Dr. Murray. This is my first realization that the photo isn't for some internal, promotional thing for the hospital. This picture will be published in the papers in both Logansport and Peru. :blushing:

So, I've had a great time today telling people that I'm going to be in the paper without clothes on. :p

In case anyone is concerned, my exam went well. The doctor tells me that I'm the picture of health. (Pun definitely intended. :D )
At least you weren't on video, singing Back In The Saddle, Again.
Thanks for the amusing snapshot of your day Rae!:D :D :D

Does this mean you'll be a Pin-Up Girl now?
So you're the picture of health! LOL... it's always exciting to be in the paper, but with no clothes on to boot. ;)
Is the newspaper The Post, by chance? Because that gives whole new layers of meaning to your Post Slut t-shirt. :D
Your son and the furry guy must be so proud.
You could go out in your robe and buy all the copies :)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
One of my friends has started calling me "The Exhibitionist." She asked when I was going to be appearing in a national magazine. She suggested it might be good publicity for my PC business. I pointed out that (1) I can't identify myself in a national publication as a PC consultant (without prior permission, which I doubt they'd give in that case), and (2) it would most certainly endanger my position with the children's ministry at church.Ann, both newspapers are Tribunes, so no great Post Slut opportunities there.
In Peru? You're an INTERNATIONAL star? Seriously, as someone whose name is in the paper on a daily basis ... it's not that big of a deal! (I got over it after a while. But then again, not many people notice the name of the person who wrote the story ...)
  • #10
You're in the paper daily? In the Police Blotter or the Unpaid Parking Ticket list?
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  • #11
Di_Can_Cook said:
In Peru? You're an INTERNATIONAL star? Seriously, as someone whose name is in the paper on a daily basis ... it's not that big of a deal! (I got over it after a while. But then again, not many people notice the name of the person who wrote the story ...)
That's Peru, IN. It's right near Mexico, Denver, and Chili. I can't say I consider it a big deal to be in the paper, especially since I'm just the patient conferring with the doctor the article is about. I've been the subject of an article or two through the years. Those were okay. Plus, neither paper I'll appear in is exactly an award-winning paper. :rolleyes: Although, it was a little disconcerting to realize that my picture, sans clothing, will be a part of our crummy little newspaper.
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  • #12
You'll have to change your picture on here now :) No more flip flops!!
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  • #13
Trust me, no one really wants to see a picture of me--especially that kind of picture.
  • #14
Oh come on Rae!
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  • #15
Besides, those aren't flip flops. Those are my ChefAnn exclusive slippers that match my Post Slut jammies. :)
  • #16
Oh yes, those little wonderful paper "gowns", they do us all justice! You'll have to post the picture after it's published!
  • #17
All I can say after meeting you last year, is only you Rae! :)They must have picked you out of the pile for that one! He-he.
  • #18
I can only top Janet's remarks by saying "only you, Rae!". What a day you've had! You'll have to post the article with the picture for all of us to see!
  • #19
Your original post is too funny. "I will not be wearing any clothes..."
  • #20
Too bad that picture won't make it far enough to be in the Ft. Wayne papers - I'd love it see it:)!
  • #21
That's Peru, IN. It's right near Mexico, Denver, and Chili.

I can't say I consider it a big deal to be in the paper, especially since I'm just the patient conferring with the doctor the article is about. I've been the subject of an article or two through the years. Those were okay. Plus, neither paper I'll appear in is exactly an award-winning paper. :rolleyes: Although, it was a little disconcerting to realize that my picture, sans clothing, will be a part of our crummy little newspaper.[/

Hey, it sounds to me, Rae, like you are quite literally...in the paper (and nothing else!!)
  • #22
pampchefrhondab said:
Too bad that picture won't make it far enough to be in the Ft. Wayne papers - I'd love it see it:)!

That's the beauty of the internet... I'm sure we can all see Rae if we want!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
I'm tempted to call the office and ask if I was the only one they asked to do this. I'm picturing them asking dozens, each time giving less information about what they want. Then again, they may have just gone, "Gee, we could ask Rae. She'll do just about anything."
  • #24
Congratulations Rae.....I think!
  • #25
Rae, don't worry too much about it. All women should be seeing their gyn every year but alot don't. Maybe your article will help someone get back to their doctor! It's something most of us endure every year just not share it with the rest of the world!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
wadesgirl said:
Rae, don't worry too much about it. All women should be seeing their gyn every year but alot don't. Maybe your article will help someone get back to their doctor! It's something most of us endure every year just not share it with the rest of the world!

The really sad thing, is that I've already inspired many of my friends to get their yearly exams for a completely different reason. Two years ago I realized that I hadn't been for one of those exams for over a decade. My excuses were that my gyno quit practicing, I go to the doctor all the time for my diabetes, and I wasn't having any problems. That was in early January of 2006. I asked a few friends, made an appointment, and went for my exam. A few weeks later, I had a hysterectomy. (As a matter of fact, that was two years ago today, February 20. Today's my hysterversary. :balloon: )

It seems I had a huge fibroid tumor. If I had been going for regular exams, they certainly would have caught it before it was so large, which would have meant a much simpler procedure.

I began telling everyone to make sure they went. Several friends confessed that they hadn't been in way too long, and every one of them made appointments and have made a commitment to get annual checkups.

The fun thing is that my gynecologist, the one I'll be pictured with the the paper, the one who performed my hysterectomy, is Bill Murray. Actually, he goes by Bruce, but his first name is William. He does a dead-on Carl from Caddy Shack.
  • #27
I think it should be called a "hersterectomy" because herses have one, not hises.After all, we say "amen" and not "awomen" because we sing hymns, not herns. Ain't it just more fair?
  • #28
I think it is a hysterectomy because with it left in, you'd be hysterical!
  • #29
You are all too funny! Congratulations Rae for being the Newspaper SuperWoman today. We will have to get your autogragh, maybe it will bring you good luck!
  • #30
I have to wonder if the dr will be so proud of the write up that he will frame it and put it in his waiting area?
  • #31
Not if he reads this thread first. ;)
  • #32
Teresa Lynn said:
I have to wonder if the dr will be so proud of the write up that he will frame it and put it in his waiting area?

All we have to do is find the picture and post it here and it will live forever!!!
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  • #33
I'm beginning to get a bit concerned about the amount of infamy I'm gaining.
  • #34
Did you expect anything different with this group? Seriously?
  • #35
Surely, you can't be serious.
  • #36
I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
  • #37
A hospital? What is it, Doctor?
  • #38
It's a large building where there are patients.And Rae in a paper gown, posing for a photographer. (Work it, girl! You need to use some of the moves from ANTM!)
  • #39
Yeah, Rae, I bet your gyno wished you hadn't told us! You could have been holding the dippers to the Coating Trays to promote your PC business! Hey...just repeating what SEVERAL of my female customers have brought to my attention! Well, I never would have thought of that (heavy lake effect sarcasm!):angel:
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  • #40
I'm enjoying all the mileage I'm getting out of this story. Then, this morning, I stopped in at the Post Office. The postmaster is a friend, and I told her my newspaper picture story. When she finished laughing, she pointed out that that particular hospital puts up billboards in most of the surrounding area. Yeah, that's what I need--40' pictures of me in a paper gown all over three counties.
  • #41
I'll be watching for you along I-65 next time I have to go to Indianhopeless.
  • #42
That oughta stop traffic......Now, IF I could only get to Pappadeux I bet your son has a copy :)
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  • #43
He doesn't yet, because I don't have a copy. :p
  • #44
WOW, I have never know a real live pin up girl!!
Now THAT is what I call EXPOSURE!!!!
  • #45
Teresa Lynn said:
That oughta stop traffic......

Now, IF I could only get to Pappadeux I bet your son has a copy :)
Once upon a time, there were three ducks.

Pappadeux, Mammadeux and Little Babydeux.

I was going to tell you about Goldy Lox but that seems a little fishy.
  • #46
oh my gosh, your humor reminds me alot of my favorite DJ here in Dallas
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  • #47
I was sharing my little story with an old friend/upcoming host last night. She asked me if she'd ever told me about what had happened when she was pregnant with the twins. That's when she told be about the time she visited the third-floor office of her OB/GYN while 9 months pregnant with twins. It seems a group of window-washers surprised her while she was, um, not particularly well clothed.See, it isn't just me.
  • #48
God...how embarassing....but you know, if she was in labor, she wouldn't have cared , right ladies?!?! You don't even care if the custodian comes in to mop the floor!
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  • #49
Unfortunately, she wasn't in labor, so she managed to get really embarrassed. She also got a bit of the paper from the exam table stuck between her cheeks when she tried to scurry off the table and into the changing area. The nurse had to help her remove it.
  • #50
baychef said:
God...how embarassing....but you know, if she was in labor, she wouldn't have cared , right ladies?!?! You don't even care if the custodian comes in to mop the floor!

Nope - not at all!
H2: What is the article about and why will you be in the picture?<p>The article is about several doctors, including my own gynecologist, and will feature a picture of me during a consultation with my doctor. </p>H2: Will you be fully naked in the picture?<p>No, I will not be fully naked in the picture. I will be wearing a paper gown with a lap cover, similar to what one would wear during a medical exam.</p>H2: Why did you agree to be in the picture?<p>I agreed to be in the picture because I thought it would simply be a promotional photo for the hospital. I did not realize it would be published in two local newspapers.</p>H2: Is the photo inappropriate or revealing?<p>No, the photo is not inappropriate or revealing. I am fully covered and no more exposed than if I were wearing a short-sleeved shirt.</p>H2: How did your exam go?<p>My exam went well and my doctor assured me that I am in good health. The photo was just a fun addition to the experience. </p>

Related to Kind of Wish They'd Explained That . . .

H2: What is the article about and why will you be in the picture?

The article is about several doctors, including my own gynecologist, and will feature a picture of me during a consultation with my doctor.

H2: Will you be fully naked in the picture?

No, I will not be fully naked in the picture. I will be wearing a paper gown with a lap cover, similar to what one would wear during a medical exam.

H2: Why did you agree to be in the picture?

I agreed to be in the picture because I thought it would simply be a promotional photo for the hospital. I did not realize it would be published in two local newspapers.

H2: Is the photo inappropriate or revealing?

No, the photo is not inappropriate or revealing. I am fully covered and no more exposed than if I were wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

H2: How did your exam go?

My exam went well and my doctor assured me that I am in good health. The photo was just a fun addition to the experience.

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