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I've Entered the Cs Poster Protection Program!

In summary, the person changed their name to protect themselves from being harassed on the internet. They have learned that anything they say can and will be twisted and taken out of context. They are still friends with the other people on the board, but are looking for people who are more hospitable.
Silver Member
Some of you may not think you know me. But you probably do. ;)

Names have been changed to protect the innocent from the guilty.

I've had to change my identity to be
less identifying
because of
spies & cyberstalkers

I've learned that anything I say can and will be taken out of context, twisted and thrown in my face

Old name started with the fourth letter of the alphabet and had one more word

And speaking of
that's how many letters my
state name

Please be kind and don't innundate me with PM's because my
PM box overfloweth
I'm going on vacation soon

Just know if you were my "friend" on here before, you still are, and nothing has changed apart from my name, my siggy, my location, etc.

Catch ya. I'm SO over the rainbow!
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You are too funny. Sorry you had to go into the "protection program".
Crap never was too good at puzzles!! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Gosh I wish this thread wasn't a sticky ....
I know who you are ;)

I hope there wasn't a bad incident that forced you to have to be more private.
you kept the same avatar pic, so I think I've got you figured out. LOL
DebbieJ said:
you kept the same avatar pic, so I think I've got you figured out. LOL

me too - plus if you do a search on your old name, you get the posts under your new name....
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Ah, but a certain thread has gone bye bye ... and that one started it all.

Wanted to leave a trail of breadcrumbs so the people I've gotten to know over 2 years can still find me. May change my avatar when I return from my trip

And Lisa ...

VERY bad incident involving certain "spies" and verbal abuse from an apparent visitor here. Highlight my WHOLE post and you'll get a hint. Posted a few details that were TOO identifying in another color.
Intrepid, I'm sorry you were so harassed you were forced to take these measures. I'm also surprised that anything you have ever said would lead someone to abuse you. They obviously don't know you very well.

And, of course, I missed the whole thing! Man, I miss all the good stuff! :cry:;)
pampchefsarah said:
And, of course, I missed the whole thing! Man, I miss all the good stuff! :cry:;)

Seems like I missed it too...

I'm sorry to hear that you had to take such measures and that you were treated the way you were treated. I suppose though, it serves as a reminder to all of us that this board isn't private. While the majority of us are consultants, anyone can pay the $5 to be able to read and post as much as they'd like. And even if you don't pay the $5, you can still read as much as you like as long as you keep clearing your cookies.
  • #10
I apparently missed it too - but I do my best to try and stay away from any drama even though part of me really wants to know... :D ...I've always found that I don't come out better for finding out....Regardless of all that, I believe I figured out who you are (I'm like Deb and give thanks mainly to your having the same avatar) and am still your friend. :)
  • #11
cyber stalking? I have no clue what went here .... I didnt log on for a month
  • Thread starter
  • #12
I kept it off this board once it came to light, and always will. In fact, my activity here slowed to a crawl since that incident happened. I spoke of it vaguely in the chat, and PM'ed certain people who asked.

Hopefully, certain people will think I no longer post here.

Trust me when I say that I do not suspect any actual "cheffers." These are IRL people I'm speakin' of. Out here in ... Iowa. I'll smile to their faces like they fake smile to mine. But I don't trust the lot of 'em.
  • #13
Just be careful about any details -Iowa - you put in here for a while too. Do not apparently need a rehash or resurgence. Hope you are physically safe though!
  • #14
I agree with John. I hope you're safe, well, happy and productive. HUGS and stay well.
  • #15
I'm sorry this happened to you, I know who you are too..;)
Hopefully you will stay on the board and those people will leave you alone. that is really ridiculous. Did you make Greg or Deb aware?
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Yes, Deb was kind enough to set me up as I_C (or C_I since IC sounds too much like Our Lady of the Minivans.

The crazy thing? I'm doing better in this business than ever! So what if I don't trust the people in .... Iowa. Looking for people that are ... more hospitable.

Visiting fam today so not worried about it ... Just came out here to get some addresses for box tops and post cards ...
  • #17
I am completely clueless...
  • Thread starter
  • #18
I guess it's best that way. Don't want to air this dirty laundry in public.

Sooner or later, those who don't know me will recognize me by my writing style, or else, make a new friend. :)

Just checking in. Sooner than I want to, I'll be going back to ... Utah. ;-)
  • #19
Intrepid_Chef said:
I guess it's best that way. Don't want to air this dirty laundry in public.Sooner or later, those who don't know me will recognize me by my writing style, or else, make a new friend. :)Just checking in. Sooner than I want to, I'll be going back to ... Utah. ;-)
No, I figured out within seconds who it is -- but am clueless as to why all the drama?
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  • #20
dannyzmom said:
No, I figured out within seconds who it is -- but and clueless as to why all the drama?

I'm right there with you....I missed it too
  • #21
Me three! No clue whats going on... So Sorry there was drama - that is not what this board is about! Hope all is well! :)
  • #22
PamperedDor said:
Me three! No clue whats going on... So Sorry there was drama - that is not what this board is about! Hope all is well! :)

Frankly it's this kind of idiocy that keeps me from sending my team members here. Focus on your business and you won't get caught up in the drama. If you're focusing on your business you won't have time for the drama and life is way more peaceful.
  • #23
Hey I just started to really become active on here and I do recall who you are from the picture. I hope you are safe and well. Sorry to hear that you had to deal with any of this that is going on.
All the best to you.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Well, let's just say the drama was in REAL LIFE and not on this board ... and it's best that we keep it this way.

I just don't feel safe posting under my old name for personal reasons. Let's just leave it at that.
  • #25
Intrepid_Chef said:
Well, let's just say the drama was in REAL LIFE and not on this board ... and it's best that we keep it this way.

I just don't feel safe posting under my old name for personal reasons. Let's just leave it at that.

Then you should probably delete this thread. If we can all figure out who you are so can the person you're trying to avoid.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
I just wanted to introduce the new me ... and since my problem is NOT with any of you, then all is well... but I think that is a good idea. I will probably delete this thread, and change my avatar, by the end of the week. Good idea Beth ... I have been hoping this thread would die on its own, but I think I'm safe waiting a few days. I just want to make it clear, before I do so, that my problem is not, and never has been, with ANY of you.

Related to I've Entered the Cs Poster Protection Program!

What is the Cs Poster Protection Program?

The Cs Poster Protection Program is a program created by Pampered Chef to protect our consultants from unauthorized use of our product images and trademarks by unauthorized third parties.

How does the Cs Poster Protection Program work?

Once a consultant has enrolled in the program, they will receive a unique code that they can use to download high-quality product images and trademarks from our online platform. These images are protected with a watermark to prevent unauthorized use, and consultants are required to use these images when promoting our products online.

Who is eligible for the Cs Poster Protection Program?

All Pampered Chef consultants are eligible to enroll in the Cs Poster Protection Program, regardless of their level or tenure with the company.

Is there a cost to join the Cs Poster Protection Program?

No, there is no cost to enroll in the Cs Poster Protection Program. It is a free service provided by Pampered Chef to protect our consultants and our brand.

What are the consequences of not using the protected images and trademarks from the Cs Poster Protection Program?

If a consultant is found to be using unauthorized product images and trademarks, they may be subject to disciplinary action from Pampered Chef. This can include termination of their consultant agreement and legal action for trademark infringement.

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