Hey guys! I had my ultrasound today and the doctor said that she couldn't be more sure about the gender. All the parts and pieces were there and the baby waved to us and was playing with the umbilical cord. They confirmed that my placenta was right up front (I thought so because I don't feel the kicks often enough) so they baby kicks the crap out of it all day, LOL!
I was supposed to get a 4D picture, but the machine was broken so I just got a regular ultrasound. As we were leaving the new machine was delivered, so my doc asked me to come back tomorrow at 1 so I could be the first to use it!! I am so excited to get 4D pics because the baby wouldn't show it's face much.
Alright, alright..... it's a ....................................................... GIRL!!!!
My DD is thrilled to be getting a roomate and told me that it was a girl from day 1!!
I was supposed to get a 4D picture, but the machine was broken so I just got a regular ultrasound. As we were leaving the new machine was delivered, so my doc asked me to come back tomorrow at 1 so I could be the first to use it!! I am so excited to get 4D pics because the baby wouldn't show it's face much.
Alright, alright..... it's a ....................................................... GIRL!!!!
My DD is thrilled to be getting a roomate and told me that it was a girl from day 1!!