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Is the New Pampered Chef Career Plan Too Demanding?

In summary, Becky and I are both directors who are having trouble getting our other girls to recruit. We both think that the new career plan is too tough and need to be tweaked. Becky is looking forward to the Spring Launch meeting to discuss possible changes.
I have been a director for almost a year now and I have worked my tail off on my group!!! I have a group of 10 girls in my cluster and 2 senior consultants. I am a great recruiter, but I cannot get my other girls to recruit! This new plan is killing me, because I had my entire team ready to go for January and everyone set to turn in their shows and 2 of my girls did not do it (oops) and therefore my pay is cut by a TON!!!!! I still do the same amount of work, but I get killed by it! It is so frustrating and something needs to be tweaked about it. I like most of the plan, but it is very frustrating for new directors. I feel like I work twice as hard now. I try very hard not to put pressure on my girls, because I want them to do their business their way--they did not sign up to recruit, they signed up because they love PC!!!! If they want to recruit, that's great, but that is not required!!! I am just hoping they are going to tweak it a little bit at the Spring Launch meeting!!!!!! OK-I am done with my rant, now I am ready to have a fantastic February!!!!!!!
I feel your pain! Last month I had a downline not submit a party...it would have promoted someone to director (and me to AD). This month, I had one person submit $148 and so that lack of $2 made my check go down. I don't even want to know by how much at this time because I will....:cry: It will be the first time I will be paid as a TL.

The new career plan is surely tougher. You can train, cheer on, etc but if someone does not feel like working their business...it can ruin other's business even if they worked their butt off.

Unfortunately, I don't think you will hear any Career Plan changes at the Spring Launch.

Keep recruiting and you will be certain to hit on someone who wants to consistenly work their business. Hang in there!
baychef said:
This month, I had one person submit $148

Ouch! I'm sure you'll be looking out for that in the future, if not to just order two citrus peelers off their website on the last of the month!
NooraK said:
Ouch! I'm sure you'll be looking out for that in the future, if not to just order two citrus peelers off their website on the last of the month!

That's not the fix. One of her recruits needed to turn in $150.

I feel your pain, too. It's not just new directors who are being hurt.
I feel the pain too - after years of not having enough of my team all active at the same time to promote to director...I now have a great team in numbers, and my team sales are consistently over $4000 - January we were at $7000!...but every month I remain one Sr. Consultant short of being a director. I work hard with my team, and feel like I am doing everything that a director would be doing (and a lot more than some directors!) but I'm still just a team leader. :cry:
I have to at least console myself with the fact that at least I am getting paid a lot more than if I were a FD!
ChefBeckyD said:
I feel the pain too - after years of not having enough of my team all active at the same time to promote to director...I now have a great team in numbers, and my team sales are consistently over $4000 - January we were at $7000!...but every month I remain one Sr. Consultant short of being a director. I work hard with my team, and feel like I am doing everything that a director would be doing (and a lot more than some directors!) but I'm still just a team leader. :cry:
I have to at least console myself with the fact that at least I am getting paid a lot more than if I were a FD!

Becky, I'm in the same boat. We are going to do some recruiting activities at our meeting this month. I'm really excited to have all of my direct recruits going to spring launch tomorrow.

It'll be ok though bc once we do promote it willbe great.
The suggestion to order $2 on the website was on the consultant who only had $148 in sales's website which would have fixed it. Unfortunately, most consultants submit at the last minute and I bet she didn't realize that it wasn't $150 commissionable. We can't see what they submitted until it's to late to do anything about it if they submit it late in the month.

Many seasoned directors are struggling with the new plan and are getting paid as TL more than half the time. I have not lost my directorship but have been paid as TL about half the time since the new plan started. I have 3 SC's and a TL and I struggle to get 2 teams submitting in the same month. Someone is always missing from the chosen few.

Time and working our businesses will eventually iron it all out and hopefully reduce the stress.
I will absolutely not recruit anyone. I will absolutely not make phone calls to gather orders/bookings, etc. I will not go to my weekly Team Meetings. I actually have VERY little contact with my direct upline - I've only met her once. I do very little in terms of follow-up with current/prior customers. I will gather random orders through people here at work, but only if it doesn't involve too much of my time. I leave catalogs out near the coffee mess here at work, and if someone wants to order something, then they can approach me. I'll be glad to help them with an order, but I will not aproach them first. Going along with this method has allowed me to meet my minimum goals with little-to-no effort. I like it that way. For the past year and a half, I have ALWAYS been Active, sometimes with $600-$700 shows. Most of my shows are in the $200-$300 range.

Could I make more money? Could I sell more product? Could I recruit others?

Sure! But I don't want to.

My job isn't to make my upline more money. My job is to do what is comfortable to me.
I'm surprised that you're on here if the "little to no effort" approach is what's working for you. That's fine. You're not alone in working your business that way. But please don't think that these Directors and Team Leaders are making a ton of money on the activity of their teams. Just 2% on a $10,000 team is $200 a month, and it takes a lot to make a $10,000 team. There's a lot of time involved in helping the people who do want to work and grow their business. The overrides are a little - very little - compensation to people for their time.
  • #10
BadGirl said:
I will absolutely not recruit anyone. I will absolutely not make phone calls to gather orders/bookings, etc. I will not go to my weekly Team Meetings. I actually have VERY little contact with my direct upline - I've only met her once. I do very little in terms of follow-up with current/prior customers. I will gather random orders through people here at work, but only if it doesn't involve too much of my time. I leave catalogs out near the coffee mess here at work, and if someone wants to order something, then they can approach me. I'll be glad to help them with an order, but I will not aproach them first. Going along with this method has allowed me to meet my minimum goals with little-to-no effort. I like it that way. For the past year and a half, I have ALWAYS been Active, sometimes with $600-$700 shows. Most of my shows are in the $200-$300 range.Could I make more money? Could I sell more product? Could I recruit others? Sure! But I don't want to.My job isn't to make my upline more money. My job is to do what is comfortable to me.
ok - don't do any of the above for your upline. but you might want to do it for yourself. I feel that it is my job to call my current and past customers to make sure that they are happy with what they purchased. Hey, I sold it to them. Think you'll find that the little extra you do with your customers goes a long way.I also find that I get a lot out of my cluster meetings. I don't go because my director asks me. I go because it helps keep me motivated and gives me new ideas. But, as you said, if you don't want to do any of those things, then don't. That's the beauty of owning your own business:)
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  • #11
I feel your pain I communicate with my Director and AD alot about this and I know how hard it is on them getting all their ducks in a row and for me as a team leader I know how hard it is for me as well. I do my own meetings due to my team is farther away then my director and I this last month I did a little recruiting speach about all the pros and everything and a couple of my team said you are doing everything as director except getting the pay which they are true I am just 1 to 2 each month from being away as a director and I see another director each month going up and down due to people submitting or the lack of submitting and it is hard for me to think gosh if I make it to director level I am not going to like that level stress as others have stated they are having. I am hoping something changes just enough so we all have breathing room. I know directors and other levels are leaving pc and all the ones I have talked to are because of the carreer plan and honestly I don't blame them like my AD said to me the other day she said I used to be able to sell people when signing them up this can be a stable form of income well she said I don't feel that way anymore due to the way the plan is layed out. just my 2 cents
  • #12
This brings me to a topic which I've debated posting the past few days. I'm one who didn't sign up to recruit, and really had no desire to. My recruiter is a good friend and respected my feelings and left me alone to run my own business my way. ( I HAVE a job teaching, and do this for fun b/c I love the products.) However this new career plan has turned her into a two-headed monster at times! Quite by accident i recently signed 2 recruits. In December the sun, moon, and stars happened to align and everyone submitted shows so she promoted to director. I kept telling her I didn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of it, as it was apparent she wasn't going to be able to keep it. (This also promoted our director to AD). Well sure enough, the end of January rolled around, and neither of my recruits submitted anything. One lives in another state and has had health problems and is going through major life changes right now, the other is a busy mother of 4 who is trying to get started, but her sister postponed the show she was going to do in Jan. My recruiter called last week and asked if there was anything I could do to get them to submit. Even asked if I had $150 in orders I could submit in their name! WTH?!?!?!? When she mentioned that she might call Suzie Q and ask if she could submit something I was appalled! "I need you to do this so I can get______" What an ugly sentiment!! I would never in a million years make a phone call like that! Okay--I feel better now that I've vented! Back to my happy little PC world (wasn't My Business MY WAY a motto in the not too distant past?)
  • #13
BadGirl said:
I will absolutely not recruit anyone. I will absolutely not make phone calls to gather orders/bookings, etc. I will not go to my weekly Team Meetings. I actually have VERY little contact with my direct upline - I've only met her once. I do very little in terms of follow-up with current/prior customers. I will gather random orders through people here at work, but only if it doesn't involve too much of my time. I leave catalogs out near the coffee mess here at work, and if someone wants to order something, then they can approach me. I'll be glad to help them with an order, but I will not aproach them first. Going along with this method has allowed me to meet my minimum goals with little-to-no effort. I like it that way. For the past year and a half, I have ALWAYS been Active, sometimes with $600-$700 shows. Most of my shows are in the $200-$300 range.

Could I make more money? Could I sell more product? Could I recruit others?

Sure! But I don't want to.

My job isn't to make my upline more money. My job is to do what is comfortable to me.

Well Wahoo for you! But don't be surprised if this method peters out and you have a hard time staying active. An open mind goes a long way, but be careful because you just might learn something or enjoy being a consultant and helping people.
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
I feel the pain too - after years of not having enough of my team all active at the same time to promote to director...I now have a great team in numbers, and my team sales are consistently over $4000 - January we were at $7000!...but every month I remain one Sr. Consultant short of being a director. I work hard with my team, and feel like I am doing everything that a director would be doing (and a lot more than some directors!) but I'm still just a team leader. :cry:
I have to at least console myself with the fact that at least I am getting paid a lot more than if I were a FD!

Right there with you Becky. I was always one short of 5 and 2009 had 12, but still TL b/c of only 1 sr. on the team, so I've never promoted. It's disappointing but I love my job & wouldn't change it. I've just come to terms that it's the rules and one day I'll be crossing that stage at conference.
  • #15
flemings99 said:
Right there with you Becky. I was always one short of 5 and 2009 had 12, but still TL b/c of only 1 sr. on the team, so I've never promoted. It's disappointing but I love my job & wouldn't change it. I've just come to terms that it's the rules and one day I'll be crossing that stage at conference.

That's me EXACTLY!

I love my job too - and I love my team. They know what I need to promote, but none of them (obviously:rolleyes:) are feeling pressured to recruit in order for me to promote....and I'll never make them feel pressured either.

My one who has recruited is actually a team leader, although just as often she's paid as a Sr. Cons....she has some clear goals about what she wants to do...most of the rest of my team are doing this more as a hobby on the side - OR they are still brand new and qualifying themselves. A couple of the really new ones I can see recruiting very quickly, so I know it's only a matter of time. And really, I'd much rather promote with a team of 12-15 in place then with a team of 6.
  • #16
cookingwithlove said:
Well Wahoo for you! But don't be surprised if this method peters out and you have a hard time staying active. An open mind goes a long way, but be careful because you just might learn something or enjoy being a consultant and helping people.
Who says I'm not helping people? I am helping a smaller circle of people, and doing it quite well, thank you very much.

Don't put words in my mouth, please.
  • #17
BadGirl said:
I will absolutely not recruit anyone. I will absolutely not make phone calls to gather orders/bookings, etc. I will not go to my weekly Team Meetings. I actually have VERY little contact with my direct upline - I've only met her once. I do very little in terms of follow-up with current/prior customers. I will gather random orders through people here at work, but only if it doesn't involve too much of my time. I leave catalogs out near the coffee mess here at work, and if someone wants to order something, then they can approach me. I'll be glad to help them with an order, but I will not aproach them first. Going along with this method has allowed me to meet my minimum goals with little-to-no effort. I like it that way. For the past year and a half, I have ALWAYS been Active, sometimes with $600-$700 shows. Most of my shows are in the $200-$300 range.

Could I make more money? Could I sell more product? Could I recruit others?

Sure! But I don't want to.

My job isn't to make my upline more money. My job is to do what is comfortable to me.

BadGirl said:
Who says I'm not helping people? I am helping a smaller circle of people, and doing it quite well, thank you very much.

Don't put words in my mouth, please.

I think she is referring to the part that I bolded. Not exactly putting words in your mouth....I would assume from what I bolded that you aren't into customer service too much.

I'm curious though - if you had someone who came to you, and wanted to sign up, would you refuse them? Or would you point them to the upline with whom you have no relationship?
  • #18
This is something my director and I just had a talk about. I was sharing my concerns but I also stated that it would happen when it happens. In Gods time not mine.
  • #19
straitfan said:
This brings me to a topic which I've debated posting the past few days. I'm one who didn't sign up to recruit, and really had no desire to. My recruiter is a good friend and respected my feelings and left me alone to run my own business my way. ( I HAVE a job teaching, and do this for fun b/c I love the products.) However this new career plan has turned her into a two-headed monster at times! Quite by accident i recently signed 2 recruits. In December the sun, moon, and stars happened to align and everyone submitted shows so she promoted to director. I kept telling her I didn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of it, as it was apparent she wasn't going to be able to keep it. (This also promoted our director to AD). Well sure enough, the end of January rolled around, and neither of my recruits submitted anything. One lives in another state and has had health problems and is going through major life changes right now, the other is a busy mother of 4 who is trying to get started, but her sister postponed the show she was going to do in Jan. My recruiter called last week and asked if there was anything I could do to get them to submit. Even asked if I had $150 in orders I could submit in their name! WTH?!?!?!? When she mentioned that she might call Suzie Q and ask if she could submit something I was appalled! "I need you to do this so I can get______" What an ugly sentiment!! I would never in a million years make a phone call like that!

Okay--I feel better now that I've vented! Back to my happy little PC world (wasn't My Business MY WAY a motto in the not too distant past?)

I couldnt agree with you more!!! Sounds like we had the same Director! My director was more about her then her downline, when I realize it, I stepped back on my business.... I won't be anyones $$ sign... WHEN and IF I go back to working my business (which I happened to be quite good at ..qualified at my first show, hit 15,000 in 2 1/2 months, at this point have over 168,000 in personal sales and didnt even work my business last year..) I will be signing under someone who RESPECTS their downline and the way they want to work their business...

NOW, I know so many of you here are super directors... this is not meant to any of you, who really do have wonderful director and leadership skills... Its more meant to those who maybe treat their downline more as a $ then a human...
  • #20
PamperedDor said:
I couldnt agree with you more!!! Sounds like we had the same Director! My director was more about her then her downline, when I realize it, I stepped back on my business.... I won't be anyones $$ sign... WHEN and IF I go back to working my business (which I happened to be quite good at ..qualified at my first show, hit 15,000 in 2 1/2 months, at this point have over 168,000 in personal sales and didnt even work my business last year..) I will be signing under someone who RESPECTS their downline and the way they want to work their business...

NOW, I know so many of you here are super directors... this is not meant to any of you, who really do have wonderful director and leadership skills... Its more meant to those who maybe treat their downline more as a $ then a human...
Dor you can sign under me! I'm always looking for good hard workers and don't feel like I am too pushy! I just want someone who submits something... Out of 4 team members I have one who is consistent and the other three randomly submit. Luckily I've maintained TL status for 5 months now! And have been paid as one!
  • #21
Ok Allison!!! :) (I will let ya know!)
  • #22
BadGirl said:
I will absolutely not recruit anyone. I will absolutely not make phone calls to gather orders/bookings, etc. I will not go to my weekly Team Meetings. I actually have VERY little contact with my direct upline - I've only met her once. I do very little in terms of follow-up with current/prior customers. I will gather random orders through people here at work, but only if it doesn't involve too much of my time. I leave catalogs out near the coffee mess here at work, and if someone wants to order something, then they can approach me. I'll be glad to help them with an order, but I will not aproach them first. Going along with this method has allowed me to meet my minimum goals with little-to-no effort. I like it that way. For the past year and a half, I have ALWAYS been Active, sometimes with $600-$700 shows. Most of my shows are in the $200-$300 range.

Could I make more money? Could I sell more product? Could I recruit others?

Sure! But I don't want to.

My job isn't to make my upline more money. My job is to do what is comfortable to me.

I have absolutely no problem with this-to each her own. If you were on my team I would not push you to do something that you don't want to do. I would be there to support you and let you know the benefits of what you could earn should you choose to strive for it. I would not push my desires onto you, nor would I expect you to do a job that you don't want to do. It is your business to grow as you you see fit. We all have our own reasons for starting Pampered Chef and our own desires for what we want out of our businesses.
  • #23
ChefBeckyD said:
I think she is referring to the part that I bolded. Not exactly putting words in your mouth....I would assume from what I bolded that you aren't into customer service too much.

I'm curious though - if you had someone who came to you, and wanted to sign up, would you refuse them? Or would you point them to the upline with whom you have no relationship?
I think I understand the confusion of my posts. I really was intending to speak to my lack of phone interaction and formal follow-up and how I won't/don't do that. I did mention that most often, I just place catalogs in the coffee mess at work, and in that environment, if I catch someone in the hall with a question, heck yeah I'll answer it. But I never approach them about hosting a party, and I have never approached anyone about recruitment. I don't even own the slides that speak to the benefits of PC, and I've never mentioned the benefits to my customers. However, if someone did approach me about working PC, I'd pass on recruiting them myself and likely forward their info to the person who recruited me.

Really, what got me about the original post, and some of the subsequent posts, was that some folks were getting peeved at people under them underperforming or not performing at all. It was my intent to say that - IN MY CASE - I have no desire to change my tactics or my business strategy to satisfy someone else's expectations of what I should be doing....in order to benefit their Career Plan or their payment levels.

IN MY CASE - I've never made a false impression to my upline that I intended this to be anything more than a casual side business. If they expect any more of me, then they will surely be disappointed. I'm satisfied doing exactly what I'm doing, and that is all that really matters.
  • #24
I'm glad my director is NOT pushy at all when it comes to sales/recruiting. I was like you, Christy, when I signed up, I told her that I was not going to actively recruit- it just isn't. I did get my first recruit in my first year but not because of anything I did, I just was the consultant who she met and was going to host for me. She was looking for part-time income and liked PC. I just started doing Step Up Your BUsiness with my director, but I told her my main concern was their focus. I had eavesdropped on the recordings of the last SUYB session last fall and realized it focused alot on Recruiting. I said that yes, I'd like to recruit- eventually, but right now, I needed to get shows on my calendar so I could meet people that I may eventually be able to offer the opportunity to, plus setting a good example for any recruits I do get! :D (Monkey see, monkey do).She was/is cool with that- thankfully. She knows she can't push me to do what I don't want to do- be it getting extra sales or recruits or whatever. Yes- I want them, but sometimes other things in life do take priority. Several of us in our cluster have talked about the change in emphasis on recruiting- which I don't like, but...like others said, it is what it is. I'll do my job just the same. Yes- I'd like to get Director someday! Am I going to work hard to get it? As best I can without sacrificing quality time with my family. They want you to build "wide and deep", and now we know why. :)
  • #25
I do not know how you directors take it! I have been a TL since November and will not be paid as one for January. I have 3 recruits, 2 of who decided not to do anything in January. One party would have made the difference. I did have a party Friday, but do you think I could get the host to close by Sunday -- no way. And I can't blame her b/c she is going for 50% more money. But I worked as hard as ever and won't make as much. The stress of keeping the title once you have it is tough. It must be way worse for directors and up!

  • #26
sandilou said:
I do not know how you directors take it! I have been a TL since November and will not be paid as one for January. I have 3 recruits, 2 of who decided not to do anything in January. One party would have made the difference. I did have a party Friday, but do you think I could get the host to close by Sunday -- no way. And I can't blame her b/c she is going for 50% more money. But I worked as hard as ever and won't make as much. The stress of keeping the title once you have it is tough. It must be way worse for directors and up!


That's probably why so many have left. They were under a plan that allowed them to keep their title without issue- but then when it changed, it really changed their business.
  • #27
What's funny (in a way), is that I seem to be in the opposite boat. My D lives on the other coast and works full time, so I rarely have a chance to speak with her, and my ED often doesn't have much time for me either (she's got a large team and I'm not anywhere close to a top producer). My HD has her own team, and since she can't see my stats, she isn't checking to see how I'm doing.

I can see the frustration though. My one recruit did all of $15 in January, and I don't know if she has any plans to continue in February.

One thing I'd be really curious about: If BadGirl does that well without any effort, I wonder how well she'd do if she even told people about the host benefits (since she mentioned she doesn't). Not that I'm saying you have to, like you said what you do works for you. But it's just the curiosity in me, especially since I can't seem to get a booking to save my life except when I use the booking slide :D
  • #28
I have to admit that I was one of the directors who decided to mostly hang it up when they came out with the new plan. There were a few in my upline who have quit or have had to get full time jobs to supplement an income that dropped substantially. It was hard to watch because some of them really worked their business.

It is definitely more work. It can be done, as many of the directors here have proven, but for me it wasn't worth it. I was already working full-time (I overnight-travel more than 50% of my work week) and I was struggling just to keep my six recruits' sales above the minimum. Only one of them was interested in recruiting, but her two recruits rarely submitted anything. I would've had to at least doubled the amount of time I spent with my team, recruited more who were interested in recruiting, and then still probably not get paid for the extra time I spent.

Kudos to those that are doing it. I applaud each and every one of you, and I do believe that if you want it and work at it, it can be yours, but it might take longer than in the old plan. I feel for those of you that are really trying hard and aren't getting where you need/want to be.

Stay positive, keep working at it, and if you want it, it'll happen!
  • #29
BadGirl, My apologies to you, because in hindsight my post looks rather witchy. I do agree with Linda that it is your business to run it the way your like. I have consultants on my team much like you and I hope that they never feel pressure to do anything they do not want to do. I leave them alone and I am there to answer any questions if they have them. Just as it is not about me if someone does or does not want to host a show, it is not about me if a consultant is or is not active. The frustration as a director (at least for me) is when someone is telling all the things they are doing and leading you to believe they are working their business and they are not. Or if someone refuses to get on the phone and make phone calls but then complains that they have no business.

Again, I apologizes for my witchy comments.
  • #30
Yes, I agree, I have no idea how you Directors are handling all this back and forth.

Me, I am just a hobbiest - and that is all I intended to be - so no biggie.

But, it seems as though Directors are no longer in control of their own destiny in this plan. You heavily rely on your downline to recruit. It almost seems infair for those Direcors who recruit and have a wide team - but not deep.

My Director keeps flipping back & forth. I am very grateful that she has chosen to continue taking on a Director role (meetings, etc) even when she is not a Director.

How the heck do you order business cards, etc. Team Leader one month, Director the next. Back to Team Leader...
  • #31
I do have a question for everyone, because I want to understand. Why do you not want to recruit?
  • #32
cookingwithlove said:
I do have a question for everyone, because I want to understand. Why do you not want to recruit?

For me, it's a couple of reasons that hold me back from it.

(1) My personality...I was always the one on those personality tests that was on the far-Introvert side....so asking someone to do ANYTHING is very difficult for me! This whole business has been a big stretch outside of my comfort zone- which I'm slowly expanding.

(2) Because I don't have a consistent calendar of bookings, I don't feel like I could be much of an example of someone who has a business going. I feel like they'd be looking to ME for training and guidance....and if I can't put into practice what I know, then what does that say?

It's not that I don't WANT to, just not yet...not top-priority.
  • Thread starter
  • #33
I love being a director, but I will not push my girls to do anything they do not want to do!!! When I first became a director, I pushed, but I learned my lesson and I realized that is not the way I wanted to run my business, so I have recruited like crazy hoping that I can get my team the way it needs to be on my own...not relying on the rest of the team. I tell my girls all of the time that this is YOUR business...you run it YOUR way!!!! I have stuck with that philosophy even through the career plan change. I am hoping I can find a few more who will want to recruit, so I don't go through this up and down all of the time! BUT no matter what I am always there for my team rather I am paid as a director or not!! I tell them that this is not about me, but it is about them.
  • #34
cookingwithlove said:
I do have a question for everyone, because I want to understand. Why do you not want to recruit?

OK, without getting blasted from others on how I am "not doing my job"...it has never been a goal or priority for me to recruit or become a Director, etc. I never got into this to make money (I work a FT job). I got into this to support my "PC habit". I LOVE the products and LOVE helping others love the products too. The money is a nice benefit :).

I would NEVER turn down a recruit. I do mention the opportunity - briefly.

BUT - here is my take on recruiting. If I recruited someone - I would feel as if it is MY responsibility to train, help, answer questions, check in, and support this person (etc etc). If I cannot do those things, then I would feel bad. I do not have the time (and I am not willing to make the time) to do these things. I barely have enough time to keep my own biz going. It would not be fair for me to recruit and abandon. Honestly, if I got a recruit, I would probably give that person to my Director - if that is allowed.
  • #35
YOu know what made me actually want to recruit this year? Seeing the success others have when they have a team...seeing the extras- like the $$, the extra product (directors), and, as crazy as it sounds....seeing them walk across stage at NC.

When my SED and SD sent out a copy of some of their past commission statements (from 1-2 yrs ago), I was SHOCKED at how much they earned just because they did have a team! It was over 2/3 of their paychecks! THAT was motivating and powerful!!!

So, while I wouldn't be one to push anyone to do what they had no desire to do, I would probably be sure they knew somehow what they can get. It can be their choice then, and I wouldn't be "prejudging" by not telling them the benefits. I would probably do that during the special training processes that PC comes out with- like Step Up Your Business, or the Director Express type trainings.
  • #36
kam said:
BUT - here is my take on recruiting. If I recruited someone - I would feel as if it is MY responsibility to train, help, answer questions, check in, and support this person (etc etc). If I cannot do those things, then I would feel bad. I do not have the time (and I am not willing to make the time) to do these things. I barely have enough time to keep my own biz going. It would not be fair for me to recruit and abandon. Honestly, if I got a recruit, I would probably give that person to my Director - if that is allowed.

Technically, it is your Director's job to train your recruit until you are a Director yourself. But I know how you feel. I do want to get there some day, so I believe that I should be doing all of that with my recruits from the start.
  • #37
cookingwithlove said:
BadGirl, My apologies to you, because in hindsight my post looks rather witchy. I do agree with Linda that it is your business to run it the way your like. I have consultants on my team much like you and I hope that they never feel pressure to do anything they do not want to do. I leave them alone and I am there to answer any questions if they have them. Just as it is not about me if someone does or does not want to host a show, it is not about me if a consultant is or is not active. The frustration as a director (at least for me) is when someone is telling all the things they are doing and leading you to believe they are working their business and they are not. Or if someone refuses to get on the phone and make phone calls but then complains that they have no business.

Again, I apologizes for my witchy comments.
No apologies required, CWL. I'm sure that I came across as snarky, and that wasn't my intent. I really just wanted to express that someone (ME!) are not terribly concerned with being the "perfect" PC Consultant (whatever that is :eek: ). And I agree, if someone under you is presenting themselves to be doing certain things, and is not doing it, then you have every reason to be upset/concerned. I've never implied to my Team Leader that I intended to do anything that what I am currently doing.

cookingwithlove said:
I do have a question for everyone, because I want to understand. Why do you not want to recruit?
I just don't have the where-with-all to do it. My primary job is pretty demanding, and I just wanted this to be a quick outlet, with little need for me to focus on every little detail. And to be competely honest, I just don't want to be bothered by questions and issues at all hours of the day. I couldn't reasonably expect someone under me to never call me during normal working hours (because I couldn't handle PC calls while at my job), or to contact me while I'm trying to cook dinner, get my 4 year old ready for bed, blabh, blah, blah. I guess when it comes down to it, I just don't have a lot of time to dedicate to the effort.

Since this thread started, I've been thinking about my involvement in PC, and just realized that I have never asked my friends to have a home party for me, nor have I approached my co-workers about a party (other than leaving a catalog out for them to order from). I am missing out on a possible gold mine!
  • #38
BadGirl said:
I think I understand the confusion of my posts. I really was intending to speak to my lack of phone interaction and formal follow-up and how I won't/don't do that. I did mention that most often, I just place catalogs in the coffee mess at work, and in that environment, if I catch someone in the hall with a question, heck yeah I'll answer it. But I never approach them about hosting a party, and I have never approached anyone about recruitment. I don't even own the slides that speak to the benefits of PC, and I've never mentioned the benefits to my customers. However, if someone did approach me about working PC, I'd pass on recruiting them myself and likely forward their info to the person who recruited me.

Really, what got me about the original post, and some of the subsequent posts, was that some folks were getting peeved at people under them underperforming or not performing at all. It was my intent to say that - IN MY CASE - I have no desire to change my tactics or my business strategy to satisfy someone else's expectations of what I should be doing....in order to benefit their Career Plan or their payment levels.

IN MY CASE - I've never made a false impression to my upline that I intended this to be anything more than a casual side business. If they expect any more of me, then they will surely be disappointed. I'm satisfied doing exactly what I'm doing, and that is all that really matters.

Thank you for explaining that.

As I said before - I love my downline, and never would I try to make them feel pressured into doing more than their goals. I always stress to them that everyone's goals are different, and if it's their goal to do one show a month, then, when they achieve that goal, we will celebrate the same as when any team member meets their personal goal!

My frustration (and it's minimal, really) is with the fact that I struggled for so many years to have 5 qualified active recruits at the same time, and now, I have double that...and it's still not enough.
  • #39
kam said:
But, it seems as though Directors are no longer in control of their own destiny in this plan. You heavily rely on your downline to recruit.

And this is THE problem with the plan for those who are trying to make a living at this business. They don't want to (can't?) rely on someone else to determine their level of income from month to month. That's why many have left.
  • Thread starter
  • #40
chefjeanine said:
And this is THE problem with the plan for those who are trying to make a living at this business. They don't want to (can't?) rely on someone else to determine their level of income from month to month. That's why many have left.

DING DING DING DING...we have a winner!!!!! :D That is exactly right! I am still having fun with it and have decided that when it stops being fun, then I will quit. I have to remember why I started PC and that is what keeps me in the business...not the big paycheck...that is just a bonus. It is just frustrating when you know you could get it and someone you didn't even recruit keeps you from getting it!!!!
  • #41
I can relate to almost every post here...I promoted to Director under the old plan, last December. Had it been the new career plan, I would have promoted about 5 months earlier. HOWEVER, I've only been paid as a director for one month since they stopped making up the difference...and technically, I've lost my title, but I refuse to change my signature, since I'm working with my team and potentials to make it back by March 1 (and it's looking good). Had it been the old plan, I'd have been paid as a director for most of last year...go figure!I have several "steady eddies" who are consistent performer and a whole bunch of hobbyists. This is fine with me, especially since that is what they told me they wanted to accomplish. I'm working weekly with those that are my "movers and shakers", monthly with the hobbyists and I'm doing my own meetings (my cluster is in So. Florida and I'm in NC).I decided that I wasn't going to let the change in title bum me out and I was just going to keep on doing what I've always been doing. In my mind (and my team's), I'm their director. They want me to get my title back and we'll get there sooner or later (but we're working towards sooner)
  • #42
To post or not to post....that was the big question I had as I read through this and seeing as I am mostly a lurker I am surprised that I am posting :)
I rely on PC as a living for my hubby and I and I have to say that I have had this conversation with quite a few in leadership and I have given them one name: Jack Canfield and two words "personal responsibility". After reading his book "The success principles" I came to realize that , no, I can't make the calls/book the shows/etc. for the people on my team but what I can do is work with my team towards their goals and challenge them to be their best for whatever they want (whether it is one show a month or 12 shows a month). I realized that I have control over my business through the actions I choose to take. I have had months where I didn't know if I would get paid as a Director but what I chose to do in those months was to learn and reflect where I could improve and grow.
Please don't take this as I am saying that anyone who posted is not working hard- I'm not saying that at all. What I would challenge you is to ask yourself, what do I need to do to get where I want to be? If you are honestly stumped, do as I have done and reach out of your comfort zone and directly contact the top recruiters, leaders, sellers of our company and ask for 10 minutes to pick their brain- I haven't been turned down and you would be amazed at what you can learn in ten minutes.
And just to leave you with something that has really impacted me in the last two days, I just finished reading the Aladdin Factor (great book about asking for what you want) and at the end the author has you ask yourself this question:
"How would the person I'd like to be do the things I'm about to do?"
Wow! Pretty intense question when you think about it.
Okay, now I am back to lurker .... :)
  • #43
You are correct, the new plan is more stressful for Directors, AD's and SD's. I had a good strong team under the old plan and I have a director team under the new plan (4 of my recruits have recruits) but at least half the time I am paid as TL. In theory this plan is supposed to make it easier to make more money. Incentives are there for all recruits to make extra with their first recruit (old plan you needed 2 and $1250 personal sales/new plan you need 1 recruit and $150 personal sales to get overrides). Theory is great but everyone must submit in the same month for it to work.

I have never pushed anything on my team. I always pointed out the incentives and let them know what they could be getting but that was it. I didn't even do a recruiting segment in our meeting (other than mentioning an incentive) because many of them were hobbiests and the others just wanted to sell. When the new plan came out I was very frank with them. I told them they can still run their business their way but that I would be doing recruiting segments in our training. They totally get it and while they aren't recruiting unless it falls in their lap they say the right things at the meeting and know that I'm there for them and will train their recruits as my own (they can listen in/be there but it's their choice).

My upline and HO training urges us to recruit 2 for 1. In otherwords our hope to keep our directorship pay is to focus on the new people coming in. Their expectations are not established.

I love being a director but I HATE not being paid for it. If anything I work harder now for less pay. My SED said that "we are making more money in the new plan". WE are HO, the people at the top and SC's/TL's. Those of us in between are making less and struggling with more stress. The solution they give us? "Recrit more."

My team is my team and I love them. If they don't want to recruit or submit I am disappointed but they signed up to do it "their way". Do they have the desire to do more? Yes. Do they do it? No. If they won't do it for the commission they sure won't do it to keep my title. If your director is pushing you it's because they haven't come to terms with the changes or they're scared. Those that do it as THE job need that income to be stable and growing.

If I were to lose the title completely I will still hold my meetings as there is no upline or other director near us.
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  • #44
It's interesting to read everyone's opinions as a newbie. I don't have anything against recruiting people and hope to have that opportunity once my business really takes off. That being said, I hate that slide (don't beat me for admitting this). It just seems too over the top and I know people got bored at my party when my TL was going through it. So my plan is to address the business opportunity but not harp on it so much that people get tired of me.
  • #45
When the new career plan came out I thought it was a good thing...until...yes, my own ED could not keep the title because of the demands in the downline. I am not a director but wanted to be one until now. I am happy being a consultant...was TL for a long time but now my downline has disappeared. I do not mind recruiting....I just hate that my extra pay depends on them. So with that I have decided not to worry. If someone wants to join I will help them. If I forget about the extra money and just help others start their own business with a wonderful company that has AWESOME products than I am happy....if this gets me to director than great..if not than I guess that is the way it is suppose to be. I have know others to push recruiting to the point that it pushes people away and I do not want to do that. I believe that if you make directorship but the people under you do not perform that you should not be penalized...maybe not all the pay you would normally get but at least something because just as others have said...you are doing all the work and not getting the pay for it...I think that is wrong.
  • #46
BadGirl;712929 Since this thread started said:
Yes, go back to your friends and have a home party - honestly, I find this easier than dealing with catalog shows and individual parties anyway. sure you'll find a few who have thought about it but just needed to be asked. Good luck!
  • #47
BethCooks4U said:
WE are HO, the people at the top and SC's/TL's. Those of us in between are making less and struggling with more stress.

I think you're right. I know I'm making more as a TL than as a FD, mostly b/c of HO lead online orders rather than the overrides. Don't know if my D is making much different. Her income is based on her personal sales. Her overrides and production bonuses are add-ons. When she needs to increase income, she does more shows.

I view developing my team as a long-term goal and just part of the what I want the business to be for me. I train everyone on mentioning the biz opp. Some will do it. Some won't in the beginning but will want to develop that skill later on.

Frankly, Directorship under the new career plan wasn't much of a goal for me. I can earn the products with S-A-T. I can get overrides and HO leads by being a TL. Sure, the overrides and production bonuses are more by being a Director. But then they improved the travel incentive program with the "paid as" points. That has made me more excited about the people on my team who want to recruit and helping them do that. But I have not included "paid as" points in my calculations for earning Maui. They will be a bonus. I agree that a lot of is not under my control. What is under my control is my biz and providing the info to the people on my team about recruiting, just making them aware of what to say or how to respond if someone is interested in the biz.
  • #48
I just started PC in June and am doing pretty well on a part time basis. I came to PC after 5 years with another direct sell company and was one of their top 10 performers in the state. I recruited with them as well, but was often frustrated because the signup cost was so low, you would get lots of flakes LOL

I have decided to recruit this year because I want to go to Maui this year. I have 6 children and my hubby and I have never been anywhere alone LOL I also want to work this business from all aspects so that I can see the full benefits of it.

I have two recruits to sign up this month....one on the 25th and one on the 26th. They are waiting till the end of the month so they can start their parties with a bang with the new spring items.

I will lead them as best as I can without being pushy. I want to help them qualify and then I truly believe once over that hump, most of us will keep on rolling. Crossing fingers :)
  • #49
This new career plan is brilliant. I have been an eternal director that always was frustrated that my team couldn't as a whole match my sales some months, much less grow to a $25,000 team. I finally figured out that I will be making more money in the long run if I spend half of my time coaching my team - for real, rather than feeling like I am because I was doing 10-14 a month. Finding the time to make team calls was work itself.

I was paid as a TL for June and August...and it sucked. I have many excuses, but I will say it feels great that this month I had 2 consultants beat my sales! I am focusing on basic trainings and blocking out time for working my other job, working for my host, working for recruits and working for consultant coaching.

I really want that $500 car allowance. Everytime I write my $394 car payment it kills me...and inspires me. I know the 1% more and developing my team will make me way more than $500, but $500 is a number that I can feel. Now, I'm working on my Director status being official on the 15th, rather than the last day of the month.
  • #50
It has been so interesting reading everyone's perspective on this. I am very curious, hopefully not to open a huge can of worms, but to ease my analytical mind -- if you could, what minor changes or tweaks would those of you that are frustrated make to the current plan? It seems like a structurally solid plan that encourages leaders to be more involved with their downline, but that has had some adverse side effects such as the two-headed monster mentioned in a previous post.A quote by Zig Ziglar shared at training, "You will get what you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." I have to hold this to be true and keep helping others with their goals, whatever they may be, and offering the opportunity to everyone, and in time I am destined to build a team with enough hobbyists, part-timers, and superstars, to be a solid director and hopefully more. Until then, I guess the only income that I can rely on is that from my own commissionable sales, the rest has to be frosting on the cake. -- Just my two cents...
<h2>1. What is the new Pampered Chef career plan and how is it different from the previous one?</h2><p>The new Pampered Chef career plan was introduced in January 2020 and it is a more demanding plan compared to the previous one. It focuses on recruiting and building a strong team, rather than just individual sales.</p><h2>2. How does the new career plan affect directors and their teams?</h2><p>The new career plan can be challenging for directors, especially for those who have a smaller team or struggle with recruiting. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to meet the recruitment and sales goals set by the company.</p><h2>3. What are the consequences for not meeting the goals set by the new career plan?</h2><p>If a director or their team members do not meet the recruitment and sales goals, their pay may be significantly affected. This can be frustrating for directors who put in the same amount of work but do not see the same results due to their team's performance.</p><h2>4. Is there any flexibility in the new career plan for directors and their teams?</h2><p>While the new career plan may seem strict, there is still some flexibility for directors and their teams. Pampered Chef encourages directors to find their own style of recruiting and to work with their team members to find what works best for them. The company also offers training and resources to help directors and their teams succeed.</p><h2>5. Will there be any changes or tweaks made to the new career plan in the future?</h2><p>Pampered Chef is always looking for ways to improve and make their career plan more effective for directors and their teams. They often make updates and changes at their Spring Launch meetings, so it is possible that there may be some adjustments to the plan in the future. It is important for directors to provide feedback and communicate their concerns to the company so they can continue to improve the plan.</p>

Related to Is the New Pampered Chef Career Plan Too Demanding?

1. What is the new Pampered Chef career plan and how is it different from the previous one?

The new Pampered Chef career plan was introduced in January 2020 and it is a more demanding plan compared to the previous one. It focuses on recruiting and building a strong team, rather than just individual sales.

2. How does the new career plan affect directors and their teams?

The new career plan can be challenging for directors, especially for those who have a smaller team or struggle with recruiting. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to meet the recruitment and sales goals set by the company.

3. What are the consequences for not meeting the goals set by the new career plan?

If a director or their team members do not meet the recruitment and sales goals, their pay may be significantly affected. This can be frustrating for directors who put in the same amount of work but do not see the same results due to their team's performance.

4. Is there any flexibility in the new career plan for directors and their teams?

While the new career plan may seem strict, there is still some flexibility for directors and their teams. Pampered Chef encourages directors to find their own style of recruiting and to work with their team members to find what works best for them. The company also offers training and resources to help directors and their teams succeed.

5. Will there be any changes or tweaks made to the new career plan in the future?

Pampered Chef is always looking for ways to improve and make their career plan more effective for directors and their teams. They often make updates and changes at their Spring Launch meetings, so it is possible that there may be some adjustments to the plan in the future. It is important for directors to provide feedback and communicate their concerns to the company so they can continue to improve the plan.

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