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Is the Midwest Ready for Tomorrow's Snowstorm?

In summary, the next round of snow is coming a little earlier than previously predicted. It is expected to start around 7 a.m. tomorrow through 7 p.m. Wednesday. The winds are expected to be around 30 mph...drifts....yuck! Next show is Friday night.....no cancellations....thank goodness! Everyone in its path please be careful and safe.
Silver Member
Well our next round of snow is coming a little earlier than previously predicted. Should start around 7 a.m. tomorrow through 7 p.m. Wednesday. We are expecting 6-12+". The winds are expected to be around 30 mph...drifts....yuck! Next show is Friday night.....no cancellations....thank goodness! Everyone in its path please be careful and safe. Oh the joys of living in the midwest.
Yup we are getting all of that right now! The drive home from work should be fun. I have three shows later this week so I'm hoping that this is it for the week.
It's making its way here to Illinois tonight. This is one time I'm glad I have nothing scheduled!
I'm thinking about advertising a "White" sale to my customers. :D
Thats a great idea... We have alot of white products too

pittsburghs due to get it tues afternoon. We got almost 2 ft over the weekend...misplaced both my dogs on sat in a snow bank :))

we had to make crop circles for them to potty
We've been getting warnings all day that the White Death is approaching. I decided while I was out and about today that vegetable soup sounded good, so I stopped in the store about 11 a.m. to pick up a few things I'd need. The place was packed! Makes me laugh every time.
Know what you mean... Doesn't anyone grocery shop for more than one day
People hear the word snow and decide that they have to have milk, bread, and beer. What can I say? It's Indiana.
Its a burgh thing too...
  • #10
The other side of PA is just as bad, Debbi!! :D
  • #11
We are actually out of bread and milk, so I hope there's some left for me when I go to the store after the kids go to bed.
  • #12
I know I ran out this afternoon. Like Susan we should get hit around midnight. 3 to 4 inches by morning, another 3 to 4 by 6 p.m. and a grand total of get this, 11 to 15 by Wednesday morning. We live about 60 blocks from Lake Michigan so we are supposed to get a ton of lake effect snow! I got the ingredients to make the new Chili Cornbread bake and some one pot pasta and enough Diet Coke to keep me caffeinated enough to shovel snow about 4 times! My back hurts already!
  • #13
Hey, ...at least you don't get the Porter County, Indiana LAKE EFFECT snow. It's the huge flakes of the stuff that show up AFTER everyone else's snow stops. Usually doubles what other people get.

Check out the radar sometime Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Look at the bottom tip of Lake Michigan (Chesterton, Valparaiso, Michigan City).

Probably no meeting Tuesday night...we will have to postpone showing off those new spring products!
  • #14
I already made an administrative decision and cancelled my training meeting for tomorrow..tues..rescheduled it for next tues. which is Mardi gras...should be fun...at least then we'll have the new products too...and changeover kits..dont like that we;re getting the stuff so late...spoiled with getting it in jan before...oh well..snow coming here my noon tomorrow.,.cleveland weather,..gotta love it
  • Thread starter
  • #15
They are still saying 6-12+" by Wed. p.m. All schools have already cancelled for today and they probably will tomorrow too. Drifting is going to be the real problem. The snow has already started here. Everyone be safe
  • #16
Yep, they just said we will probably have a Blizzard warning by late day.

We will have to cancel our meeting, but at least EVERY ONE of my customers will be home when I call them tonight to book shows! Hey, it's a work night for me in one way or another!
  • #17
I got up about an hour ago. We have a ton of snow closing but we only have officially 1.75 inches. It is blowing like crazy and I guess the worst won't hit until after 3 p.m. Although, I can say this, when I looked out the front door, I could not see the top of this huge bridge we have about a block and a half away! So it is blowing like crazy. I am with you Janice - Phone night tonight! At least I know I will have a captive audience!
  • #18
We are in an area that is still iffy. They are saying 6-12 inches, but that could happen over the next 24-48 hours. However, the wind is supposed to really pick up this afternoon, causing some bad blowing and drifting....

I'm trying to decide when/if to call off my party this evening. I have to drive towards the Lakeshore for this party, and right now, the weather is worse over there. I REALLY don't want to have to reschedule....she can only do Tuesdays, and all my Tuesdays are booked for Feb....and I want the double points. :cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #19
Becky D: Have your host turn it into a catalog show.
  • #20
Yup, 1 to 3 here today, then 2 to 4 overnight and 2 to 4 tomorrow, which means we're getting between 5 and 11 inches in the next 24 hours, on top of the 15 inches we got this weekend.


I was supposed to have a show tonight but we rescheduled for next week. Hopefully the snow will be gone by then!!!!
  • #21
pkd09 said:
Becky D: Have your host turn it into a catalog show.

We've talked....and she doesn't want to do a catalog show. I get that a lot. Most of my hosts would rather do a cooking show. I suggested that we take her outside orders as a catalog show for Feb, and then do the cooking show in March...but she wants to keep the orders as one show for the FPV.

It's been snowing steady since 7am...and the roads were covered when I took DS to school this morning. If the wind doesn't pick up, we'll be okay (this is Michigan - we're used to driving on snow!) but if it starts blowing and drifting, there is a good chance her road (in the boonies) will blow shut.
  • #22
DEBBI said:
Thats a great idea... We have alot of white products too

pittsburghs due to get it tues afternoon. We got almost 2 ft over the weekend...misplaced both my dogs on sat in a snow bank :))

we had to make crop circles for them to potty

Hello fellow Pittsburgher! I've had enough of this weather and I'm seriously depressed that there is going to be more. My first cooking show that was scheduled for tomorrow is getting rescheduled for March (insert sad face). I'm bummed about that because I wanted to get the HWC products for free and that would have been the other show I submitted. Grrrr, I hate you Mother Nature! I thought my first 30 days would start off with a bang and now I'm seriously worried I won't hit the $1250 mark. I have to try to make it work with 1 cooking party and 4 or 5 catalog parties (depending on how well my hosts due it could be 4 or 5). End of rant

*exits soap box*
  • #23
ChefBeckyD said:
We've talked....and she doesn't want to do a catalog show. I get that a lot. Most of my hosts would rather do a cooking show. I suggested that we take her outside orders as a catalog show for Feb, and then do the cooking show in March...but she wants to keep the orders as one show for the FPV.

It's been snowing steady since 7am...and the roads were covered when I took DS to school this morning. If the wind doesn't pick up, we'll be okay (this is Michigan - we're used to driving on snow!) but if it starts blowing and drifting, there is a good chance her road (in the boonies) will blow shut.

I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to get a Host Special item in February!! I'd do a cat show in Feb in a heartbeat and still keep the cooking show in march. But, people don't always think as 'perfectly' as we do ;).

Good luck! Stay warm.
  • #24
esavvymom said:
I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to get a Host Special item in February!! I'd do a cat show in Feb in a heartbeat and still keep the cooking show in march. But, people don't always think as 'perfectly' as we do ;).

Good luck! Stay warm.

She's not really interested in the host specials. She wants a DCB @ half price - and she wants as much FPV as possible. Her DH just lost his job, and she is substitute teaching, so she is very limited on the amount of $$ she can spend. In fact, she didn't buy anything at the show where she booked - she booked a party instead. So for her, it makes sense - she's thinking perfectly for her situation. :)
I've been talking with her about signing w/ PC, but she had a really really bad experience w/ MK (got talked into taking out a loan...went into some serious debt, etc...) and her DH has said she can never do a DS business again. I'm trying to show both of them that PC is different....
  • #25
Soap boxs and rants understood here...you'll make it. Try wishing on a snow flake we sure have a lot of them he he :))
  • #26
We are supposed to get six to nine inches between tonight and tomorrow. It will be starting when I leave for work and be bad when I leave.

My best friend lives like halfway home and her street is easier to park on (I live at the bottom of two hills) so I think I will go to work, stay at my friend's house tonight, and stay at work until like 7 p.m. Wednesday when the storm is over.

I'm not holding out a great deal of hope for PC calls in the next day or two.
  • #27

My party has been officially rescheduled. The blowing and drifting is supposed to get alot worse around 6-7 tonight, and my host called to say that she's already had 4 people call her on her cell to cancel - and she was on her way home from work to check email and FB, because she was sure there were probably more cancellations there.

Two bright spots:

1. I get to watch LOST tonight instead of tomorrow morning. :D

2. She was able to swing one of my open dates in Feb - even though it's not a Tuesday....so we are rescheduled for the 18th! That will be a busy week for me, as I already have parties the 15th, 16th, and 20th, but at least it keeps it in Double Points month! Whew!
  • #28
26" of snow on the ground here from the weekend with another 12" coming tonight and tomorrow for the snowiest winter on record. There is nowhere to put it. The roads never got cleared from the weekend. Just some random spots of clear pavement between the ice ruts. Schools have finally given up and closed for the week. Even the federal government is reaching a record of days closed. We just don't have the capacity or plowing skill to deal with this.

Just keeping my fingers crossed that my 2 catalog shows will come through by the 15th. With no one going to work even the catty shows may not come through. So much for double points month.
  • #29
These Snow posts always make me laugh! Especially by those of you in areas where snow is not uncommon! I think it's funny that I'm at work and it's snowing and we are so slow(I work in a bank) and it's barely flurring out right now. It was snowing earlier and it's sticking but it's not blizzard like, yet schools are closed etc!! I don't get it! I mean I'm lucky I live a mile from my current branch I'm working in so driving isn't a big bother for me, but I know we are forcasted from what I saw on the weather this morning to get 2-4 inches by the end of the day! That's not anything around here at all. I've heard some customers complaining about it and it's like do you know where you live!!! LOL I'm not picking on anyone btw I just find it funny like Rae said when everyone flocks to the store for a dusting of snow! Like we will be snowed in for weeks or something! I get those of you who live down south where all this snow is out of the norm. I laugh at my cousins FB post that live in Myrtle Beach but are from the good old Northeast that it's cold out when it's 40! It was below zero here then and I would have welcomed 40degree weather! At least with snow it's around 30 vs. the single digit temps we've dealt with this year! LOL
  • #30
Becca_in_MD said:
26" of snow on the ground here from the weekend with another 12" coming tonight and tomorrow for the snowiest winter on record. There is nowhere to put it. The roads never got cleared from the weekend. Just some random spots of clear pavement between the ice ruts. Schools have finally given up and closed for the week. Even the federal government is reaching a record of days closed. We just don't have the capacity or plowing skill to deal with this.

Just keeping my fingers crossed that my 2 catalog shows will come through by the 15th. With no one going to work even the catty shows may not come through. So much for double points month.

I just wanted to add since my post was almost making fun of those used to snow at least it could be miscontrued that way! I was not intending it to sound that way. I didn't realize how much you were getting out west so please don't take my post personally!:D
  • #31
No worries Katie! I'm from CT and usually laugh at the idiots around here who flock to the store at the first mention of snowflake. I don't know how you people who regularly get this much snow deal with it, except that you know how to deal with it. The people down here don't. The infrastructure isn't built to handle it, even with the way the roads are close together. There aren't enough snow plows to keep up with it and the drivers aren't well-trained on how to operate them. It's not uncommon to be going along the road and then the lane just ends in a snowbank. They made the plows pull to the sides of the road this morning b/c there was no visibility. It's historic what's going on around here and definitely not good for the economy.
  • #32
I just want to state that as a 911 dispatcher in an area that is getting hit hard by the snow..I am SO glad that people are being smart enough to stay inside.

So we are just getting the stupid snow calls.

Even though when my mom brought me to work this morning..I had her go to the donut shop first.

Glad I did..it made me a local celebrity..I was interviewed on the local news..with I had a PC beenie on for it..LOL
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  • #33
kcmckay said:
These Snow posts always make me laugh! Especially by those of you in areas where snow is not uncommon! I think it's funny that I'm at work and it's snowing and we are so slow(I work in a bank) and it's barely flurring out right now. It was snowing earlier and it's sticking but it's not blizzard like, yet schools are closed etc!! I don't get it! I mean I'm lucky I live a mile from my current branch I'm working in so driving isn't a big bother for me, but I know we are forcasted from what I saw on the weather this morning to get 2-4 inches by the end of the day! That's not anything around here at all. I've heard some customers complaining about it and it's like do you know where you live!!! LOL I'm not picking on anyone btw I just find it funny like Rae said when everyone flocks to the store for a dusting of snow! Like we will be snowed in for weeks or something! I get those of you who live down south where all this snow is out of the norm. I laugh at my cousins FB post that live in Myrtle Beach but are from the good old Northeast that it's cold out when it's 40! It was below zero here then and I would have welcomed 40degree weather! At least with snow it's around 30 vs. the single digit temps we've dealt with this year! LOL

I usually make fun of people too....especially because all the stores will sell out of milk, bread, and eggs for 2 inches (is French toast the official meal for snow?). This past week has just been gross...it reminds me of when I lived in upstate NY. I ran away from it and it's stalking me!

Related to Is the Midwest Ready for Tomorrow's Snowstorm?

1. How much snow are we expecting in this next round?

In this next round of snow, we are expecting 6-12+ inches. This may vary depending on your location.

2. When will the snow start and end?

The snow is expected to start around 7 a.m. tomorrow and continue until 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

3. How strong will the winds be during this snowstorm?

The winds are expected to reach around 30 mph during this snowstorm. This can cause drifting and potentially hazardous conditions.

4. Will the upcoming show on Friday be cancelled due to the snow?

No, there are currently no plans to cancel the upcoming show on Friday due to the snow. However, please stay tuned for any updates or changes.

5. Do you have any advice for those in the Midwest who will be affected by this snowstorm?

We advise everyone in the path of this snowstorm to be careful and stay safe. Make sure to prepare for potential power outages and hazardous road conditions. Stay warm and stay informed about any updates or changes to the forecast.

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