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Is the HCG Diet Effective for Long-Term Success?

In summary, the HCG diet is a great way to lose weight. It's a detox diet that helps you to eat clean. You should try it
Anyone doing the HCG diet?
YES!!! I love it.....it REALLY works. I lost 22.5 lbs in a 21 day round and am just about to start another round
Never heard of it--I just started the Medifast Diet on Monday and am having great success! A friend of mine, and her friend, have both done very well on this one.
Nope! I have been doing the Metabolism Miracle plan for the last ten months and I'm totally in love. I have an aunt who had great success with the HCG diet for about a year but now she's putting weight back on quickly no matter how strictly she follows the maintanence plan. She's looking into starting something different now. Way too expensive for me to do HCG shots and then have the weight come back.
Yep...57.5 lbs released since January. LOVE this way of losing weight.

As far as people gaining weight after....it's like with ANY diet, you have to change your eating habits to keep the weight off. HCG detoxes you and makes you eat extremely clean. The maintenance portion of the phases teach you what you CAN eat and what your body says "absolutely NOT!" to. Like bacon..for me...causes me to gain. Why? The chemicals! I can eat pork w/ no problem, but if I eat 3 slices of bacon my body retaliates.

In the past, I've gained all my weight back after doing Weight Watchers, Atkins, The Weigh Down...etc....

HCG has been the ONLY diet that has taught me way more about myself than ANY other program out there.

I am a firm believer and advocate.
I don't do the shots, I use the drops, way easier and cheaper!! LOVE HCG!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Thanks for the response and congrats on the weight losses!
Would someone like to please share what the HCG Diet is about etc..? Thank you. I would love more information.
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I saw them talk about the HCG diet on Rachael Ray about 2 months ago. You might be able to find the clip archived on her site. I've had enough problems with my female parts and hormones and injecting myself. Not gonna mess with them again!

I've been on the Venice Nutrition Program (book is called "Body Confidence") for almost 3 weeks and am amazed that I've stuck with it. Much more energy, cut my carb and sweet cravings to almost nothing. I can't tell if it's b/c it's a new program and I actually read the whole book before starting that's doing it for me, instead of continually trying to follow WW and having no success. This is meal by meal, 5-6 meals a day, 3-4 hours apart, heavier on protein than fat and carbs, all to even out blood sugar levels and keep the metabolism humming along.
  • #10
Thank you Becca. I have recently returned to WW and discovered that the weight is coming off even slower now, very frustrated and though I know it took me awhile to put it on, I am working very very hard to get it off! I am also curious about Medifast and how safe that is?
Your program sounds interesting, I need to look into it Thank you so much for sharing it.
  • #11
I did some internet searching on this and let me say that it worries me a little! I do part time work for a fitness company and do 1-2 days a week fitness classes. The thought of injecting myself with something that is suppose to help me lose weight just seems to be the wrong way to do it. Plus from what I can tell (there isn't a lot of full information out there) you are on a reduce calorie diet to begin with. That plus exercise is all you should mostly need to lose weight to begin with. Not sure how much it costs but the "old fashioned" way instead of pills, quick lose schemes and now shots just seem crazy to me! Please check with your doctor before you start any of these programs!!!
  • #12
smart2cook said:
Thank you Becca. I have recently returned to WW and discovered that the weight is coming off even slower now, very frustrated and though I know it took me awhile to put it on, I am working very very hard to get it off! I am also curious about Medifast and how safe that is?
Your program sounds interesting, I need to look into it Thank you so much for sharing it.

The meals are an avg. of 250 cal. so when you look at it with pure #s, you're eating 1250-1500 cals/day. Of course you should lose weight doing that. He emphasizes whole foods rather than processed foods, but gives parameters for protein bars which certainly help me when doing shows. I sneak it in during pack up or during a break from checking people. What's working for me is that I get hungry, but it's not a desperation hungry resulting in me shoving anything and everything in my mouth. I have more energy b/c I'm not being pulled down by the carbs so I'm putting more into my exercise. You get an off-program meal once a week to keep you satisfied. I like his tone in the book, talking about his love of pizza, how someone was drinking too much wine in her 3 glasses per week. It's also a book for people looking to put on weight - I wouldn't know what that's like!!! Happy to answer questions about it. We'll see if I can stick with it til Conference and then THRU conference.
  • #13
becca and smart2cook....i am a medifast coach...i have lost 40 pounds since feb 18th....i love the program....it's great!!! and very easy to follow!! safe and nutritionally sound....there is lots of info on the tsfl website if you are interested....
good luck to all in your weight loss journey!!
  • #14
My BIL and SIL went on the HCG diet twice. They both lost a ton of weight. They both vow that they will never do it again though. It is an extreme program and very, very hard. 500 calories a day, limited to only being allowed to eat a few specific foods, too. No deodorant, no lotions or makeup. Well, there are some recommended formulas of them that are okay. But basically anything with oil you can't put on your body or ingest. When we visited them, it was the 4th of July weekend and my SIL wanted to do a barbecue. My SIL made all this food but couldn't eat it. They had steak for them, though, so it was at least something. She also made caramelized onions made with no oil, but steam. The thing that seemed wrong to me was that they were obviously hungry and I think my BIL was starting to go a little crazy. They had some blue berries or something and my niece was eating a bunch and my BIL got really upset that she wasn't passing them to him and he was worried she was eating more than her share. And I can't remember what it was, but it was some type of healthy fruit and they weren't allowed to eat it. They said that it was bad enough that they were eating the blueberries and cheating on their diet. :eek: Man, to me, if eating blueberries is cheating on a diet, then that diet is wayyyyy to strict.Here is an excerpt from a website about the diet:The Original hCG Diet by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons
Excerpt from Dr. Simeons manuscripts, "Pounds and Inches" showing the original 500 calorie a day VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) from Dr. Simeons manuscript,
"Pounds and Inches."

Breakfast:Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.Lunch:1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.4. An apple, orange, or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.Dinner :The same four choices as lunch (above.)
"What can I eat on the hCG Diet?"

Drinks and Seasonings permitted on the hCG Diet based on Dr Simeons original hcg diet protocol as written in Pounds and Inches.The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes.Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water (2 liters of water per day is recommended) are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times.The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.No medicines or cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder may he used without special permission.
Portions and specially prepared unsweetened, low calorie foods
"In many countries specially prepared unsweetened and low Calorie foods are freely available, and some of these can be tentatively used... the total daily intake must not exceed 500 Calories if the best possible results are to be obtained, that the daily ration should contain 200 grams of fat-free protein and a very small amount of starch." From Dr Simeon's "Pounds and Inches." The manuscript can be found here.

Important Highlights:
The 500 calorie limit must always be maintained.
2 small apples are not an acceptable exchange for “1 apple.”
Very occasionally we allow egg - boiled, poached or raw - to patients who develop an aversion to meat, but in this case they must add the white of three eggs to the one they eat whole.
Cottage cheese made from skimmed milk is available 100 grams may occasionally be used instead of the meat Personal Care and Beauty Products on the hCG Diet:We do permit the use of lipstick, powder and such lotions as are entirely free of fatty substances. We also allow brilliantine to be used on the hair but it must not be rubbed into the scalp. Obviously sun-tan oil is prohibited.
Aspirin and birth control are allowed on the Simeons hCG Diet.
No massage of any kind.
A short list of hCG Diet-friendly personal care and beauty products are available here: HCG Diet Safe Products: shampoos, lotions, and products that are hcg diet safe
  • #15
500 calories a day? :eek: Yeah, I could see someone dropping weight quickly with that kind of a diet...
  • #16
a diet that extreme has to take its tolls on all the body systems. That being said, the best way and only way to achieve long lasting weight loss is portion control and exercise - and I can say this because I need to lose 50 pounds - have already lost 10, at the rate of a 1/2 pound a week. I started January 1 and have accepted the fact that I can eat whatever I want as long as I watch my portions and dont sit around on my BIG BUTT!! Also - working in a hospital I have become very aware of how precious the body is and how it cannot be abused or maintained at 500 calories. What is happening to the electrolyte balance? Any time you eliminate a food group, as soon as it is re-introduced the body goes cuckoo!!
Done now - just want you all to think twice about claims that sound too good to be true!:yuck:
  • #17
Wow! That's all I have to say!! Any diet that extreme will cause you to lose that much weight without the added shots or drops!
  • #18
The Medifast diet has you eating 6 times a day--5 of their prepackaged "meals", once every 2 to 3 hours, and one of your own "Lean and Green" meals. I've done this for one week and am very, very satisfied with it (I have a lot to lose, and did lose 7 this first week, and I was already on a diuretic so I know it wasn't all water weight). They anticpate your loss to be 2-5 per week.I've done all of the others before (WW, Atkins, Cabbage Soup, Nutrisystem) but this one seems to really be able to fit my needs and lifestyle. During the initial weight loss stage you eat 800-1000 cal/day, but you are never hungry because you eat every few hours, and drink lots of water. It was developed by Johns Hopkins Hosp/Univ for people needing to lose weight. I am very happy to have the 5 meals prepackaged. Delivered to my door. It seems to be very nutritionally balanced and healthy to me. Next week I'll be adding in some exercise. Several people I know have had great losses, and, like PC, they have lots of on-line help available.
  • #19
Medifast sounds so much more reasonable. I would like to follow your progress Gail and You are an inspiration!!
  • #20
otisbg said:
Medifast sounds so much more reasonable. I would like to follow your progress Gail and You are an inspiration!!

I hope to be inspiring--I am so excited for this diet, and have not been on any diet for about 5 years, I am ready! It doesn't seem like I'm really dieting because their "meals" aren't bad, really (not as good as PC recipes, for sure) and the one lean and green meal is 3 servings of low carb veggies and 5 to 7 ounces of lean meat (not fried). They do make sure you get required "fats" each day as well, to maintain a healthy working system.
  • #21
I'd love more info about program you are on for Bill...he won't just do what I'm doing...and I'm telling you writing everything you put in your mouth and having to be accountable to someone on a weekly basis has helped me...I've lost as of today 32 pounds since Jan. 27th....I'm thrilled, not been easy, but then again NOTHING in life is!

to answer other ??
I would NEVER do the HCG diet, it's way way to dangerous for all the serious health issues it can 'cause. I can't even imagine surviving on 500 cal. a day...I would go postal on someone! For god's sake, what do babies survive on? I know they rec. 2-3 yr olds have 1000-1400 cal. a day, so HOW can 500 cal. a day be healthy for an adult?? Fast is not always better, in my humble opinion.

  • #22
Have Bill check out Medifast.com. There is alot of info there. I can see going on approx. 1000/day during the weight loss time, if the what is consumed is nutritionally balanced and you aren't starving, but after I "get down" considerably, I'll be adding more back to maintain. I agree that 500/day is insane. Getting a nice jump start here is what I need--I plan on following this plan and their food for at least 2 months. I'm going to the doctor next week for blood work and will be followed. It will be nice to be off the BP and cholesterol meds some day soon!
  • #23
Liquid Sky said:
Yep...57.5 lbs released since January. LOVE this way of losing weight.

As far as people gaining weight after....it's like with ANY diet, you have to change your eating habits to keep the weight off. HCG detoxes you and makes you eat extremely clean. The maintenance portion of the phases teach you what you CAN eat and what your body says "absolutely NOT!" to. Like bacon..for me...causes me to gain. Why? The chemicals! I can eat pork w/ no problem, but if I eat 3 slices of bacon my body retaliates.

In the past, I've gained all my weight back after doing Weight Watchers, Atkins, The Weigh Down...etc....

HCG has been the ONLY diet that has taught me way more about myself than ANY other program out there.

I am a firm believer and advocate.

BFF!!! I forgot to ask if you are doing shots or drops!!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
My primary care doctor is the one who put me on this diet. You can't do 500 calories a day WITHOUT the shots, because it would put your body into hibernate mode, which is exactly what you don't want.With the HCG, your body gets its other 1000 calories from your own body fat, per day, which literally eats up your fat (not muscle). I did not have any results from other diets, and I can't take appetite suppressants. This strict phase is just for 28 days....
  • #25
This is a great thread! I hope that it continues. I did talk to a doctor yesterday whom recommended zero meat- basicially going vegan and eating every 2-3 hrs and the effects of the liver as to the "why" in Diabetes and etc...she said this type of eating has been successful for her in losing weight. High in protein but ie beans instead of meat.
Medifast sounds interesting to me but I am curious to the cost, is it expensive? If I have two of us that need to lose weight, and an extra person who simply is a type II Diabetic, incorporating healthy eating and portion control for all of us is extremely important.
  • #26
smart2cook said:
This is a great thread! I hope that it continues. I did talk to a doctor yesterday whom recommended zero meat- basicially going vegan and eating every 2-3 hrs and the effects of the liver as to the "why" in Diabetes and etc...she said this type of eating has been successful for her in losing weight. High in protein but ie beans instead of meat.
Medifast sounds interesting to me but I am curious to the cost, is it expensive? If I have two of us that need to lose weight, and an extra person who simply is a type II Diabetic, incorporating healthy eating and portion control for all of us is extremely important.
Well beans are NOT expensive...they are great in salads, in pitas...you can mush them as spreads.... Got to work in beans slowly in your diet though and build up to eating a lot of them....if you get my drift!Oh yeah, if you are going to incorporate a lot of beans in your diet, the BEST thing to do and the most inexpensive is to cook them from scratch and use organic. You can purchase them in bulk from local health markets like Whole Foods, Sunflower Market...whoever does bulk health foods! I love beans...all except lima beans..yuck!CK
  • #27
ChefCKHall said:
BFF!!! I forgot to ask if you are doing shots or drops!!

I do injections. I buy all my hcg online so it makes it under $40 for a 40 day round. I get all my supplies separately. I do not pay a clinic $300/mo to get the goods.

I am not going to get into it with anyone on here about how some feel this is 'unsafe' or "Yeah, of course you'll lose weight on 500 cals". There's WAYYYYYYY more that goes into it than many think. The hcg alone releases 2500-3000 cals of your own FAT for fuel and you consume 500 cals of real food on top of that. There's no way one can lose 1 lb a day without hunger w/o hcg. Much less not feel super fatigued and go into starvation mode where your body holds onto the weight. Doesn't happen like that w/ hcg, folks.

Also, it may seem "extreme" but it's only for 6 weeks. Then there's a 6 week "maintenance" period where you do not lose weight. When you factor all the time involved....you are losing 3 lbs a week.

No sagging skin like those on the Biggest Loser. Teaches you how to eat REAL FOOD and what your body can and cannot tolerate (aka sensitivities)...inch loss and reshaping is incredible.

It's 100% clean eating. No prepackaged foods w/ tons of sugars/starches/chemicals. YUCK! No thank you!

Of course, with ANY diet program, you have to choose what you will eat. I have been on many diets where I couldn't have xyz foods.....and SO WHAT?????????? I want to shed my 118 lbs and do w/o ribs and baked beans for a day. So what?!?!

I fully understand that there are many uneducated people (about hcg) and look at hcg as a big monster. But really, they don't understand or have bothered to fully research it NOR have not invested the time to see/read about the millions that are currently losing weight successfully with it and keeping it off. I could knock other weight loss programs left and right...but I don't...cuz it's not worth it nor do I care to get into it with people.
  • #28
Liquid Sky said:
I do injections. I buy all my hcg online so it makes it under $40 for a 40 day round. I get all my supplies separately. I do not pay a clinic $300/mo to get the goods.

I am not going to get into it with anyone on here about how some feel this is 'unsafe' or "Yeah, of course you'll lose weight on 500 cals". There's WAYYYYYYY more that goes into it than many think. The hcg alone releases 2500-3000 cals of your own FAT for fuel and you consume 500 cals of real food on top of that. There's no way one can lose 1 lb a day without hunger w/o hcg. Much less not feel super fatigued and go into starvation mode where your body holds onto the weight. Doesn't happen like that w/ hcg, folks.

Also, it may seem "extreme" but it's only for 6 weeks. Then there's a 6 week "maintenance" period where you do not lose weight. When you factor all the time involved....you are losing 3 lbs a week.

No sagging skin like those on the Biggest Loser. Teaches you how to eat REAL FOOD and what your body can and cannot tolerate (aka sensitivities)...inch loss and reshaping is incredible.

It's 100% clean eating. No prepackaged foods w/ tons of sugars/starches/chemicals. YUCK! No thank you!

Of course, with ANY diet program, you have to choose what you will eat. I have been on many diets where I couldn't have xyz foods.....and SO WHAT?????????? I want to shed my 118 lbs and do w/o ribs and baked beans for a day. So what?!?!

I fully understand that there are many uneducated people (about hcg) and look at hcg as a big monster. But really, they don't understand or have bothered to fully research it NOR have not invested the time to see/read about the millions that are currently losing weight successfully with it and keeping it off. I could knock other weight loss programs left and right...but I don't...cuz it's not worth it nor do I care to get into it with people.

Just want to add that HCG has been used BY DOCTORS for years, mostly in a clinic type setting because of the daily injections necessary. Only recently has it been made available to the public, and that's why people are just now hearing about it. I did the diet last summer and lost 20 lbs. Like Caressa, it also helped me to discover food sensitivities, and helped to clear up MANY health related issues that had plagued me for years. It forever changed the way that I eat, and my relationship to food. Never was I starving while on the diet - the first week or so, I was fatigued, and had headaches...but that was caused by sugar/caffeine/gluten withdrawal. After I got through that, I felt great the whole time I was on the diet. I didn't do the shots, I did the drops, and I was under the care of a naturopathic Dr. while doing it.

The best part - almost an entire year later, I have maintained the weight loss while eating normally.

I agree - passing judgment on it by reading sound bites does no good. Unless you have thoroughly researched the diet (which I did - for about 2 months before starting it), and the Dr. who developed and used it (for patients with Diabetes initially) then you really don't know what you're talking about. I am so thankful for the HCG diet - since I no longer deal with allergies, extreme PMS symptoms, excruciating joint and muscle pain, etc....it was definitely worth the 2 months total time spent on the drops and then maintenance plan.

But then, I'm also one who has little use for mainstream medical thinking - since it has mostly done my family more harm then good. I will usually take the road less traveled. ;)
  • #29
Liquid Sky said:
"Yeah, of course you'll lose weight on 500 cals". There's WAYYYYYYY more that goes into it than many think.

At the point of this conversation at which I said that, the detail you just shared had not been covered. I was merely making an observation which was quite factual, which doesn't change even with this additional information.

It certainly does sound like an effective program, but it also does sound like one that should be done under a doctor's supervision, as I see much potential for things to go wrong.
  • #30
I've been dieting since January and I've lost 35 pounds. I have been eating 1200 calories a day and TRACKING - tracking what I eat is the key for me. So every bite I put in my mouth is accounted for. I have one cheat day a week - I don't go nuts, but I eat a few things that I enjoy, and maybe have a cocktail or a glass of wine or beer that I wouldn't want to have to account for on my other days. Unfortunately, I haven't been exercising as much as I'd like, but I've still been able to lose an extremely noticeable amount of weight without any gimmicks, shots, or pills. I'm eating WAY healthier than I ever have before, and that does cost a little more money (I'm not eating frozen or boxed foods). I'm thrilled with the habits I've gained and am so excited to walk across the stage at Conference as a new, skinnier me! My goal is to lose 15 more by Conference.

I have never believed in what I call "fad" diets (HCG, Hollywood Cookie, Atkins, Zone) because they're so strict that the minute you make one mistake, you're setting yourself up for failure. That's why I've built a cheat day into my diet. If I knew I could never have a few bites of cheesecake again, what would be the point of living? :D

I'm glad these diets are working for you all, I just hope you're being careful!
  • #31
NooraK said:
It certainly does sound like an effective program, but it also does sound like one that should be done under a doctor's supervision, as I see much potential for things to go wrong.

Many do do it under a med doctor. The sad thing is, is many doctors aren't even to the skill knowledge that will help those on hcg. I have many local and out of state friends who started with a doctor and ended up learning way more and doing way better by doing it on their own and joining online forums filled with veterans who have lost weight and kept it off for years.

The sad thing is many doctors and clinics charge and arm and a leg, change up the original diet and include "hcg shakes and bars" (that have sugars and starches in them...which when combined w/ hcg will stall losses...thus then more $$$$ for the doctor cuz you'll be with him/her a lot longer to lose the weight).

Many of them also prescribe appetite suppressants. What?? When you are at the correct dosage for your body you will not have any hunger. OR...if you are on the wrong dose for your body and you feel hunger...many of those doctors just say, "let's increase your dose"...thinking a higher dose will fix the hunger. Wrong many times. Some people have to lower their dose and that fixes their hunger.

Again, I am talking about many doctors and clinics, not ALL of them.

I understand this diet seems scary and weird to people and that's ok. I thought it was too at first. I heavily researched the diet for about 4 months before I actually tried it. It totally works for me..well any diet does when you stick to it...but this one spoke to me and it's the only one I've been able to stick to and maintain for the long haul.

It is a strict diet. It's a mental game. For me, I'll take a 1 lb/day loss average and eat strict for 40 straight days....then have a 6 week break and eat way more than I ever had before (calorie wise) and not gain weight....using real food....cheese....full fat fage yogurt, butters...etc.

I am not bashing anyone on here. I understand many are in the "unknown area" and on the surface of course it's easy to think, "eat 500 cals and of course lose weight"...but it's not that simple. If I ate 500 cals w/o hcg I'd be STARVING and extremely cranky. lol

So Noora...I wasn't necessarily quoting you...your response is what us hcg'ers hear all the time and I was addressing that common response. Make sense? I know it seemed like I was quoting you...I apologize for that...that wasn't my intention. :)
  • #32
Liquid Sky said:
Many do do it under a med doctor. The sad thing is, is many doctors aren't even to the skill knowledge that will help those on hcg. I have many local and out of state friends who started with a doctor and ended up learning way more and doing way better by doing it on their own and joining online forums filled with veterans who have lost weight and kept it off for years.

The sad thing is many doctors and clinics charge and arm and a leg, change up the original diet and include "hcg shakes and bars" (that have sugars and starches in them...which when combined w/ hcg will stall losses...thus then more $$$$ for the doctor cuz you'll be with him/her a lot longer to lose the weight).

Many of them also prescribe appetite suppressants. What?? When you are at the correct dosage for your body you will not have any hunger. OR...if you are on the wrong dose for your body and you feel hunger...many of those doctors just say, "let's increase your dose"...thinking a higher dose will fix the hunger. Wrong many times. Some people have to lower their dose and that fixes their hunger.

Again, I am talking about many doctors and clinics, not ALL of them.

I understand this diet seems scary and weird to people and that's ok. I thought it was too at first. I heavily researched the diet for about 4 months before I actually tried it. It totally works for me..well any diet does when you stick to it...but this one spoke to me and it's the only one I've been able to stick to and maintain for the long haul.

It is a strict diet. It's a mental game. For me, I'll take a 1 lb/day loss average and eat strict for 40 straight days....then have a 6 week break and eat way more than I ever had before (calorie wise) and not gain weight....using real food....cheese....full fat fage yogurt, butters...etc.

I am not bashing anyone on here. I understand many are in the "unknown area" and on the surface of course it's easy to think, "eat 500 cals and of course lose weight"...but it's not that simple. If I ate 500 cals w/o hcg I'd be STARVING and extremely cranky. lol

So Noora...I wasn't necessarily quoting you...your response is what us hcg'ers hear all the time and I was addressing that common response. Make sense? I know it seemed like I was quoting you...I apologize for that...that wasn't my intention. :)

My favorite part! I think what drew me to the diet the most was the fact that even the restricted food plan used nothing but REAL foods. Unlike so many diet plans that are heavy on the processed non-foods, and recommend using fat-free junk in place of real honest foods. Since the diet - I no longer eat any refined sugar, or gluten, and only properly prepared grains, and I can eat without counting any calories, or "watching" what I eat...and like I said, I've maintained my weight loss. Some people may find that restrictive, but for me - it's opened up a whole new world of feeling good....so why would I go back to my old way of eating with constant pain and illness?
  • #33
I did this in January and lost 20 pounds! I have not gained any weight back no matter what I eat. This diet resets your metabolism too. I never felt overly hungry on the HCG diet. I still need to lose more weight, so will be going on another round soon!
  • #34
pcsharon1 said:
Nope! I have been doing the Metabolism Miracle plan for the last ten months and I'm totally in love. I have an aunt who had great success with the https://besthcgdropswebsite.com/hcg-diet/, for about a year but now she's putting weight back on quickly no matter how strictly she follows the maintanence plan. She's looking into starting something different now. Way too expensive for me to do HCG shots and then have the weight come back.
What is she eating in maintenance plan?
  • #35
jennyalen said:
What is she eating in maintenance plan?
I think she is following some wrong diet in maintenance plan. I request her to take HCG cycle again for best results.
  • #36
jacob b said:
I think she is following some wrong diet in maintenance plan. I request her to take HCG cycle again for best results.
Oh yeah!
  • #37
jacob b said:
I think she is following some wrong diet in maintenance plan. I request her to take http://hcgdropsratings.com/complete-guide-hcg-diet/ again for best results.
Jacob why don't you ask her check her libido or lipid profile to know her health status. I think she is facing thyroid problems or may she is diabetic.

Related to Is the HCG Diet Effective for Long-Term Success?

1. What is the HCG diet and how does it help with weight loss?

The HCG diet is a weight loss program that involves taking daily injections or drops of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) while following a strict low-calorie diet. The HCG is believed to help suppress appetite and target fat stores in the body, leading to rapid weight loss.

2. Are there any success stories of people who have tried the HCG diet?

Yes, there are many success stories from individuals who have tried the HCG diet and achieved significant weight loss. Many people have reported losing up to 1 pound per day while on the diet, and have even been able to maintain their weight loss long-term.

3. How long does it take to see results on the HCG diet?

Results may vary, but most people start to see weight loss within the first week of starting the HCG diet. On average, individuals can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per day while on the diet.

4. Is the HCG diet safe to do?

The HCG diet is generally considered safe when followed properly and under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It is important to consult with a doctor before starting the diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

5. Can I exercise while on the HCG diet?

Light exercise, such as walking or yoga, is permitted on the HCG diet. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided as it can interfere with weight loss and cause fatigue. It is important to listen to your body and only do what feels comfortable while on the diet.

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