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Is My Name on the Wall at Home Office?

In summary, Gold level consultants had their name moved to the $100,000 section this year, and black consultants have been there for awhile. To be eligible for the shopping spree, you have to be on the HO tour or conference. You have to bring your good camera, and turn your flash off or it won't work.
Gold Member
I don't remember seeing a thread for this... I'm not going to conference this year for various reasons. If my name is on the wall at Home Office, would someone take a picture of it for me?

I'll be in the $50,000 section. Crystal Wiese.

Only problem with this is you have to do the HO tour & although I'm going tp Conference, one HO tour was enough for me. So I'm not gonna see my name either....:cry:
You won't get your name on the wall until you hit $100K....mine should be there and I'd love a photo if someone get's a chance :) Linda Child
Linda, I'll try to find it!
And Noora - I hope you win the shopping spree! Have fun on the HO tour, it really is awesome. That was my first big eye-opening experience on how diverse Pampered Chef consultants are - I have never prejudged anyone since.
I should be at the 300,000K mark but I'm not doing a HO tour either....hey Noora....can you take a pic for me too?
Will do :)
pamperedlinda said:
And Noora - I hope you win the shopping spree! Have fun on the HO tour, it really is awesome. That was my first big eye-opening experience on how diverse Pampered Chef consultants are - I have never prejudged anyone since.

I hope so too. I figure, if I visualize it, and believe in it, it'll happen! I had a blast at my first conference, but didn't get to go on the HO tour because of the timing of my flight. I was amazed at the diversity of people I met, so I know what you mean.
  • #10
Ummmmmmmmm Noora.......
If you don't mind 100,000 Virginia Kotoff-Hanford :blushing:

  • #11
I think I will have to start a list... :D
  • #13
Noora, I'd love for you to add me to the list. I should be on the $100,000 list--Rae Bates.Thanks so much.
  • #14
pamperedlinda said:
And Noora - I hope you win the shopping spree! Have fun on the HO tour, it really is awesome. That was my first big eye-opening experience on how diverse Pampered Chef consultants are - I have never prejudged anyone since.

How do you get entered for the Shopping Spree or is it automatic if you go on the HO Tour or Conference? I can't do the HO tour due to my cane...
  • #15
pcchefjane said:
How do you get entered for the Shopping Spree or is it automatic if you go on the HO Tour or Conference? I can't do the HO tour due to my cane...

Its only for the people on the HO Tour...
  • #16
Am I going to have to bring my good camera?
  • #17
NooraK said:
Am I going to have to bring my good camera?

They are lists of names in what looks like large picture frames. I think in big letters on the wall it will say 100,000 & then underneath it will be these picture frames with out names on them. ( I hope I made this clear :eek: )
  • #18
Oh, N..o..o..r.a..... Could you look for me, too? I hit $100,000 this year, too. I regret missing NC this year, since it would mean a "higher" table at Career Club Luncheon... :(

Have a great time. HO Tour is very interesting.
  • #19
I'll bring my phone and take pictures, too. Hey, I want to win the shopping spree!!! Pray for me as well as Noora, and maybe one of us will win.
  • #20
Hey why not ask HO to take a pic and send it to you when your name goes on their wall...It's your name after all hehehe! It could be done each time a name is posted.
  • #21
If you've ever seen all of the names listed you'd know why the HO would probably balk at that idea.
  • #22
Hey Noora, which tour are you taking? The 7am or 8am one? If your on the 8am one, Ill know to look out for the lady taking pictures of the pictures....;)
  • #23
Ann, I've got you on my list :)

Stacey, I think I signed up for the later tour (anything to get a few extra minutes of sleep ;) )
  • #24
I'm on that tour also... What is this shopping spree that I have read about?
  • #25
NooraK said:
Am I going to have to bring my good camera?

It's hard to focus on the names - I did it last year with a regular camera. Let me upload some pictures and show you guys what it looks like.
  • #26
Skip the uploading, still in photobucket from last year! :)







Gold names were just moved to that level this year, black have been there for awhile.
  • #27
You have to turn your flash off or it won't work and you probably have to turn off autofocus...the last picture is where my camera tried to focus itself...grr...
  • #28
Sounds like a job for my D50 :D
  • #29
Krista Burson said:
I'm on that tour also... What is this shopping spree that I have read about?

Each bus load of tour attendees has one winner. In the past, the winner would get to run down the aisles of the warehouse (or just select ones, not sure) and grab as much as they could in something like 3 minutes.

As of 2007, the "shopping spree" has been done in one of those whirly wind phone booth looking things. If I remember right, they give you an apron to wear, and you have to grab as many tickets as you can and you can stuff them in the apron pockets. In 2007 there was a yellow ticket which was a full set of the (then) brand new Stainless Steel cookware.

I have had a baby since then, and my memory isn't what it used to be, so I may be off on some of the details, but I'm sure you get the general idea.
  • #30
NooraK said:
Sounds like a job for my D50 :D

Please don't go crazy over it! You are there to enjoy yourself....;)
  • #31
Ginger428 said:
Please don't go crazy over it! You are there to enjoy yourself....;)

No, not at all. I love my D50, and enjoy using it :D I actually dislike the smaller one we bought for hubby because the pictures are almost always out of focus. I like to be in control :blushing: and that camera doesn't allow me to be as much. I really only use it to get short video clips of DS beacuse once I put them in Picasa, I can upload them directly without any converting.

Related to Is My Name on the Wall at Home Office?

1. Where can I find my name on the wall at Home Office if I work for Pampered Chef?

You can find your name on the wall at Home Office by visiting the main building on the Pampered Chef campus in Addison, Illinois. Your name will be located in the section corresponding to your sales level.

2. Will someone be able to take a picture of my name on the wall for me if I am unable to attend conference?

Yes, if your name is on the wall at Home Office, someone will be able to take a picture of it for you. You can request this through your Pampered Chef consultant or by contacting the Home Office directly.

3. How can I confirm that my name is on the wall at Home Office?

You can confirm that your name is on the wall at Home Office by checking with your Pampered Chef consultant or by contacting the Home Office directly. They will be able to verify if your name is on the wall and in which section.

4. What does it mean to have your name on the wall at Home Office for Pampered Chef?

Havig your name on the wall at Home Office is a recognition of your success and hard work as a Pampered Chef consultant. It signifies that you have achieved a certain level of sales and have been recognized by the company for your accomplishments.

5. Is there a specific section for different sales levels on the wall at Home Office?

Yes, there are different sections on the wall at Home Office for different sales levels. These sections are categorized by sales level, with the highest level being at the top of the wall and the lower levels below it. Your name will be placed in the section corresponding to your sales level.

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