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Is Low Show Sales but 3 Bookings a Success?

In summary, this person did a great job at their first live show. They demoed their products and got 3 bookings. I think it would be a good idea to focus on bookings and recruiting at every show to keep your business alive.
I did my first live show in a year and half tonight and everyone seemed to have a great time. We demoed the 10 minute pork tenderloin and the turtle fudge skillet cake. Everyone was WOW'd by the tenderloin (and cake) and even though the hostess doubled the meat, there was barely any left...and there were only 5 people!

So...the show total is really low (as in not qualified yet), and 2 people did not order, but I got 3 bookings. They "want to have a fun time like tonight" and "get the DCB at a discount or free".

Would you call that successful or not? I'm feeling pretty good, b/c I got my first show out of the way, everyone had a great time, and I got 3 bookings w/ people I don't know...which will hopefully lead to new business. My hostess is motivated to get more sales...she wants some cookware!
Keep in mind in Sept they need $500 (?--double check the flyer) in sales to get the DCB for 60% off.
Sounds like you did a great job. Now host coach like crazy and get those outside orders in soon. Congrats on the bookings!
I think it's $550 actually.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
That is already planned to be discussed *early* in my host coaching!
I think that is successful! I tend to get a lot of buisness off of those little shows.... bookings that result from bookings that result from bookings....

I used to get discourared, but now I know where they can lead and I don't mind little shows as much.
And one little show, can lead to one BIG show, or even one "average" show! Plus even more bookings.
Same thing happens to me sometimes... and I have only had 11 shows. Since most of those shows have been with family and friends or co-workers I have actually gotten orders myself from friends and added them to the hosts show to increase her sales. I don't put anyone on their shows that they do not know though.
It is a success. Congrats on getting your 1st show out of the way and the three bookings. I would love to get three bookings from one show.
  • #10
i would prefer this! I tend to have big shows with NO bookings. Great for the time being but if I don't have any future business I'm screwed!
  • #11
My wonderful, supportive upline (she's a CSer hehe) told me in the beginning that bookings over sales was good - we need bookings to continue and to build our business. Sales will come later she told me. And wouldn't you know it, she was right. I have bookings through October and my order average/show average keeps inching upwards too.

You need the bookings to keep your business alive! I've found too that the sales aren't as big if you're getting a lot of bookings because they will buy a few things and wait on the big stuff for when they earn it free, etc. at their own show. That's what happened tonight, only 3 guests and 2 were dying to get the DCB, but then they decided to host and are hoping to get it free or 50% off. So what could have been minimum $69 orders were more like $40 orders, but my empty August calendar just got 2 more shows :)
  • #12
MLinAZ said:
My wonderful, supportive upline (she's a CSer hehe) told me in the beginning that bookings over sales was good - we need bookings to continue and to build our business. Sales will come later she told me. And wouldn't you know it, she was right. I have bookings through October and my order average/show average keeps inching upwards too.

You need the bookings to keep your business alive! I've found too that the sales aren't as big if you're getting a lot of bookings because they will buy a few things and wait on the big stuff for when they earn it free, etc. at their own show. That's what happened tonight, only 3 guests and 2 were dying to get the DCB, but then they decided to host and are hoping to get it free or 50% off. So what could have been minimum $69 orders were more like $40 orders, but my empty August calendar just got 2 more shows :)

That's my girl!! :D

Focus on bookings and recruiting at EVERY SHOW. Sales will always follow and fall into place! Like many others have said, bookings are what keeps our businesses alive. We NEED the bookings for our businesses to flourish. I go into every show aiming to get a minimum of 3 bookings. So, in my book, you did AWESOME!!!! ;)
  • #13
Sounds successful to me. Here's my theory. When I first started I would have a particular dollar amount in mind--what I thought the show would do. The problem was that even if the show was only a few dollars shy of that amount I felt like it wasn't successful.About a year into my business I changed my way of viewing success. From that time on a successful show was one at which everyone had a good time and at least one person learned something. Now all of my shows are successful. :)
  • #14
Rae what was your turning point that helped change your outlook on 'successful'? I'm in the earlier Rae mode...If I don't hit $500 and have at least 2 bookings I feel like the show was a flop and that I didn't do my job well enough whether it was host coaching, follow up, show execution etc. I just had a $300 show that turned into $500 after outside orders but because I got zero bookings, the $500 doesn't mean as much. Then 2 nights later i had a $600 show with six bookings. Trying to find the piece of mind that you have found with defining "successful".
  • #15
My aha moment came after two shows that shattered my viewpoint. They happened close together. One was for someone in a large metropolitan area. She had money, so I was sure her wealthy friends would order oodles. The show missed my target by about $40, and I was disappointed. A few days later I did a show with another host. She lived in the middle of nowhere. I knew she didn't have a lot of spending cash, so I wasn't expecting much. Her show was almost $900. That week I had to stop and think. Clearly I couldn't accurately predict show sales. I have no control over what people spend or whether or not they book. What I can control is whether or not my show is fun and whether I offer helpful tips about using the products. Basing my success on things I can't control is a recipe for disappointment. It clicked. I did some soul-searching and engaged in some self-talk before every show. It took a while, but I finally learned to accept this viewpoint. My business has benefited.

Related to Is Low Show Sales but 3 Bookings a Success?

1. How can I increase my low show sales?

One way to increase low show sales is by offering incentives or discounts for customers who attend the party and make a purchase. You can also remind your guests about the benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products.

2. What are some reasons for low show sales?

Some common reasons for low show sales include guests forgetting about the party, last-minute cancellations, or lack of interest in the products. It's important to communicate with your guests and remind them about the party to avoid these issues.

3. How can I handle 3 bookings at once?

To effectively handle 3 bookings at once, it's important to stay organized and plan ahead. You can create a schedule or calendar to keep track of your parties and make sure you have enough inventory for each one. It may also be helpful to have a team member or friend assist you with the parties.

4. What can I do if I have more bookings than expected?

If you have more bookings than expected, you can reach out to your upline or fellow consultants for help. You can also consider hosting online parties or offering virtual consultations to accommodate more parties in a shorter amount of time.

5. How do I follow up with guests who didn't attend the party?

Following up with guests who didn't attend the party is important to potentially turn them into future customers or hosts. You can send them a personalized message thanking them for their RSVP and offering to schedule a one-on-one consultation or virtual party to showcase the products they missed out on.

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