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Is it pushy to share my business after a friendly encounter?

In summary, Pnina Cohen met a lady in the store today and the lady asked Pnina to email her a lentil soup recipe. Pnina fortunately passed on a recipe that she has personally used. Pnina wants to put this note on the bottom of the recipe when she sends it but her husband says that she is being a pushy sales person and he can't believe she is turning into "that" person. Pnina told her husband to go jump in the lake. Pnina wanted to be sure she was right and wanted to share her business with the lady. The lady asked Pnina if she was interested in speaking to her about hosting a show for her
I met a lady in the store today and she asked me to email her a lentil soup recipe, Koima thankfully passed on a recipe that she has personally used I want to put this note on the bottom of the recipe when I send it but my husband says that I'm being a pushy sales person and he cant believe I'm turning into "that" person. I told him to go jump in the lake :) but wanted to be sure I was right ;)Here is what I wrote I originally gave an "out" at the end but figured that was not a good sales tactic. Besides its not like I"m trying to sell her life insurance these are products anyone can benefit from!!!!Anyway this is what I wrote:Though I’ve never made this recipe one of my fellow Pampered Chef Consultants said it is a wonderful one, She said she modified it a bit and changed the vinegar to Sherry and doubled the spices, toping it with Swiss cheese.It was so nice meeting you in the store today! You really cheered up my afternoon!
I wanted to also share my business with you if you are interested. As an Independent Pampered Chef Consultant it is my goal to make cooking easier and more fun! You can visit my website Welcome To My Personal Web Site[/url] to see what kind of products we carry. If you would like I would LOVE to speak to you about hosting a show for your friends, we would make a delicious recipe and learn some great tips for making the holiday season easier on everyone! And show you some great gift idea’s that are both personal and greatly appreciated! Plus you would earn FREE and discounted products! November is a great time to host a show because our unglazed stoneware is at a 20% discount!Thanks for brightening my day
Pnina Cohen
xxx-xxx-xxxxI guess I'm partly venting on my DH lol but a word or 2 of advice/encouragement would be great right now! I'm proud of myself for making the contact, listening and helping!!!!
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I think you did exatly what you should have. You didn't seem pushy at all. It's our job to show those out there that we love what we do that we want them to love it just as much.
It seems like too much to me. I would pare it down to something like:I am so excited to share recipes and timesaving ideas with my friends through my Pampered Chef business. Right now I am featuring (whatever recipe you're doing at shows this month). Would you be interested in learning more about that? Part of my job is to be of service to the community. Is there anything I can do to help with your Pampered Chef needs?
Looks fine to me, too. You told her in the store that you were a consultant, and if she didn't want to hear about it she wouldn't have given you her contact info.

And I *love* the name Pnina! :) My cousin has the same name but with a different spelling and I always thought it was so pretty.
I thought it was great!! Not pushy at all. Sorry DH is not seeing it that way. Some DS businesses have made all a little sensitive to anything that looks pushy. Yours was not. Maybe she will book a party.. or sign up!!! Keep up the great work!!
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  • #6
Really what is the source of her name? if you know :)Most ppl. spell it differently then me, mine is Hebrew and it means pearl. in hebrew it is spelled with 5 letters so that is how my mom did it!!Funny thing is that the women I met in the store today has the same name as me but in Italian!
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  • #7
thanks for the support guys!!
Don't worry about it! You aren't hounded her or anything, you are just doing your job.
You may want to edit the text of your first post to take out your PWS address. It comes up here as a link, which is against policy. And we know that HO checks occasionally.Otherwise, it looks good.
  • #10
I think it was fine...no worries...tell DH to relax, if you don't put out there who you are and what you do, how does he expect you to get business?
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  • #11
THANK YOU ANN!!! I thought I'd edited out all my personal info uggh I hope HO doesn't yell at me!!!! It was an honest mistake!!!Steph, the funny thing is he was hounding me the other day how I'm not working the buisness enough or getting enough sales, how I told him this was going to be me contributing to the family income etc. :rollseyes:
  • #12
I think you did exactly what you're supposed to do...what many (myself anyway!) wish we could do...talk to a stranger about PC!! LOL Don't worry about your DH, hopefully, he'll come around. He may just not understand how it is we work our businesses.

I agree on making your message a little shorter though. Don't give her too much information...just enough to make her intrigued! :) Good luck! Looks like you're on the right track to make it in the business! :)
  • #13
I thought it looked great. She understood what you do with your introduction in the Store. If you want to pare it down you can easy enough, but don't forget your key points. Keep up the great work.
I agree DH can jump in a lake. LOL
  • #14
You may want to also mention that Hosts get 60% off any stoneware piece as well! I don't think it was too long... You may want to run a spell and grammar check though. Sorry...I am one of those people who has done a lot of editing for former bosses and catch all that stuff at first glance!
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  • #15
lol I think I fixed it up a bit more but grammar and spelling are not my strong point!!! I sent the letter last night so not in my control anymore :)
  • #16
It looks great and how else are we suppose to find new customers and get out of our immediate circle of friends and family?
I know that we marry opposites so he probably just isn't as outgoing as you, just like my hubby, but my hubby is very business minded so when I mention making money, he smiles and I seem to be speaking his language.

So hopefully it turns into a show and you can show your hubby that your persistence paid off with your check! Not as an "I told you so..." but as a way to get him to encourage you more and understand that's how you run your business! Before you know it, he'll be bringing up the fact you sell PC to people, like my hubby!

Debbie :chef:
  • #17
Contacting her once is certainly not pushy, expecially when you're providing her a recipe she asked for! Contacting her 7 times in one day and begging her to have a show - now that's pushy! ;) lol.
  • #18
I probably would not show up at her door in the morning, with your calendar open and pen in hand, of course, unless you called first (LOL)
  • #19
pamperedpnina said:
Really what is the source of her name? if you know :)

Most ppl. spell it differently then me, mine is Hebrew and it means pearl. in hebrew it is spelled with 5 letters so that is how my mom did it!!

Funny thing is that the women I met in the store today has the same name as me but in Italian!

My cousin is Pan aena (no space, but don't want it googleable!), but I've also seen it Penina and Panina. We call my cousin Neny. :) Such a pretty name.

I hope your lady likes the recipe and calls you to book a show! You definitely did customer care there. :)
  • #20
Speaking of husband's who think you're too pushy.....Last year, I wanted to put an invite to my open house in with the Halloween treaks but dh said no. Well, I'm thinking about doing it this year but just not telling him. Is it wrong to have innocent children deliver my invite to mom? Thanks....(I think it's a bit wordy but not at ALL pushy. That's what the delete button on the computer is for if she doesn't like it.)
  • #21
I think this is exactly what we are suppose to be doing. Anyone we leave "unasked" is someone who may be looking for exactly what we have. You go Girl!
  • #22
Have you considered offering to demo this recipe at a show for her?
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  • #23
Cant dont have the stuff needed for it!Never heard back from her but figure I'll add her to my monthly newsletter (she can opt out if she chooses right?)
  • #24
It's always the same! I had someone at a show last night pick up the fast and and fabulous cookbook and ask about a recipe. I was just about to offer it as a show recipe when I realised I had none of the stuff needed!!!

Related to Is it pushy to share my business after a friendly encounter?

1. How can I tell if I am being too pushy?

It is important to reflect on your actions and assess if you are continuously pressuring or forcing your partner to do something. If you notice that your partner often feels overwhelmed or uncomfortable with your requests, it may be a sign that you are being too pushy.

2. What can I do to stop being pushy?

Communication is key in any relationship. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner about their feelings and boundaries. Listen to their perspective and try to compromise on the things that you both want. It is also important to respect your partner's decisions and give them space when needed.

3. My partner says I am being pushy, but I don't see it. What should I do?

It is important to take your partner's feelings and concerns seriously, even if you do not fully understand or agree with them. Ask for specific examples of when they felt you were being pushy and try to see things from their perspective. Communication and compromise are key in resolving any issues in a relationship.

4. How can I be assertive without being pushy?

Being assertive means expressing your needs and wants in a clear and respectful manner. It is important to communicate your thoughts and feelings without disregarding your partner's. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements and be open to hearing your partner's perspective. Remember to respect their boundaries and decisions.

5. Will my partner ever stop feeling like I am being pushy?

Every relationship is different, and it may take time for your partner to feel comfortable and trust that you will respect their boundaries. Keep open communication and continue to show that you are willing to listen and make changes. With patience and understanding, your partner may eventually feel less overwhelmed and see that you are not being pushy but rather trying to find a compromise.

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