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Is It Normal to Receive No Callbacks After a Wedding Expo?

In summary, Wade's girl friend has not returned his calls or emails, so Wade is wondering if this is normal. He also suggests that the bride make sure she is the top priority when contacting him, as a VM does not mean much.
Silver Member
I had a table at a local wedding expo a couple of weeks ago. I had a really nice display and greeted everyone that came by (by the end of the day, my face hurt from smiling so much!). Everyone I greeted I gave out the PC wedding tri-fold with my contact information on it. I had a drawing for a free bamboo bowl too. I selected a winner and called her, but received her VM. I left a message but didn't mention that she was a winner because I wanted to tell her myself. I just thanked her for stopping by my booth and asked that she call me at ... because I had some great news to share with her. Do you know she has not called me back?? In fact, all but 3 people I have called, I received their VM and for every one, I left a message and absolutely NO ONE has called me back!! What's up with that? They marked on the DPS that they were interested in X, but don't have the courtesy to return a phone call so I can get them the info they requested. I just don't get it. :confused: This was my first expo, so I don't know if my expectations are too high, or what. Is this normal...do you guys run into this same problem?
I heard something great on a training cd once. Imagine that the person you left a vm for is very busy lately. She gets home and has 4 messages on her vm: 1 from her mom, 1 from her best friend, 1 from her sister and 1 from you. Consider who her top priority is... VM doesn't mean anything, you need to try to contact them again.

BTW, let the winner know she won and to call you by a certain date or you will redraw. That may get her to call back.
wadesgirl said:
I heard something great on a training cd once. Imagine that the person you left a vm for is very busy lately. She gets home and has 4 messages on her vm: 1 from her mom, 1 from her best friend, 1 from her sister and 1 from you. Consider who her top priority is... VM doesn't mean anything, you need to try to contact them again.

BTW, let the winner know she won and to call you by a certain date or you will redraw. That may get her to call back.[/QUOTE]

Great idea!:)
Two things:
1. Most consultants that I know have had very poor results from bridal expos. I am not surprised to hear of yours.
2. It is not the bride's responsibility to call you back. This is your job; it is your responsibility to follow up with your leads.
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good point...plus add in the fact that their wedding may not be for another year or more, I can see why it may not be a priority. I will keep trying. Thanks for the encouragement!p.s. I love the idea about the winner calling by a certain date; that should get a response. Hopefully she will be interested in more than just getting the free bowl.
Wow, I have my first expo coming up next week... I am wonder if anyone has some good ideas for a pc announcement for during the prize give away limited to 2-3 sentences....help...lol
I had my first booth last June and had 15 people sign up for the "free prize". I called each and every one of them. Only 1 lady called me back at all. I have emailed, called, and sent letters to the rest with no response. After sending them multiple things, I just have noted that on my index cards for that person and moved on. I think sometimes people really don't care when they sign those slips. I have had about 10 great contacts out of 100+ so that really order regularly. It's really hit and miss sometimes! Wedding expos are bad and very expensive. You rarely come even close to making back 10% of your investment... If a booth is over $100, I don't do it unless it is multiple days...
Well, at least you handed out info with your name on it. I did several expo's and no luck either. Did the place give you a list of names? If so, mail them a "thank you" note.

Related to Is It Normal to Receive No Callbacks After a Wedding Expo?

1. Why did we have a poor response from the wedding expo?

There could be multiple reasons for a poor response from a wedding expo. It could be due to the timing of the event, the location, the target audience, or even the weather. It's important to evaluate these factors and make adjustments for future events.

2. Did we have enough product samples at the expo?

Having enough product samples at a wedding expo is crucial for generating interest and potential sales. However, it's also important to strike a balance and not overwhelm attendees with too many options. It's best to have a variety of popular and new products on display.

3. How can we improve our booth set up for the next wedding expo?

The booth set up plays a significant role in attracting potential customers at a wedding expo. Make sure your booth is visually appealing and stands out from the rest. Consider incorporating interactive elements, such as product demonstrations or tastings, to engage attendees.

4. Were our marketing materials effective in promoting our products at the expo?

It's important to have eye-catching and informative marketing materials at a wedding expo. Consider the design, messaging, and distribution of your materials. It's also helpful to gather feedback from attendees to see what resonated with them and what could be improved.

5. Should we continue participating in wedding expos despite the poor response?

Participating in wedding expos can be a valuable opportunity to showcase your products and connect with potential customers. However, if the response has been consistently poor, it may be worth evaluating if this particular expo is the right fit for your brand. Consider exploring other events or marketing strategies to reach your target audience.

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