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Is It Fair to Claim a Neighborhood for a PC Business?

In summary, this woman got a nasty e-mail from her neighbor because she advertised her business. She is unsure if she should continue to advertise or not because of this.
Since I am trying to get my business going, I ordered about 200 mini cats-fall/winter 2006 and got 200 flyers printed announcing that "there is a PC consultant in your neighborhood". I put them out Saturday night. I had the flyers printed on hot pink paper and put the flyer and the mini cat in a newspaper bag and put them on driveways in the neighborhood so everyone would get them when they gpot their newspapers Sunday AM. Anyway, I got the nastiest e-mail from "the homeowners"-not even signed....saying that there was a PC consultant in the neighborhood already, but that she was not continuing in the business, but that she was "giving" the neighborhood to her recruit. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but this "new person" has never even tried to advertise her business. I thought that PC is a non-territorial company. I want the business, but maybe I am too nice to go for it.
PC isn't territorial. She can't just "give" a neighborhood to someone! She can pass along her contact information to her recruit, but that doesn't mean that you can't advertise for your business too. I wouldn't worry about it because many of your neighbors may like having someone close by to call & order products from. They may not want to be "passed on" to someone else. Just work your business the way you want & don't worry about letters like that. It was rude & probably just the opinion of ONE homeowner--probably the other consultant!!
jodistrauss said:
Since I am trying to get my business going, I ordered about 200 mini cats-fall/winter 2006 and got 200 flyers printed announcing that "there is a PC consultant in your neighborhood". I put them out Saturday night. I had the flyers printed on hot pink paper and put the flyer and the mini cat in a newspaper bag and put them on driveways in the neighborhood so everyone would get them when they gpot their newspapers Sunday AM. Anyway, I got the nastiest e-mail from "the homeowners"-not even signed....saying that there was a PC consultant in the neighborhood already, but that she was not continuing in the business, but that she was "giving" the neighborhood to her recruit. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but this "new person" has never even tried to advertise her business. I thought that PC is a non-territorial company. I want the business, but maybe I am too nice to go for it.

Put that letter behind you and carry on . If you choice to advertise and she does not than that is the another consultants loss. Pamperedchef is non -territorial , one time I did a show right next door form my Advanced Director, we just LOL about it , the guest was at a past party and booked a show from me I didnt know till I looked at her address ..
First of all, I was told a long time ago that if they don't have the guts to sign their name, the "Advice" (or what ever) is not worth reading.
Second....if you live in the neighborhood, and didn't know there was a PC consultant, then how many others don't either? I know of consultants who live on the same street, and both do a good business....there are no territiories w/ PC - only loyal customers! You have every right to advertise your business - and your neighbors have the right to chose who they want as their consultant. Do what is right for you and your business, and don't spend too much time worrying about an anonymous email!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
You guys are the BEST!!!!!
I agree that you need to keep right on doing what you do! IMO a letter like that most likely came directly from that PC consultant and who knows if 'the homeowners' even know anything about it. If a few of them do, then I'm sure there are ones that don't. I say go for it and may the best consultant win!
Delete and forget about that message! If they do not have the guts to sign it then it is not worth any more of your time to worry about it. And even if they did sign it, it is left up to each individual homeowner who they decide to buy from not someone that spits off an email.
It was probably the other consultant. And if she was working her business the way she should, she shouldn't be worried about you sharing your information! As we say in Joisey, fuhgeddaboudit! One person doesn't speak for everyone!
Wad that email up if you have it printed. If not, hit DELETE. No one can give a "neighborhood" to someone else. What a bunch of hooey. Just keep on plugging away.

Like one poster said, if they don't sign it, it don't mean diddly!
  • #10
One of my recruits lives down the street from me. It's no big deal.

And Becky is right, if they don't have the guts to sign the letter then they don't warrant your worry or attention. I wouldn't sweat it.
  • #11
One of my recruits and I both live in the same neigborhood and we have sorta split the area between us, but that's just us, if there was another consultant who came it and did a show, well then, I wasn't doing a good job informing people about myself, was I?
  • #12
Good work!I'm curious, was the email from a homeowners association or just from one of the pesky neighbors who likes to meddle? Don't pay attention to it. Cowards never sign their name but speak big words full of hot air.

You never know you might get a response from someone else in the neighborhood that might be interested in doing a show with you. Everyone is right you can't give someone a neighborhood, and that's just ridiculoua ro assume everyone will want that one person and no one else.

Keep your chin up and good job sending out all those flyers.
It would be great if your first show in the neighborhood was next door to the person who sent the email. LOL :D

Debbie :D
  • #13
Would you be able to figure out from the e-mail who it was that sent it?
  • #14
Of all the nerve! I'm with the others who suspect that it was the consultant herself/himself. Whenever someone tells me (almost apologetically) that they already have a consultant, I tell them this: "That's great! Happy customers are our best advertising!"

Bless, release, and make sure EVERYONE knows you are a PC consultant.
  • #15
In our neighborhood it wouldn't be sent by email but by a letter!!
I wouldn't worry about it!
  • #16
I agree with everyone else forget about the email. Who says that her devoted customers will like her recruit? My senior director and the one up from that (sorry memory loss in cold weather) live within one mile of eachother and both have a very successful business. Go ahead and put the fliers out to build your business!
  • #17
What a load of garbage!! I am sure 99% of the neighborhood is unaware that they were "given" to a new consultant. If they actually had business in this neighborhood they would have the contact information for each person interested and give that to the new recruit with everyone's permission.

Plus, why would the average homeowner know that they were given to a new consultant AND not sign the e-mail. Sounds like the new consultant getting a little worried to me! Did you write back?
  • #18
I say it was the other consultant and she's just mad that maybe she never thought of advertising like that! Take it all in stride and work your business.....why waste your time on worrying about her.....I hope that you book many shows and get many orders just to show her. And let's say she really did "give" these people to the new recruit....then if they are loyal....they won't contact you but that shouldn't stop someone from being prod of their business and trying to work it! I put business cards up wherever I go and does that make me bad? No, of course not, I'm just doing what I need to do to keep my business going! GOOD LUCK!
  • #19
OBVIOUSLY it was the other consultant or a close friend because how else would that person know that "the business" is being given away to her recruit. Ignore and keep doing what you're doing. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch, just throw it out and enjoy the rest of the neighborhood and who you meet!
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  • #20
My husband ended up sending a scathing e-mail back to the person...calling them a coward because they didn't sign their name and telling them NEVER to contact us in such a derogatory way again. We ended up getting an e-mail APOLOGIZING for the nasty original one. I think the people that lived here before us weren't very nice to the neighbors and it in turn effected how they have treated us. But, they need to GET OVER IT.... we have lived here 2 1/2years now.

Anyway, it ended up being some old guy...his wording, not mine. He has sent us several e-mails since letting us know of different things about the neighborhood.. Apparently, he and his wife were the first residents 27 years ago. So I am basically chalking it up to an old busybody couple not having anything else to do.

As someone on here says....."Bless and Release"....It REALLY is GREAT advice....THEN..... GET ALL THE SALES I CAN!!!!!!
  • #21
It sounds like you've already put it behind you Jodi. I'm sure there are many people in your neighborhood that would rather deal with you than someone they were passed off to. I'm glad you got the apology you deserved.
  • #22
jodistrauss said:
..................So I am basically chalking it up to an old busybody couple not having anything else to do.

As someone on here says....."Bless and Release"....It REALLY is GREAT advice....THEN..... GET ALL THE SALES I CAN!!!!!!
So, did you see if they want to schedule a show with you and invite all their "friends"? ;)

That was super of your husband to stick-up for you like that too.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Not yet.. but we are set to "meet" him officially on Saturday-our neighborhood is having "dumpster day" for everyone to get rid of their junk. He told us he would be the old white haired guy sitting beside the dumpster. I thought I might make him a little goodie bag. THEN, I'll spring the show idea on him. LOL
  • #24
I hate it when people are nasty and don't give you a chance to respond or defend yourself. I think I'd be prompted to advertise like crazy there, holding huge $1500 shows right in the face (or next door) of the nasty letter-writer!
  • #25
Go you!!!!!!!!!!
  • #26
jodistrauss said:
Not yet.. but we are set to "meet" him officially on Saturday-our neighborhood is having "dumpster day" for everyone to get rid of their junk. He told us he would be the old white haired guy sitting beside the dumpster. I thought I might make him a little goodie bag. THEN, I'll spring the show idea on him. LOL

Jodi, Glad it is all working out. Kudos to your husband for sticking up for you :) Love your idea of a goodie bag...taking the high road is always better.

What struck me about your original post was the "giving the neighborhood" to someone else. Wouldn't it be nice to have exclusive rights to an entire neighborhood :cool: I'm really glad PC doesn't work that way! You sound like you are on the right track so keep at it. Doing what you did with the mini catalogs really shows initiative :)
  • #27
Funny - we were mostly WRONG! :) Good luck and maybe your husband made a friend by standing up to the guy.
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  • #28
FYI---I figured it was the consultant too. Oh well.....
  • #29
UGH, so he was a consultant, or am I confused?

That exact thing is what scares me about advertising.
I am so afraid of rejection!
But you go girl, and keep it up!!!!
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  • #30
Nah-he was just somebody with too much time on his hands. HMMM...maybe I should see if he wants to work with PC...
  • #31
maybe he knew the other lady wasn't going to sell anymore and honestly thought it was being handed over!!!
Peopel who don't know how our business works make alot of assumptions.
  • #32
Glad it worked out!

I thought there might have been a Homeowner's Association in the neighborhood. Just FYI, some Homeowner's Associations have a No Soliciting Policy - my neighborhood in Florida does, so I don't solicit, I just invite the whole neighborhood into my house for a Mystery Host Party!;)
  • #33
Buddy up to him on Dumpster Day, so that he'll consider YOU the Neighborhood Pampered Chef Lady from now on, rather than some recruit who doesn't even live there!Wear a PC shirt, if you've got one! Make sure your neighbors can put a face with your advertising efforts.
  • #34
AMTC said:
Glad it worked out!

I thought there might have been a Homeowner's Association in the neighborhood. Just FYI, some Homeowner's Associations have a No Soliciting Policy - my neighborhood in Florida does, so I don't solicit, I just invite the whole neighborhood into my house for a Mystery Host Party!;)

How do you know if they have that? Also, I am kinda having a bit of trouble too. I live in a apt complex and we have cork boards around the place and for some reason my flyers end up "missing" a couple of days after I get them up!!! It is starting to P--- Me Off!
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  • #35
Maybe you could go in and talk to the people in the leasing office. Offer them a little "bonus" is someone books. See if they can put a flyer in a new lease packet. And, in the meantime, keep putting the flyers up!!!
  • #36
I bet it was from the other consultant too. I think you should give someone the email and let them contact her looking for a PC consultant. I bet she replies.
  • #37
Is dropping information off in a driveway considered soliciting?

Since the mystery is solved though, I'm curios to see how the response has been from your effort.

  • #38
jodistrauss said:
Since I am trying to get my business going, I ordered about 200 mini cats-fall/winter 2006 and got 200 flyers printed announcing that "there is a PC consultant in your neighborhood". I put them out Saturday night. I had the flyers printed on hot pink paper and put the flyer and the mini cat in a newspaper bag and put them on driveways in the neighborhood so everyone would get them when they gpot their newspapers Sunday AM. Anyway, I got the nastiest e-mail from "the homeowners"-not even signed....saying that there was a PC consultant in the neighborhood already, but that she was not continuing in the business, but that she was "giving" the neighborhood to her recruit. I wasn't aware of this at the time, but this "new person" has never even tried to advertise her business. I thought that PC is a non-territorial company. I want the business, but maybe I am too nice to go for it.

I wouldn't worry about it. Sinse the letter wasn't signed I would assume it was probably from the other consultant. PC is NOT a territorial company. You can't just pass a whole neighborhood off to a recruit. I'd get over it and go about "Your" business. If you didn't know there was another consultant in the neighborhood, chances are the other neighbors don't know it either. Good luck with your business.

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