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Is It Appropriate to Call Catalog Show Customers for More Bookings?

In summary, Marlene advises contacting customers of a catalog show in order to gain more bookings. Heather is considering calling her customers, who spent $135 yesterday in product, to see if they have any questions or would like to host a catalog show. Marlene advises contacting customers of a catalog show in order to gain more bookings.
I just wondered if it would be appropriate to call my catalog show customers, in order to get more catalog show bookings? One of the customers spent $135 yesterday in product, and I thought she might be a great potential host. A friend of mine is hosting the catalog show in Florida (I live in Ohio) and I wondered if it would be ok for me to call the customers? I have not had any luck with show bookings lately, since we just relocated from Florida to Ohio and I'm desperate to get more bookings. Luckily I was able to get my friend to host this for me. She knows I've been struggling to make an income, and I'm really relying on PC to give that to our family.

Any suggestions? I'm sure I'm worrying to much about promoting the opportunity to them, but I guess my confidence is just pretty low right now!

Thanks for your help.

I dont see anything wrong with calling your catalof show customers, its just like doing ccc thanking them for thier order seeing if they have any questions and seeing if they would be interested in hosting a catalog show
Of courseJust following up with them to see if they got everything in there order.
To update them on the latest with PC and see if THEY would like to get some PC for FREE.
I would call catalog show customers just the same as I call anyone who placed an outside order on a kitchen show. I just say, "My name is Amy and I am a PC consultant. You recently placed an order with me through a show done by ______." And then take it from there. However you do your regular customer care calls.

I am impressed you have telephone numbers for the customers of the catalog show. I find that nine times out of ten I don't get phone numbers of the customers who don't actually come to a kitchen show.

Good luck.
What they would have saved!If I were calling that lady, who placed a $135 order, I would let her know how much her order would have been even if she would have collected just $200 in orders. Some people don't realize that they will, at the very least, get a discount on their own order by collecting orders. I find it's always good to let them know what they would have saved. They may not want to do a cat show right away, but you have at least planted the seed, and can ask for permission to check in with them another time.
Always!!Always!! Always call your catalog customers!! :) If you aren't doing this you are missing a ton of opportunities! :eek: When I give the catalog packet to the host I tell her that I will need everyone's phone # and address just in case there is an issue with their order ex. backorders and such.

However, I must warn you that when you make these calls looking to gain something you might be giving off the wrong vibe. I know when I make some Big Mac calls people think I am calling to get them to book, they are caught totally off guard when I ask about their products and their experience with the Pampered Chef. What I was taught was to do CCC to give something! If you have this attitude your calls will improve, you won't be expecting to get bookings, orders etc, and you will learn to enjoy these CCC!!

When you make Big Mac calls to establish a relationship with the customer, they feel more comfortable with you as "their consultant." Then when it comes time to make the CCC 60-90 days after the show, they are much more receptive. I then take it into seeing if they would be interrested in getting their wish list for free, or I tell them about the awesome new specials!! When I get a machine I leave a message about the the new specials that are so awesome I can't believe it myself, I don't give the special or any details. This peaks peoples interest and I have gotten many responses from this! :D
Yes Yes Yes!!!Marlene is SO SO SO right! When you are making CC calls, Big MAC, or whatever, have the right attitude. You all know the voice right? They answer and you say "This is Angela Shea with The Pampered Chef," and they respond with a "yes....?" that is dripping with "Oh lord...what is she going to try to sell me?" Then when you say "I just wanted to be sure that you receieved all of your products and see if you had any questions about any of your items?" Then their voice softens and they say "Oh...okay!" When calling the $135 order, for instance, I would start by thanking her for her order. Given that Christmas just passed, I would ask "Were you buying gifts or are you lucky enough that all of those items were for you?" I would then let her know that she has the opportunity to earn products at a discount. I had several customers that have placed large orders, or ordered something that was going to be the host bonus the following month, I tell them "I'm perfectly happy to place this order for you, but I want you to know that you could get this Digital Meat Thermometer for $16 next month just by collecting orders from your friends and family." And I meant that..sincerely. If they wanted to pay full price, fine....but I always want people to know that they don't have to.

Related to Is It Appropriate to Call Catalog Show Customers for More Bookings?

1. How do I contact my catalog show customers?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you can contact your catalog show customers through various methods such as email, phone call, or direct message through social media. You can also reach out to them through the contact information they provided when they placed their order.

2. What should I say when I call my catalog show customers?

When calling your catalog show customers, it is important to introduce yourself, thank them for their order, and inquire if they have any questions or need assistance with their purchase. You can also take this opportunity to inform them about any current promotions or new products.

3. How often should I call my catalog show customers?

It is recommended to call your catalog show customers within a week after they have received their order. This allows enough time for them to try out their products and potentially place another order. However, if your customer prefers to be contacted less frequently, respect their wishes and reach out to them accordingly.

4. Can I offer incentives to my catalog show customers to encourage them to place another order?

Absolutely! You can offer incentives such as a discount on their next purchase, a free product with a minimum order, or a special gift for hosting a catalog show with their friends and family. This can help boost sales and encourage repeat business.

5. What should I do if my catalog show customer is not interested in purchasing again?

If your catalog show customer is not interested in purchasing again, it is important to respect their decision and thank them for their support. You can also ask if there is anything that you can do to improve their experience and offer to assist with any questions or concerns they may have about their previous purchase.

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