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Is Hosting an Open House Worth It for My Business?

In summary, the author is considering doing an Open House featuring the new products, but is afraid it will interfere with other sales he has scheduled. He has exhausted his friends and family and is considering joining a PTO or PTA, finding business networks, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google, and following people on social media who do things he is interested in.
Gold Member
I have been thinking of doing an Open House in the next few weeks featuring the new products. I am just not sure if I should.

I just got back into PC in Jan so don't have to many hosts or customers. I am afraid that when I invite everyone, it might cut into the sales of the few shows that I have scheduled for Feb and March. Does this make sense?

Any thoughts on this?
Do you perhaps have avenues you have not tapped into yet, say people you're not super close to, like your neighbors? Maybe you could print up invitations and take them to places like where you get your hair done, let them know what you're doing, get their feedback, the doctor's office, the bank, etc. This could open new doors for you.
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  • #3
This is going to make me sound like a hermit!! Since this is my 3rd time at doing this, I have REALLY exhausted my friends and family. (This time I am determined and am able to be consistent)Unfortunately, the neighborhood I live in, no one is close to anyone nor do they talk to anyone! Not like my previous neighborhood at all! In a way it's good but in a way it's bad.. I am cheap and don't have the money to spend on getting my hair even trimmed so that doesn't happen but maybe once in a while. My back account is only an ATM account so just use the ATM to do everything. (if I use the tellers I get charged and the bank close to me is the one in the grocery store with 2 or 3 people in it) My kids don't have to go to the docs very often. And then my son walks to and from school and I just drop off and pick up my other child.Told you it would make me sound like a hermit!!
Some things that have helped me:
- Join a PTO or PTA
- Join the YMCA
- Find some business networks
- LinkedIn

I completely understand your hesitation about hosting an Open House with new products. It can be a tough decision to make, especially when you are just getting back into the business and may not have a large customer base yet.My suggestion would be to reach out to your current hosts and customers and see if they would be interested in attending your Open House. This way, you can still showcase the new products and potentially gain some additional sales, without worrying about it affecting your current shows.Additionally, you could offer a special discount or incentive for those who attend your Open House and make a purchase. This could help generate more interest and sales without competing with your current shows.Ultimately, the decision is yours and you know your business best. But I believe an Open House can be a great opportunity to introduce new products and potentially gain new customers. I wish you all the best in your decision-making process. Happy cooking!

Related to Is Hosting an Open House Worth It for My Business?

1. Should I even do an Open House?

Many people wonder if hosting an Open House event is worth the effort. The answer is yes! Open Houses are a great opportunity to showcase products, interact with customers, and potentially gain new leads and sales. Plus, it's a fun and low-pressure way to introduce people to our products.

2. How much does it cost to host an Open House?

The cost of hosting an Open House can vary depending on the type of event you want to have. However, as a Pampered Chef consultant, you have the option to use our Host Rewards program to offset some of the costs. Additionally, you can also collaborate with other consultants to share the expenses and make the event more cost-effective.

3. Do I need to have a big house to host an Open House?

No, you don't need to have a big house to host an Open House. In fact, you can host it at a friend or family member's house, a community center, or even a park. The important thing is to have enough space to display products and for guests to mingle and try out products.

4. How do I promote my Open House?

Promoting your Open House is crucial to ensure a good turnout. You can use various methods such as creating a Facebook event, sending out invitations through email or mail, advertising on social media, and word of mouth. As a Pampered Chef consultant, you also have access to our marketing materials and resources to help you promote your event.

5. What should I prepare for my Open House?

To have a successful Open House, you should prepare a few things beforehand. This includes having enough products on hand, creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere, setting up product displays, planning some interactive activities or games, and having order forms and business cards ready. It's also important to have a plan for following up with guests after the event to potentially turn leads into sales.

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