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Is HO Closed on Saturdays? Clarifying Store Hours and Billing Issues

The Solution Center is open M-F 7 a.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. Central time. Occasionally they are there on Saturdays.The Solution Center does not have the call back option in the evenings. This week the recording said my wait time would be at least 30 minutes...they did not lie...it was 1 hour and 30 minutes!!
Gold Member
I thought HO was open 7 days a week? I have a new recruit that I entered myself last night and my credit card is being charged twice:eek: I need to talk to someone:cry:
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Weren't they open on Saturdays before or was that only in the month of December?
I really don't remember HO ever being open on Saturdays, but that doesn't mean the warehouse, or even the office, doesn't work overtime sometimes
Occasionally, the solution center is open on Saturday, but they usually send an email to us that it will be open. Usually it's a seasonal thing - like right before Christmas.
The Solution Center is open M-F 7 a.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. Central time. Occasionally they are there on Saturdays.
I just got an email from them a few minutes ago - so somebody is working on a Saturday.

They were nice, some unordered small bamboo tongs were sent in an order.

I was hoping the host could keep them. I put in an adjustment and they apologized for the inconvenience! Hahaha, she was not inconvenienced at all.
I'm glad they let her keep them!
chefann said:
Occasionally, the solution center is open on Saturday, but they usually send an email to us that it will be open. Usually it's a seasonal thing - like right before Christmas.
'Twas the Saturday before Christmas
And all through the plant,
Not a creature was stirring
Not even an aunt.The boxes were stacked
By the truck dock with care
In hopes the FedEx man
Soon would be there.Jean Jonas had come in
To pick up a box.
A dry-ice packed gift pack
Of bagels and lox.When out on the lawn
There arose such a noise,
KG must be there
With some of the boys.Off to the window
Jean jumped like a flash
Tore open her shutters
And threw up on the sash!For what to her wondering
Eyes should appear
But a whole tribe of Cheffers
With a truck load of beer."Open the office!"
Arose the group's chant.
"There's nobody here!
I'm sorry, I can't!""Why did I come here?"
Was Jean's only thought.
Her perfect red hair
Suddenly tied in a knot.With her eyes full of wonder
She saw Ann open her sack,
With a flick of her wrist
Ann opened her Mac."Fear not, fellow Cheffers!"
Ann said with a grin.
"Here's the Pampered Chef network,
I tell you, I'm in!"More rapid than lightning
Her fingers, they flew
Searching old orders
And placing some new."That about does it!"
Ann says with a sigh.
"I've fixed all your problems
It's time to say 'Bye!'"So the Cheffers all packed up
And they all headed out.
Walking TPC Lane
Jean heard someone shout:"So long, Jean Jonas
It wasn't your fault.
We're off to Portillo's
For a hot dog and malt!"
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That is just so CLEVER KG!!! You should send that in to HO. I bet they would publish it! LOL!
  • #10
Brilliant, KG. Brilliant.
  • #11
Now THAT is a terrific Parody!:thumbup: :D :thumbup:
  • #12
Now THAT was inspired!
  • #13
You guys are all too kind - thank you. Ellen, where would they publish it? I would bet it would go around on TPC Intranet but no further. :)
  • #14
I just entered a show tonight into P3...does that mean it won't go through until Monday...or will they automatically receive it and process it over the weekend? I was hoping that maybe by a miracle it would be shipped on Monday and at my front door by Wednesday :)
  • #15
Stranger things have happened. You order is in the system (that part of it is all automated) and whether or not it gets shipped on Monday is all luck of the draw - how many orders are in the que ahead of you.
  • #16
Thanks for the info...my really big order of 9 boxes was sent out on Thursday...it said it was supposed to be delivered today, but it got held up by Fed Ex and is stuck in Hagerstown, MD...oh well. At least it'll be here by Thanksgiving for the guests.
  • #17
Sometimes they are open on Saturdays without really announcing it; or at least I did not see anything.

The first time I called on a Saturday this year was Labor Day weekend and Customer Service was open. The second time was either one or two weeks ago.

However, if they are working Saturdays, it is usually a short day. I think the last Saturday I spoke with them they were going to work until 1:00 p.m.

  • #18
Brilliant, KG!!! I like to make up alternative words to songs (none which can be shared here, however) but usually it is just a lyric or two!

I found out that The Solution Center does not have the call back option in the evenings!! This week the recording said my wait time would be at least 30 minutes...they did not lie...it was 1 hour and 30 minutes!! I put the phone on speaker phone and it was after 10 pm here on the east coast.:cry:

Related to Is HO Closed on Saturdays? Clarifying Store Hours and Billing Issues

1. What is "Ho Closed on Saturdays"?

"Ho Closed on Saturdays" is a popular phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to signify that they do not work on Saturdays. It is a play on words of the brand name, emphasizing the importance of taking a break and prioritizing self-care on weekends.

2. Why is it important for Pampered Chef consultants to take Saturdays off?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that promotes a healthy work-life balance for its consultants. Taking Saturdays off allows consultants to recharge, spend time with loved ones, and engage in self-care activities, which ultimately leads to a more productive and fulfilling work week.

3. Can Pampered Chef consultants still place orders or host parties on Saturdays?

No, Pampered Chef consultants are encouraged to completely disconnect from work on Saturdays. This means no placing orders, hosting parties, or responding to business inquiries. It is essential to take this day off to fully recharge and come back to work with renewed motivation and energy.

4. What should I do if I need assistance or have a question on a Saturday?

If you have a question or need assistance on a Saturday, you can reach out to your team leader or fellow consultants for help. However, it is important to remember that they may also be taking the day off and may not respond until the following week.

5. Is "Ho Closed on Saturdays" a mandatory rule for Pampered Chef consultants?

No, "Ho Closed on Saturdays" is not a mandatory rule. However, it is highly encouraged and promoted by the company as a way to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Ultimately, it is up to each consultant to decide how they want to manage their time and schedule their days off.

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