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Is Customer Service Becoming a Major Problem for Your Business?

In summary, a customer received products they ordered from an expo that were shipped to another customer. The host experienced problems with their products as well.
Silver Member
I don't usually vent on here. Stuff happens good and bad. I received a call from a customer that I met at an expo. She ordered over $100 in product. Some at the show, some later that day. Whoohoo! I had it directly shipped to her since that's what I do at expos, esp when they live hours away.

Sounds great, right? Well, that was until the other products that should have been delivered to me as the host ALSO were shipped to her.:eek: I emailed last week right away since that's what they encourage us to do, but hadn't heard back so I called. They tried to make me feel it was my fault. Hello, I can SEE what I put in so NO it's not. I get that they see something different, but they should assume it's on their end.

I asked for two things. The product to be directly shipped to the customer who has been patiently waiting and for a gift to be provided to the customer that has to deal with this. There response is that the 1st cust did not pay for direct shipping so no (umm....they paid to have it shipped here and THAT didn't happen...oh yeah...that was "my" fault) and for 2nd cust...didn't she get her stuff? It's not a bother to her so no they wouldn't give her anything. Umm...big box that you have sitting there for a week, have to box up, put a ref # on and put out for FedEx is doing something she shouldn't have to (and I don't KNOW her, but would like her happy and a future customer!!). Yes, I would send something to her, but I really think THEY should.

In the end, yes they are sending her a small courtesy gift. Oh...and I called Tech Support and YES, they actually just routed an internal email regarding this VERY problem. So, no it was NOT my fault thank you very much!! It's just frustrating for me to have to deal with this for an hour with people that are just not being accommodating.

Sorry...I feel better now. Very therapeutic even if no one reads it :blushing:.

So if you've submitted shows (possibly only with those that include direct ships), check to make sure they got their stuff! I couldn't get the tech person to tell me what the issue was. "It's a complicated matter". Which tells me that they don't know, or don't want us to b/c it would help to know WHO is affected.
HO is a mess. Everyone I know personally is having issues. With each show I am more embarrassed and find it hard to stand up for them. Products rock!!! HO stinks (right now).
now that a deep breath and hold it in . . .
and now let it out.
I just received a SBB lid in the mail yesterday since my customers was cracked. Fortunately I had some extra SBB lids that I could give one to her sooner. The one I got is bent even though it came in a bubble pack envelope. I am going to put it on an SBB to see if I can fix it. If not, I will have to call again!Don't even get me started on the Beaded Spreaders that were the December Guest Special! I had 15 for Shows. I have now have 20 replaced out of 30!! The last one I got AGAIN has the gray gasket showing at the knife hilt. I have begged for them to send me something different. Luckily the Hosts all got theirs and this one (which has been replaced 5 times) was for my "Goodie Basket"! I keep asking and asking why these are such a mess. According to the people I talk with, I am the ONLY one whose Spreaders were messed up! I can't imagine that is so! They remind me of something I get at the Dollar Store!!! ARGH!Now I feel better! LOL!
Group hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Thanks Terry! LOL!
I don't know what's going on there---but things had better get straightened out. It's a mess. Without going into all the details---I have a new recruit I might loose over how HO has chosen to deal with her situation. It's really sad, embarassing and frustrating.
I had a similar problem happen last week with a catty show. Several orders were direct ship - everyone got their stuff that was direct ship - but the host order and the guests orders that were supposed to go to her went to one of the direct ship guests. Thankfully it went to my neighbor who I know....I do not know the host (lives in another state) or her other guests.
  • #10
flemings99 said:
I don't know what's going on there---but things had better get straightened out. It's a mess. Without going into all the details---I have a new recruit I might loose over how HO has chosen to deal with her situation. It's really sad, embarassing and frustrating.

That's exactly what HO needs to hear. The reps are frustrated, but if one of them isn't handling things well, then they may need additional training or even discipline. Have your recruit document everything that she's dealt with - including rep names and times that she called/emailed. Email that to HO and copy your Director on it.
  • #11
I had a customer service rep be really sassy when I called a week ago. She was a little condescending to me. They had shipped an item I did an adj. on to me instead of to the customer (I had it specified to go directly to the customer, and it even showed that on my confirmation e-mail.) Then I e-mailed HO about the mix-up, but when I didn't hear back after a week, I decided I'd mention it when I called about another mix-up that happened. Same host's show. I processed an adj. for a customer, and it was supposedly taken care of. A month later, the guest asked the host about why it hadn't arrived. So when I called, she said that it had been sent to the host. No, the host didn't get it either and why was it sent to her? The guest lives in another state. So she asked me for the reference number. I didn't have it right on hand at the moment and she had an attitude with me about it. I was swimming in e-mail adj. numbers, just hadn't sifted through and found it. So she looked it up. Then after we got that mess straightened out, I asked her about an e-mail adj. I had entered but hadn't heard from. She said they are really behind on those. She said she could retrieve it and process it now, so I said that would be great. She got that one taken care of, and was really snarky in her remark that "Now I'm giving you your reference number. Be SURE to write it down and don't lose it. Got it?" She was kind of joking, but kind of not. It just didn't sit well with me. I tried to laugh it off, but man that was rude. (and I hate to admit it, but my DH was moving stuff around on the desk and now I can't find that ref. #! Oh how embarrassing! I hope I don't get the same girl again.)
  • #12
Newswire March 24th. HO now open Saturdays AND Sundays!!! Thank goodness!!! The e-mail thing is not working for me.
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  • #13
What I don't get is how they can be rude and snippy with us (if we aren't to them...b/c well, then they are just responding). After all WE are PC. They are employees. Technically, they are hired to assist us.
  • #14
I have been waiting 2 weeks now for a response to an email. After 10 days I forwarded it back and asked them to please respond - and still nothing.
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  • #15
Yeah, you need to call. I don't know if they aren't receiving emails or what. If they are from the adjustment page, I get it resolved. Otherwise, not so much. That's where mine started too. I emailed initially.
  • #16
kam said:
I have been waiting 2 weeks now for a response to an email. After 10 days I forwarded it back and asked them to please respond - and still nothing.

I just received a response today (3/24) from an email I sent on 3/8!! :yuck: However, it was an unexpected response, so to me, the wait was worth it! :blushing:
  • #17
babywings76 said:
. (and I hate to admit it, but my DH was moving stuff around on the desk and now I can't find that ref. #! Oh how embarrassing! I hope I don't get the same girl again.)

You should be able to access it when you check your "adjustments" on the shipping page...at least I can find mine there. HTH

I'm considering myself lucky. I've only had 3 issues recently and they were all possitive. First, a customer of mine thought that our meat thermometer
was oven safe...well it's not and it melted. After looking at the P U&C guide, she called back and said "never mind, I won't send it back it was my fault".
Hold on to that story. Second, my spring product order was left on my front step by FedEx while I was not home. I came home to find soooooo much of
my supply order strewn about my yard, across the county road and into my neighbors creek bottom because Mack and Otto (2 young pups) though it was so much fun to chew on the cardboard, the catalogs, the sales receipts and their funnest find was the twix it clips. Needless to say I was so mad and so upset I was beside myself in tears. I called the SC after I composed myself and took inventory of what I had and what was hopelessly gone! This gal was just
soooooooooo nice I cannot tell you. I told her what was beyond use...stuff that was salvagable and stuff that was untouched (they didn't have time to get to the second box) and she replaced it for me. Holy cow was that ever nice. Finally, I had a little question that didn't take much time and then the gal on the line fixed that up right away for me and then asked if there was anything else she could do for me and I thought of my meat thermometer lady....told the SC rep what had happened and that I needed to cancel that adjustment. Well, she said she appreciated the honesty of the customer and wanted her to have the product and shipped it to her! WOW.

Now, a few days after my FedEx/puppy incident, FedEx shows up with my replacement supplies. Are you ready for this....everything that I told her I could "salvage" she replaced without my knowledge until I opened up the boxes. Now that is great. I remember her saying the company would not
want me to be without what I needed.

As I read thru all of the "rant" messages, I could not "not" tell you what I have experienced. I even called today after making a "blonde" move to get
help in recreating receipts for a show I lost in P3 when transferring data from my laptop to my desktop (don't ask...I'm embarrassed) and she was
very helpful in giving me the items ordered for the guests and the host so that I could get written receipts out to my host.

My last e-mail adjustment went in like normal. I got a returned message that said it was missing the item/product information. Well, her e-mail had
everything BUT the product...strange so I returned the message with what I needed. Now, I looked in my "sent" box and ALL of the info was there
when I sent the info via CC but this system (newer and better?) kicked it out. That is what these reps are dealing with. It's not working!

I know we've all heard it...they have a new system, the system has problems and there is a learning curve for the employees there. I think taking
that deep breath and then releasing (as mentioned in previous post) is a good idea. These folks deal with "problems" all day every day and having
been in that kind of position before, it's tough to rise above all the negative vibe. I'm not trying to make excuses...just saying I don't think they are
enjoying this transition any more than we are!!!
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  • #18
Just a little update. I actually have the products in hand today. So they DID ship out immediately, which is great. I was initially told that it would have to be after it was on it's way back with FedEx. I just want to say that I'm not typical "down on HO". They have quickly taken care of many adjustments. My issue was that they were so quick to say that I made a mistake, which I couldn't have possibly made (adding a customer address to my name) and it turns out PC already KNEW about that issue. I shouldn't have to argue with them. That's just silly.
  • #19
I just posted a thread before readin this one..

I know they are going through a hard time w/ the system, but I have NEVER had any problems w/ anything, except in the past 2-3 months. Almost everytime I submit a show & my host gets it, I get a phone call... GRRRR
  • #20
It is just the calling center that seems to be the area that is suffering. They get the messages delivered and things get shipped but it is the actually communications from us to them.

I imagine that the people at the Solution Center are getting snippy. We have been asked not to take it out on them but I had one of my downline tell me that he sounded off a little during the last call. Unfortunately, I don't think he is the only one. We are getting impatient after having our phones off the hook waiting for hours and they are not only frustrated because their tools to help us are not working, but they have to deal with our impatience too. I am one of those that can be impatient...if I accidentally sound off just a bit, I tell them that I KNOW it is not them or their service.

Can you imagine dealing with 8 hours of grumpy customers that you are only trying to help? Even the best must get worn down.
  • #21
baychef said:
It is just the calling center that seems to be the area that is suffering. They get the messages delivered and things get shipped but it is the actually communications from us to them.

I imagine that the people at the Solution Center are getting snippy. We have been asked not to take it out on them but I had one of my downline tell me that he sounded off a little during the last call. Unfortunately, I don't think he is the only one. We are getting impatient after having our phones off the hook waiting for hours and they are not only frustrated because their tools to help us are not working, but they have to deal with our impatience too. I am one of those that can be impatient...if I accidentally sound off just a bit, I tell them that I KNOW it is not them or their service.

Can you imagine dealing with 8 hours of grumpy customers that you are only trying to help? Even the best must get worn down.

Well, that, and taking 3-4 weeks to answer email inquiries, and sending completely wrong product, or sending product to the wrong address...but that's all.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Related to Is Customer Service Becoming a Major Problem for Your Business?

1. Why is customer service at Ho Cust so frustrating?

There could be a variety of reasons for a frustrating customer service experience at Ho Cust. It could be due to long wait times, unhelpful representatives, or difficulty getting issues resolved. It's important to communicate any concerns with the company so they can address and improve their customer service.

2. How can I get in touch with a representative at Ho Cust?

You can contact Ho Cust by phone, email, or through their website's customer service chat feature. They also have social media accounts where you can reach out for assistance.

3. What should I do if I am not satisfied with the resolution from Ho Cust's customer service?

If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by Ho Cust's customer service, you can ask to speak with a supervisor or escalate your concerns to a higher level within the company. You can also consider leaving a review or contacting the Better Business Bureau.

4. Is there a way to avoid long wait times when contacting Ho Cust's customer service?

Unfortunately, wait times may vary depending on the volume of inquiries and the availability of representatives. However, some customers have found success in contacting Ho Cust during off-peak hours or using their online chat feature for quicker responses.

5. Can I provide feedback on my customer service experience at Ho Cust?

Yes, Ho Cust values customer feedback and encourages you to share your experience with their customer service team. You can do this through their website's feedback form or by leaving a review on their social media pages.

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