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Is Breast Cancer Awareness a Scam?

In summary, a school-wide fundraiser was held for a new charter school. HWC products were present and people who came by commented negatively about breast cancer awareness being a scam. The person who wrote this summary was so surprised that the other woman agreed with her. The other woman went on to say that only wearing natural deodorant and looser bras will prevent breast cancer.
Gold Member
Oh my gosh! I had the most unimaginable thing happen yesterday!!! I kicked off a school-wide fundraiser for a new charter school (they are raising money for a building) and had a table outside the portables with products, hands-on demos, etc. I also had the HWC products out. I said nothing about them to these two ladies who came up and commented on them. They asked and I said $1 from each sale of these products goes to ACS - and one lady cut me off. She said breast cancer awareness was a scam!!! A way to make money!!!:eek: I was so flabbergasted that I said nothing. She and the other lady went on to discuss how "we KNOW what causes breast cancer. It is deodorant and tight bras. Just tell everyone to wear natural deodorant - I do, and so what if I smell? - and looser bras and we won't have breast cancer anymore." I was SO glad no one else was there...school hadn't let out yet. I really had to hold myself back...I wanted to grab her and shake her and tell her that the reason so many women die of breast cancer is that they don't know what to look for - which means education and awareness is a good thing. Imagine how much less money we would have to spend on insurance as a nation if breast cancer was caught early!!!!! Then I wanted to tell her that there are a LOT more causes of breast cancer. Let me name a few: genes, location (ie. downwind of nuclear tests - although that one hasn't been totally proved), housing (old houses with lead in the paint, asbestos), smoking, being around smokers, what we eat and don't eat, exercise or lack there of, etc. Then I wanted to show her how tight my bra had to be so I could walk normally - sorry for the TMI, but I was a bit upset. Large chested women do not have the ability to walk around with a loose or no bra - it hurts, it reduces the elastin in your skin, is is embarrassing too.

Luckily they left before anyone else came. I just sat there and pretended to listen...geez, some people. Even if you don't want to help a cause, it does not give you the right to trash it.

Just needed to vent. Hope I haven't upset anyone who has had breast cancer - or any cancer for that matter - touch their lives in any way.
Interesting how people knock what they don't understand. I had a woman tell me she wasn't interested in jumping on the band wagon to fight a disease. I had to gingerly explain that it wasn't about fighting cancer but rather to educate people on how to do self examinations and and just generally educate the public. She then said a simple, "oh," and that was the end of that.

Guess you never know.
I'm sorry but I think I would die laughing if someone told me that deodorant and tight bras cause cancer.:rolleyes:
if that were true, wouldn't every young adolescent girl have breast cancer? some people are SO out of touch with reality.. ..sad..
I guess the funny thing is that we're raising money to educate HER!!

So I don't guess they bought anything! :rolleyes:

Good luck with the rest of the parents!
It's so sad that these people think like this. I think I would've had a hard time controlling myself as well. Ugh. But I'm sure if something happened to themselves or someone they love in their family, they'd be ringing a different tune.
Oh my gosh! It's incredible how out of touch with reality some people can be. Holy cow. I would have found it VERY hard NOT to say something as ridiculous back to them or point out how insensitive their comments could be to someone who may be struggling with breast cancer, is a survivor or who lost a friend or family member to breast cancer (like me...I lost my grandma and great-grandmother to it). I'm still shaking my head at the ignorance!!!:confused:
I don't know what I would have said. I would like to think I would have the courage to say, probably something like... "So I guess you or no one you know's life has never been touched by cancer. How fortunate for you." Or maybe, "Wow! I didn't realize you were so much smarter than the scientists and doctors. I'll have to tell them to stop their research immediately and call YOU! What are you doing wasting your time here when your knowledge could be saving countless lives!?"

What a loser.
  • #10
Go Anne! That's about what I would have said!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
AJPratt said:
I don't know what I would have said. I would like to think I would have the courage to say, probably something like... "So I guess you or no one you know's life has never been touched by cancer. How fortunate for you." Or maybe, "Wow! I didn't realize you were so much smarter than the scientists and doctors. I'll have to tell them to stop their research immediately and call YOU! What are you doing wasting your time here when your knowledge could be saving countless lives!?"

What a loser.

What I would have given to have you next to me. I decided not to say anything to this loudmouth because it was the beginning of a fundraiser for a small school. And, she is a loudmouth. So, I wanted to keep my reputation positive with the school.

Thanks for all the support!!!:)
  • #12
Okay, I'll be the odd man out. The lady was rude and insensitive, but I do partially agree with the making money thing. The ACS is a large nonprofit that is bureacratic and inefficient. They do the best they can do and Pampered Chef has to work with someone who can handle millions of dollars; however, smaller, more local agencies would probably educate more effectively. I mean, what will the ACS do with this money? Print some brochures?

There has been research done about the deodorant theory so it doesn't hold anymore, but there has to be something to the environmental factor. Why has has the rate of breast cancer increased so dramatically? The doctors don't really know so how can they educate us about this.

I think it's funny the brochures they gave us said the largest risk factor is being a woman and getting older. Doesn't that just make you extremely paranoid, and yet you have a 85% chance of NOT getting breast cancer. Does that statement really educate us?

Okay, I'm obviously in a jittery mood so I'll stop. The lady was just making conversation and setting her straight about early detection (not the cause) is what the message needs to be.....BEE
  • #13
The deoderant and bra theories are urban myths that have, unfortunately, been spread around the internet for years. (Usually in the form of an 'urgent' email that asks you to forward it to all your friends....)

I think you did the best possible response.

But it sure would have been tempting to say

"yeah, I read that email too. But if you check snopes.com, you can see that it is a myth."


  • #14
Kate-- Let me tell you, there are plenty of times speaking my mind causes a rift, but I wouldn't be who I am if I didn't say it. My Nana had breast cancer.

Dr Suess said this:

Be who you are, say what you feel
Because those who matter won't mind
And those who mind don't matter.
  • #15
I am a guy butI have been touched by breast cancer 17 times. (NOt me personally but friends and family. That does not mean I don't feel the pain as well.) It is devistating. However, the numbers of cases have gone up but not at the same staggering rates as 10 years ago. Also the death rate is down. Bureuacracy or not, ACS is doing something. The sad thing is no matter who you give the money too, the money is split. A minute fraction actually goes to the cause in any case. Most goes to pad pockets in administration. Of course if we all thought that way, no one would give anything. Then where would we be? Back in the 1970's where the only way to treat breast cancer was to make the patient comfortable. So do we do this or not? Of course! Someone has to because God forbid our government should! We have to many other responsibilities to giving money to other countries. So take everything with a grain of salt. Pity the people who are that "dumb" and help the ones who need it. Especially since you or a loved one could be next. And don't worry about where the money goes. Apparently enough is getting to where it needs to be or we would still be mutilating women and having them die shortly thereafter anyway.
  • #16
Amen, John! I think the ACS does a lot of good.

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