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Is a Service That Sends Real Cards Worth It?

Pampered Laura
I hope this is okay to post here... I found a service that helps my business tremendously, and want to share it with you guys...
I've always wanted a personal assistant to help me stay in contact better, but assistants are expensive. LOL. ;)

A friend of mine turned me on to this service and I've been using it to send REAL cards (or postcards) to my downline, my hosts, my preferred customers, to leads, and even use it to send invites for my hosts parties. They're so much more personal than email or e-cards, and SO much cheaper than actual cards + postage.

The result?
My hosts have more guests at their parties. My downline get cards from me with Starbucks cards or checks (you can write checks if you owe someone money and have it stuck in a card). Customers are sending me referrals because I'm remembering their birthdays. People are remembering my name because they get "REAL mail" from me that's unexpected.

Anyway, there's about 10,000 cards to choose from, all sent in a real envelope, with a real stamp. I go online, pick out a card, fill out the inside, address it, and click "send". It's so easy. The handwriting is mine, with my signature, and I can even include a business card inside. I signed up for about $10 a month (includes like 10 cards) and then later upgraded when I realized I could get them cheaper (duh), but there are other plans available if you want more from the service. It's freakin' awesome!

If you'd like me to send you a sample, I'd be happy to... I have a bunch of free "points" (cards that I can send) from the company because of referrals I give, and would love to show yall the service by sending you one. Or you can try it for free using me as a referral. (ugh I hate posting that, but I guess it's like any other Netwinner type referral, right? :eek: )

You can email me with "card" in the subject - just include your name, phone number, birthday (just month/day), and mailing address. [email protected]

And no, it doesn't cost you anything for me to send you a card. There's no obligation, no one will make you sign up for the service for checking it out. I just think it'll help yall's business as much as it has mine, so I wanted you to see it in person. There are some seriously cute "kitcheny" cards & it made me think of my cheffer friends. :D
I'd love to try it out! I'm emailing you right now!
I just e-mailed you!
Sounds interesting, I just emailed you too! I just can't seem to keep up with all of that stuff even though I know it's an important part of business and team motivation. I filled a bunch out yesterday and got writer's cramp! LoL and I have a ton more to do, or a ton more that I really should be doing. Thanks for sharing
is it thru "send out cards"? I have a rep in my buis group. It is cool but I am on dial up so it is a pain. If you have high speed it is a cool service.
Sounds good! Couldn't you just post a link to their site?
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I could, but I just wanted to send the card to each person who replied to me, as a little "something" fun in their mailbox. :) I thought if yall like it, I'd walk you through how to send your own cards like I do. I kinda thought if I posted a link that I'd get hate mail, so I didn't. LOL
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  • #9
PS Beth, your son's site is missing an "L" in the address, so his page isnt coming up. :)
  • #10
Hee hee, can it send birthday cards for my family, too? :)I'm PMing you! ETA - Just kidding, emailing you.
  • #11
Pampered Laura said:
I could, but I just wanted to send the card to each person who replied to me, as a little "something" fun in their mailbox. :) I thought if yall like it, I'd walk you through how to send your own cards like I do. I kinda thought if I posted a link that I'd get hate mail, so I didn't. LOL
It would look less like you're self promoting if you did though.

PS: Thanks for telling me about my son's link.
  • #12
I e-mailed you!
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Ya, about the self promoting thing... I can't put a link to my business because people threw a hissy fit. But, there is a Stampin Up consultant that has a link to HER business and it's just fine. I figured I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't, so I chose not to. Didn't want to risk any more flames, ye know? ;)
  • #14
Are the cards associated with your business? Or is it a third party company? If it's part of your company then it would be self-promotion to add the link and so was just telling us about it.

This site is for PC consultants to share information and putting a link to something else you personally sell is self-promoting as is saying "I'm having a _____(another direct sale)___ party". I agree that the stamping up person and others who are selling things should not have that in their sig line either. It's also self-promoting to say "If you're thinking of becoming a consultant come talk to me".

Laura, your sig line is very self-promoting as it is even without a link. It causes people to say "hmmm... why did she leave and what's with the new company". I'm sure that's intentional (oh, I know, you're proud of the accomplishment too) and it's a clever way to drum up business without saying "call me". Telling people to email you with all their info so that you can send them a card to help them is also a good way to get their info in your business contact list. Gotta give you credit.

The link I just added to mine is to brag on my son but if it's considered self promoting I will immediately remove it.
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  • #15
From what i can see this has nothing to do with her new business. She is letting us know about a new service that she has found and just thought she might share it with us to use in our business. And i really dont see anything in her sig line that is self promoting either. JMO
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  • #16
Wait, what? LOL.

My signature says nothing about what I'm doing. Who says that my signature doesnt mean my "new adventure" isnt being a stay at home mom to my two kids? Which I am. My accomplishments are in there because I AM PROUD OF THEM. I did alot in my 17 months with Pampered Chef, and feel that I have something left to give to new PC consultants who are seeking advice. My signature is there so that new consultants know that if I'm giving them advice, they can probably trust that I know what I'm talking about. Don't assume things. :)

And please. If I wanted contact info for anyone, I'd plug their names in to the pamperedchef.biz sites, get their telephone numbers, and call them straight up. I have not added anyone to any list that hasnt requested it from me directly.

Gimme a break, Beth.
  • #17
Pampered Laura said:
Wait, what? LOL.

My signature says nothing about what I'm doing. Who says that my signature doesnt mean my "new adventure" isnt being a stay at home mom to my two kids? Which I am. Don't assume things. :)

And please. If I wanted contact info for anyone, I'd plug their names in to the pamperedchef.biz sites, get their telephone numbers, and call them straight up. I have not added anyone to any list that hasnt requested it from me directly.

Gimme a break, Beth.

AMEN!!!! :sing:
  • #18
Please let's not go here. Not everyone sees this issue the same way. The last thing we need is another thread causing heartburn. The site is, as Paula asked, Sendoutcards.com.

If you'd like to help Laura out by generating referral credits for her, simply email her and she'll include her account number on the link. If you want to see a sample of what a card looks like, send her your info.

I personally look forward to giving sendoutcards.com a try. Hey, maybe we can start a separate thread with PC-unique samples like we've shared regarding VistaPrint business cards. Thanks for suggesting this Laura.
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  • #19
Holy moly folks....this got heated fast. Do we need some chocolate??
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  • #20
Good grief... the link is www.sendoutcards.com/laurawells if you want to try it out. I just have a bunch of points and like the cards, so I wanted to send yall the kitchen-y ones so you could see them and decide if you'd like to use the service. Believe it or not, I was actually being just nice. LOL.
  • #21
Relax Laura.

I asked why you didn't post the link.

You talked about self-promotion.

I replied to that - agreeing with your comments and giving my opinion of what self-promotion includes.

All of a sudden it's a big drama.

www.sendoutcards.com is a good site and a great suggestion that we thank you for sharing. I just didn't understand why you felt putting the email you use for your new business was less self promoting than the link to a company that you don't work for.

I plan to check out www.sendoutcards.com and I hope a lot of others do too.

Thanks for sharing - now go eat some chocolate or take a nap on that fluffy bedding you have and don't take things so defensively. :p
  • #22
Laura, You are always nice! I hope one day to be as successful as you were with PC! I appreciate everything you have to offer and I'm glad you haven't deserted us - even though I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. It's no secret that there are a few on this board who don't care for you (for that matter there are also a some who don't like me :eek: ) and it seems that they delight in the opportunity to bash whenever possible.....you just can't please all people all the time and some of them never so don't let it worry you. Thanks for the card info. I have lots of good intentions to send cards and then never actually send them so I'd love to see a sample if you haven't given away all of your free points by now. I'll email my address to you.
  • #23
pamperedlinda said:
Laura, You are always nice! I hope one day to be as successful as you were with PC! I appreciate everything you have to offer and I'm glad you haven't deserted us - even though I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. It's no secret that there are a few on this board who don't care for you (for that matter there are also a some who don't like me :eek: ) and it seems that they delight in the opportunity to bash whenever possible.....you just can't please all people all the time and some of them never so don't let it worry you. Thanks for the card info. I have lots of good intentions to send cards and then never actually send them so I'd love to see a sample if you haven't given away all of your free points by now. I'll email my address to you.
I am commenting because I am the one who made comments on this thread and it appears to me that it is a direct comment about me. I am hurt by this and think that you are being very harsh.

I do not and have not bashed anyone. I say it how it is and try to help others stay within the guidelines of PC and Chef Success by saying something when someone strays. My comments referred to several self promoters not just Laura and she started the self promotion dialog by referring to the stamping up consultant. I did not say that she was a bad person or that I didn't like her.

The bolded comments were not necessary.
  • #24
Take a deep breath and count to ten ladies.

I think the cards are a wonderful idea, thank you for sharing it with us. :D
  • #25
The cards are a nice idea and have already been shared by another active PC consultant on this board.
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  • #26
Ooookay! Yep, I get a referral credit if you use my name to try the cards. It's NOT my business. It's like a Netwinner / Post Calls type deal for me. YES it helps YOU, and YES if you use my referral it helps me, too. www.sendoutcards.com/laurawells or www.sendoutcards.com/41107.

The reason I asked for addresses, again, is because I love mail. Real USPS mail, and thought of sending you guys cards that I found on the site that are all kitchen-y because they're CUTE and I thought yall would want to see them.


Beth: My email address is my email address. Now you're getting on to me because I gave out my email address???? LOL. Good LORD Beth, please just put me on ignore. The threads I get in to don't get heated and dramatic until you wind up inevitably saying something to the effect of blaming me for "promoting myself" or doing something underhanded.

Just food for thought: the PM's I get from Chef Success are not usually business inquiries, but mostly ones apologizing for your posts towards me or asking me (sorry for the insinuated language) "WTF is wrong with Beth". LOL.

I bet no one would have even noticed my email had a "company" name in it if you hadnt pointed it out. So, if you get upset about people possibly contacting me, why dontcha just leave me alone and stop flaming me for every little thing? Please? Ignore? That would be really great! Thanks in advance. :)
  • #27
hmmm... I noticed that you shoot back here every once in a while and find something to try to get some people to bite on your bait. You are all about finding more business for your new company. If you were anyone else you would have been chased out of here long ago for coming on here and trying to prospect. There are a lot of people here who are not fooled by your thinly veiled scheming (I get PM's too).

I just feel sorry for you.

You win. I will not respond to your attacks any longer but I will continue to make a comment when I see anyone (even you) trying to take advantage of members here or twisting the policies to suit themselves - whether innocently or not.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
BethCooks4U said:
hmmm... I noticed that you shoot back here every once in a while and find something to try to get some people to bite on your bait. You are all about finding more business for your new company. If you were anyone else you would have been chased out of here long ago for coming on here and trying to prospect. There are a lot of people here who are not fooled by your thinly veiled scheming (I get PM's too).

I just feel sorry for you.

You win. I will not respond to your attacks any longer but I will continue to make a comment when I see anyone (even you) trying to take advantage of members here or twisting the policies to suit themselves - whether innocently or not.
:thumbup: Okay, Beth.
  • #29
Thanks for this idea Laura!! It's really awsome and I'm so going to use it.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
rennea said:
Thanks for this idea Laura!! It's really awsome and I'm so going to use it.

You're welcome. Let me know if you want me to walk you through it...it's pretty easy, but I got confused at first as to which program I wanted to sign up with. I started with the trial for 2 free cards from my referrer (is thay a word?) and then signed up for the $10/mo service. Then, signed up as an Entrepeneur so that I could get a better rate and referral bonuses when I realized how much I was using them.

Remember to save your receipt for whichever one you choose, because it can be use as a tax deduction for your business! :thumbup:
  • #31
So Laura, I just listened to the whole spiel on the site about the different types of packages, the Entrepeneur one is quite pricey at just under $400. Did you actually pay this and do you feel that it's worth it? I love the concept but that amount of money is totally freaking me out! LoL What did you get for the $10 option, I didn't see that one there?
  • #32
When I first started on CS & saw Laura's postings I wondered why all the rudeness...that was until I noticed her signature & saw she was no longer a consultant. I am not trying to make this worse but from someone who does not know the whole story as to what happend w/her what I get from her posts is that it was not a happy parting. I don't know her but I did get the feeling when I read this post as what is she going to gain since there was nothing for you to go & check it out w/out emailing her. I'm sorry if that offends anyone but it is the truth. There is another person on here that almost only posts items that are for another PC related site trying to make it sound like something else but it is really for you to go to his site & pay for forms & things that are suppose to help you w/your PC business. Here is a thought, when you have an idea like this one maybe email some of the members your friends with & then if they like it they would post about it to everyone. I understand both sides as far as being a member & not being a consultant anymore & posting. Maybe this would help keep the threads a little less "heated".
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  • #33
Darcy, I'm on my way out the door to a show but call me on my cell if you want... (in my email)
I did pay the $400 (one time fee), but there are options that are WAY less than that if you arent sure about it just yet. The $10/mo is the "Retail" customer option. I think. LOL. For me, its a cheap way to advertise my business and get my name in front of a bunch of important people very often.
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  • #34
kaseydee said:
When I first started on Chef Success & saw Laura's postings I wondered why all the rudeness...that was until I noticed her signature & saw she was no longer a consultant. I am not trying to make this worse but from someone who does not know the whole story as to what happend w/her what I get from her posts is that it was not a happy parting. I don't know her but I did get the feeling when I read this post as what is she going to gain since there was nothing for you to go & check it out w/out emailing her. I'm sorry if that offends anyone but it is the truth. There is another person on here that almost only posts items that are for another PC related site trying to make it sound like something else but it is really for you to go to his site & pay for forms & things that are suppose to help you w/your PC business. Here is a thought, when you have an idea like this one maybe email some of the members your friends with & then if they like it they would post about it to everyone. I understand both sides as far as being a member & not being a consultant anymore & posting. Maybe this would help keep the threads a little less "heated".
Yep, unfortunately there are some folks still left out there who refuse to believe that people can just offer something to be nice. Sure, there is a possibility of self-gain. To glass-half-empty folks, thats what they see. To optimists, they see it as just a simple gesture of kindness. To each their own. :)
  • #35
Why is it always Beth who has stir the pot when Laura posts? I do have to say it makes for an interesting read. I'm off to make some popcorn.
  • #36
SilverCeladon said:
Why is it always Beth who has stir the pot when Laura posts? I do have to say it makes for an interesting read. I'm off to make some popcorn.

Because Beth has the guts to speak her mind. Nothing wrong with that...

She is also not the only one who has questions about motives of others on this site who seem to get away with promoting themselves in ways that seem "against the rules" or should we say seem to "slide arround the rules"

The way I see it, if she had just said "check out this cool service called Send out cards, it's awesome" this would not have been an issue and I am not the only one who has said this.

Now.... whatever Laura's motives SOC is a cool service.

I wish her luck in her new venture. But I admit I get tired of seing the "check out what I'm doing now" posts.

If I left PC for another company I would not be posting about it here. But that's just me. I know I will probably get slammed for speaking my mind as there are some who have an excuse and come-back for everything.

Ok I'm done..... If you have issues with anything I have said just check out my siggy line and that should pretty much sum it up.
  • #37
SilverCeladon said:
Why is it always Beth who has stir the pot when Laura posts? I do have to say it makes for an interesting read. I'm off to make some popcorn.

You know how when you feel very strongly that something is not right and you just have to do something about it?? I'm guessing it's something like that... :)

I agree with Kaseydee if you don't know the whole story it may seem that Beth is being harsh or picking on someone. I personally don't know Laura, never met her but a consultant showed me an e-mail that came from her before I was a part of CS last year. The letter was in response to the consultant asking about her new business. To me it sounded like she wanted to recruit her. It put PC down in comparison to the new company and did talk badly about how PC handled things letting her and others go. I didn't know anything about it but remember thinking that was one unhappy consultant. So I am curious as to why if she's was upset (at the time) and not a PC consultant any more she would still post here. If I were her and I did make friends here I would send them personal e-mails to let them know how I'm doing and not entice others to inquire about her new business and thereby self promote with a letter like the one I read. At the same time it's a free country and just as she's free to share we are also free to express how we feel about it. There are always two sides. When you have just a little more information you tend to read posts with a different perspective.
  • #38
SilverCeladon said:
Why is it always Beth who has stir the pot when Laura posts? I do have to say it makes for an interesting read. I'm off to make some popcorn.

Because Beth has ethics and morals.
  • #39
I think Laura could hand some people a pot of gold and she would get slammed for it. JOM
  • #40
I agree Rennea. Personally I believe that Laura is still a cheffer-friend and she is offering suggestions and tips to us as her friends. I do not feel threatened by her trying to recruit me in any way nor do I view any of her postings as recruiting. How many times have 'members' of this forum promoted themself or a site or a deal that they have found in one way or another (many of them still do) and they don't get called-out. Laura was a very successful PC consultant (many of us would be so lucky to achieve all that she did in the time that she did it) and now she is successful in another venture. I appreciate it when she stops by for a visit and shares with us.
  • #41
Somewhat intentional hi-jack here... :)

Linda - did you see the cake I made for my DD (my attempt with the MM fondant). It's near the bottom of page 11 of the baking today thread... It got a little buried in the middle of some more KG MW comments... Other than the fondant cracking majorly, I was pretty happy at how it turned out :) Just have to share because I'm just a teensy bit proud of myself :) OK, enough of the smilies...
  • #42
Thanks for sharing Laura - I'll check it out. I sure won't have $400 to spend anytime soon though:)!
  • #43
Yes AnnieBee, I did see it and the pictures did not show your flaws! It was adorable. I love brown and pink together. I still have the fondant I made in the fridge - when I get the time and the patience I will experiment with it.
  • #44
Pampered Laura said:
Ya, about the self promoting thing... I can't put a link to my business because people threw a hissy fit. But, there is a Stampin Up consultant that has a link to HER business and it's just fine. I figured I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't, so I chose not to. Didn't want to risk any more flames, ye know? ;)

If you are talking about me, I removed my link & everything personal about me. Sorry, I can't change my user name. I just wonder why I'm the only person mentioned when there are lost of people who "self-promote". I usually keep my mouth shut but I am about fed up. I'm ready to leave this site & the company.
  • #45
Stampaholic1961 said:
If you are talking about me, I removed my link & everything personal about me. Sorry, I can't change my user name. I just wonder why I'm the only person mentioned when there are lost of people who "self-promote". I usually keep my mouth shut but I am about fed up. I'm ready to leave this site & the company.

I was going to say earlier (and got distracted) that I thought it was much more acceptable for a PC Consultant to share info about another biz they do than someone who left PC to come back and tempt people with the new biz they are doing.

Yes, I too have heard time and time again how people take the bait and PM Laura to ask about whatever she has posted about and gotten a gentle PC bashing along with a grass is greener over here spiel.

Another reason I didn't post earlier is because I think the more attention she gets the more she will come over asking for it. And the more these threads are kept alive the more people will be tempted to ask her more questions. JMO.
  • #46
pamperedposey said:
I was going to say earlier (and got distracted) that I thought it was much more acceptable for a PC Consultant to share info about another biz they do than someone who left PC to come back and tempt people with the new biz they are doing.

Yes, I too have heard time and time again how people take the bait and PM Laura to ask about whatever she has posted about and gotten a gentle PC bashing along with a grass is greener over here spiel.

Another reason I didn't post earlier is because I think the more attention she gets the more she will come over asking for it. And the more these threads are kept alive the more people will be tempted to ask her more questions. JMO.

amen, pamperedposey....
  • Thread starter
  • #47
I come here because I have friends here. People who have been around who know ME (either meeting me personally or through other conversations off this board) know that I'm not some evil-doer.

Why am I secretive about it? Because at first, I wasnt... and I got flamed. I recently PM'd Greg about my signature line. I asked him how come Bev (no offense, it was simply one that I noticed) could have it in her signature about Stampin Up, but I was asked to remove ANY information alluding to PQ in my signature. He said that members can have it in their signatures no problem (I'm a member, I pay my membership dues) but because "certain people" complained about me, *I* am not allowed to have MY signature. So... that's why I don't include solid information.

I'm not prospecting from the board. If you don't want to know what I'm doing, or what I think about it, or why I left PC, or the details of any of it, don't ask. I don't PM you randomly... so if you know the why's and what's, it's because A) you asked me specifically or B) someone else is talking about me.

As for the PM's and whatnot? ALL of the information I've shared via email or PM has been a direct reply to someone asking about what I do or how it's different.

Most of my "self-initiated" PMs are to folks who are having a hard time, and tell them that I've been there and give them suggestions that might help them with their business.
People from this message board get my phone number somehow and CALL ME at home to ask me if I'll help them in a sticky situation. Folks that are possibly from YOUR downlines that lurk on this board.
Why? I have no idea. Maybe because I'm willing to help? Maybe they see what I did with my time in PC and want to duplicate it?
I PM folks with "words to say" when they can't get someone off a fence or struggle with bookings. I post messages encouraging someone to promote to Director ASAP and to not give up.

Yep. The good "prospector" that I am.. I'm coaching PC Consultants and encouraging them to promote. Oh boy, I can definately see how folks would think I am surely out to recruit from this board... LOL.

If I WERE prospecting, I would be emailing/calling/PM'ing the folks who complain and seem unhappy with PC. C'mon now... think.
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  • #48
Wowsers....thanks for the info Laura! Call me naive, but I think you were just being nice. I will have to check it out because I'm great at 'wanting' to send cards, but actually 'doing' it is another thing.
I've been one to PM Laura to ask how she's doing, because I think she's inspiring. She did wonderful w/PC, & now is doing even more wonderful w/her new company. She's never tried to recruit me. (though I would love to hear your bits of wisdom for those fence-sitters too!)
  • #49
I'm soooo glad that I am out of the loop on just about everything!!! I had NO idea anything was ever going on with anything that has been mentioned in this thread. Shewwwweeee - I am sooooo glad!!! :)
<h2>1. What is the service you are talking about?</h2><p>The service I am talking about is a card-sending service called "SendOutCards".</p><h2>2. How does this service help your business?</h2><p>This service helps my business by allowing me to easily and affordably send personalized cards to my downline, hosts, preferred customers, and leads. This personal touch has resulted in more guests at parties, referrals, and increased brand recognition.</p><h2>3. How much does the service cost?</h2><p>The service has different pricing plans, but I signed up for about $10 a month, which includes 10 cards. I later upgraded to a plan that better suited my needs. There are other plans available for those who want to send more cards.</p><h2>4. Can you send me a sample of the service?</h2><p>Yes, I would be happy to send you a sample of the service. I have free points from the company that I can use to send cards, so there is no cost to you. Simply email me with your name, phone number, birthday, and mailing address and I will send you a card.</p><h2>5. Is there any obligation or cost for trying out the service?</h2><p>No, there is no obligation or cost for trying out the service. I simply want to share something that has helped my business with others, and I believe it can benefit yours as well.</p>

Related to Is a Service That Sends Real Cards Worth It?

1. What is the service you are talking about?

The service I am talking about is a card-sending service called "SendOutCards".

2. How does this service help your business?

This service helps my business by allowing me to easily and affordably send personalized cards to my downline, hosts, preferred customers, and leads. This personal touch has resulted in more guests at parties, referrals, and increased brand recognition.

3. How much does the service cost?

The service has different pricing plans, but I signed up for about $10 a month, which includes 10 cards. I later upgraded to a plan that better suited my needs. There are other plans available for those who want to send more cards.

4. Can you send me a sample of the service?

Yes, I would be happy to send you a sample of the service. I have free points from the company that I can use to send cards, so there is no cost to you. Simply email me with your name, phone number, birthday, and mailing address and I will send you a card.

5. Is there any obligation or cost for trying out the service?

No, there is no obligation or cost for trying out the service. I simply want to share something that has helped my business with others, and I believe it can benefit yours as well.

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