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I'm Just Curious How Many People Use Stamps.com or if There's

In summary, the conversation is mostly in favor of using USPS for printing postage and utilizing their pickup service, with some members also using a digital scale and keeping a variety of stamps on hand."
Gold Member
I'm just curious how many people use stamps.com or if there's something similar out there. I'm considering getting this system, but I'm not sure if it will be worth the $15.99 monthly fee. I'm just looking for pros/cons or if there are similar systems.

Re: stamps.comYou can get postage online at usps.com and there is no extra fee. They even come to your house to pick it up. I don't think you would justify $15.99 a month unless you sent out 1,000 pieces a month!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Re: stamps.comThanks Jane. That was my feelings as well. I just don't like running to the Post Office everytime I have something to send that requires more than just a regular stamp. I've never printed the postage from usps.com, but I will have to give it a try. Especially for sending out host packets.
Re: stamps.comAt my office, I have a little digital scale that I use to find the weight of the item. I have also printed out a chart from usps.com that says how much it cost for a specific item. Then, I have a lot of stamps in different denominations, then get as close to the right price as I can.
Re: stamps.comBuy a postal scale and keep a variety of stamps on hand. I very rarely go to the PO anymore--except to buy stamps!
Re: stamps.comAdd me to the USPS bandwagon. I love being able to get everything ready while I'm in my jammies. I don't use the pickup feature. (It's a long story.) It's wonderful to be able to get everything ready before I leave the house, though. The Furry Guy loves it because if I send the packages with him all he has to do is drop them off.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Re: stamps.comThanks Everyone! I have been thinking about investing in a small postage scale.

It's a nice wintry day up here in the snowbelt. It will be a good day to do a little surfing and see what scales I can find online.
Re: stamps.comfinally had to replace the original one I bought when I began and had a 1,3 and 5 year old and didn't want to go to the post office. I bought my current one on amazon much cheaper than the office supply places.
I keep a plastic box for embroidery thread ($1 at the discount stores) and keep all my stamps in there. when I go to the post office I just buy an assortment and restock as needed. The then 3 & 5 year old are almost 19 & 21 so they can go to the post office for me when they are home :)
Re: stamps.com
candiejayne said:
I have a little digital scale that I use to find the weight of the item. I have also printed out a chart from usps.com that says how much it cost for a specific item. Then, I have a lot of stamps in different denominations, then get as close to the right price as I can.

This is what I do too!
  • #10
Re: stamps.comI love the idea of the thread box for the stamps... it would make my desk so much more organized. As for my PC stuff, I have to drive directly past 2 post offices on my way to and from work, and a lot of times I come home for lunch too, so I can't justify spending money on a scale when it takes me two minutes to stop on my way home from work. Plus I have to stop to get my mail out of the PO Box anyways.
  • #11
Re: stamps.comthe lines at my PO are a time sucker that's why I re-invested the $25 in the scales that lasted nearly 15 years.
  • #12
Re: stamps.comI have a small child so anytime I can reduce the number of times I have to take him out of the car and inside a store with me, it's priceless.
  • #13
Re: stamps.comStamps.com just didn't make since to me. You can get scales on ebay for not too much money. I too use USPS to print shipping and have them come and pick up.
Also, if you are shipping priority you can get free boxes and other packaging online and they will bring it right to your house! :)
  • #14
Re: stamps.comI use a digital kitchen scale for now that I got for about $5 three years ago. I have a postage scale on my Christmas wish list.
  • #15
Re: stamps.com
raebates said:
I use a digital kitchen scale for now that I got for about $5 three years ago. I have a postage scale on my Christmas wish list.

LOL - I have one on my list too! I figure it's a shoe-in, since DH isn't afraid to walk into an Office Supply store!:D

And Teresa Lynn, and DebbieJ - both of your posts could have been written by me! Combining a time-sucking post office line with an extremely active 4 yr old is a recipe for disaster! He ends up "rearranging and reorganizing" all of the mailing supplies in the post office. I can't go after him to chase him down, because I'd lose my place in line!:eek:
  • #16
Re: stamps.comThat's definitely an advantage of living in the middle of nowhere. A long line at the post office means I spend three minutes talking to the other person who's there.
  • #17
Re: stamps.com
raebates said:
That's definitely an advantage of living in the middle of nowhere. A long line at the post office means I spend three minutes talking to the other person who's there.


Our PO line is 5 deep on regular basis.
  • #18
Re: stamps.comDon't get me wrong. It's not unusual for me to spend 1/2 hour in the post office. But, that's just because I get to chatting with the Postmaster. She's become a friend, host, and customer.
  • #19
Re: stamps.com
DebbieJ said:

Our PO line is 5 deep on regular basis.

Ours too - in fact, I am happy if there are only 5 in line!

And there is no chatting with our very surly postmaster. He won't even smile when my son is being especially cute. None of the people working there are ever happy. It's a very dismal place to visit.
  • #20
Re: stamps.comI'm sorry to hear that, Becky. The PO in Denver is one mile from my house. The one in Mexico is just over three miles away. I usually use the Mexico one, but they're both pleasant places to visit. I generally choose Mexico because it's usually on my way, even though it's a bit further.
  • #21
Re: stamps.comnone of our people are friendly, in fact HATEFUL is too sugary for them
  • #22
Re: stamps.comOk, back to the online postage thing. I use Pitney Bowes personal postage printer. It's free for the printer, and it literally prints stamps in any denomination, and you can put your own picture on the stamps. I do a lot of mailing for odd amounts--4 oz, 7 oz., that kind of thing, as well as priority. I can print a whole role of my own .42 stamps. The stamps are very reasonable, and it is $9.95/ month for the service. I've used it for 2 years with virtually NO glitches. I give them online my debit or credit card, and every time I print postage it just charges it. Yes, it's $9.95 a month but I HATE going to the post office--we have 3 post offices in our town, two are members of the "how surly can your employees be today" club (one even makes you LEAVE THE LINE AND GO TO THE END--even if you are not at the beginning of the line--if your cell phone even rings--it's pathetic) and the other one the employees are so slow it's horrible. So $10 a month for me to be able to print a stamp for $2.67 or print off a whole roll of 20 first class stamps is so worth it to me. I love it. The printer is about 4" x 4" and uses a USB cable. Check it out at Pitney Bowes website.
  • #23
Re: stamps.comWow, that's horrible. I've known for a long time that we have wonderful PO employees here. I just didn't realize how unusual that was.
  • #24
Re: stamps.comHad it, liked it, then I had an issue with them and I don't use them anymore.
  • #25
Re: stamps.com
vwpamperedchef said:
Had it, liked it, then I had an issue with them and I don't use them anymore.

I had it before, too, and liked it...then they increased their monthly fee for no additional services, so I dropped them like a hot potato! I HATE getting nickeled and dimed.

Related to I'm Just Curious How Many People Use Stamps.com or if There's

1. How does Stamps.com work?

Stamps.com is an online postage service that allows you to print postage directly from your computer. You can print postage for letters, packages, and even international mail. All you need is a printer, internet connection, and a Stamps.com account.

2. Is Stamps.com only for personal use or can businesses use it too?

Both individuals and businesses can use Stamps.com. It is a great tool for small businesses and online sellers who need to ship packages frequently. Stamps.com offers discounted rates and the convenience of printing postage from your own home or office.

3. Are there any fees for using Stamps.com?

Stamps.com offers a variety of plans to fit different needs and budgets. There is a monthly subscription fee for using the service, but it includes features like free shipping supplies and discounted postage rates. There may also be fees for additional services, such as insurance or package tracking.

4. Can I use Stamps.com with any type of printer?

Stamps.com is compatible with both Windows and Mac computers and can be used with any type of printer as long as it is connected to your computer. You can also print postage on labels or directly onto envelopes or paper.

5. How do I know if Stamps.com is the right choice for me?

If you frequently ship packages or need to send mail often, Stamps.com can save you time and money. It offers features like address verification, batch printing, and the ability to schedule pickups with USPS. You can also try Stamps.com for free for a limited time to see if it meets your needs.

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