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I'd Take a Picture but I Don't Have a Wide Angle Lens

In summary, the good news is that it is not an ovarian cyst. The doctor feels it is either my appendix or an infection in my fallopian tube and ovary on the right side, and so he sent me home with a prescription for anti-biotics. I await the results of the white blood cell count and the pregnancy test.
Kitchen Diva
Gold Member
The good news is that it is NOT an ovarian cyst....Hi Cheffers-

I just got back from the doctor after being ill since last Saturday evening. I started to feel some intense pain last night in the lower right section of my abdomen- which resulted in not feeling too well... I have a fever, hot flashes, I'm a bit shaky it hurts to walk and I'm nauseated.

So I went to my gyno today thinking it was another ovarian cyst that was rupturing. Keep in mind I've only gone to work one day this week.

The good news is that it is NOT an ovarian cyst.

The bad news is that the doctor feels it is either my appendix or an infection in my fallopian tube and ovary on the right side.

So they sent me home with a prescription for anti-biotics, when the pharmacist came over to do a console, she took them out and I gasped! I said holy cow- are those for human consumption? She laughed and said yes, but you may want to cut them in half. I said, well Praise the Lord that I have a pill cutter, but those are gonna need to be cut into fourths in order for me to be able to swallow one--- I then jokingly told her I've seen suposatories that would run in fear from a pill that size...and we all had a good laugh.

I'd show you how big the pills are, but I don't have a wide angel lens on my camera.

I have to call the doctor tomorrow- where I'll get the results of the white blood cell count and the pregnancy test (just a precaution, but one can hope).

My doctor actually looked concerned and just told me to go home and rest. He said he'd send me to someone else to get a for sure diagnosis, but he believes they would have told me to go home and wait, too.

So here I wait- waiting for the pain to get worse, and waiting to take the severely large antibiotic and waiting to see if the place where I started work just 5 weeks ago will keep me, or ask for another temp.

I believe in my cheffers when they rally with me, so I need you guys to rally big time in my behalf again.. I need your prayers and happy thoughts. I care more about losing a job I really like than I do about whether I'll have to have surgery or not...

So that's why I've had the sick icon next to my name since Saturday evening...

Thanks guys!
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Oh MY PaL!!!! Holy Moly - you have had it bad! Hope you are feeling better very soon and keep my posted on the dr appt tommorrow - I am off running again! Feel better sista!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks, Dor. I don't have to go back to the doctor tomorrow, but I have to call in for the blood test results, and to tell them how I feel and go from there. Have a good evening my sister 5!
Hope you feel better!!
EEK!!!!!!!!!! See, you told me not to worry...I can't help it, it's the Mommy in me!
Take care and happy thoughts coming your way!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks guys, I wish I knew what to expect---where is Janet when I need her. Hey Janet, what does appendix pain feel like? Besides the fact that it hurts like crap-ola...what should I expect here?
Keep us updated sweetie! That sounds painful. I had mysterious abdomen pain for quite some time. Not fun!

Kitchen Diva said:
Thanks guys, I wish I knew what to expect---where is Janet when I need her. Hey Janet, what does appendix pain feel like? Besides the fact that it hurts like crap-ola...what should I expect here?
Depends on the person Kacey - sometime dull and flu-like, sometimes sharp - sometimes radiating around to the back on that side.Often accompanied with a fever due to the body fighting infection.Here is a good summary for you:The symptoms of appendicitis vary. It can be hard to diagnose appendicitis in young children, the elderly, and women of childbearing age.Typically, the first symptom is pain around your belly button. The pain may be vague at first, but becomes increasingly sharp and severe. You may have reduced appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a low-grade fever.As the inflammation in the appendix increases, the pain tends to move into your right lower abdomen and focuses directly above the appendix at a place called McBurney's point.If the appendix ruptures, the pain may lessen briefly and you may feel better. However, once the lining of the abdominal cavity becomes inflammed and infected (a condition called peritonitis), the pain worsens and you become sicker.Abdominal pain may be worse when walking or coughing. You may prefer to lie still because sudden movement causes pain.Later symptoms include: * Chills
* Constipation
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Loss of appetite
* Nausea
* Shaking
* Vomiting
We'll be praying for your job and health!
  • #10
Hey - when in doubt - go to the er!! If it really gets worse that is!
  • #11
I will be praying for you Kacey, please keep me posted on your results. I don't know about the appendix pain but if it was the gallbladder I could tell you about that pain..

Hopes you feel better big hugs....did you notice I have been using the spell check :) just for you hehe did ya crack a smile???
  • Thread starter
  • #12
janetupnorth said:
Depends on the person Kacey - sometime dull and flu-like, sometimes sharp - sometimes radiating around to the back on that side.

Often accompanied with a fever due to the body fighting infection.

Here is a good summary for you:

The symptoms of appendicitis vary. It can be hard to diagnose appendicitis in young children, the elderly, and women of childbearing age.

Typically, the first symptom is pain around your belly button. The pain may be vague at first, but becomes increasingly sharp and severe. You may have reduced appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a low-grade fever.

As the inflammation in the appendix increases, the pain tends to move into your right lower abdomen and focuses directly above the appendix at a place called McBurney's point.

If the appendix ruptures, the pain may lessen briefly and you may feel better. However, once the lining of the abdominal cavity becomes inflammed and infected (a condition called peritonitis), the pain worsens and you become sicker.

Abdominal pain may be worse when walking or coughing. You may prefer to lie still because sudden movement causes pain.

Later symptoms include:

* Chills
* Constipation
* Diarrhea
* Fever
* Loss of appetite
* Nausea
* Shaking
* Vomiting

Thanks, that is helpful. So much for food sickness! LOL I have the fever, nausea, shaking, and hot flashes. The pain is in the right lower quadrant of my abdomen and it hurts to walk or while laying down, if I bed to the right, it feels like my insides are being twisted up tight- it is very painful when I do that, so I don't do that anymore!

I'll keep you posted and let you know just how bad it gets. :)

Thanks for the prayers about the job- I trust that God will provide for DH and I and that He will impress upon them to keep it open for me!
  • #13
Kitchen Diva said:
Thanks, that is helpful. So much for food sickness! LOL I have the fever, nausea, shaking, and hot flashes. The pain is in the right lower quadrant of my abdomen and it hurts to walk or while laying down, if I bed to the right, it feels like my insides are being twisted up tight- it is very painful when I do that, so I don't do that anymore!

I'll keep you posted and let you know just how bad it gets. :)

Thanks for the prayers about the job- I trust that God will provide for DH and I and that He will impress upon them to keep it open for me!

Keep us posted - sounds like you may be going in tonight...
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
Keep us posted - sounds like you may be going in tonight...

OH no!! For like surgery Janet?? OH Kacey - MY biggest prayers and thoughts - and tons of hugs - get better!
  • #15
I second the er but with caution, I was in this boat in June but I had things coming out from both ends and pain with fever, I was put on meds for pain and anti-biotics but I ended up with the intestinal flu. Prayers are coming your way.
  • #16
PamperedDor said:
OH no!! For like surgery Janet?? OH Kacey - MY biggest prayers and thoughts - and tons of hugs - get better!

Well, based on her description of her symptoms and how far they have progressed over the last few days, I think if it IS her appendix, she'll need to go in soon. If it is, it won't get better, only worse.

I hope I'm wrong and it is something minor, I'm not a doctor, didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night either...but based on what she is telling us, it probably is.
  • #17
Well - girl - you very rarely are wrong! Lets hope this is the first!

We love ya Kacey - feel better and if you aren't very soon - go to the ER and get it checked!
  • #18
The only other rare thing that crossed my mind was a tubal pregnancy...I say rare due to Kacey's past history.
  • #19
You know that was my first thought but didn't want to post it - so I feel better knowing someone else had the same idea - either way - HUGE prayers - TONS of hugs - and all the best wishes in the world to feel better soon (AND hello, like keep me posted sista!)
  • #20
I hope you get feeling better and everything works out. When I had my appendix rupture I had flu like symptoms and cramping, until later that night and I woke up in severe pain.
  • #21
DH had an appendectomy just about 2 years ago. His pain sounds very similar to yours... by the time it was finally bad enough for him to go to the ED, it was bad. We arrived (not check in, not triaged, not noticed in any way... just arrived) at the ED approx 8p. He was in surgery by 7a the next morning. The only reason they even waited that long was that once the ED MD decided it was appendicitis, only the skeleton surgery team was on and the regular, non-sleep deprived team would be arriving in 90 minutes. Instead of calling in the "on-call" team, the MDs decided to wait for the scheduled crew to arrive. But the MD did say that if we had come to the ED about 2 hours earlier, they wouldn't have waited and would have called in the on-call team to get him into surgery.
  • #22
Oh, no, Kacey! I hope you're okay! My DH had his appendix out about 3 years ago and had very similar symptoms. The man actually looked up his symptoms on webmd.com at 5am one morning, realized what was going on, and drove himself to the ER! He was in surgery by 10am and out talking to me at 2pm the same day. What a crazy day! He had been feeling like you described for about a week prior, so it's very likely that this could be happening to you, too. I hope you are on your way to the ER for an X-ray, ultrasound or CT scan so they can see what is going on and help you out - no one should feel the way you do! :( (((HUGS))) and keep us posted when you can - I'll be thinking of you!
  • #23
Kacey, I hope you feel better and I hope you don't need surgery. My husband had some of the same symptons as you and it was is appendix, he was in the hospital for a few days because he had some complications. Good luck with those pills :eek:. You are in my prayers and keep us posted.
  • #25
Hope you don't start feeling any worse, Kacey. Maybe you'll start to feel a little better, even!?!? Here's hoping.
Please keep us all posted on your status. We all love the Kitchen Diva so much, I can't stand the thought of you so ill.
  • Thread starter
  • #26
christinaspc said:
I will be praying for you Kacey, please keep me posted on your results. I don't know about the appendix pain but if it was the gallbladder I could tell you about that pain..

Hopes you feel better big hugs....did you notice I have been using the spell check :) just for you hehe did ya crack a smile???

Thanks for using spell check, yes I cracked a big, happy, toothy grin! :)
  • #27
I have a question about the spell check feature....why do I have to download a spell check???
  • Thread starter
  • #28
janetupnorth said:
The only other rare thing that crossed my mind was a tubal pregnancy...I say rare due to Kacey's past history.

They took blood for that, too- however during the ultrasound wouldn't they have seen that?

Dr Grande said it could be one of three things:
1) pregnancy
2) appendix
3) fallopian tube and ovary infection

He was banking on either #2 or #3...
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  • Thread starter
  • #29
rennea said:
Kacey I'm sorry but we are going to have to put you out to pasture or shoot you :)

You have to get better soon get back to work and carry on the name "mommy big bucks" http://www.smilieshq.com/smilies/happy0188.gif:)

OUCH!! Crap woman, don't make me laugh that hard- I swear I just popped an ovary.. OUCH!!!

Ah, man...that's too funny..
  • #30
I have a friend whose ovarian cyst ruptured.....you would NOT be typing if that happened, Kacey!

It was an ugly scene as we worked in a hospital, it was a blizzard (14 inches of snow...in central VA...that's a blizzard) and we were stuck at work....darn good think as my friend couldn't have gotten back to work had she tried to leave, so she wound up sleeping with good drugs in the ER!
  • #31
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your condition Kacey!! I will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery!!
  • #32
Kitchen Diva said:
OUCH!! Crap woman, don't make me laugh that hard- I swear I just popped an ovary.. OUCH!!!

Ah, man...that's too funny..

At first I thought you typed "I just pooped an ovary". Wow that would be an issue wouldn't it?
  • Thread starter
  • #33
chefmeg said:
I have a friend whose ovarian cyst ruptured.....you would NOT be typing if that happened, Kacey!

It was an ugly scene as we worked in a hospital, it was a blizzard (14 inches of snow...in central VA...that's a blizzard) and we were stuck at work....darn good think as my friend couldn't have gotten back to work had she tried to leave, so she wound up sleeping with good drugs in the ER!

That's what I thought it was at first, at least last night I did- I've had one rupture before and this pain started out sort of like how the oozing cyst pain started before it burst. I had to have surgery for that one 2 days after they found it... and you are right, I fell to the floor when it ruptured, so I know I wouldn't be able to type.

I thought appendix pain was in your back? UGH!
  • Thread starter
  • #34
peichef said:
Hope you don't start feeling any worse, Kacey. Maybe you'll start to feel a little better, even!?!? Here's hoping.
Please keep us all posted on your status. We all love the Kitchen Diva so much, I can't stand the thought of you so ill.

That is seriously so sweet of you! Thanks! I will prevail... I have to- I'm too stubborn and blessed to not prevail! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #35
rennea said:
At first I thought you typed "I just pooped an ovary". Wow that would be an issue wouldn't it?

okay STOP making me laugh WOMAN! I'm gonna wet my pants and rupture my spleen or something... when I laugh it hurts.

You are seriously demented and hilarious! I love that about you!;)
  • Thread starter
  • #36
chefmeg said:
I have a question about the spell check feature....why do I have to download a spell check???

because it's so much fun to do that! :) I'm not sure why- if you used firefox as your browser you wouldn't need the spell check feature. DH uses firefox and I use internete explorer...
  • #37
rennea said:
At first I thought you typed "I just pooped an ovary". Wow that would be an issue wouldn't it?


OMGosh............where are the Depends when you need them??????????/
  • Thread starter
  • #38
chefmeg said:

OMGosh............where are the Depends when you need them??????????/

She's on fire tonight, ain't she ChefMeg? LOL
  • #39
Kitchen Diva said:
because it's so much fun to do that! :) I'm not sure why- if you used firefox as your browser you wouldn't need the spell check feature. DH uses firefox and I use internete explorer...

I have not downloaded it because I hate putting extra 'stuff' on my laptop...so if I mis-spell stuff, ya'll just tell me and I will fix it!;)

I just reminded myself of my nephew when he was little...if something broke, he would say "don't worry, my Dad will fik it"!
This is the same nephew that had trouble with his "R"'s...once, his brother threw his plastic golf club up in a tree and he said "MOM! Jeffwey fwew my dwiver in a twee!!"
  • #41
then I really hope PC does a combo Conference so that I can meet you!
  • #43
chefmeg said:
then I really hope PC does a combo Conference so that I can meet you!

Girl....that is what leadership is for....

Sorry Kac.....hope you feel better my love.....
  • #44
I would really like to go to Leadership again, but who knows how much a flight will cost by then! Especially from the east coast!.......wanna roadtrip Erin?? We could stop and get Beth, then head north for Cheryl, Ann and Colleen and make it a CRAZY time!
  • #45
Oh ya sure Meg get all the "cool" girls together :)
  • #46
is that who the 'cool' girls are????;) Boy, are they going to be surprised to hear that!
  • #47
Kitchen Diva said:
That's what I thought it was at first, at least last night I did- I've had one rupture before and this pain started out sort of like how the oozing cyst pain started before it burst. I had to have surgery for that one 2 days after they found it... and you are right, I fell to the floor when it ruptured, so I know I wouldn't be able to type.

I thought appendix pain was in your back? UGH!

That's usually kidneys...

Ok, back to my big hole we're digging in the backyard. :cry:

I'll explain that later - just popped in for a break!
  • #48
Kacey...I have not been on all day and just saw that you are feeling worse!

I pray that whatever it is...they figure it out and HELP YOU FEEL BETTER quickly! Prayers for your employer to be understanding, too!

I love you!
  • #49
Oh Kacey, I'm praying for you and hope you everything will be okay! I think your work will be okay - they seem to really like you (and why wouldn't they)!!

If you end up w/surgery for some reason, too bad you couldn't share a room in the hospital w/me when I have my gall bladder surgery:)! Oh, maybe that wouldn't be a good thing since you would probably make me laugh way too much!!

Please let us know what you find out tomorrow!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
rennea said:
Oh ya sure Meg get all the "cool" girls together :)

I'll come up and get you- are you close to the Minnesota/Canadian boarder?

We'll have fun with out those cool gals! LOL
<h2>1. What are the symptoms of the illness?</h2><p>The symptoms include intense pain in the lower right section of the abdomen, fever, hot flashes, shakiness, difficulty walking, and nausea.</p><h2>2. What did the doctor diagnose as the cause of the illness?</h2><p>The doctor believes it could either be appendicitis or an infection in the fallopian tube and ovary on the right side.</p><h2>3. What medication did the doctor prescribe?</h2><p>The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.</p><h2>4. How did the pharmacist react to the size of the prescribed pills?</h2><p>The pharmacist laughed and suggested cutting the pills in half or even fourths in order to make them easier to swallow.</p><h2>5. What is the current status of the illness?</h2><p>The illness is being monitored and the person will receive the results of a white blood cell count and pregnancy test tomorrow. They are also waiting to see if the company they recently started working for will keep them or ask for another temporary employee.</p>

Related to I'd Take a Picture but I Don't Have a Wide Angle Lens

1. What are the symptoms of the illness?

The symptoms include intense pain in the lower right section of the abdomen, fever, hot flashes, shakiness, difficulty walking, and nausea.

2. What did the doctor diagnose as the cause of the illness?

The doctor believes it could either be appendicitis or an infection in the fallopian tube and ovary on the right side.

3. What medication did the doctor prescribe?

The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.

4. How did the pharmacist react to the size of the prescribed pills?

The pharmacist laughed and suggested cutting the pills in half or even fourths in order to make them easier to swallow.

5. What is the current status of the illness?

The illness is being monitored and the person will receive the results of a white blood cell count and pregnancy test tomorrow. They are also waiting to see if the company they recently started working for will keep them or ask for another temporary employee.

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