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I Think I Booked a Catalog Party

In summary, as a new consultant, you contacted a couple of friends through Facebook and put out the idea of becoming a consultant. One of your friends said she would be willing to do a catalog party for you. You hope that she does. What is a catalog party? Is it online or do you mail her the catalogs?
Well, I contacted a couple of people through my facebook friends (people I have not seen or talked to in 20 years) and put it out there that I was considering becoming a consultant. One girl said she couldn't host but she would be willing to do a catalog party for me. I told her she was my first customer and that I would give her an extra hostess gift. I hope that was okay. I hope she does. What exactly is a catalog party? Is it online or do I mail her the catalogs (or deliver).

she actually will get a charter host gift from Pampered Chef. A catalog show is where you would send out the catalogs to her, If new consultants still get a website trial period then you would set it up online. There is a new catalog show planning guide on CC too that you can print out and mail. You would wrap it all up over the phone and she can send checks to you and order forms as well. The rewards are a little bit different for a catalog host, they have to get to $200 to get any Free Product Value.

Good luck!
You can't talk about PC on Facebook... It's in the P&P. I know you are new but be careful! This is an internet violation!
if she privately messaged them, would it still be against the rules?
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Yes, it has been discussed on here a lot lately. We cannot ever mention we sell PC on any blog or website or Facebook or instant messaging... It's in the P&P!
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Thanks for the information on Facebook. I didn't know that. Are catalog shows successful? I wondered if people say that to just get someone to be quiet.
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I considder Catalog shows the "gravy" for my Biz. You cannot grow your biz with catalog shows. I do coach catalog host the same as cooking show hosts. It is easier for catalog host to flake on you though. Yes some people will say that just to appease you. You need to chat with them and see what they want from their show.
I will have my first show on March 28th. What is a charter host and what does PC give them? Is the charter host only the first host or the first 4?
Charter host are your first 4. Not sure what the current gift is. Go on CC under downloads. There is a flyer.
  • #10
Kimberly, best wishes to a long, successful career with Pampered Chef!
  • #11
You can send a private message/e-mail to your friends on Facebook.Also, you have to look at the flyer in your new consultant materials to see how the Charter Host gift works. There are usually 2 items for your hosts to choose from, and it'll list the code number you will enter into P3 on their order.Once you qualify, you can get a free subscription for a PWS (personal website). But you can actually set up your website right away, you just have to pay for the subscription. When you qualify, they will give you a credit for the free months (or extend the time that you've paid for--can't remember exactly which way it is, but you can read about it on CC) The website will help your hosts out, because then they can e-mail all their family and friends to check out your website. They can view the full catalog on line and enter their order in right there (and they can feel comfortable paying there because it's a secure site.) You just have to enter the show info into your website, and their guests have to be sure to enter in the host's name as the show they want to purchase under, so the host gets credit. You'll want to send the host some catalogs and outside order forms (I usually send 3 catalogs).
  • #12
babywings76 said:
You can send a private message/e-mail to your friends on Facebook.

Yup. Even on Facebook/Myspace. It is like an email if you are sending a PM, so not against the P&P.

Best of luck to you on your new biz!
  • #13
etteluap70PC said:
Charter host are your first 4. Not sure what the current gift is. Go on CC under downloads. There is a flyer.

If I'm not mistaken, they've changed Charter Hosts to include anyone who hosts in your first 30 days now. I think the host gets to choose either the cranberry hotpad or chipolte rub and cinammon seasoning. You'll get a flyer that tells all about the charter host gift in your welcome kit. It's a nice little bonus!
  • #14
It is your hosts in the first 30 days. My hosts LOVED that special. Any extra perks, people usually enjoy....even if it is something they dont necessarily want...FREE IS FREE! hehehe
  • #15
babywings76 said:
Once you qualify, you can get a free subscription for a PWS (personal website). But you can actually set up your website right away, you just have to pay for the subscription. When you qualify, they will give you a credit for the free months (or extend the time that you've paid for--can't remember exactly which way it is, but you can read about it on CC) The website will help your hosts out, because then they can e-mail all their family and friends to check out your website. They can view the full catalog on line and enter their order in right there (and they can feel comfortable paying there because it's a secure site.) You just have to enter the show info into your website, and their guests have to be sure to enter in the host's name as the show they want to purchase under, so the host gets credit.

Small hijack: How does my new Recruit go about doing this? I have been told by both my HD and Director that they can't even pay for the website until they qualify but I knew on here they had said you could. She wants to get this up ASAP. She did get her new Consultant ID (or at least it was on my IPT) yesterday, which was really cool to see that!:chef::D:sing:
  • #16
pcchefjane said:
Small hijack: How does my new Recruit go about doing this? I have been told by both my HD and Director that they can't even pay for the website until they qualify but I knew on here they had said you could. She wants to get this up ASAP. She did get her new Consultant ID (or at least it was on my IPT) yesterday, which was really cool to see that!:chef::D:sing:

Once she has her ID, she can set it up through CC just as she would if she were already qualified. I think she can pay with a personal credit card as well since she's just starting off.
  • #17
Technically, if I'm not mistaken, she said that she hasn't signed up as a consultant yet therefore hasn't signed any agreements with PC YET- so contacting the folks on Facebook hasn't broken any rules. BUT as soon as you do sign, then yeah, you can't do alot of things on the internet like you would normally. As everyone said, read those lovely Policy and Procedures. Just save them somewhere easy to access or print them- because you'll read them a few times I'm sure! :DGood luck!
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  • #18
Thanks for all of the useful information. I can't wait to get started. I told a friend I was doing it and she was like. I don't like it it's expensive. And then I said yea it is and it isn't because you're paying for excellent quality and by the end of the conversation she was like well you have a party I will come. LOL
  • #19
From the P&P:"You can list your personal Page Not Found Web site address in your personal e-mail correspondence, on business cards, checks, stationery and other similar materials. You can also list your personal Page Not Found site in print advertising and publicity as long as you act in accordance with all other guidelines."If there is an event, created by your host, on facebook (or any other website where people can send invites), you can not put a link to your personal website - nor can they. That is what is against the policy. It is OKAY to send a message to your friends to let them know you are a consultant - just make it clear that you are an "independent consultant", and that you do not "work for" The Pampered Chef. I would consider a Personal Message the same as an e-mail correspondence. It's not something that is widely sent out to the masses publicly.As for the rest:"Other than signing up for a Pampered Chef® Personal Web Site or approved vendor sites, do not list the company name when filling out personal profiles on the Internet."So...you can't put your "job" as being The Pampered Chef...you'll have to get creative and say you sell kitchen products. When people ask, you can tell them in an e-mail...just the way it is. And, the way I see the P&P in my world.
  • #20
jross93 said:
Once she has her ID, she can set it up through CC just as she would if she were already qualified. I think she can pay with a personal credit card as well since she's just starting off.

This is NOT true. You have to have your Pampered Chef Debit/Credit Card inorder to sign up for the Website. As soon as you get those happy little digits, you can sign up for the website. IF she qualifies in her first 30 days, then they will extend your contract 90 days (only if you signed up already). If she waits to get it, qualifies in 30 days, THEN she will get it for free for 90 days.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out, if you buy it first, they extend your contract. I like that!! (hehehe because I bought mine first!)
  • #21
nldavis321 said:
It is your hosts in the first 30 days. My hosts LOVED that special. Any extra perks, people usually enjoy....even if it is something they dont necessarily want...FREE IS FREE! hehehe

I stand corrected... Thanks ladies


Related to I Think I Booked a Catalog Party

What is a catalog party?

A catalog party is a convenient and fun way to host a Pampered Chef party without having to physically gather all of your friends and family in one place. Instead, you can distribute catalogs and order forms to your guests and collect their orders to submit as one large party order.

How do I know if I actually booked a catalog party?

If you have received a confirmation from your consultant and have a date set for when you will receive the catalogs and order forms, then you have successfully booked a catalog party.

Do I have to pay for the catalogs and order forms?

No, as the host of the catalog party, you will not be responsible for paying for the catalogs and order forms. Your consultant will provide them to you at no cost.

What are the benefits of hosting a catalog party?

Hosting a catalog party allows you to earn host rewards, which can include free and discounted products as well as exclusive host specials. It is also a low-stress way to introduce your friends and family to Pampered Chef products.

How do I submit orders for a catalog party?

Your consultant will provide you with instructions on how to collect and submit orders. Typically, you will collect order forms and payments from your guests and then submit them to your consultant, who will place the order on your behalf.

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