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Director I Need Motivation/Advice/A Kick in the A$$/Something!!

In summary, the conversation revolves around the frustration of the speaker with her team's lack of response and participation. Despite her efforts to engage with them through emails and recognition programs, she only received a few responses. She expresses her desire to find a new approach and asks for advice from others who may have gone through a similar experience. The advice given includes focusing on recruiting and working with those who are interested, as well as finding creative ways to engage with the team.
Silver Member
Ok, I think my team has abandoned me!!! I have around 20 active Consultants but they NEVER, EVER answer my emails. I have TWICE sent an email to my Cluster about our Recognition Program, with the program attached, asking for ANY input. I reminded them it is THEIR program so I want it to suit them, etc, etc. I got a total of 3 responses. I feel like I'm trying to do this stuff for NOTHING! I don't know if they ever read my stuff. I think I may start sending everything via iContact just so I can see if they even open my emails. This is really discouraging though! My one Future isn't any more. LOL! No shock there though! And my second, who I adore and would love to see become a Director, is planning on going inactive soon. :-(

I feel like I need a new approach, even if it's to keep doing what I know I should be as a Director and screw 'em if they don't wanna accept what I'm giving. LOL!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been through this so does anyone have any advice?
All I can offer is keep adding to your team. Those who want it will stay and communicate with you.
The best advice I have heard so far since I promoted was "If you can't change your team, change your team !! "
  • Thread starter
  • #4
You guys, that is great advice, and I KNOW it's true. BUT, remember, I just separated from my husband and relocated back home and it's REALLY slow going here! I have ONE Show booked for Jan as of right now. Now, I know I WILL recruit and get more Shows, but this is a slow time for me as I gear back up. I know Leadership will be AWESOME!!! But I feel like I'm waiting for a light bulb to come on, ya know? Or waiting for that "A-Ha" moment!
Leadership should give you that!
Meet with the ones you can. Call and touch base with those who answer. Use the Leadership interview or the help me help you to see where they are at. Do you have team meetings or are they all Far away? See if what you can do for them. Most importantly focus on growing your business. When you focus on that it will lead to what you need.
You'll get a real one in a couple of days...remind me!
You will be fine and devine...it's 2009 :)
I am going through the same thing-- I get very little response. And yet the ones that do come absolutely LOVE it, every time. It's frustrating to not hear from the majority of my team.

I decided this year (2009), that one of my "resolutions" for my business this year is to quit getting irritated about this. It does me no good and I get all worked up about it. I am working with the ones I know want to work--if it's 3 out of 15, it's 3. And I personally am getting tired of hearing that "if you can't change your team change your team" mantra. That phrase offends me--there is never a time when I am NOT trying to build my team. I consistently work on recruiting and I think I am a pretty good director (not one of my team that has left has ever had anything but really positive things to say--it just didn't work out for them). I've decided that I am praying for a team with vision this year and I am absolutely NOT going to obsess about this any longer.

So, I am with ya on this one. Try not to take it personally if you can.
But I have decided to work with the ones that want it. Offer it to everyone, but work with those that want it, no more and no less.
My upline and I had a great talk about this! I have gotten so discouraged with no one wanting to do Step Up or coaching calls, etc. but I was given great advice that I hope will help others too!

I sent every team member (even my first lines' personal recruits) a 3-2-1 mug with shredded green paper, a cocoa cone and 2 Disney pencils stuck in each side of the mug (it looked like an ice cream parlor soda for two). In that, I sent a copy of the Consultant Goal Worksheet and on the back did my own survey about when and how they would like training, coaching, etc. Enclosed was a self addressed envelope and a promise to give them $5 PC dollars if they returned it fully completed by January 5th. Out of 25 I recieved 5.

My upline warned me about not receiving too many back. But she said not to get discouraged. Work with those that want to work with you. Do not focus on how many did not return the survey but concentrate on those that want the business. She suggested that I work with these few and my new consultants. The others are just not interested in doing anything more with their business and it has nothing to do with you personally.

Then I decided:

I AM offering the Step Up for 4 weeks at the Panara Bread on each Monday at 5:30 pm for 4 weeks.

I AM going to follow through and make phone appointments with my new people.

I AM going to try to do more with contacting 3 live contacts a day for what ever reason.

If any of you belong to Belinda Ellsworth's website, her November audio with Pat Pearson is excellent and deals with the negative thinking that we all do.

So concentrate on those that are wanting more and recuit! Recruiting is always the answer to any problem that we have in our business!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
baychef said:
My upline and I had a great talk about this! I have gotten so discouraged with no one wanting to do Step Up or coaching calls, etc. but I was given great advice that I hope will help others too!

I sent every team member (even my first lines' personal recruits) a 3-2-1 mug with shredded green paper, a cocoa cone and 2 Disney pencils stuck in each side of the mug (it looked like an ice cream parlor soda for two). In that, I sent a copy of the Consultant Goal Worksheet and on the back did my own survey about when and how they would like training, coaching, etc. Enclosed was a self addressed envelope and a promise to give them $5 PC dollars if they returned it fully completed by January 5th. Out of 25 I recieved 5.

My upline warned me about not receiving too many back. But she said not to get discouraged. Work with those that want to work with you. Do not focus on how many did not return the survey but concentrate on those that want the business. She suggested that I work with these few and my new consultants. The others are just not interested in doing anything more with their business and it has nothing to do with you personally.

Then I decided:

I AM offering the Step Up for 4 weeks at the Panara Bread on each Monday at 5:30 pm for 4 weeks.

I AM going to follow through and make phone appointments with my new people.

I AM going to try to do more with contacting 3 live contacts a day for what ever reason.

If any of you belong to Belinda Ellsworth's website, her November audio with Pat Pearson is excellent and deals with the negative thinking that we all do.

So concentrate on those that are wanting more and recuit! Recruiting is always the answer to any problem that we have in our business!

Wow Ann! Thank you! That is WONDERFUL advice!!
  • #10
You are entirely welcome! If you are a Belinda Ellsworth Step into Success member, her November audio is with Pat Pearson and Pat does a WONDERFUL talk with Belinda on her expertice of self sabatoge. Pat was at conference many years ago but with Belinda telling her what she hears from DS consultants of all kinds, Pat really personalized it.

For me, I have been a SIS member with Belinda for years. For me, it is $15 a month that is well invested. Karen Phelps has a new book out too that I am getting alot out of. It deals a little more with long term direct selling and equates it to a marriage.
  • #11
Nanisu said:
I am going through the same thing-- I get very little response. And yet the ones that do come absolutely LOVE it, every time. It's frustrating to not hear from the majority of my team.

I decided this year (2009), that one of my "resolutions" for my business this year is to quit getting irritated about this. It does me no good and I get all worked up about it. I am working with the ones I know want to work--if it's 3 out of 15, it's 3. And I personally am getting tired of hearing that "if you can't change your team change your team" mantra. That phrase offends me--there is never a time when I am NOT trying to build my team. I consistently work on recruiting and I think I am a pretty good director (not one of my team that has left has ever had anything but really positive things to say--it just didn't work out for them). I've decided that I am praying for a team with vision this year and I am absolutely NOT going to obsess about this any longer.

So, I am with ya on this one. Try not to take it personally if you can.
But I have decided to work with the ones that want it. Offer it to everyone, but work with those that want it, no more and no less.

I understand about the mantra and that is why I have invested into some of the better of the direct sales presenters such as Karen Phelps and Belinda. I like them both for different reasons. I will be seeing Belinda later this month live and am going to share with her about the long term aspect and if she can offer just a bit more for those that are serious about the long haul.

My talents have not and will not shoot me to the top as it has with these ladies, but growing is hard when you keep running into a brick wall with the let down of those not willing to participate. You can only play the game if the other team shows up! But what we are all doing is kicking ourselves because they don't show up. If we are honestly trying the best we can (which varies to different degrees depending on what is happening in our lives) then we should stop punishing ourselves and really motivate those who are looking for more.

It is like a host saying...no one came to my party when Sue, Jane and Sandy showed up. This is actually insulting the 3 that showed up instead of insulting those that didn't take the time or effort to do so.

I am making a real hard effort to work with those that want more or even want it at all. I am willing to work with those that are stuck, but they do have to open their minds and be willing to work at it. We can motivate, but true motivation comes from within the person.
  • #12
Ann, I love your attitude!
  • #13
Thanks, Deb! I hope it lasts!!!

I had my meeting last night and had the consultant who has so graciously opened her home to our meetings and one other consultant show up.

One consultant who was supposed to show up has been not doing so well and I had geared things towards her. Well, she didn't show, so we turned the meeting into a "as a leader, here are some tools you can use to help coach someone". Sort of a train the trainer! Used the same material...actually, the last 2 files on DS (thank you again!) and it was good. One consultant has 3 in her downline that are new and one has 4 qualified and is hoping to become a director soon.

My step up class begins next week for 4 weeks. Going to do it and go into it with the attitude of hoping to help those that want to keep building their business and sorry if the others can't show up.:chef: If they want it, they will know I am there to help them do phone step up too.

Loving the snow day here in upstate NY!!:D

Related to I Need Motivation/Advice/A Kick in the A$$/Something!!

1. How can I stay motivated to cook healthy meals every day?

Staying motivated to cook healthy meals can be challenging, but here are some tips to help:
- Plan your meals ahead of time so you have a clear idea of what you will be cooking. This will help you stay organized and motivated.
- Get creative with your recipes and try new and exciting dishes. This will help keep things interesting and prevent you from getting bored with your meals.
- Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate small victories. This will help you stay motivated and on track.
- Find a support system, whether it's a friend, family member, or an online community. Having someone to hold you accountable and provide encouragement can make a big difference.
- Remember your why. Whether it's to improve your health or set a good example for your loved ones, keeping your motivation and purpose in mind can help you stay on track.

2. How can I get out of a cooking rut?

If you're feeling uninspired in the kitchen, here are a few things you can try to get out of a cooking rut:
- Look for new recipes or cooking techniques to try. You can find plenty of inspiration from cookbooks, cooking websites, and cooking shows.
- Experiment with different ingredients or flavor combinations. This can help you discover new and exciting dishes.
- Get out of your comfort zone and try cooking a cuisine you've never tried before. This can open up a whole new world of flavors and techniques.
- Take a break from cooking and try a meal delivery service. This can give you a break from meal planning and prep while still enjoying delicious and healthy meals.
- Invite friends or family over for a potluck. This can help you try new dishes and get input from others.

3. How can I find time to cook when I have a busy schedule?

Cooking can feel like a daunting task when you have a busy schedule, but here are some tips to help you find time to cook:
- Plan your meals ahead of time so you know exactly what ingredients you need and can minimize time spent at the grocery store.
- Prep ingredients in advance, such as chopping vegetables or marinating meat. This can save you time during the week.
- Utilize kitchen gadgets and appliances, like a slow cooker or instant pot, to save time on cooking.
- Cook in bulk and freeze meals for later. This can be especially helpful on days when you don't have time to cook.
- Make simple and quick meals, such as stir-fries or one-pan meals, that require minimal prep and cooking time.

4. How can I get my family to eat healthier?

Getting your family to eat healthier can be a challenge, but here are some tips to help you encourage healthier eating habits:
- Lead by example and make healthy choices yourself. This can inspire your family to do the same.
- Get your family involved in meal planning and cooking. This can make them more invested in their meals and more likely to try new, healthier options.
- Introduce new foods gradually and offer a variety of options. This can help your family become more comfortable with trying new things.
- Make healthy substitutions in your family's favorite meals, such as using whole wheat pasta or adding extra vegetables to a dish.
- Have a positive attitude and offer praise when your family makes healthier choices. This can help reinforce their behavior.

5. How can I make cooking more enjoyable?

Cooking can be a fun and enjoyable activity, but here are some tips to make it even more enjoyable:
- Create a pleasant and organized cooking space. This can make cooking feel less like a chore and more like a creative outlet.
- Put on some music or a podcast to listen to while you cook. This can make the experience more enjoyable and help pass the time.
- Involve your family or friends in the cooking process. This can make it a fun and social activity.
- Treat yourself to new and exciting kitchen gadgets or ingredients. This can make cooking feel more like an adventure.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes and have fun experimenting in the kitchen. This can help you discover new flavors and techniques.

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