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I Have 72 Old Catalogs Left Over

In summary, the conversation revolves around suggestions for using catalogs to boost a business. Ideas such as leaving catalogs in waiting rooms, handing them out at fairs or trade shows, and writing on the catalogs with personal information are discussed. There is also a poem shared for using old catalogs. The conversation also includes questions about proper etiquette for leaving catalogs in various locations.
Gold Member
Any suggestions on how to use these to my benefit? I know, put them in waiting rooms, etc. But I am trying to think of even more original ideas on how I can use these to boost my business.

I just started my business at the end of Feb, so I really had no idea how many I needed. I also had a fundraiser that used 30, and I wasn't expecting to get those back, but I got more than half back. Plus, I recruited someone and got 25 sent to me for free and had no idea those were coming. I def won't be ordering as many this time around :)

TIA for ideas!!!
I left some out when I was having a yard sale and got rid of a lot of my old ones this past summer. You can drop them off at drs, dentists, hair dressers, and banks. If you have a fair that you will be working, you can take old books to give out to people. Hope this helps
drop off drop off drop off! i did at the health club this morning, and within 30 mins someone called to book a show.

i am a believer now!
If you have car decals leave them on your windshield while you shop :)
I left one at the bank today when I made my deposit. Someone called within 20 mins to order something.
If you have any upcoming Fairs/TradeShows you could hand them out at that with a label on it saying 'if you would like a current catalogue, contact....'
As I was sitting in the dental office waiting for my DD, I went thru the catalog I planned on leaving there, and "graffiti-ed" it all through the book. I wrote things like " gotta have it", "My favorite!", "on sale in Sept", "makes a great gift", "make cake in 10 minutes in this", "must have for the holidays" etc... I also wrote my number on the inside pages under all the recipes w/ "try this tonite, then call me for more ideas". Mind you, I had time to kill, and am not planning on doing this on all of my leftovers, but it was a fun way to pass the time.
Don't forget where you get your oil changed. Our local car dealership does mechanic work and maintenance. Many people just wait for their oil to be changed, especially women.
When you ladies drop off catalogs in various locations, do you just leave it there or do you ask someone first? I just ordered 100 mini catalogs and never even thought about leaving one somewhere. How do you go about doing it exactly?
  • #10
I use old catalogs for fairs. 99% of the people at a fair who ask for a catalog won't order, they just want something to take with them. Why waste a new book? I put the following poem on a label on the cover, with my info underneath:Though the date on this catalog may be old,
Just look inside an you'll be sold.
Many fine products you will see.
Call me to learn how to get some free!
If extra income is what you need,
I can help you to succeed.
  • #11
Love the poem Ann!
I sent it on to my upline and downline and hospitality director!
  • #12
mmmorgan20 said:
When you ladies drop off catalogs in various locations, do you just leave it there or do you ask someone first? I just ordered 100 mini catalogs and never even thought about leaving one somewhere. How do you go about doing it exactly?

That's my question too. I'd hate to step on anyone's toes by violating any policies the business may have.
  • #13
You might ask to put them in the teachers lounge of your local schools.

How about a hospital lobby waiting area, or in the X-ray, Surgery, ICU, cafeteria, OB waiting areas. Being a nurse between the staff, visitors, and patients you may get a larger audience.
  • #14
mmmorgan20 said:
When you ladies drop off catalogs in various locations, do you just leave it there or do you ask someone first? I just ordered 100 mini catalogs and never even thought about leaving one somewhere. How do you go about doing it exactly?

Hathery said:
That's my question too. I'd hate to step on anyone's toes by violating any policies the business may have.

I am curious too...
  • #15
chefann said:
I use old catalogs for fairs. 99% of the people at a fair who ask for a catalog won't order, they just want something to take with them. Why waste a new book? I put the following poem on a label on the cover, with my info underneath:

Though the date on this catalog may be old,
Just look inside an you'll be sold.
Many fine products you will see.
Call me to learn how to get some free!
If extra income is what you need,
I can help you to succeed.

HALLOWEEN IS COMING...I take my old catalogs with me trick-or-treating. I don't have kids to take anymore but I dress up and tote around catalogs along with a treat for Mom's & Dad's. Here is a little saying I put inside or outside of the treat bags...

Don’t be a “DUD” for the holiday,
Book a Pampered Chef Show of your own today!
They are easy, fun and really great;
So don’t wait too long to pick your date!
Earn FREE product really quick;
Call Jayne for details at 674-0356
So be a “SMARTIE”
Call now to book your Party!!
Guaranteed to be one “WHOPPER” of a good time!!

I put milk duds, smarties and whoppers in the treat bag. I hand them the treat along with a catalog. I put a label on the catalog with the same saying as above. I actually got a recruit last year this way and she is still active.:D
  • #16
That is such a cute idea! :)
  • #17
Give a few to your new recruit so she doesn't use her new catalogs and give her some ideas mentioned here. Remember to explain to her that she will get more catalogs when she starts recruiting too.
  • #18
kam said:
I am curious too...

I put mine anywhere there is already a stack of magazines.
  • #19
chefann said:
I use old catalogs for fairs. 99% of the people at a fair who ask for a catalog won't order, they just want something to take with them. Why waste a new book? I put the following poem on a label on the cover, with my info underneath:

Though the date on this catalog may be old,
Just look inside an you'll be sold.
Many fine products you will see.
Call me to learn how to get some free!
If extra income is what you need,
I can help you to succeed.
Here's another label idea... Print the message below on large size labels and stick on the front of old catalogs. I use this for all the fairs and craft shows I do in the Fall. Must better and cheaper than using new catalogs. And it promotes your website! BTW... this is a "borrowed" idea from a PC friend. Can't claim it as my own. Good luck!

Please note that some of the items in this
past issue have been discontinued…
And now there are so many great new items !

To view a complete and up-to-date product list,
you can call for a new catalog to be mailed to you…
Or, view it & our current month’s specials online at my website:
Page Not Found

Connie Consultant
( ID # 000000 ) 314.555.5555

Look inside… Like what you see ???
Gather $200+ in orders & get it for FREE !!!

note... the formating on the label is all centered and using different fonts and colors for various lines to help the message stand out.
  • #20
LOVE the idea Jayne - I just might use it! :)
  • #21
stefani2 said:
LOVE the idea Jayne - I just might use it! :)

I will be out trick-or-treating AGAIN this year, dressed up with catalogs and treats. Why not? I have old catalogs and you just never know!!:angel:
  • #22
Jayne said:
HALLOWEEN IS COMING...I take my old catalogs with me trick-or-treating. I don't have kids to take anymore but I dress up and tote around catalogs along with a treat for Mom's & Dad's. Here is a little saying I put inside or outside of the treat bags...

Don’t be a “DUD” for the holiday,
Book a Pampered Chef Show of your own today!
They are easy, fun and really great;
So don’t wait too long to pick your date!
Earn FREE product really quick;
Call Jayne for details at 674-0356
So be a “SMARTIE”
Call now to book your Party!!
Guaranteed to be one “WHOPPER” of a good time!!

I put milk duds, smarties and whoppers in the treat bag. I hand them the treat along with a catalog. I put a label on the catalog with the same saying as above. I actually got a recruit last year this way and she is still active.:D

I love this idea... I'm going to borrow some of the wording and make treat bags with my business card attached. :)
  • #23
Jayne said:
HALLOWEEN IS COMING...I take my old catalogs with me trick-or-treating. I don't have kids to take anymore but I dress up and tote around catalogs along with a treat for Mom's & Dad's. Here is a little saying I put inside or outside of the treat bags...

Don’t be a “DUD” for the holiday,
Book a Pampered Chef Show of your own today!
They are easy, fun and really great;
So don’t wait too long to pick your date!
Earn FREE product really quick;
Call Jayne for details at 674-0356
So be a “SMARTIE”
Call now to book your Party!!
Guaranteed to be one “WHOPPER” of a good time!!

I put milk duds, smarties and whoppers in the treat bag. I hand them the treat along with a catalog. I put a label on the catalog with the same saying as above. I actually got a recruit last year this way and she is still active.:D

Love your idea. I did a little revising of your poem and thought I'd share. Thanks for sharing it with us. It's really cute.


Don't be a " DUD" on this spooky holiday,
Book your Pampered Chef Show today!

They are easy, fun and really great;
So don't wait too long to pick your date!

Earn FREE products that are oh so devine;
Call Jessica for details at 777-0759!

If you don't want to call on this fright night,
You can visit my Pampered Chef website

We'll have a few "SNICKERS" and great fun,
Oh but now I'm almost done.

So go on now and be a real "SMARTIE",
Call me now to book your party!!

So now that I'm done with my little rhyme
I guarantee you'll have one “WHOPPER” of a time!!

  • #24
Love the Halloween idea. Every year we take our kids to a huge neighborhood. I think I'll find some cute halloween goodie bags or stationery and hand it out this year.
  • Thread starter
  • #25
I DO love the Halloween idea!! However, I will be having a c-section on 10/8. Not sure how up to walking a long distance I will be. I guess even if it is just a block or two I will give it a shot. Thanks for the idea!
  • #26
I LOVE this!!! I have a fair coming up this weekend and I will be putting it on all of my old cattys!!!
  • #27
I love it too!!
Hey Gwen!!!

Did you celebrate National Show Submittion Day????

So glad you are loving CS!
Easy to see which job is most fun!

Hey my show tonight is near Chuck E Cheese by you!
  • #28
Wow... I am in the same boat with all the old catalogs left over! Love both of the poems to put on them... I have a fair coming up next month... I will definitely be using these ideas! Thanks so much for sharing! I love this site, I spend so much time just reading through everything (although, sometimes I can kill an entire morning and afternoon, like today!)... Thanks for all of the great ideas! :cool:
  • #29
I am SOOOO using the Halloween idea! That's why I LOVE this site!!
As for the c section...will there be kids coming to you? I'd put the catty in thier treat bag with some candy.
  • Thread starter
  • #30
jillbean said:
I am SOOOO using the Halloween idea! That's why I LOVE this site!!
As for the c section...will there be kids coming to you? I'd put the catty in thier treat bag with some candy.

Oh, Hello! What a good idea! I hand out candy at my Mom's. I can totally do that! THANKS! THIS was exactly the idea I needed. Not much work on my part, and different than the dropping off places!
  • #31
I donated a product & $25 worth of free products to a benefit fundraiser raffle and laid out some old catalogs with and insert that said "If you would like to see Pampered Chef’s new and current Fall/Winter 2008 catalog with NEW products or if you would like to learn how you will earn free products by hosting a show, call me!"
and then my info.
  • #32
I came across this old post at such a great time.
Halloween is right around the corner and I have a booth on Oct 9th! I think that would work great
  • #33
Jayne, I love that idea and have forwarded it to my cluster. THANK YOU!

I have labels I put on my old catalogs:

This calalog may be old,
Check it out, you may be sold.
Like what you see?
Have a party & get if for FREE!

I leave them everywhere. The ones where I get my car fixed have panned out. A custmer came in and was raving about the kernel cutters, they grabbed my catalog and called me to order!! I am now their consultant! :)
  • #34
Addie4TLC said:
Give a few to your new recruit so she doesn't use her new catalogs and give her some ideas mentioned here. Remember to explain to her that she will get more catalogs when she starts recruiting too.

Just a note, we no longer get a pack of catalogs when we sign a new recruit. That went away when they started the recruiting bonus money.
  • #35
Thanks for bringing this old post back to remind us of how to use in time for Halloween. =)
  • #36
I have A MILLION Mini-Cats cause I usually order them to send as invites, or to keep in my purse, and never get rid of nearly enough. I usually make treat bags for our trick or treaters, so I think it'll work perfect! Maybe a coupon on it too, a mini-cat and coupon for mom and a treat for the kids.... hmmm....
  • #37
All of these ideas are great, and I may use one of the labels mentioned. My director mentioned to me that some people may be upset by the price increases when they look at old catalogs, so just keep that in mind. She suggested using the recipes in the catalogs to laminate them to make book marks. You can put your information on the back of the bookmark and it's an easy way to get some great marketing materials that are not out of date. Definitely do this with catalogs that are from the Fall season last year or later. I don't give out old catalogs that are older than the last season.
  • #38
The Halloween idea is great! But if you don't want to go out and you have lots of kids coming to your own door... tell them you have something for Mommie too! Give them a mini cat to take home. Parents ALWAYS look thru the bag! Woohoo!

Related to I Have 72 Old Catalogs Left Over

1. How can I use my leftover catalogs to boost my business?

There are many creative ways to use your leftover catalogs to boost your business. Here are a few ideas:

  • Host a catalog party where you invite friends, family, and acquaintances to browse and place orders from your leftover catalogs. Offer discounts or incentives to encourage them to make a purchase.
  • Partner with local businesses or organizations to display your catalogs in their waiting rooms or common areas. This will expose your products to a new audience.
  • Include a catalog in every order or package you ship out. This will give your customers something tangible to browse and potentially make additional purchases.
  • Use your leftover catalogs as part of a giveaway or contest on social media. This will not only help you get rid of excess catalogs, but also attract new customers.
  • Consider donating your catalogs to a local school or community organization for a fundraiser. This will not only support a good cause, but also promote your business to a wider audience.

2. How many catalogs should I order for my next business cycle?

This will depend on your individual business needs and goals. It's always better to have a few extra catalogs than not enough. Take into account any upcoming events or promotions, as well as your current customer base, to determine the appropriate amount to order.

3. Can I return any of my leftover catalogs for a refund?

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for leftover catalogs. However, you can use the above suggestions to make the most of your remaining catalogs and potentially boost your business.

4. How can I prevent ordering too many catalogs in the future?

To prevent ordering too many catalogs, it's helpful to keep track of your sales and customer base. This will give you a better understanding of how many catalogs you typically need for a certain time period. You can also communicate with your customers and ask if they prefer digital catalogs or if they would like a physical catalog mailed to them.

5. Can I customize my leftover catalogs with my own branding or information?

Yes, our company offers the option to customize catalogs with your own branding and information. This can be a great way to personalize your catalogs and make them stand out to potential customers. Contact our customer service team for more information on this option.

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