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I tried a bunch of CC calls last night and had two happy customers, with potential future bookings - wouldn't commit. The rest I left messages for. I only have a handlful of folks left to call, my one July booking cancelled, the other pushed me off to maybe August. I NEED to thrive, can't stand coporate America anymore! At least if PC was thriving I'd know I'm in the right direction.
Any offers of support would be greatly appreciated! I work full-time, my husband is working a lot and not around much and I have an active 4 year old. That makes it hard to do the Pamper a Business, unless I do it on a weekend? Any ideas of the best places to hit up?
Thanks again, I LOVE CS!
Any offers of support would be greatly appreciated! I work full-time, my husband is working a lot and not around much and I have an active 4 year old. That makes it hard to do the Pamper a Business, unless I do it on a weekend? Any ideas of the best places to hit up?
Thanks again, I LOVE CS!