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I Can't Believe This - I Have Been Accused by Pampered Chef!

In summary, the other consultant reported Anne for advertising on eBay and the director is taking care of it.
Of advertising on eBay!

The other day I noticed a phone call on my caller ID from PC, I called back and it was a Manager there who I am familiar with. I left a message but she never called back. I called my Director, who wasn't home, and her husband said they had just called him too.

Anyway she just called me today, she's on her way home from Glasgow, and she got an e-mail and they are accusing ME of advertising on eBay!

The crazy thing is, the other day I sent them an e-mail with another consultant's eBay listing, she was asking for parties in the listing. I don't have a copy of it because it was sent through the popup window we have on our CC (won't make that mistake again). So all I can presume is that they got totally mixed up with the e-mail? :(

I just feel terrible because I abhor people selling things on eBay, it's so unfair to the rest of us, and I've searched and searched and can't find ANY reference to me in any eBay auctions. So either PC royally screwed up or someone has it out for me. This really sucks either way. :(
I agree. It sucks. The good news is that they won't find any evidence against you since you weren't doing anything wrong.

I suppose it is possible that they got their info mixed up. I hope things are cleared up soon.
There must just be some confusion - and I'm sure when you actually talk to someone at PC, you can clear it up...so sorry this has happened to you though!:(
Hope you are able to talk to someone today!
On the bright side - at least we know they actually follow thru w/ those who do sell on Ebay!:rolleyes:
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Well if they have no evidence I have to wonder why they even accused me... but I can't think what evidence they could have! Either way they owe me a huge apology, the sooner the better. I won't be calling them because my Director said she is taking care of it for me. She is not happy because they also accused her of having an illegal website. We wondered if someone had it out for both of us.
No good deed goes unpunished.
--Clare Booth Luce

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  • Thread starter
  • #6
Right, I should just keep my mouth shut next time and let everyone else break the rules and get away with it.
Welcome to the club! I had a similar situation happen to me. You will be fine! Although, I still have my director playfully calling me a "bad as*"!
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  • #8
What happened to you Anne?
AJPratt said:
Welcome to the club! I had a similar situation happen to me. You will be fine! Although, I still have my director playfully calling me a "bad as*"!
You're a bad donkey like the rest of us. ;) Welcome to our little club.
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  • #10
OK Anne I found it by looking through the threads you posted. I want to know though why they didn't e-mail ME, just my Director!
  • #11
Someone has been paying attention to politics. If you are guilty of something and get called on it, accuse the accuser. Deny, deflect and denegrate - then act innocent. It seems to work pretty well, at least, for some it does.
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  • #12
Are you saying that the person I reported has reported me? Although I enjoy your posts KG, sometimes I don't fully understand what you're getting at. :)
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  • #14
How would they know it was me though? Surely PC is not going to just forward an e-mail to the person with my details on it..
  • #15
Amber,I'm so sorry to hear what you're dealing with. I wonder why they're going through your director and not talking to you at all.It's such a shame when the consultants who follow the rules get into trouble for nothing, and in the meantime there are lots of consultants who advertise and sell all over ebay and other places who don't ever get caught.
  • #16
Court Jester
The_Kitchen_Guy said:

You are the Court Jester here at Chef Success KG, it wouldn't be the same without you.
I love your posts. A good chuckle is always good medicine for a busy day! Keep that sarcasm and wisecracks coming!

Debbie :D
  • #17
britishchef said:
What happened to you Anne?
They said I was advertising on Amazon. I sent back an email saying that I checked and there wasn't anything and I never heard back. My director got a notice as well, but didn't think anything of it really.

Can you give them a call? Perhaps explaining what happened...
  • #18
britishchef said:
Well if they have no evidence I have to wonder why they even accused me... but I can't think what evidence they could have! Either way they owe me a huge apology, the sooner the better. I won't be calling them because my Director said she is taking care of it for me. She is not happy because they also accused her of having an illegal website. We wondered if someone had it out for both of us.
I know your director wants to help, but be sure to call yourself as well.
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  • #19
Sorry, I don't have much of a sense of humour right now about this!

I will definitely call myself too, but I want to see what they tell my Director first since it's her they called/e-mailed about it. She is a Sr. Director and has one of the biggest teams in the UK, so they usually listen to her!

But I told my Director they owe me a big apology after this. She thinks the woman in question is just confused about what's going on.
  • #20
I hope everything works out for you, Amber. I've found HO to be pretty understanding when you take the time to explain. We'll all back you up!

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  • #21
Well, on a whim I checked my Sent items and there it was! I could have SWORN I sent it through CC but apparently not.
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  • #22
To uksupportservice
Re Items on eBayHi thereI was browsing eBay tonight and came across several PC items. I wanted
to bring this particular auction to your attention because the seller is
trying to get party bookings from her auction, which I'm pretty sure is
against the rules and unfair to the rest of us!http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNIB-PAMPERED-CHEF-Classic-Batter-bowl-2-litres_W0QQitemZ270082838896QQihZ017QQcategoryZ20642QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemAmber Sebold
  • #23
Sounds like whoever rec'd it at HO is a little confused and read it and/or the headers wrong and accused you rather than the culprit. I'd make the personal phone call and get to the right person and tell them you have the e-mail to resend or fax to them. Often if the person is new dealing with those issues they don't understand e-mail headers, etc. and get mixed up.

Good luck!
  • #24
Ah, I bet because you signed it Amber Sebold they thought you were accusing Amber Sebold!
  • #25
I didn't get accused, but I turned that seller Tiffany in on CC as well. A PC rep wrote me back quoting my e-mail, but the e-mail said

Dear TIFFANY, thank you for brining this matter to our attention....

I hope it was an over sight and I didn't turn myself in, LOL!
  • #26
britishchef said:
How would they know it was me though? Surely PC is not going to just forward an e-mail to the person with my details on it..
Good point. Unless you were talking about it up here, how would they know?

I withdraw my remark.
  • #27
britishchef said:
Sorry, I don't have much of a sense of humour right now about this!

I will definitely call myself too, but I want to see what they tell my Director first since it's her they called/e-mailed about it. She is a Sr. Director and has one of the biggest teams in the UK, so they usually listen to her!

But I told my Director they owe me a big apology after this. She thinks the woman in question is just confused about what's going on.

Hey, that's OK! I think some are just trying to cheer you up. The truth ALWAYS comes out, so I KNOW you will be OK!

I hope your Sr Dir comes through for you, because I for one would miss you!!!
  • #28
Amber, I know you will get things worked out. Keep us posted on what is happening. I bet it is just all a misunderstanding and will be cleard it soon, but I can see where you would be upset over it. I know I would be if in your shoes.

Related to I Can't Believe This - I Have Been Accused by Pampered Chef!

1. Why was I accused by Pampered Chef?

As a direct sales company, Pampered Chef has strict policies and guidelines in place to ensure the integrity of our business. If you have been accused by Pampered Chef, it is likely due to a violation of these policies. Our goal is to maintain a fair and ethical environment for all of our consultants and customers.

2. What should I do if I have been accused by Pampered Chef?

If you have been accused by Pampered Chef, we encourage you to reach out to your consultant or our customer service team for further information about the accusation. We take all accusations seriously and will work with you to resolve the issue and ensure that our policies are being followed.

3. Will I lose my position as a Pampered Chef consultant if I am accused?

Each accusation is handled on a case-by-case basis, and the consequences will depend on the severity of the violation. We will work with you to address the issue and determine the appropriate course of action. However, repeat or serious violations may result in termination of your position as a consultant.

4. Can I defend myself against the accusation?

Yes, you have the right to defend yourself against any accusation made by Pampered Chef. We encourage open communication and will listen to your side of the story. However, we ask that you remain respectful and professional throughout the process.

5. How can I prevent being accused by Pampered Chef in the future?

To avoid being accused by Pampered Chef, it is important to familiarize yourself with our policies and guidelines. These can be found in your consultant agreement and on our website. Additionally, always conduct yourself in a professional and ethical manner when representing Pampered Chef and its products.

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