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How's Everyone Doing for September?

In summary, Kris has had 2 reschedules so far this month into Oct. She has a bunch of shows at the end of the month. Plus 1 new recruit. No idea what she'll end up submitting.
Staff member
I've had 2 reschedules so far this month into Oct. I have a bunch of shows at the end of the month. Plus 1 new recruit. No idea what I'll end up submitting.
Looking good so far. I've got 6 show and a couple of catalog shows. First 2 shows were $1,000! And a new recruit.
Not too bad when you consider that 4 shows cancelled (I doubt more than one will reschedule), had surgery on the 2nd and Sunday's host is avoiding me - kids answer and when they know it's me "she's not home".

So far I have submitted $700 from August in Sept and just put in a $500+ show so I'm at $1250+ so far. I have a couple catalog shows and 2 cooking shows still on the books so not too bad considering I couldn't drive for almost 2 weeks. My team total is just over $3000 so far and I know of several other shows on the books so we should be good. I also qualified a recruit but he doesn't count for anything other than team sales because he went inactive for a couple days before sending the show in - arrrgh!:sick:
6 cooking and 5 catalog shows for me. Got a couple hot leads and I think at least one will sign.My first show was a fundraiser and is $1900 (and I forgot to submit it last night so I won't get paid yet--doh!) and my second show is just under $700 now with more orders to come. So finally my sales are getting back up there. Whew! I also submitted $700 that I held over from August. Team has already submitted $800.October still looking too bare so that is the focus of my CCCs this week. :)
pamperedlinda said:
Looking good so far. I've got 6 show and a couple of catalog shows. First 2 shows were $1,000! And a new recruit.

Woo-hoo! Way to rock it, NDA-roomie!
My team 0! And they won't talk to me. I finally got one gal to commit to doing at least 1 show this month. But she hasn't done it yet.

I have submitted a $770 show already. I have one that is kinda low at $400 that we are closing out on Thursday. Then I have 5 more cooking shows and 4 catalog shows for the rest of the month. I HAVE to recruit!!! I hope with some of those shows will come real leads!

It has been a little surprising. Altough it shouldn't be. I organized my office and business hours and have been sticking to it (more or less) and am almost booked solid through November! I am amazed! I am trying not to count my chickens, because I know how quickly things can turn bad. I don't think I've ever had shows on my calendar this far in advance before. I have 5 booked in October and 5 booked in November. I also made the committment to work at least 1 booth or fair through December and have those all lined up already, too. This fall is looking pretty sweet so far.

Just need those darn recruits!
Chef Kearns said:
I have 5 booked in October and 5 booked in November. I also made the committment to work at least 1 booth or fair through December and have those all lined up already, too. This fall is looking pretty sweet so far.

Woo-hoo! Way to go Leadership-roomie. ;)
(Looking forward to catching up with you in Jan)
I've submitted $4800 so far and have four cooking shows left this month, plus two very small shows still open. Had one new team member join yesterday and one this afternoon.
legacypc46 said:
I've submitted $4800 so far and have four cooking shows left this month, plus two very small shows still open. Had one new team member join yesterday and one this afternoon.

WOW! You're on fire!
  • #10
legacypc46 said:
I've submitted $4800 so far and have four cooking shows left this month, plus two very small shows still open. Had one new team member join yesterday and one this afternoon.
Kris.......you are SMOKIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a cool thing that you will have team members all over the country!
  • #11
legacypc46 said:
I've submitted $4800 so far and have four cooking shows left this month, plus two very small shows still open. Had one new team member join yesterday and one this afternoon.

I'm glad I posted first! I would've been embarrassed after THAT!!! Good JOB Leggy! You are a Rock Star!:party:
  • #12
Hallelujah! Just booked an early Oct show with a gal who has been on my "potential host" list for THREE YEARS!!!! She was at one of my first shows and booked there but it never happened....until NOW! :)
  • #13
Don'tcha just love that :)
  • #14
Going good!
I have a total of 10 cooking shows and 5 catalog shows for Sept.
I have held 2 recruiting interviews and had one new lead. I would hope at least one of these gals sign.
I have got October full at this point with 14 cooking shows and 3 catalog. I still have people waiting to book October. Not sure if I will find a date for them. I'm still in shock that my October is so set. Considering I still have 7 more shows to do this month.;)
  • #15
Melissa, what have you been doing to get all those bookings???
  • #16
DebbieJ said:
Melissa, what have you been doing to get all those bookings???

I have lots of FUN!! I try to make my show so much fun that they all want to have a show. But aside from that I play this game.

I started in March playing a booking game that I got from my DSWA meeting.
It is the pick or pass game. This is a game for the host to get her bookings.
I think when the host goes around with it, people are at ease and don't fell pressured.
I have some decorative boxes in a basket. In each box it says either " FREE gift" or "FREE gift and book a show".
I tell everyone they can pick or pass. If you want a show or are thinking about a show, pick. If your dead set against it, pass. The host takes this basket around and asks the guest.
I find that 2-4 boxes are taken and always at least 2 book. I have a bag of little goodies at checkout that they can pick from in a bag. Simple things like season's best, paring knifes, all purpose spreaders. Things that I may have on hand that are small. Recently I bought a bunch of those measuring spoons in the outlet and threw them in too. So when they come to check out with a box, they pick from the bag.
At the first show I played this at in March, I got 6 bookings. So since then I do this game at every show and book a min of 2. In Augst I had 5 shows with a total of 14 bookings for the month.
90% of my show schedule right now for Sept/October are from shows. The other 10% are past hosts or referrals.
I always make sure to that at checkout I still ask them about the business and a show. Even if they didn't take a box. I don't assume they aren't interested in a show. They might not of got what the game was about.
  • #17
I have 8 cooking shows (one is over $1100!) 3 catalog, 2 new consultants and my team has submitted over $5500 so far!

  • #18
chefkugler said:
I have lots of FUN!! I try to make my show so much fun that they all want to have a show. But aside from that I play this game.

I started in March playing a booking game that I got from my DSWA meeting.
It is the pick or pass game. This is a game for the host to get her bookings.
I think when the host goes around with it, people are at ease and don't fell pressured.
I have some decorative boxes in a basket. In each box it says either " FREE gift" or "FREE gift and book a show".
I tell everyone they can pick or pass. If you want a show or are thinking about a show, pick. If your dead set against it, pass. The host takes this basket around and asks the guest.
I find that 2-4 boxes are taken and always at least 2 book. I have a bag of little goodies at checkout that they can pick from in a bag. Simple things like season's best, paring knifes, all purpose spreaders. Things that I may have on hand that are small. Recently I bought a bunch of those measuring spoons in the outlet and threw them in too. So when they come to check out with a box, they pick from the bag.
At the first show I played this at in March, I got 6 bookings. So since then I do this game at every show and book a min of 2. In Augst I had 5 shows with a total of 14 bookings for the month.
90% of my show schedule right now for Sept/October are from shows. The other 10% are past hosts or referrals.
I always make sure to that at checkout I still ask them about the business and a show. Even if they didn't take a box. I don't assume they aren't interested in a show. They might not of got what the game was about.

I like this idea and am thinking I am going to try it...!!!
  • #19
Wow! I am glad to hear that everyone is having such a good month! Mine, on the other hand isn't going so well, and since I am in month 3 I will probably be saying "goodbye" soon. I had 5 shows and 3 cattys, then 2 rescheduled, and I added one more. Plus I will have been collecting orders from friends and family, so that is a few hundred more. The problem is that my shows have been really really low! I think all three are sitting at about $300 right now. I have been coaching and incouraging my hosts, but so far not so good. My meeting is tomorrow night, so I am hoping that my gals will have some great news for me about thier sales.

Sorry to be a downer, I just can't believe it myself.
  • #20
I have 4 Cooking shows and 8 catalog shows. I am in the process of talking with 2 potential recruits. I have 2 new consultants from August that should be submitting some shows this month. I held over a small show from August. Just gonna have to wait about another week to see where everyone is at!
  • #21
ShanaSmith said:
Mine, on the other hand isn't going so well, and since I am in month 3 I will probably be saying "goodbye" soon. .

We don't want you to go! You may still be able to leverage the awesome 60% off special on cookware to generate some catalog shows.

Instead of focusing the host on earning a set (which a lot of folks are choosing not to spend dollars on right now), focus your potential hosts on earning the greatest single piece of cookware ever: the Executive 12" Skillet. If they already have that, this is a great opportunity to get the Roasting Pan w/Rack (which taps into the increase in families eating and entertaining together more).

Aim for 10* catalog shows in these next couple weeks. Let your hosts know they only have to collect $150 in orders to get the pan at 60% off...but share how at $300 you can give them even more. (Of course they can higher, but keep the 'pressure' factor low.)

*Don't let the goal of 10 discourage you. Take it one booking at a time. Stay focused on how this is a wonderful opportunity versus your concern about relinquishment.

We want you to make it thru...and then go to NDA, if possible. It will help tremendously.
  • #22
I do have a few more people to call, hopefully at least a show and a couple of cattys to set up. I will try your idea. If I don't make it this month I don't think I will be doing the repromotion cycle. I am 6 months pregnant now, so that timing won't work so well for me. My team just isn't consistantly selling and it is too much for me to do the entire $4000 (that is what I used to do, but I just can't right now).

Thanks for your support!
  • #23
Try a Mystery host show. Get 10 people to collect $100 in orders. I did one in August. I only had 6 1/2 participate and had $940 in sales. I found when I do a mystery host show that people are at ease to get $100 in orders rather than the pressure of a regular catalog show. Most people got that in 3 orders.
I did one in Nov and it was $1400.
  • #24
chefkugler said:
I have lots of FUN!! I try to make my show so much fun that they all want to have a show. But aside from that I play this game.

I started in March playing a booking game that I got from my DSWA meeting.
It is the pick or pass game. This is a game for the host to get her bookings.
I think when the host goes around with it, people are at ease and don't fell pressured.
I have some decorative boxes in a basket. In each box it says either " FREE gift" or "FREE gift and book a show".
I tell everyone they can pick or pass. If you want a show or are thinking about a show, pick. If your dead set against it, pass. The host takes this basket around and asks the guest.
I find that 2-4 boxes are taken and always at least 2 book. I have a bag of little goodies at checkout that they can pick from in a bag. Simple things like season's best, paring knifes, all purpose spreaders. Things that I may have on hand that are small. Recently I bought a bunch of those measuring spoons in the outlet and threw them in too. So when they come to check out with a box, they pick from the bag.
At the first show I played this at in March, I got 6 bookings. So since then I do this game at every show and book a min of 2. In Augst I had 5 shows with a total of 14 bookings for the month.
90% of my show schedule right now for Sept/October are from shows. The other 10% are past hosts or referrals.
I always make sure to that at checkout I still ask them about the business and a show. Even if they didn't take a box. I don't assume they aren't interested in a show. They might not of got what the game was about.

I have a few questions about this Melissa~
~how many boxes do you have in the basket?
~when someone takes a box, that means that they are interested in having a show, right?
~when they come to checkout with a box, do you just work on the assumption that they are booking or do you wait to see what slip they have in their box?
~do they get to look at what is in the box before choosing it?

I guess I am not uderstanding their incentive for picking a box when they are still going to get wa gift from the bag...........I must be having a "senior" moment! Help me here!!!
  • #25
anyone???? Melissa might be at a show...............I need help ASAP!!!!
  • #26
chefmeg said:
I have a few questions about this Melissa~
~how many boxes do you have in the basket?
~when someone takes a box, that means that they are interested in having a show, right?
~when they come to checkout with a box, do you just work on the assumption that they are booking or do you wait to see what slip they have in their box?
~do they get to look at what is in the box before choosing it?

I guess I am not uderstanding their incentive for picking a box when they are still going to get wa gift from the bag...........I must be having a "senior" moment! Help me here!!!

I have 7 boxes, wait 6 ( I had a kid steal one)
So half the boxes say Free gift and half say Free gift and book a show.
They don't look in the box until after they pick. So the ones who were a maybe often get the box that says "free gift and book a show" They then decide to book cause the box so called told them too.
But seriously everyone that picks books. They are only taking if they want a show or are thinking about it. The maybe's are the ones that are so called taking the risk to see if they have to book a show.
I sometimes get those at check out and they say mine says Free gift. I always ask them if they want to have a show. After all they took the box. So they had some interest.
I don't even ask them what is in the box most of the time. I say oh I see you picked a box, Great. What day of the week is better for you to host a show or what month were you interested in. I then direct them to my bag to pick their free gift from. I sometimes get those that just take the chance. If they get a box that just says "Free Gift" and didn't really want a show, I encourage the catalog show option.
I think with this game that just them knowing the host is doing this to get her bookings and future 60% off gives them the push to book for those that were not sure at first.
Does this help???
  • #27
Yes, that helps tremendously! Thank you~I am going to try this tonight and will let you know what happens!
  • #28
Looking forward to hearing your results Meg. I have a show tomorrow night I'd like to do this at. Even though I'm leaving, it would be great to generate some shows for new consultants (unless, of course, someone at the show signs) :)
  • #29
Let me know how it works for you. I use it at every show.
  • #30
Hey Melissa GREAT idea!!
I actually forgot about it I have a show tonight so I'm going to use envelopes instead of boxes.....your prizes are just like door prize stuff...
  • #31
annew said:
Hey Melissa GREAT idea!!
I actually forgot about it I have a show tonight so I'm going to use envelopes instead of boxes.....your prizes are just like door prize stuff...

Yes, they are door prize type gifts.
  • #32
Thanks I'll let you know how I make out!
  • #33
Finally submitted my show from 9/6--commissionable sales are $1904!!! This was a HO lead for a fundraiser. Even with the reduced commission rate, I'm making like $300 on this show. WOOHOO--I needed the boost!I'm looking at $3500 submitted with 5 cooking shows to go and several catalog shows. Plus I have at least one recruit signing at the end of the month. Yay! Things are looking up!!!!
  • #34
Wow Deb! Great job! Congratulations on the HOT month!
  • #35
Great news to read Deb!
  • #36
Great job Deb! Here is my update too. We are at the half way point, I have about $2000 so far (the hard way, 6 shows!). I just scheduled another show for next weekend, so I have 2 cooking and 1 catty to go. Plus I think my team might come up with a little bit... Hopefully about $1000. And as I learned the year I got TPC, I haven't forgotten about next month, so I have some shows for Oct too.
  • #37
my show last night generated 3 bookings but I don't think it was from the "pick or pass" game~one booking was for a catalog show for this month because she wants the cookware; one is for November because she wants the DCB @ 60% off; the other didn't set a firm date because she needed to check her calendar. I do have one recruit lead that I will be talking to tonight! Sales were blah, but my host is a former consultant and has a wish list a mile long...she is determined to get sales to $600!
  • #38
Congrats on the bookings. Some have their mind made up before hand that they want to book and some want the specials. But for those that are sitting on the fence, I think the game works well.
I had used it at my show last night and got 3 bookings.
The funny part of last nights show is, I had put products in my grill basket. These were the products for the recipe. I was going to pass it around and have everyone take one. That would be the one they use to help out. Well, right before it the host says I hope you aren't going to make them help. My face dropped( we talked about it already). A few ladies said we were at one a few weeks ago and she worked us and we had no choice. So in my head I'm thinking these ladies aren't going to help me. So I slowly take the products out of the basket. It was the PB torte, so really there wasn't a lot to do.
At the end of the show the girls told me about the last show. The consultant did 3 recipes and made everyone go to stations to make them. So I thought it was a power cooking. NOPE!! She really did 3 recipes. Oh well all in the end it was a good show still for me and they were happy and it was a $650 show.
  • #39
what are some people thinking when they demo 3 recipes??? I did just the Chicken Fajitas at my show last night and that was plenty! I just cannot imagine the time 3 recipes would take.
  • #40
I agree. All that does is turn people off having to go through 3 demo's.
I like one easy recipe.
  • #41
Woohoo!!! Last Friday's host is using kit credit!!!!!! :):):):):)

That will be two for me this month...although this gal might not sign until Oct 1st when her husband gets paid. I'm dropping off the Quick Start box to the other recruit tomorrow. :)
  • #42
DebbieJ said:
Woohoo!!! Last Friday's host is using kit credit!!!!!! :):):):):)

That will be two for me this month...although this gal might not sign until Oct 1st when her husband gets paid. I'm dropping off the Quick Start box to the other recruit tomorrow. :)

  • #43
Smiling for you Deb!
  • #45
Deb, you too are SMOKIN'!!!!!!!

Related to How's Everyone Doing for September?

1. How many reschedules have you had for September so far?

I have had 2 reschedules for September so far, but I still have a bunch of shows scheduled for the end of the month.

2. When will the rescheduled shows be taking place?

The rescheduled shows will now be taking place in October.

3. How many shows do you have scheduled at the end of the month?

I currently have a bunch of shows scheduled at the end of the month.

4. Have you had any new recruits this month?

Yes, I have had 1 new recruit this month.

5. Do you know what your final submission for this month will be?

As of now, I do not know what my final submission for this month will be. It will depend on the success of my remaining shows and the sales from my new recruit.

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