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How Was Pampered Chef Featured on the Today Show?

In summary, Pampered Chef featured on the Today show!In summary, Michelle Zito from PC and ED did a great job on the Today show. They mentioned insurance, risks and even rep return policies. The new apron was really cool and the follow up by the Today show was great.
Gold Member
Just watched Pampered Chef featured on the Today show! During the Today's Money segment, they featured PC and ED Michelle Zito (not sure I spelled it correctly). Great to see after getting back from National Conference and fired up about our business! Very nice presentation for Pampered Chef! :love:
those of you in later timezones, tune in @ 8:35ish.
I just saw it, it was great!
Michelle did a great job! Got lucky as we are being inundated with storm warnings but the piece got in! What I loved was the follow up by the Today show about checking with the DSA and introducing the ups and downs. They mentioned insurance, risks and even rep return policies. That was a great piece no matter who is looking for what. OH and I love the new apron!
I hope the company posts it so we can all watch it or someone puts it on youtube.
Michele, is a PC cousin, so I already emailed her & asked If she had a clip. I'm waiting for her reply :D
I found it interesting that the expert said that if the start up costs are more than $100-200, it's probably a scam. Aren't there jewelry companies whose starter kits are like $500?
  • #10
Great piece!
  • #11
What a great piece. So nice not to see any of the typical eye-rolling from folks who judge all direct selling companies by the bad apple companies that are out there.
  • #12
YEAH! Thank you so much for the link! One thing we can really highlight is the fact that we don't have to carry inventory so there is no "buy back" to worry about (as mentioned in the piece).
  • #13
I don't think that was the new apron. The strings seemed to be all black?
  • #14
NooraK said:
I found it interesting that the expert said that if the start up costs are more than $100-200, it's probably a scam. Aren't there jewelry companies whose starter kits are like $500?

One company that I know of (starts with a "P") has a starter kit that's $1200. They encourage getting their credit card to pay for your kit. I have always wondered how they get ANYONE to sign up???
  • #15
My cousin started with a company and it was $250 for her kit and if she didnt make enough in the first 12 weeks, she had to pay the company back for the retail value of her kit! i thought she was crazy (still do!) but she did it anyway.
  • #16
Thanks so much for sharing! My customers will love it!
  • #17
It was a great piece! It was fun and reaffirming to see PC spotlighted on national TV!
  • #18
darlinclem said:
YEAH! Thank you so much for the link! One thing we can really highlight is the fact that we don't have to carry inventory so there is no "buy back" to worry about (as mentioned in the piece).

Actually, this is what the consultant agreement says:

Upon termination of this Agreement, Company will refund to consultant 90 percent of Consultant's purchase price on any unused and resaleable product samples or inventory purchased within 12 months of the date of termination should Consultant return such products.

So, while we do not need to carry inventory, if you have some (say, rubs), you can return them for a refund of 90%.
  • #19
I was watching (well glimpsing at it) while getting the kids ready to go blueberry picking. I pressed the record button so I could watch the whole thing when I have a chance today. I have seen so many articles/videos lately about direct sales being THE way to earn an extra income.
  • #20
Did we get word that this was airing this morning? I was lucky enough to catch it while on the treadmill, lol!!
  • #21
Direct selling WAS the way for me. I don't have much of a resume, so finding a "real" job was tough. There was no interview for this job. I'm glad that I gave it a try. I am loving all the products and the bonus items that we get are awesome!
  • #22
I felt the same about the piece and also thought it was interesting that the expert said if the kit is over $100 or $200 it could be a pyramid scheme... But, my customers on FB have loved it.
  • #23
I'm just re-activating my business and this was right on time. I clicked the icon to share on my FB page just under 20 minutes ago. I had to come back and reply to this post because I have 5 Private Messages in my Inbox with PC in the subject line!!! I am so excited!! Going to read them now......cross your fingers ladies and gents!!
  • #24
Just wanted to share I have a new consultant thanks to this Today show segment :) She saw the show and showed up to the show late and had to leave early just two days after the segment but had watched it. She called me to place an order but at the same time she was trying to figure out what to purchase to help the host but wanted to talk and signed that night! Thank you to our amazing company for getting on the TV it is helping to grow my business more!
  • #25
hcjeep said:
Just wanted to share I have a new consultant thanks to this Today show segment :) She saw the show and showed up to the show late and had to leave early just two days after the segment but had watched it. She called me to place an order but at the same time she was trying to figure out what to purchase to help the host but wanted to talk and signed that night! Thank you to our amazing company for getting on the TV it is helping to grow my business more!

That's awesome!
  • #26
wow, how fantastic for you!!!

Related to How Was Pampered Chef Featured on the Today Show?

What is Pampered Chef's involvement with the Today Show?

Pampered Chef has been featured on the Today Show multiple times, showcasing our high-quality kitchen products and sharing delicious recipes that can be made with them. Our partnership with the Today Show allows us to reach a wider audience and share the joy of cooking with even more people.

How does one become a Pampered Chef consultant featured on the Today Show?

The consultants featured on the Today Show are selected by our corporate team based on their success and passion for the Pampered Chef brand. Consultants who consistently achieve high sales and demonstrate exceptional knowledge of our products and recipes may have the opportunity to be featured on the show.

What type of products are typically showcased on the Today Show segment?

Our Today Show segments usually feature a variety of our most popular kitchen products, such as our stoneware, cutlery, and cookware sets. We also often highlight new and innovative products that are perfect for the season or trending in the cooking world.

Can I purchase the products featured on the Today Show segment?

Absolutely! All of the products showcased on the Today Show segment are available for purchase on our website or through one of our consultants. We also offer exclusive bundles and deals for viewers of the show, so be sure to check our website for any special promotions.

How can I stay updated on Pampered Chef's appearances on the Today Show?

The best way to stay updated on our appearances on the Today Show is to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter. We always announce when we will be featured on the show and share any exciting news or promotions related to our appearance. You can also tune in to the Today Show to catch our segments live.

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