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How to Plan a Bridal Shower in Just 5 Days?

In summary, the speaker is discussing their concerns about hosting a bridal shower on short notice and not having enough guests or sales. They plan to have guests bring money for the bride to use since there isn't enough time to order products. They are also seeking advice on easy and fun ideas for the shower. Other speakers mention using products for newlyweds and sharing recipes, as well as sharing a success story of a previous bridal shower with a small number of guests.
Silver Member
I had someone contact me yesterday to book a bridal shower for this Saturday. :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm nervous about it b/c I've only ever done one PC bridal shower as a consultant and it was for family (funny I haven't had more recently with 4 of my husbands nieces/nephews getting married this summer). Anyway...what to do/make/freak out about.

The host is moving across country in 2 weeks so that's why it's quick. She'll invite by phone. However, I'm concerned about how good of a show it could be and how much effort it deserves. I'd appreciate any slap upside the head saying OF COURSE it will be great or suggestions for what to do. I'm planning to have the guests bring a gift of money for her to use since it's too quick for her to look at a catalog to pick products to receive. I'm just concerned that 5 people will come and I'll have a $100 bridal shower!

How much food to bring? I'm concerned this is an easy bridal shower for her. I bring food and plan everything so she just has to invite people. I don't want to cater for a tiny group and non-show. Does everyone make a cake (bridal cake?). I don't really have time to do that since I have a graduation party earlier that day. Easy, easy, easy is what I need. Thank you!!!!:eek:
skip the cake and do the dulce de leche bites. Think Positive you may have a small show but you may make some contacts for future shows and or consultants. Just think she may need a new job.
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  • #3
Okay, I'm hoping for more answers. What do you do for bridal showers that's easy and fun? I need to call the host and talk to her about options and have little to say. It's so soon and I'm freaking a bit. Please help!!
{slap!} You'll do great!

Focus on what the bride wants and pass things around so people can see/touch/play. Do something simple as a demo, and have punch. Let the bride help you - people love to see her as the center of attention.
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  • #5
Not to be annoying, but I'd really love more input.
Well, Ann already slapped you and we don't want to knock you out, so I won't do it again. But OF COURSE it will be wonderful!!!

How many people are going to be there? Are they doing any other "games"? Maybe you could do the Amazing Race theme show as a game... takes care of making the food and entertaining guests.

How about talking about products that are good for "newlywed" uses...
core 'n more, small microcooker = core strawberries and dip in melted chocolate.
grilling stuff, outdoor plates/utensils = DH can make dinner, not dirty kitchen and clean up by throwing everything in dishwasher
woven rectangle server = serve breakfast in bed

I'm sure someone else would like to chime in here...

But for recipes - chocolate silk mousse, but instead of using crepes, use pre-baked phyllo dough shells (find in the freezer section by pie crusts, puff pastry, etc.). They are bite size and more of finger food at that point. Top with strawberries or raspberries - YUMMY and EASY!

Hope this helps (and you're not being annoying)...
I did a bridal shower about 2 weeks ago, the bride only had about 250.00 worth of product on her wish list so i was think this can't be good, I put everything she wanted on her wish list on bamboo skewers and stuck them in the colander bowls, then when i got there I saw that she only had 8 people show up but I figured that I would make the best of it, I did the 10 min pork in the Covered Baker this was not on the brides wish list, and we did margaritas in the quick stir pitcher, everyone was so impressed with the pork to make a long story short she got everything she wanted plus she kept adding to her wish list everytime she saw something else the show closed that day with 8 orders and 900.00 in sales not bad.
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  • #8
Wow! That gives me hope. How many people? As of yesterday, a shower was not scheduled. No one has been invited as far as I know. I called the host today, but didn't get ahold of her. She only has a cellphone, which is always a little iffy. Her sister (who is currently doing a catalog and why they thought of me) has email, but she's not very communicative (very short answers, little detail). I'm concerned that this is a thrown together shower that I should run from. I AM hoping for the best. Just curious if anyone has had this happen. I actually may just have everything already prepared when I get there just in case there aren't many people there. Then I can chat and talk to the bride, etc. Who knows, maybe I'll get a registry!! That would be great!Thanks for the ideas and encouragement. As I mentioned, it needs to be easy b/c I have a graduation party just before for a niece and may go straight from it to the party!I like the idea of coming up with cute reasons to get certain products. Thanks!
Just host coach them like crazy! Leave messages and send emails if you don't get a live person. Make sure they know that you are not a glorified caterer. Only make ONE recipe unless the two you make are easy. Get the guests involved. Have each person bring a recipe card for the bride. Make sure the guests KNOW that it is a PC Wedding Shower - ask if you can do the reminder calls.
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  • #10
Reminder calls! I don't even know if they are invited YET! She doesn't have email and the details aren't hammered out since I was on my way to my meeting when she called. I agree, one to two recipes. I will probably do two, but easy.Reminder calls is a good idea though. I'm just not sure that's going to happen unless she goes to her sister's house and emails. Her cell doesn't get good reception at home. Auuggghh! I don't even have the address of the party. I think it may be at the brides home and I AM worried that they think this is the easy way to cater a party.
  • #11
At my bridals:

- I bring the bride cake premade the night before (cake in batter bowl, out to cool, wash batter bowl, put cake back in, lid on top). I add a few flowers, round platter, container of icing and a doll pick to the bag along with the EAD and let the bride decorate the cake after my quick demo.
- I demo Clubhouse Chicken Squares - host pays for ingredients, nice quick demo, talk about my top ten (stones, batter bowls, spatulas, chopper, garlic press, cookware, cheese grater etc) this all done briefly while demo'ing
- Guests 'contribute' to the bride's shopping spree by putting their monetary gift in the bridal apron pocket and their favorite recipe in the other pocket and then signing the apron (apron is the gift from host unless the shower is over xx amount and then I'll pay for gift)
- After my quickie demo and spiel on top ten, I have host come up wearing signed apron to decorate bride cake with EAD. Great photo op for guests.
- While she finishes this I have guests do quiz/game 'how well do I know the bride' that the bride filled out during intros and my thank you's at the beginning
- I give correct answers, give winner a prize, share guest and upcoming host specials, how their purchase will contribute to even more free for the bride, explain warranty, methods of payment, clean up take orders and that's it.

So only one recipe that the host pays for, a cake mix and canned frosting from me along with a door prize (or two) and the apron paid for from the guest's money, the host, or me if sales are high. Sweet, simple and focused more on the bride and what would help stock the essentials in her kitchen.

Hope that helps!
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  • #12
Jodi -

I have two showers coming up (my first two) and this sounds like something I can get my mind around! But, I have questions ... (of course!)

Bridecake: flowers edible? What is a doll pick?

Top Ten: You listed 7. Would you mind completing the list?

How Well Do I Know The Bride GAme: Is that something you have printed out?

This really sounds quite managable to me ... :D
  • #13
I did one like this 2 weeks ago. It had been scheduled for the 9th and on a Tuesday she decided she wanted to do it on Sunday at 2. She did all phone invites as well. There were 16 people there and we made the BLT Ranch Salad Pizza. The show closed at over $700. Turned out Great!! You will do fine. Make a trifle or some easy dessert!! Good luck!
  • #14
MomToEli said:
Jodi -

I have two showers coming up (my first two) and this sounds like something I can get my mind around! But, I have questions ... (of course!)

Bridecake: flowers edible? What is a doll pick?

Top Ten: You listed 7. Would you mind completing the list?

How Well Do I Know The Bride GAme: Is that something you have printed out?

This really sounds quite managable to me ... :D


1. Flowers - cheap bunches I bought of large pretty flowers (fake peonies I think - sooo NOT a gardener ;) ). I bought some bunches a few years ago on sale at Michaels and Walmart - $1 a bunch I believe. Slid the larger flowers off, put them in a bag on my shelf by color and I have red, pink, dark and light blue, purple and even an orange so far. I've only used the red, pink and blue to date. I just have them on the table, insert doll pick in cake on round platter, have bride decorate and then place flowers around the doll (since dress is white and platter is white and my doll is either blond or brunette it adds color beautifully but still simple)

2. Doll pick - I usually use a $1 barbie from the dollar store and snap off her legs or cut at the knees hee hee but couldn't find one after 3 stores and wasn't paying $9 for the cheapest Skipper or real Barbie so I went to the Bulk Store (Michael's has them as well) and bought a doll pick for $4 and I'm reusing it. It's a barbie type doll to the waste and then it turns into a pick (no legs) so you just poke it in the top and it fits perfectly with the cake.

3. The others on the list were knives/cutting boards (cheating and counting as one), can opener and microcookers. I like to include the stoneware as one so I can mention the DCB and the fluted for the micro and then go into the microcookers (how I cooked the chicken for the clubhouse chicken squares for example)

4. How well do I know the bride is a game I found on one of the message boards a few years back. I've tried a couple but this one gets the most laughs and it's quick and easy. I want the guests to have a little fun but still keep it all about the bride (with PC thrown in here, there and everywhere). I just print this off about 20 at a time and keep whatever I don't use for the next bridal I do. I have also had hosts offer to print it off themselves but I don't take them up on it.

Hope that helps answer all your questions :)
  • #15
I forgot to add the only reason I use the bridal apron instead of a board or basket or skewers with pictures of products is because all 4 of the showers I've done so far have been a surprise for the bride. She thought she was coming to a PC show and was picked up by a friend in the know, thought she was on her way to a dress fitting etc. So rather than putting her on the spot to create a wishlist right away I've gone with the apron. The invite I email to the host includes info about the apron, no need to bring a gift, can contribute to the apron even if you can't make it - live far away etc, and also mentions bringing a recipe for the bride to start her kitchen.

I have the host or close friend 'man' the apron somewhere close to my display; guests are instructed to come and place recipes in one pocket, gift in another and then to sign the apron. Bride comes in to decorated room, everyone hollers surprise, I introduce myself, present the apron and explain that thanks to the generosity of her friends and family she is entitled to an XX$ shopping spree.

Important - just before bride arrives I count up the money with the host present and then place this money in MY apron. This way the money doesn't get used for anything other than what it was intended for - PC products. (My director suggested this after having a bride use $300 for the photographer or something and only have $100 left for PC when the time came to close the show) She can use it all for cookware if she already has a well-stocked kitchen or go for essentials as she chooses. She has a catelog and circles away as I do my demo. Then I close in about a week.
  • #16
Thanks, Jodi. I have a planning session with one of my brides and her maid of honor Thursday night. The bride is a really good friend - I'm so excited :D But, I just wasn't sure of what to tell her. Now I know how I'll run with this.

I LOVE the cake idea!
  • #17
Jules711 said:
Reminder calls! I don't even know if they are invited YET! She doesn't have email and the details aren't hammered out since I was on my way to my meeting when she called. I agree, one to two recipes. I will probably do two, but easy.

Reminder calls is a good idea though. I'm just not sure that's going to happen unless she goes to her sister's house and emails. Her cell doesn't get good reception at home. Auuggghh! I don't even have the address of the party. I think it may be at the brides home and I AM worried that they think this is the easy way to cater a party.

Have you found out any more details about this? If I were you, I would go with your feelings and be very leary about this shower if no one has been invited yet. If you are going to do it, maybe as the host to provide the ingredients for the recipes and get there a bit earlier and make on ahead of time, that way you aren't out the cost of the food if no one comes. Plus, it requires that she make some investment and you aren't just catering. Or just call/email/whatever and say that you need details by _______ (pick a date/time) or you do not have enough time to prepare for the show. At least it puts the ball back in their court and if they are serious, they will get in touch with you...
Take it or leave it, it's JMTC!
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  • #18
Called yesterday and today and got voice mail. I think she may work at night. I will try emailing her sister now, but 4 days until the shower and I don't know if people have been invited or what the exact time is OR the address! Stressed...sort of. I figure that I'll bring a finished recipe. Talk a bit on the products that are good for a new home (including guy's fave items) and be done. I know small shows can be great. Just not sure if I know nothing except the date of the show.
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  • #19
In case anyone is curious, I JUST got my first call (show would be in TWO days) returned regarding this show. Oh wait, no it was in regards to a catalog that I have going with the sister to the person that wanted to through the shower. Yup, it's canceled. Evidently the bride doesn't think anyone will order (my current host says...well, she just described them in less than endearing terms). Seems that the likelihood that it'd be an actual shows was very low. Happy to know that now.Guess I'd better get on the phone now b/c I really want to earn products and my June is super slow!! Thanks for all of the suggestions. I hope to use them on another show soon.
  • #20
If you have anyone who was interested in having a show but never got on your calendar, call them first and offer an express show for this weekend! Tell them, "I had a show cancel, and would like to offer you first dips at the date. It's this Saturday, but if you call and get people there, I'll bring the ingredients and we'll have a great time."
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  • #21
That's a great idea. However, it's a relief b/c I had family stuff going on earlier that day and it's just much easier to be able to enjoy that vs planning a show. I WILL be bringing catalogs though so people there can order there :) .

But I SHOULD just start doing that regardless of whether I have a cancellation ( I don't usually).
  • #22
Nothing wrong with a little fib if you want to fill your calendar. :)
  • #23
chefann said:
If you have anyone who was interested in having a show but never got on your calendar, call them first and offer an express show for this weekend! Tell them, "I had a show cancel, and would like to offer you first dips at the date. It's this Saturday, but if you call and get people there, I'll bring the ingredients and we'll have a great time."

If you don't want to fib, just decide that you have scheduled a show everyday... you just haven't found a host for each show!
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  • #24
That's what I'm thinking. "I decided that I really want to party this Thursday so I thought of you" type thing.
  • #25
Quick ShowerI had less than 24 hours to plan for my first bridal shower show. I was covering for another consultant who couldn't make it, so luckily the menu had been planned etc. I just treated it like a regular show, but had extra gifts for the host (S/S 07 Season's best) gift for the bride (S/S 07 and a scraper) and lots of prizes. I didn't do any games, but had lots of draws. The bride highlighted the items she wanted one a order form and we passed that around. For those who wanted to just "donate" to her "kitty" we put $$ and cheques into the Trifle Bowl.

We did the Touchdown Taco Dip, the Lime Tortilla Chips and the Micro Cake.
Ended up being a $600+ in commissionable sales - not bad for less than 24 hrs notice.

I got one confirmed booking and 2-3 Fall "maybes"; and possibly one recruit.

It's all in how you look at it!

Good luck and just do what you can!
  • #26
kcjodih said:
At my bridals:

- I bring the bride cake premade the night before (cake in batter bowl, out to cool, wash batter bowl, put cake back in, lid on top). I add a few flowers, round platter, container of icing and a doll pick to the bag along with the EAD and let the bride decorate the cake after my quick demo.
- I demo Clubhouse Chicken Squares - host pays for ingredients, nice quick demo, talk about my top ten (stones, batter bowls, spatulas, chopper, garlic press, cookware, cheese grater etc) this all done briefly while demo'ing
- Guests 'contribute' to the bride's shopping spree by putting their monetary gift in the bridal apron pocket and their favorite recipe in the other pocket and then signing the apron (apron is the gift from host unless the shower is over xx amount and then I'll pay for gift)
- After my quickie demo and spiel on top ten, I have host come up wearing signed apron to decorate bride cake with EAD. Great photo op for guests.
- While she finishes this I have guests do quiz/game 'how well do I know the bride' that the bride filled out during intros and my thank you's at the beginning
- I give correct answers, give winner a prize, share guest and upcoming host specials, how their purchase will contribute to even more free for the bride, explain warranty, methods of payment, clean up take orders and that's it.

So only one recipe that the host pays for, a cake mix and canned frosting from me along with a door prize (or two) and the apron paid for from the guest's money, the host, or me if sales are high. Sweet, simple and focused more on the bride and what would help stock the essentials in her kitchen.

Hope that helps!

I am going to make a "Bridal Show" checklist from your post.
You must do awesome at Bridal Shows!
I have yet to do a 1 but am hoping for 1 soon!

What do you do for what they pick out for the bride? Do you have them write it on a receipt?

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Related to How to Plan a Bridal Shower in Just 5 Days?

1. What is "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!"?

"5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!" is a helpful guide created by Pampered Chef to assist in planning a memorable and stress-free bridal shower in just five days. It includes step-by-step instructions, tips, and recipes to make it easier and more enjoyable for the hostess.

2. How does "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!" work?

The guide is broken down into five days, with each day focusing on a different aspect of the bridal shower planning process. It provides a daily checklist of tasks to complete, along with helpful tips and suggested recipes to make the process smoother.

3. Do I need to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!"?

No, anyone can use "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!" to help plan a bridal shower. While it does include some recipes and products from Pampered Chef, they can easily be substituted with similar items from other brands.

4. How much does "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!" cost?

The guide is completely free to use and download from the Pampered Chef website. It is our way of providing helpful resources to our customers and anyone else who may need it.

5. Can I customize "5 Days to Plan a Bridal Shower!" to fit my needs?

Absolutely! While the guide provides a general timeline and suggestions, you can easily customize it to fit your specific needs and preferences. You can also add your own personal touches to make the bridal shower unique and special for the bride-to-be.

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