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How to Handle a Mystery Customer Call for Pampered Chef?

In summary, the gal on my team today called and said she received a voicemail from someone today (the phone cut out and she didn't catch the name, she believes it's someone she met at a gas station and gave a catalog to) who wanted to order some products. Right now her computer is down and she doesn't know when she will get it fixed. She asked me to call this person and take care of their order.
Gold Member
A gal on my team today called and said she received a voicemail from someone today (the phone cut out and she didn't catch the name, she believes it's someone she met at a gas station and gave a catalog to) who wanted to order some products. Right now her computer is down and she doesn't know when she will get it fixed. She asked me to call this person and take care of their order. Um... how do I call someone I don't know and didn't make a connection with and say hey - who at this number wants to order some Pampered Chef?
Why wouldn't your team member want to make the sale? I would say if she wanted to get the commission and get the sale she should have to do it. Does she want you to do the call and then expect you to hand the order over to her? That is odd, maybe she needs you to show her an example of HOW TO DO THE CALL? I do not know, maybe you could use your team member and do a mock call and show her kind of how you would approach the call? Obviously the person was serious enough to call and leave a message so I am sure she wants to place an order. best of luck.
I'm with Rita. And, if the issue is that her computer is down, she can figure it by hand. You can submit the order for her under her consultant number.
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Nope, I tried to talk to her about submitting the show herself and she's not too worried about it even if her computer was up and running. She said in the voicemail the lady only wanted the easy accent decorator so she really didn't want to hassle with it herself. She's a once in a while consultant.
I'd just call and say:
Hi _______, my name is Sheila. Your Pampered Chef Consultant ______ asked me to call you. She received a phone message that she thinks was from you, but the voice mail message was distorted. Did you call her about an EAD? ... Oh, good! [other consultant's name] is having computer issues and can't submit orders right now, but she didn't want to cause you any delays in placing your order so she asked me to give you a call & help ...
Sheila - You are amazing. I wish I had your phone skills. I am still working on that part of the business. Great Advice!
Awe, thanks. It's my Police Dispatching background that taught me to think quick. We had to accurately solve issues the first time ... because you just don't have time to deal with things a 2nd, 3rd or subsequent time. I'm a get in, get it done right the FIRST time & get out kind of girl. And wording is a huge aspect of that job. You can't tell people that a policeman or fireman will be there "in a minute", they will take you seriously! You have to say "they are coming as fast as they can and should be there soon" ... I think with that same "liability" mentality with PC ... trying to use words that won't get me into trouble. Like I use "you can earn a 50% kit rebate" over "you can get a 50% kit rebate". The first statement is true. The 2nd is misleading. I'm always trying to think liability when I choose words! LOL
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Thanks Sheila!
You're welcome girl. :D

Related to How to Handle a Mystery Customer Call for Pampered Chef?

1. What is the best way to start the phone call?

The best way to start the phone call is by introducing yourself and your role at Pampered Chef. Then, ask the person on the other end of the line if they have a few minutes to talk about our products and how they can benefit from them.

2. How should I prepare for the phone call?

Before making the phone call, make sure you have all the necessary information about the person you are calling and their previous interactions with Pampered Chef. This will help you tailor your approach and make the call more personalized.

3. What should I focus on during the phone call?

During the phone call, focus on building a relationship with the person and understanding their needs. Ask open-ended questions to gather information and listen attentively to their responses. This will help you offer personalized solutions and showcase the benefits of our products.

4. How do I handle objections during the phone call?

If the person raises any objections during the phone call, acknowledge their concerns and address them with empathy. Offer solutions or alternatives that can meet their needs. It's important to remain positive and professional throughout the call.

5. What should I do after the phone call?

After the phone call, make sure to follow up with the person and provide any additional information or resources they may have requested. Also, take notes about the call, including any important information or feedback, for future reference.

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