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Director How to Address Competition at Your Sales Event Politely?

interesting. I made the salsa in the MFP and then she talked for 5 minutes and I made the fajitas. People were lining up to order before I even had the fajitas out of the micro... whatever.. it was a 2000 show. at the end I made a lot of money and the hostess earned a lot of FREEOkay - I'm *guessing that S&D stands for Stella and Dot, and that Carolyn forgot to interject the email from her host, stating that the S&D woman is going to be there too, and will be setting up a table and having people try on jewelery and placing orders?
Gold Member
Some background - this gal did a show last year for me - $3000 in sales.
This year she has invited 160 people...so I am expecting it to be just as huge. Last year she had a massage therapist doing $10 chair massages while people waiting for their orders to be rung up - order-taking time took FOREVER due to the # of people in attendance.
This year the hostess said she'll set up a station with a calculator, too, and we'd both ring orders to speed things up a bit.
Now I get this email from her - I do NOT want people watching my demo and then going over to the S&D table and buying from her then having no # for me. I do NOT like that the S&D lady is riding on MY coattails. I am the one who spent HOURS hand writing 160 envelopes...I am the one who's been coaching the host to another HUGE show. Frankly this just pisses me off...
So, I need KIND and GENTLE words to tell her "HELL NO!!!"
Carolyn, I know you want Sheila's wording, but I am trying to understand what the host is specifically asking. I get that she does not want want people to see your demo...which is baffling to me? Does she want you to sit there surrounded by products not showing them how they work?

You do need Sheila's words because what come to mind is WTF? (and not WTH!!)
What is S&D? Is she turning this into a combo show?
yeah, I missed something here.. what is S&D and where is she asking you not to demo? I just did a show with 40 people and it was chaos. There was a Scentsy woman there too. I make the salsa in the MFP and then she talked for 5 minutes and I made the fajitas. People were lining up to order before I even had the fajitas out of the micro... whatever.. it was a 2000 show. at the end I made a lot of money and the hostess earned a lot of FREE
Okay - I'm *guessing that S&D stands for Stella and Dot, and that Carolyn forgot to interject the email from her host, stating that the S&D woman is going to be there too, and will be setting up a table and having people try on jewelery and placing orders?

I would let the host know that if that were to happen, you expect full compensation from the S&D chick for the invitations that YOU sent out (including $ for time and paper and copying as well as postage), since now, she'll be taking part of your sales, without having done any of the work involved to invite people to the show.

I'm not nearly as diplomatic as Sheila....:eek:
I was lost too on the whole "S&D" thing. So please provide the e-mail sent to you by the host so I can have the whole story before I try & write a response. ;)
I usually refuse to do combo shows like this but can understand if it were a 2 or $3,000 party, I would reconsider. Either way, it is clear that Carolyn is getting screwed by the host. This IS a job for Sheila!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Chefbeckyd said:
Okay - I'm *guessing that S&D stands for Stella and Dot, and that Carolyn forgot to interject the email from her host, stating that the S&D woman is going to be there too, and will be setting up a table and having people try on jewelery and placing orders?

I would let the host know that if that were to happen, you expect full compensation from the S&D chick for the invitations that YOU sent out (including $ for time and paper and copying as well as postage), since now, she'll be taking part of your sales, without having done any of the work involved to invite people to the show.

I'm not nearly as diplomatic as Sheila....:eek:

Crap crap crap - Becky figured it all out - I forgot to add the host's email. Crap.
ok - here's her email:
"Looking forward to another fun successful night. Need to chat with you about my friend Rhiannon bringing her Stella & dot jewelery to show a few people AFTER you finish your cooking demonstration. I have had some requests from some friend's some who are driving a distance to see it and it's not every night I host 45 woman in my home and get all this good and wine etc. Just want to be sure you are ok with this! FYI not planning for Autumn to do massages after even though people asking for that too! She is just planning to come as a guest!!!"
The one I had in April with Scentsy was dropped on me just like this. I did not do any of the invitations etc, so really for me it was no more work/expense. I looked at it like this: some will be there for PC, some for Scentsy, some for the girl time. It is MY job to get them interested and hold their attention with my demonstration. I have to do a good job to make it work for me. In the end it was $2000+ for me and $500 for scentsy. Guessing more were interested in what I had to offer. Do I think that it would have been a $2500 show without Scentsy, probably not because some of those people would not have attended at all
  • #10
She said she was only going ot show it to a 'few' people 'after' the show - right? There really isn't much you can do about it with out puttin gher off and possibly ruining future relationship with her, I'm guessing? I'd ask her to please not turn this into a combo show and if there are a few people who have asked to see it for her to take them into another room and to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE not have her blatently advertising that evening. Those who know her already know she sells for S&D. And I have a feeling others will not be pleased if they feel that they were invited to a PC party and find out when they get there that they are actually invited to 2 parties....they may feel obligated to buy from both and they also may not want to come to her next party if they feel taken advantage of.

I know that's not the email you want to send, but maybe you can take some of these points and talk to her. Not sure I'd email her back, talk to her so you can feel-out her mood.

Good Luck!
  • #11
My kids are going crazy. I can't seem to proofread this thing in full! LOL Hopefully it flows okay ...I know you wanted to host a Pampered Chef Cooking Show so that you could earn lots of items from your wish list for free and at a discount and I really want to see you achieve your goal. In my experience people only have a set amount of money to spend when they attend a show. This was not advertised as being a multi-vendor event so they will arrive expecting to attend a Pampered Chef Show and I've seen some people get offended when they realize that another company is in attendance. They feel pressured into doing a last minute purchase from both companies. When they are on a budget, it means that they have to spend less on Pampered Chef so that they can afford to purchase from the other company too. When they do that, it greatly affects the host benefits. Although I can understand your theory, I would highly advise against doing a multi-vendor show. My goal for each show is to make sure the guest have fun, while trying to help the host to earn as many host benefits as possible and of course ensure that being there was worth my time & expense. I do Pampered Chef because it's fun and I can set my own hours, but (of course) I have to make a profit to keep having a job that's fun. So by aiming for the highest commissionable sales possible, I know that the guests are getting high quality cooking tools to help them in their kitchens, that the host is maximizing her benefits and that my time and expense are justified. ;)Maybe you could host a catalog show with her in a couple of weeks once all your guests have received another paycheck? I think that would be your best chance of increasing your host benefits with each company. If you choose to do this, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after I've done my demo, we've eaten & started doing the check out to announce your upcoming catalog show to your guests. But I would highly advise against you having her do an actual demo and keeping the guests there longer than they anticipated. I've talked with other Consultants who have confirmed that the only way to make a multi-vendor event successful is to hold it in a large forum, where it's advertised as a multi-vendor event and the guests are expecting to see multiple vendors and choose from which to buy.Hopefully, I've explained that well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Sheila said:
My kids are going crazy. I can't seem to proofread this thing in full! LOL Hopefully it flows okay ...

I know you wanted to host a Pampered Chef Cooking Show so that you could earn lots of items from your wish list for free and at a discount and I really want to see you achieve your goal. In my experience people only have a set amount of money to spend when they attend a show. This was not advertised as being a multi-vendor event so they will arrive expecting to attend a Pampered Chef Show and I've seen some people get offended when they realize that another company is in attendance. They feel pressured into doing a last minute purchase from both companies. When they are on a budget, it means that they have to spend less on Pampered Chef so that they can afford to purchase from the other company too. When they do that, it greatly affects the host benefits. Although I can understand your theory, I would highly advise against doing a multi-vendor show.

My goal for each show is to make sure the guest have fun, while trying to help the host to earn as many host benefits as possible and of course ensure that being there was worth my time & expense. I do Pampered Chef because it's fun and I can set my own hours, but (of course) I have to make a profit to keep having a job that's fun. So by aiming for the highest commissionable sales possible, I know that the guests are getting high quality cooking tools to help them in their kitchens, that the host is maximizing her benefits and that my time and expense are justified. ;)

Maybe you could host a catalog show with her in a couple of weeks once all your guests have received another paycheck? I think that would be your best chance of increasing your host benefits with each company. If you choose to do this, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after I've done my demo, we've eaten & started doing the check out to announce your upcoming catalog show to your guests. But I would highly advise against you having her do an actual demo and keeping the guests there longer than they anticipated. I've talked with other Consultants who have confirmed that the only way to make a multi-vendor event successful is to hold it in a large forum, where it's advertised as a multi-vendor event and the guests are expecting to see multiple vendors and choose from which to buy.

Hopefully, I've explained that well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Some info I probably should have included...the host is incredibly wealthy...money like we can't even imagine. She could buy the entire catalog x3 and not have it make a dent in her wallet. She does the show as a fun evening of entertaining and uses her FPV to get gifts for her family and friends (last year she got like half a dozen DCBs to give as gifts and filled them with cookbooks and tools). I think she'd be more receptive if we talk abotu the pressure on her guests and it hurting MY sales...feel like doing a re-wording? Pretty pretty please?
  • #13
How's this?

Please remember that your guests are attending with the anticipation of it being a Pampered Chef Show. They may not have allotted extra time in their day for a 2nd demo or they may feel pressured to buy from us both when they realize that another consultant is there. If they are on a budget, this could greatly impact their Pampered Chef wish list. They may not be able to get as many items as they had hoped to purchase. If it had been advertised on the invitations as a multi-vendor event they might be more receptive.

Of course, higher show sales means more host benefits and for most of my hosts, this is a HUGE thing. I know you like to use those benefits to get gifts for your loved ones. So remember that by having higher show sales you can get more for free & at a discount to fill your gift list! ;)

I actually try to avoid doing multi-vendor events unless it's in a large forum, well advertised and hundreds in attendance. Since this is how I pay my bills, do the little extras for my family and earn the extra incentives from Pampered Chef like their trips - I strive to maximize my time to earn as much as possible each time I leave my house so that I can achieve more in less time allowing me to spend more time with my family. ;)

Maybe you could host a catalog show with her in a couple of weeks once all your guests have received another paycheck? I think that would be your best chance of increasing your host benefits with each company. If you choose to do this, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after I've done my demo, we've eaten & started doing the check out to announce your upcoming catalog show to your guests. But I would highly advise against you having her do an actual demo and keeping the guests there longer than they anticipated.

I do have reservations about changing plans this late in the game. Hopefully, I've explained that well. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Sheila, if I weren't already happily married and if you weren't a woman, I must just drop to one knee and ask you to marry me.
  • #15
I think it will be fine...some people will buy PC, others maybe like jewelry. I've had this happen a couple of times where it was just dropped on me, and although I didn't like it, it was ok...don't ruin a good relationship over this. Just do your job and do it well.
  • #16
dannyzmom said:
Sheila, if I weren't already happily married and if you weren't a woman, I must just drop to one knee and ask you to marry me.

LOL!! Too funny! I don't know, Carolyn...Sheila words things so well, she could just talk you into it!!!
  • #17
Hey, as long as you were willing to support me in the manner to which I'm accustomed to living ... Oh, wait! It would be easy to support me in a house similar to military housing! LOL Maybe "... the manner to which I WISH I was accustomed to living ..."And as for the sex ... I'm currently married & not getting any ... LOL Heck last time I even saw my hubby & got a kiss was March 21st as I was boarding the evacuation plane. :(
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Ok - I did some tweaking to make it sound more "like me" and I am usre some of my snarky remarks need to be curtailed - I have not yet sent it - what do you all think?"Hey there!
Sorry for my delay in replying - I've had a super-busy day.
Please remember that your guests are attending with the anticipation of it being a Pampered Chef Show and with a set budget in mind. They may not have allotted extra $$ in their budget for a second seller or they may feel pressured to buy from us both when they realize that another consultant is there. If they are on a budget, this could greatly impact their Pampered Chef wish list and our sales. They may not be able to get as many items as they had hoped to purchase. Of course, higher show sales means more host benefits and for most of my hosts, this is a HUGE thing. I know you like to use those benefits not only for your own kitchen but to get gifts for your loved ones. So remember that by having higher show sales you can get more for free & at a discount to fill your wish & gift lists! I generally try to avoid doing multi-vendor events unless it's in a large forum, well advertised and hundreds in attendance. Since this is how I pay my bills, I strive to maximize my time to earn as much as possible each time I leave my house so that I can achieve more in less time allowing me to spend more time with my family. Maybe you could host a catalog show or physical show with her in a couple of weeks once all your guests have received another paycheck? I think that would be your best chance of increasing your host benefits with each company. If you choose to do this, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after I've done my demo, we've eaten & I've finished the check out with each customer to announce your upcoming Stella & Dot show to your guests. But I would highly advise against you having her set-up an actual demo-table. I do have reservations about changing plans this late in the game. Hopefully, I've explained that well and you understand how it impacts me & my business to have another consultant riding on the coat-tails of my time & efforts (handwriting and mailing all the invites, sending the evites). If you have any questions, please give me a call."
  • #19
I think it sounds really good! I think it's crappy the S&D chick is doing this. I think other companies teach their consultants (although I don't know this for sure) to do things like that... to piggy back onto one of our shows because they KNOW people will come to PC if invited so they glob on...PS: Didn't notice any snarky remarks...
  • Thread starter
  • #20
finley1991 said:
I think it sounds really good!

I think it's crappy the S&D chick is doing this. I think other companies teach their consultants (although I don't know this for sure) to do things like that... to piggy back onto one of our shows because they KNOW people will come to PC if invited so they glob on...

PS: Didn't notice any snarky remarks...

I'm just concerned about my "riding on my coattails" comment - maybe "piggy backing" would be more gentle? (but not quite so impactful LOL)
  • #21
You hid your snarky remarks well because I too could not find them!
  • #22
Sheila said:
Hey, as long as you were willing to support me in the manner to which I'm accustomed to living ... Oh, wait! It would be easy to support me in a house similar to military housing! LOL Maybe "... the manner to which I WISH I was accustomed to living ..."

And as for the sex ... I'm currently married & not getting any ... LOL Heck last time I even saw my hubby & got a kiss was March 21st as I was boarding the evacuation plane. :(

LMAO!!! You two are cracking me up...ummmm can I be a bridesmaid???:D
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Really? You didn't find my email snarky? Damn, I'm getting weak in my old age. And yes, Ann - you can be our flower girl! ;)
  • #24
I think it sounds good. You and Sheila make a good team...I wish you much happiness! lol
  • #25
I'll be at the bar... let me know if you need another bridesmaid. If not, I'll be hitting on the young hot bartender. ;)
  • #26
dannyzmom said:
"Hey there!
Sorry for my delay in replying - I've had a super-busy day.
Please remember that your guests are attending with the anticipation of it being a Pampered Chef Show and with a set budget in mind. They may not have allotted extra $$ in their budget for a second seller or they may feel pressured to buy from us both when they realize that another consultant is there. If they are on a budget, this could greatly impact their Pampered Chef wish list and our sales. They may not be able to get as many items as they had hoped to purchase. Of course, higher show sales means more host benefits and for most of my hosts, this is a HUGE thing. I know you like to use those benefits not only for your own kitchen but to get gifts for your loved ones. So remember that by having higher show sales you can get more for free & at a discount to fill your wish & gift lists! I generally try to avoid doing multi-vendor events unless it's in a large forum, well advertised and hundreds in attendance. Since this is how I pay my bills, I strive to maximize my time to earn as much as possible each time I leave my house so that I can achieve more in less time allowing me to spend more time with my family. Maybe you could host a catalog show or physical show with her in a couple of weeks once all your guests have received another paycheck? I think that would be your best chance of increasing your host benefits with each company. If you choose to do this, I would appreciate it if you would wait until after I've done my demo, we've eaten & I've finished the check out with each customer to announce your upcoming Stella & Dot show to your guests. But I would highly advise against you having her set-up an actual demo-table. I do have reservations about changing plans this late in the game. Hopefully, I've explained that well and you understand how it impacts me & my business to have another consultant riding on the coat-tails of my time & efforts (handwriting and mailing all the invites, sending the evites). If you have any questions, please give me a call."
Change that one to if you choose to do the combined show, (so it will flow with the paragraph easier)Otherwise it sounds good!- - - - -Bwahaha! Of course you girls can be bridesmaids! Once we figure out who's the bride & who's the groom ... LOL
  • #27
Oh, wait! I'll have to be the groom. My family is too broke to pay for a wedding!!! :D
  • #28
Personally I wouldn't send that email.

She has proven to be a great host in the past so I'd say something like:

"I'm looking forward to your party! We all had so much fun last time and it was a great success. I am concerned about having another vendor there though. I have already sent the invitations and we didn't mention the jewelry in the invitation. Besides, in my experience combined parties don't always work out. Let's talk soon about the particulars of the party so we are on the same page."

I believe in less words - I find that people don't read it all and the more you put in an email the more they read into it.
  • #29
bethcooks4u said:
Personally I wouldn't send that email.

She has proven to be a great host in the past so I'd say something like:

"I'm looking forward to your party! We all had so much fun last time and it was a great success. I am concerned about having another vendor there though. I have already sent the invitations and we didn't mention the jewelry in the invitation. Besides, in my experience combined parties don't always work out. Let's talk soon about the particulars of the party so we are on the same page."

I believe in less words - I find that people don't read it all and the more you put in an email the more they read into it.

That is SO true! Heck, I don't read the whole email when they're too long. :eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #30
Dangit - I already sent the long one. I'll update you all when I hear back from her.
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  • #31
Whew!! She just replied - I am SO relieved!!!:"This is fine. I actually anticipated you having this exact response. Not a problem she will not be bringing her stuff to show anyone. I definitely understand that this is your income source and appreciate your concerns about people splitting their available monies. I was also trying to accommodate friends who asked who cannot get out often! Of course I know that I can host a separate party. I was merely thinking about time management pleasing friend's requests and all the $$ I spend on food and wine! This is why I wanted to discuss it with you!! I have a few more names to send you. Will do tomorrow!! Night night "
  • #32
YAY! Glad she is okay with it! Way to go Carolyn!!!!
  • #33
Yea! Glad she's cool with it. ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #34
finley1991 said:
YAY! Glad she is okay with it! Way to go Carolyn!!!!

No - noy WTG Carolyn...this was a total group effort - WTG DCS girls!!!
  • #35
HA! And she's even sending you more names! YEA!
  • #36
I'm so glad it worked out!! YAY!! I would've sent something a little more succint like Beth, but it's all good! You could also mention to her to have her friends that want to see it host their own S&D party...at their house...with their wine???!
  • #37
Hey, you have to make it romantic. I need flowers, a nice dinner & a romantic proposal. Ex & current hubby both did it naked after sex. 3rd time's a charm, right? ;)(OMG! I had totally hadn't made the connection that ex did that until just now when I went to type how both proposals happened. Current hubby would DIE if he knew that!!!)
  • #38
That's great that she's cool with your suggestion!! Although the shorter response sounds nice too, I would have done something similar to what you did, Carolyn. Although I am wordy, so I would have had to work hard at making it more succinct - although it still would have turned out long if I did it!

Great job!!!! I"m sure the show will be GREAT!
  • #39
Carolyn, that is great that it worked out! Your host almost sounded relieved!!

So let's talk about this wedding...
Here are all of us...

And here is Colleen...
  • #40
baychef;39670 And here is Colleen... [IMG said:

Yup!!!! :)
  • #41
Bwahaha!!!! Colleen, I think she may know you a bit too well. ;)
  • #42
I know!!!!!!
  • #43
Y'all are too funny!

Glad your host is understanding Carolyn.
  • #44
To know Colleen is to :candyheart::love0010: her!!! I am just jealous, that is all!!
  • #45
Dug up this thread because I have a host that insisted on Nov. 12th so I am pulling a double to accomodate her. Found out Saturday night that she is also having 31 there as well:mad:. I did not find out from the host, but I did find out by accident from a woman who helps the 31 consultant.

Should I call the host and discuss this with her on how she is proceeding with this? Or just show up po'd LOL! I do have to call her to discuss the recipe I will make and maybe it will come up. If she does not bring this up, I will tell her I happened to over hear a conversation, yadda, yadda, yadda.
  • #46
I'd tell her.
  • #47
Sorry Ann! I'd definitely ask in advance & have the chance to voice your discontent before the show. :(

Related to How to Address Competition at Your Sales Event Politely?

1. How can I handle unwanted competition at my Pampered Chef party?

It's understandable that you are concerned about competition at your party, especially since you have put in so much effort to make it a success. One way to handle this is to have a conversation with the hostess and politely explain your concerns. You can also suggest setting up a designated area for your products and make it clear to the attendees that this is where they can purchase your items. This will help avoid any confusion and ensure that your hard work and efforts are not taken advantage of by others.

2. What can I do if the hostess has invited another vendor to the party?

If the hostess has invited another vendor, it's important to communicate with her and express your concerns. You can suggest that the other vendor set up their products in a different area to avoid any competition. It's also a good idea to clarify with the hostess that your products are the main focus of the party and that attendees should be directed to you for purchases.

3. How can I prevent attendees from going to other vendors instead of purchasing from me?

One way to prevent attendees from going to other vendors is to make your products and services stand out. Offer special deals and promotions that are exclusive to your party. You can also engage with the attendees and showcase the value and benefits of your products. This will help make them more inclined to purchase from you rather than going to other vendors.

4. Is it appropriate to have other vendors at a Pampered Chef party?

It ultimately depends on the hostess and the type of party she wants to have. However, as a Pampered Chef consultant, it's important to communicate your concerns and make sure that your products are the main focus of the party. You can also suggest having a separate vendor event if the hostess is interested in having multiple vendors at her party.

5. How can I kindly and gently address my concerns about competition with the hostess?

It's important to approach the situation with a calm and respectful demeanor. You can express your concerns and explain the hard work and effort you have put into preparing for the party. You can also suggest ways to avoid competition and make sure your products are the main focus. Remember to be understanding and open to finding a solution that works for both you and the hostess.

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