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How Should You Serve Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups?

In summary, the conversation revolved around trying a new recipe for Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups. The batter for the cups was thick and required extra mixing and cleaning of utensils. Some tips were given, such as using a heaping scoop for the batter and adding additional ingredients for more flavor. The overall consensus was that the cups were good, but not outstanding. Some attendees suggested using different bowls for mixing and serving, while others shared their preference for stainless steel bowls. The spiciness of the cups was also discussed, with some finding it tolerable and others not liking it at all. Despite mixed opinions, the recipe was still recommended to be tried at a cluster meeting. Suggestions were also given for thinning the batter, but it
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I couldn't wait to try a new recipe so DH and I decided to try the Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups.

The batter for the cups is REALLY thick and takes a little bit to really mix it up. I was using the small SS bowl (ingredient-wise it should have been fine) but it was so thick that I should have used either the Classic BB or the middle SS bowl. Also, have an extra spatula of some sort on had to "clean" the Spatula/Scraper you are mixing with. I was at home and used my fingers to constantly clean off the Scraper and would not want to do that at a show.

The recipes states: "Divide batter evenly among wells using Small Scoop." I used a level small scoop and had almost half the batter left so had to add to each well. So use a HEAPING small scoop! I left one cup as a level small scoop and it was NOT enough to make a cup once cooked. Oh, and when they bake they puff up a bit.

Once I was done heating the chicken/pepper mixture, I did not let it cool completely and added the sour cream (and just a little onion). I filled the warm cups with the warmish filling.

They were pretty good. DH thought they were acceptable - but they did not really thrill him. The filling was good - the cups are good - I think he didn't quite care for the combo of the filling and the cups. I agree. I liked them but not enough to "crave" them. I don't even think I would be browsing recipes later and go "gee I have to make these".

So I guess what I'm saying is that while they were good - they didn't knock my socks off.

I would be hesitant to make them at a show since I had so much trouble mixing the batter. Also, if I was to make these as appetizers at a get-together, I am not sure whether these are appetizers that should be kept warm (like on a warming tray) or let cool and stay at room temp??

Just my thoughts on these. Can't wait to try more recipes!
Were these really spicy? I do NOT like spicy and I would be reluctant to try these. TIA
Thanks for trying these out and letting everyone know your thoughts!! Thanks for the tips too!!
bummer, I was thinkin these sounded good! maybe I will try them for our cluster meeting and see what everyone else thinks?
Could the batter have been thinned with a little water or milk?

Slightly OT - I don't have any of the SS bowls - only the Classic Batter Bowl. Other than for demonstration purposes, does anyone, or everyone, think it's necessary to have anything else?

I think the batter bowl would work fine Sarah - SS bowls are sitting in my cabinet - never used! ( but I think they are more for bakers, and I don't really bake!)
I have come to love the stainless steel bowls. I received them 1/2 price as a host a couple years back...and they sat in my cupboards. When I became a consultant, I decided to seriously start using them. What a difference! Now it's my batter bowls that get minimal use (even at shows).

The S/S ones are much lighter to carry and by using them at shows, I sell quite a few of them. (A $74.50 item versus a $16 one.) The one drawback, of course, is you can't use them in the microwave....but I can use stoneware or prep bowls or other microwave safe items when needed.
Maybe I should pull them out and start using them more often - I just couldnt get into them for some reason - I actually got them before I signed - August 05 host special I think!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
vwpamperedchef said:
Were these really spicy? I do NOT like spicy and I would be reluctant to try these. TIA
They actually were not too spicy. I don't really care for things that are too spicy either. I like the filling and I like the cups, just not together so much.

heat123 said:
bummer, I was thinkin these sounded good! maybe I will try them for our cluster meeting and see what everyone else thinks?
I would definitely try them for your cluster meeting...I liked them better than DH did. I thought they were good - just not great. I hope someone makes them at ours - I am curious as to what others think too. I didn't love the Greek Torta from last season either. Thought that was just OK.

pampchefsarah said:
Could the batter have been thinned with a little water or milk?
They actually baked up just fine. I would not have thinned the batter - once it was mixed it was OK. It would have helped if I had it in a larger bowl (but I will always try things in as small of a bowl as possible so I don't have to bring so many large bowls to shows).

SS bowls - I am surprised at how much I love these bowls and I can't say enough about how much lighter they are than the BB! If I need to bring a batter bowl, I try to only bring the small one!
  • #10
Thanks Kathleen for filling in all the blanks! ;)
  • #11
A question for you: did you use the right size muffin mix? That would affect the thickness of the batter, as well as the flavor and texture of the finished product. Sometimes HO uses small mixes (Jiffy) instead of the large ones.
  • #12
I made these and they came out yummo. They weren't too spicey. The batter mix just made enough and yes, it was a bit thick.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
chefann said:
A question for you: did you use the right size muffin mix? That would affect the thickness of the batter, as well as the flavor and texture of the finished product.

Sometimes HO uses small mixes (Jiffy) instead of the large ones.

I thought of this as I was making them (thinking of all the problems everyone had with the mini-lemon cakes!). But, yes, I was using the Jiffy size mix. And I glanced at the ounces on the box as I was struggling

They turned out good - just seemed unmixable for a few minutes. Actually ,the batter had a very nice taste.

I am now thinking that when I make my regular cornbread mufins, I might add a little Chipotle Rub to them. Yum!
  • #14
I haven't made these yet - but I would suggest trying the mix n masher to stir up the batter.

It works great for Amish friendship bread which is super thick - so I would guess it would be good for this too. I always forget about the "mix" part of this tool and focus on the the "masher" part and I think most people are the same way. But it works great for mixing!
  • #15
Just reading the recipe didn't intrigue me. Thanks for posting, I will not waste my time now!
  • #16
I made it for my cluster meeting and they all liked it a lot. I even used canned chicken to see if it would work well. They had NO idea. Another time saver if you have that on hand. The batter is supposed to be thick and a larger both makes it much easier to mix since you just need room to move.It is spicy though. I didn't think it was too spicy for me, but it will be for some people. You could just try putting less rub in it though. I always try it as the recipe is and then adjust. Actually, a little extra sour cream would make the difference (cool it off a bit). I think that you could actually serve them warm or cold, though I think warm is better. By the time we had them, they were lukewarm (but at least the bread part didn't get soggy)!Great tip on the Mix n Masher! I think that's a much looked over item in our catalog. I love it for avocados too!!I don't think I'll be excited to make this again, but it is fairly easy. It was good, but not something I'll crave. I still enjoy the Deluxe Cheeseburger Salad!
  • #17
I am doing a demo of these at our meeting on the 18th......anymore suggestions before I try them on the family this weekend?
  • #18
I'm debating on these or the apple tarlet thingies to try at our next meeting! Depending on how may savory and how many sweets are being made....???
  • #19
kam said:
I thought of this as I was making them (thinking of all the problems everyone had with the mini-lemon cakes!). But, yes, I was using the Jiffy size mix. And I glanced at the ounces on the box as I was struggling

They turned out good - just seemed unmixable for a few minutes. Actually ,the batter had a very nice taste.

I am now thinking that when I make my regular cornbread mufins, I might add a little Chipotle Rub to them. Yum!

That sounds like a really good idea.
  • #20
I made these for a networking group of women I meet with every month. I use them as my guinea pigs when my family probably won't eat it. Here are my notes:

Yes, the batter was thick and I contemplated using the Mix n' Masher (my new favorite tool) but it was REALLY thick and the Small Mix n' Scraper worked best...the shredded cheese would have gotten stuck in the loops of the masher.

Do make sure you squish them down with the tart shaper as soon as you take them out of the oven (mine took a little over the specified maximum time).

I didn't have non-stick spray but used my Kitchen Spritzer and they popped right out.

I topped them with a little sour cream and snipped cilantro. These babies were gone in no time!!! Everyone loved them!

I think these might actually be an OK demo b/c it uses a nice range of products and a lot of the Kit products.

Spicy? Not very, but you'll feel a little tingle at the back of your throat if you're sensitive to spicy things. Just a nice smoky, spicy flavor (kinda like smoky tacos).
  • #21
I am making these tonight for my family..Thanks for all of the tips!
  • #22
Elizabeth~please let me know how they turn out! I am making them Sunday as a practice run and then Monday for our Cluster Meeting!
  • #23
I tried these Monday night. I really liked the Chipotle flavor. I don't do Mini Muffin Pan demos, but I'd make these for a gathering for something different.
  • #24
These turned out great! I had a few friends over and they both LOVED them. They kept raving about how delicious they were! We all thought they got spicier the more you ate, but still not extremely spicy.

I used Criso to grease the pan because I don't use non-stick cooking spray.

The batter was very thick, but came together very nicely.

I left out the bell peppers because I am not a huge fan of them.

I cooked the green onions with the chicken because I didn't want them all crunchy. The recipe did not say to cook them, but it ended up working well.

Next time I make these, I think I will use 2 cups of chicken instead of the 1 1/2 cups it calls for just because they weren't stuffed full of the chicken.....they were so yummy but I think having more chicken in the cups would be yummier.

One of my friends wants to buy a cookbook from me so she can get the recipe...lol!!
  • #25
On the batter thing, has anyone tried thinning the batter? Does anyone think they would be good using a different kind of batter instead of cornbread? Of course if you do that the cheese is less likely to mix up into it. I was going to make these, especially since the Chipotle is one of few rubs I have.

Kristen - thanks for the tip of pushing the batter down with the tart shaper after taking it out of the oven. I wouldn't have thought of that the first time.
  • #26
I don't think the batter should be thinned at all. They come out perfectly the way the recipe is written.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Yes, the batter is VERY thick to mix - but I agree, it shoulf not be thinned. The cups turn out fine. My original post was just a warning if doing it at a show - esp interactive. The batter just seems unmixable at first, but it eventually mixes!
  • #28
i was going to make these for a party i am having on sunday but i dont have the rub. is there a substitute i can use for the rub instead? although i need to order some things, so i might just add it to my order.
  • #29
I made these yesterday and DH took them to a scout meeting....NOT GOOD!!!!
Way too dry and just not enough flavoe to make up for that!
  • #30
I made these yesterday for a cluster meeting and was underwhelmed by them. They were a pain to make, and I was glad I was not making them for an audience. The batter was hard to mix, and the filling was messy to fill in cups. I had little pieces of chicken and red pepper all over the counter when I was done. The taste was OK but not stellar. I would say they were "eh" and definitely too much effort for the result.
  • #31
I wasn't that impressed with them either. So disappointing because they looked so yummy. Their ok but not PC wow like our other recipes. I did add shredded cheddar cheese to the top and that helped--to make it better. Anyone else find they dry?
  • #32
I really like these. They do need the extra sour cream on top, or they'll be a bit dry. I used the cilantro, too.

Since I made them for a practice recipe (not at a show), I had leftovers. For lunch the next day, I just heated them up in a skillet. Since there was already sour cream on them, I thought that might get yucky in a microwave.
  • #33
I made these at home one night. Took leftover to my mothers next day. My kids, mom, aunt all loved them. Mix was a bit hard to stir. More like dough. Could probably use gloves and knead it together :)
  • #34
Are these good at room temperature? I am thinking of making them in advance for my bingo on Saturday ...
  • #35
Room temp would be OK, I guess. I liked them better warm.

I made just the muffin part again yesterday. I mixed the cheese & sour cream together first, then added the cornbread mix, flour & chipotle spices. It was a lot easier to mix that way.

Related to How Should You Serve Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups?

1. What are some tips for making the Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups?

When making the batter, it is recommended to use a larger mixing bowl, such as the Classic Batter Bowl or the middle Stainless Steel Bowl, to ensure all ingredients are well incorporated. Having an extra spatula on hand can also be helpful to clean off the mixing spatula. When dividing the batter into the muffin tin, use a heaping Small Scoop to ensure there is enough batter for each cup. The cups will also puff up slightly as they bake.

2. Can the chicken and pepper mixture be added to the cups while still warm?

Yes, the filling can be added to the cups while still warm. However, it is important to let the mixture cool slightly before adding the sour cream to avoid curdling. Adding some chopped onion to the filling can also add extra flavor.

3. How did the Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups turn out?

The cups were good, but not necessarily a standout dish. They received an acceptable rating from a taste tester, but did not have a "wow" factor. The combination of the filling and the cornbread cups may not have been a favorite for some. However, they were still enjoyable.

4. Would you recommend making these at a Pampered Chef show?

There may be some hesitation in making these at a show due to the difficulty in mixing the batter. However, with the use of a larger mixing bowl and an extra spatula, it can still be done. It may also be helpful to have a second person assist with the mixing.

5. Should the Chipotle Chicken Cornbread Cups be served warm or at room temperature?

These cups can be served warm or at room temperature, depending on personal preference. If serving as an appetizer at a gathering, it may be best to keep them warm on a warming tray. However, they can also be served at room temperature for a more casual setting.

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