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How Should I Handle a Customer Return Issue?

In summary, the customer bought white plates last fall, but got new ones a few weeks ago. She wanted to return them, get her money back, and get something else. The cost to mail them back was more than the purchase price, so she doesn't want them. She is a good customer and knows a lot of your other customers, but she is the reason she didn't get the plates until a few weeks ago. She suggested that you send them as a gift to someone.
Gold Member
I have a customer who purchased the small SA white plates last fall. I just got them to her a few weeks ago because she would never return my phone calls or emails in order to get them to her. I even asked her son to tell her to call me when I subbed for his teacher at school! Anyhoo, in between the time she bought them and the time she got them, she got rid of her white plates and has mustard ones. She wanted to return them, get her money back and get something else. I did the adjustment and emailed it to her. She went to mail them back and apparently it will cost more to mail them back than to purchase them in the first place. I don't have the money to purchase them from her right now, nor do I want them - anyone in the Boise area is welcome to purchase them!!! So, what do I do? She is a good customer and knows a lot of my other customers. She is the reason she didn't get them until a few weeks ago. Ever time I would see her I tried to give them to her (they were in my car for a while) but she was too busy and asked me to keep calling her. :mad: UGH!
Tell her you'll "call her back".....
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  • #3
I did...but I said I would call her tonight.
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  • #4
I don't think she is the type to talk about a bad situation on purpose, but she would give an honest answer if someone asked.....and people listen to her.
Why doesn't she just keep them & give them as a gift to someone??

I don't see how she can be upset. It's all her fault that she didn't get them earlier & that she doesn't want to pay to ship them back.
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  • #6
I don't know....that is a good idea. I was also thinking they should fit in the flat rate box, maybe even the flat rate envelope...I have a bunch of these on hand for host kits - I think I will run one by her house to see if it would fit.
It sounds like you bent over backwards to try and get them to her... if she didn't get them and now doesn't want them (not like anything is wrong with them, she just changed her mind...) I think that is tough luck for her. I would gently suggest she think of someone who might like them as a gift. Think about it, if she bought them from Macy's, put them in her closet for 10 months, and then decided they didn't match her new plates, would Macy's take them back? You can't always get everything you want in life and just because you are trying to give her good customer service, that doesn't mean you should become a magician or take a financial hit because of it.
dwyerkim said:
............... if she bought them from Macy's, put them in her closet for 10 months, and then decided they didn't match her new plates, would Macy's take them back? ......
With a receipt they will - and so will PC. The lady just doesn't want to pay the shipping to return them.
pamperedlinda said:
With a receipt they will - and so will PC. The lady just doesn't want to pay the shipping to return them.
what I meant was, most stores do not have so generous a return policy as does PC... I honestly dont' know what Macy's is, but it seems like many stores have a 90 day cut off for returns. And frankly anything that you order by mail, unless something is wrong with it, you pay shipping to return it, PC is extremely generous to give the 30 day grace period.
  • #10
I have a "good customer" too...one who orders a lot of stuff and knows a lot of people. I was very excited to get this customer. Yippee!, I said, after her 3rd large order.

Yikes is what I say now. She returns everything. Everything has something wrong with it (in her opinion) and yes, she's waited until over a year to say she didn't like something and was miffed when the warranty wouldn't cover the items.

I do not go out of my way to work with this gal anymore. I mail her a new product mini flyer each season and call it good.

Sometimes the people we think are our "good customers" are simply draining our good will (and, often, our incomes). You've done what you could.

If you have communications from her in emails, etc., make sure you keep them. All customers can take their requests for returns directly to PC and she may decide to try to get PC to pay for the shipping. If that happens, a paper trail showing what you have tried to do for her will be a nice safety net in case she isn't forth-coming with the real reason why the bowls got to her so late.

Be strong!
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  • #11
She isn't a person that tries to get away with stuff, but she has only had it for less than a month and doesn't want to have to pay for it again to ship it back. Plus, we live in the same subdivision - we know a lot of the same people.
  • #12
cmdtrgd said:
She isn't a person that tries to get away with stuff, but she has only had it for less than a month and doesn't want to have to pay for it again to ship it back. Plus, we live in the same subdivision - we know a lot of the same people.

If you live in the same subdivision, she has no excuse for not getting it from you sooner. Personally I would tell her to talk directly with PC about it and that your hands are tied. I can see not wanting to get a bad rep, but to pay to return it for her seems a bit much. The other thing you could do is hold onto them until you have a customer who wants to order a set and offer them the ones you have on hand for a slight discount.
  • #13
cmdtrgd said:
She isn't a person that tries to get away with stuff, but she has only had it for less than a month and doesn't want to have to pay for it again to ship it back. Plus, we live in the same subdivision - we know a lot of the same people.

If I am not mistaken, if it has been less than 30 days from the time the order was placed, PC would pay for the shipping to send it back. Just make sure you call it in and have her receipt to be sent with it.
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  • #14
Jason - read the first post - she ordered it LAST fall!
  • #15
How about if you buy them from her (i.e. order something else on another show at the host discount rate that is worth the same as the plates and replace them), keep the SA small plates and put something on them (candy or something), wrap it up and use it as a giveaway at a show for booking? That way you have something cool for booking and you can write it off and she is a happy customer??? Sorry if this seems like I'm blathering on here, It's time to go to bed here....but does that make sense?
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  • #16
The problem is that I don't have the money right now to purchase them from her and I already have enough overstock. What we ended up doing is trying to fit them in the flat rate envelope (didn't fit), but she was satisfied with putting them in the flat rate box.
  • #17
cmdtrgd said:
Jason - read the first post - she ordered it LAST fall!

Oh yeah -- DUH!!!! I should've had a V8!
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  • #18
heh....no probTurned out that she was able to return them via a flat rate box.
  • #19
cmdtrgd said:
She isn't a person that tries to get away with stuff, but she has only had it for less than a month and doesn't want to have to pay for it again to ship it back. Plus, we live in the same subdivision - we know a lot of the same people.

No offense, but if she lives in the same subdivision, why didn't you just drop them off to her last fall instead of waiting months for her to get back to you to claim them?

I would have called, said I am dropping them off at your doorstep and left it at that.
  • #20
sailortena said:
No offense, but if she lives in the same subdivision, why didn't you just drop them off to her last fall instead of waiting months for her to get back to you to claim them?

I would have called, said I am dropping them off at your doorstep and left it at that.

yeah but then she can say that she "didn't get them" and then you have a bigger issue on your hands...
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  • #21
sailortena said:
No offense, but if she lives in the same subdivision, why didn't you just drop them off to her last fall instead of waiting months for her to get back to you to claim them?

I would have called, said I am dropping them off at your doorstep and left it at that.

No offense taken. She asked me to wait until she was home. So, every time we made an appointment, I would call ahead because I knew she was busy and something would have come up. Or, she would call me.
  • #22
Kate did you end up paying the flat rate postage? I hope not. Hopefully, she is still your friend and customer.

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