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How Often Should You Send Newsletters?

In summary, the conversation discussed the importance of not inundating customers with too many emails and finding a balance between staying in touch and making them dread seeing your name. The speaker mentioned their own experience with receiving excessive emails from their cousin who had recently signed up with Avon. They also shared their frustration with companies who send daily emails with the same promotions and urged to ask for permission before adding someone to an email list. The conversation also touched on the annoyance of receiving too many emails from a TS lady they had met at a fair.
Gold Member
I've always been careful not to inundate my customers with too many emails each month. Generally, I send a big newsletter at the beginning of the month, and sometimes a shorter one mid-month if there's a recruiting promo, special sale, or I just need bookings. A couple of times, I've sent a third, but that third one usually has higher than normal rates of people marking it as Spam.

So I've realized that 1-2 newsletters per month is good for my customer base.

My cousin, who used to be a PC consultant, recently signed up with Avon. They have online ordering, and a system to send professional-looking emails with current promotions and sales. Cousin added her personal email address book to her Avon list, whether or not we expressed interest in it. How do I know? Because in the past 3 weeks to a month, I've received at least 18 emails from her, and possibly as high as 2 dozen. (Frankly, I've lost count.)

It's great to be kept in the loop, but after that many notes, I don't even care any more. I just delete them without looking at them when I see her name in the "From" column.

Why is this important? Because there's a fine line between staying in touch with your customers so that you're the first person they think of in connection with PC, and making them dread seeing your name. Some customers like weekly contact; others just want to see something once a month. When you add customers to an email list, let them know how often you'll be sending things. If possible, maintain 2 lists for different groups so that you can tell who wants more frequent contact.

One of the things that bothers me about the notes my cousin has been sending is that she assumed that family would want to receive them. Sure, let me know that you've started something new. And maybe mention it at family gatherings or every couple of months. But if I didn't respond with interest, don't think that it's because I need 400 more pages of information.

I also don't appreciate that I never know when these things come. When I sign up for mailing lists, I check how often they send stuff. Frequency doesn't bother me (I'm on 3 separate lists that actually send daily notes), but warn me ahead of time! I let my customers know that I send my newsletter monthly, at the beginning of the month, with occasional mid-month updates. Then they know to expect that email "visitor". Otherwise, the notes are like that annoying friend or relative who pops in without calling, and wonders why you're never glad to see them.

It's important to know your customers, so that you can serve them well. Ask what they want for email contact. And follow through.

This has been a public service announcement from your friendly ChefAnn.
You're so right, Ann. I often express interest in being added to enewsletters. It helps me to see what other people/companies are doing. Once or twice a month is plenty of contact for me. When they start contacting me weekly, I ask to be removed. I've encountered a few who do 2 or 3 a week. I'm sorry, but that's just way too much. I also don't like it when people assume that my giving them my email address means I want to sign up for their newsletter. I don't mind getting an occasional email (big sale, season change, etc.), but ask if I want to receive your newsletter before making that assumption.
I totally agree with you! I have many that when I see the name I hit delete without opening it. I also inform my customers that I send out 1 newsletter a month, sometimes 2. That many in a short period of time is extreme overkill.
Ann I had an Avon rep add me to her list a couple of weeks ago & you are SOOOO right! I have stopped looking at them & just delete.
This is how I'm starting to feel with Vista print. I get a new e-mail every day from them with a "special". It's always the same free things, so I don't get it, why such a sense of urgency?!I have a TS lady that I met when we were booth neighbors at a fair, she sends about 4 a month. Lately, she's slowed down, but at first I was getting one or 2 a week, very annoying.
babywings76 said:
This is how I'm starting to feel with Vista print. I get a new e-mail every day from them with a "special". It's always the same free things, so I don't get it, why such a sense of urgency?!

I have a TS lady that I met when we were booth neighbors at a fair, she sends about 4 a month. Lately, she's slowed down, but at first I was getting one or 2 a week, very annoying.

The Vista Print ones I consider a necessary evil, because I know eventually, I'll need it, so I don't want to not get them. I just delete w/o opening until I need one.
My Avon rep sends out a bunch of emails too. I just delete.
Must be an Avon training tactic. My SIL sends me 2-3 a day sometimes. And she said she just added her personal email list to her Avon list! I only send newsletters to family if it is something big, like HWC, or some other fundraiser. Some of my family is on my mailing list but not all. I set up my email to block the Avon ones because she won't stop sending them, she says she doesn't know how. Ok my rant over. :rolleyes:
my cousin just started with avon also and I am having the same email spam issue on my WORK account... to top it off she knows I HATE avon!
  • #10
chefann said:
It's important to know your customers, so that you can serve them well. Ask what they want for email contact. And follow through.

  • #11
This makes me especially glad my Avon lady only send 1 or 2 a month. I have noticed that Avon will actually get a hold of the e-mail addresses their consultants send to and some of the spam you're all getting MAY be from Avon directly. it's a pretty crappy business practice IMO that they try to poach customers from their own consultants.
  • #12
Well Avon probably needs to send so many since the catalog changes each week. :p They have to keep you in the loop. But seriously, that is a bit much. I only send 1 or 2 newsletters a month- I dont want people to get annoyed and stop opening them.
  • #13
I typically sign up for newsletters from businesses I do online. But one of them kept sending me emails almost daily. It got to the point that I not only deleted my email address from their list but other's that I receive too!
  • #14
babywings76 said:
This is how I'm starting to feel with Vista print. I get a new e-mail every day from them with a "special". It's always the same free things, so I don't get it, why such a sense of urgency?!

I just set up a folder for Vista print in my outlook. That way I have them to refer to but they are out of sight.
  • #15
etteluap70PC said:
I just set up a folder for Vista print in my outlook. That way I have them to refer to but they are out of sight.

That's totally what I do!

Related to How Often Should You Send Newsletters?

1. What types of content should I avoid including in my newsletters?

It is important to avoid including overly sales-y or promotional content in your newsletters. Instead, focus on providing valuable information or resources for your readers.

2. Can I use clickbait headlines in my newsletters?

No, it is best to avoid clickbait headlines in your newsletters. They can come across as misleading or insincere, and may turn off your readers.

3. Is it okay to send newsletters too frequently?

No, it is important to find a balance with the frequency of your newsletters. Too many emails can overwhelm your subscribers and lead to a high unsubscribe rate. Aim for sending newsletters once or twice a month.

4. Should I include too many images or graphics in my newsletters?

It is best to use images and graphics sparingly in your newsletters. Too many can make your emails appear cluttered and may also increase loading time for readers.

5. Can I use a purchased email list for my newsletters?

No, it is not recommended to use a purchased email list for your newsletters. These subscribers have not given consent to receive emails from you and may mark your emails as spam, damaging your sender reputation.

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