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How Many Times Have You Injured Yourself in the Kitchen?

In summary, Amanda's thumb was sliced by the serrated peeler while she was peeling an apple, and it took a chunk out of her thumb. She's been scared every time she uses the super sharp tool, and her injuries have all been at home. The Carving Glove Guy sells a Kevlar and leather glove that can make it less likely you'll injure yourself.
Gold Member
Just had to share my own war wounds. I signed over a year and a half ago and have hurt myself 5 times. Today I was peeling apples with the serrated peeler. I kept thinking the whole time that if it goes through apple skin that good, it could go through my finger. Well, it happened. Took a huge chunk out of my thumb. It hurts so bad and wouldn't quit bleeding forever! DH actually asked if I should go get stitches.

Luckily these have all been at home and not during shows. The first time was the old Slice and Grate (before the UM came out). Took a chunk out of the same thumb. Second was the V-shaped cutter, reached down into my TTA bag and didn't realize the cutter was facing upwards. Third was the apple wedger. Forgot to not push the apple back through! Fourth was the tomato knife, sliced off the same part of my finger as today along with part of the nail!

This is the reason why I don't use the santuko knife! I love the knife but will never use it during a show because I am a klutz! The finger guard only makes it worse because I loose all coordination!
I'm sorry. :( Hopefully it will heal soon.
God bless,
I'm cringing with you!!! I was peeling a mango last fall for a recipe at a show and when I pulled the serrated peeler around the mango it hit a bump in the mango and skipped right over onto my pinky!!!! Oh my goodness, it hurt so bad and like you it would not stop bleeding. I had to have someone finish the recipe for me. I love it, but I've been scared everytime I used that super sharp tool!

When I saw Teresa on the CIA video using it with her guests I was a little nervous. I'm not sure if I want someone else doing what I did.

Hope everything heals up good... and fast, too!
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I would have gotten the stitches!

Wounds in the hands can take forever to heal ... when the neighbor's dog bit me on the hand I drove to the med center (and found it closed so I went to the hospital.) By the time I got there, it had stopped bleeding and I told the nurse I felt stupid for coming in ... she said no, it was the right thing to do because dog bites have the potential for infection ... not sure if your wound has the same potential but it never hurts to have a wound professionally cleaned.

I guess I should be grateful that all I have is my utility knife!
Hmmm, maybe we need a new item for our supply orders...Pampered Chef bandaids. :chef: I always seem to injure myself fixing dinner for my family right before a show. :eek: At least I'm at home, but the silly bandaid always seems to have a problem staying on.:( I'm sorry about your wounds...I hope you heal soon.
Hard to tell customers that they're more likely to get cut with a DULL knife than the sharp ones with these results, eh?
Stolen from another thread, just for you!
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Here ya go, Diane! http://www.thecarvinggloveguy.com/item_images/WLH__A.wm.jpgThis glove is made of Kevlar® and leather - while not impossible to cut yourself, it does make it less likely.You can get it from The Carving Glove Guy.(I think they have chain mail gloves at The Woodworker's Store, too.)
Does that glove come in men's sizes? I'll have to get one of those gloves for my bil. For Christmas I gave his wife the Santoku knife, and while she has warned her sons to be careful when using it, she forgot to tell her dh....his new name for it is the 'wickedly sharp knife'. I think it's easier to remember than 'Santoku'. :chef:
Di_Can_Cook said:

I would have gotten the stitches!

Wounds in the hands can take forever to heal ... when the neighbor's dog bit me on the hand I drove to the med center (and found it closed so I went to the hospital.) By the time I got there, it had stopped bleeding and I told the nurse I felt stupid for coming in ... she said no, it was the right thing to do because dog bites have the potential for infection ... not sure if your wound has the same potential but it never hurts to have a wound professionally cleaned.

I guess I should be grateful that all I have is my utility knife!

When you SLICE a piece of skin off your finger, you can't get stiches. To get them you need skin to sew together. The only thing you can do is keep it covered & wait till new skin grows over it. Sorry about your finger....:(
  • #10
Sorry to hear about your injury, Wadesgirl! I'm right there with you - last Monday I sliced my ring finger putting away the FC Bread Knife and got 4 stitches. I put a pretty picture in a thread I started about it ("Newest Member of the ...", or search on "stitches").

I hope you heal quickly!!
  • #11
OUCH - I hope it heals FAST! Great glove KG!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Ginger428 said:
When you SLICE a piece of skin off your finger, you can't get stiches. To get them you need skin to sew together. The only thing you can do is keep it covered & wait till new skin grows over it. Sorry about your finger....:(
Yeah, that was the problem with getting stitches, it basically just took off the rounded corner of my thumb. It looks a little weird today! I think I need to go downstairs and see if the first aid kit has a bandaid. It's not bleeding but every time I bump it, it hurts.
  • #13
wadesgirl said:
Yeah, that was the problem with getting stitches, it basically just took off the rounded corner of my thumb. It looks a little weird today! I think I need to go downstairs and see if the first aid kit has a bandaid. It's not bleeding but every time I bump it, it hurts.

Thats because skin is starting to cover it (our bodies are AMAZING!!) But since it is uncovered it will be quite tender for quite awile...there are special bandaids in stores,I cant remember the name, but you can keep one on for a few days. It totally adheres to your finger...HTH
  • #14
Funny that this is being posted right now due to what happened to my dh on Sunday..he decided that he wanted to make hash browns, but he needed my old slice and grate for that blade, I WARNED him about using the guard (I sliced the side of my thumb off on that old S&G about 2 yrs ago and have PTSS from it!), well he decided to be stupid and not listen to me and he sliced the entire top of his index finger off! Not to be gross, but it was in the mess of potatoes he was slicing, so he got it and put it over his slash, we went and got a bunch of bandages, gauze, etc and so far it seems to want to reattach itself..he didn't go to the hospital, but the blood, oh my god, the blood! I don't get queasy about things like that, but I seriously had to look away when he was trying to fix it!

I feel for ya! I think KG's idea about getting the gloves would be a good idea for anyone who is accident prone! Maybe PC should start carrying something like that! LOL

Related to How Many Times Have You Injured Yourself in the Kitchen?

What is "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!"?

"War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" is a special edition cookbook created by Pampered Chef to honor and support veterans and military families. It features recipes from veterans and their families, as well as stories and photos of their military experiences.

How much does "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" cost?

The cost of "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" is $29.95. However, Pampered Chef donates $5 from each purchase to organizations that support veterans and military families.

Can I purchase "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" if I am not a veteran or military family member?

Yes, anyone can purchase "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" and support this cause. The cookbook contains delicious recipes and inspiring stories that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Where can I find "War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!"?

"War Wounds - 5Th Since Signing!" is available for purchase on the Pampered Chef website, as well as through independent Pampered Chef consultants. You can also find it at select in-person events and fundraisers.

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