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How Many Brides Will Follow Through on Quick Registry Sign-Ups?

In summary, Kearstin did a quick registry at a bridal expo and she got 31 registrants. She said that her table looked good and that she had some good door prizes.
Good Morning Cheffers -

I am SO excited and I just had to share!!!

I had 31 brides sign up for my Quick Registry at the bridal expo I did yesterday. Now, I know it's hard to say how many of those will follow through, but I am so stinking excited!!!!

I haven't made it through all of my door prize slips yet, so I'm not sure about some of the other numbers, but two brides marke they would be interested in more info on the opportunity, a couple wanted me to call their MOH about a bridal show...

I was so beat when I got home that I fell asleep at 1/2 time, but I'm on Cloud 9 this morning!!!!
That is awesome! I SO have to get in to a bridal expo!! What did you have set up on your table to attract so many?? How did they sign up for the quick registry? And door prizes? I want to hear your success story!!!!
That is SO great! How did you get them to sign up? What did you say to them? I did a small bridal event (about 12 people/groups showed up) at a little shop in town on Saturday. I got only 3 leads, 1 interested in hosting, and no registries. One family wanted information on all of it, but didn't give me their contact info, so I can't even follow up with them. Needless to say I was disappointed.
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The setup looked pretty good if I do say so!!! My SIL is a genius when it comes to stuff like that (she’s not PC, she just helped me with the table setup). I’ll post pics as soon I get the film developed (I had to buy a disposable camera at Wal-Mart because I forgot our digital at home!!).

The one thing I didn’t have – and should have – was a big sign or banner for the front of the table. Some people just kept walking and I’m sure it’s because they had no idea who I was or what I was offering and I just couldn't get to everyone…

Most brides at least stopped by the booth because when they registered they got a list of all vendors and the bride with the most vendors stamped won a prize.

Anyway, for the ones that stopped I asked if they were familiar with PC – if not I explained a little bit about our company. I then asked if they were planning on registering anywhere and if they knew about our registry. Most didn’t, so I explained that it was like any other registry in the sense that they choose their gifts, tell family & friends about their registry, blah, blah, blah, but that ours was different because they earned rewards. I also told them that I didn’t know of any other company offering rewards and that really piqued their interest.

If they weren’t sure I gave them a packet with a brochure (from Paperwork/Supply), a mini catalog, a recipe card and my business card. Told them they could set it up themselves if they decided they were interested or if they called me I would handle it for them.

If they were interested, I offered the Quick Registry (not my idea – one I got from here!). With the Quick Registry I had a form for them to fill out with their name, address, their chosen password and whether they wanted the Well-Stocked Kitchen or if they wanted to design their own registry. I also had an area for them to mark if they were interested in more info about a bridal shower, the opportunity, hosting a show, and/or my monthly newsletter (which I really need to get busy on!).

When they were finished with that, I gave them a packet with the brochure (also from Paperwork) that explains the reward structure, a Season’s Best cookbook, a paper that I made called Quick Registry Details, and my business card.

I did door prizes for a free bridal shower, a gift certificate, a large stone & rack, and a cookbook.

I’ll attach the Quick Registry and that other stuff when I get home from work…I forgot my thumb drive and I don’t save any of my PC stuff on my work computer. I’m afraid the IT guys will get me ;)

Sorry this was so long!!!
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That's wonderful Kearstin! I really need to get 1 bridal registry!!!
Thanks so much for the details, I can't wait to see pics!
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Well, who knows how many brides will actually use it. I even had a couple of them ask me if it was OK if they changed their mind down the road!! I figure I'll just try to keep in contact with them and keep reminding them how awesome our registry is!!! Even if 1/2, no, 1/4 of them follow through, I'll feel like it was a success and worth all the work!!!
How EXCITING! I'd love to see the pics of your table when you get them up!

Congratulations and good luck! I hope EVERY ONE of them registers with you!
So happy for your Kearstin! Keep us posted and can't wait to see your pictures!
  • #10
That is awesome! Glad to hear that all of the effort and energy you put in was well worth it! Looking forward to seeing your display!
  • #11
I too did a bridal expo last fall and got tons of Quick Registries. The key will be for us to follow-up with these brides. Let us all know how things go for you.

Lisa Brannan
  • #12
kearstin said:
Well, who knows how many brides will actually use it. I even had a couple of them ask me if it was OK if they changed their mind down the road!! I figure I'll just try to keep in contact with them and keep reminding them how awesome our registry is!!! Even if 1/2, no, 1/4 of them follow through, I'll feel like it was a success and worth all the work!!!

You are right Kearstin -- follow through with them.
  • #13
Macon ChefHow much should a booth at a fair/expo/etc. cost? Does it matter if it's a "general" fair vs. a "specific" fair (such as a "Wedding" Expo)?

I was quote $695 for a 1 day (12P-4P) Wedding Expo - includes 10 ft booth, 6 ft table, 2 chairs, waste basket, sign, contact info on website for 1 year...they quoting me on avg. 900-1,100 people in attendance, etc... Is this reasonable, or should I pass?

Macon Chef
  • #14
Imagine if each generated just $500 in sales, one crapped out completely, you'd still get $15,000 extra in sales in a year!!!!
  • #15
Great job, Kearstin! I'm so glad I ran into your other strand. I have already printed out Quick Registry Forms...I'm thinking I should print more of them!!! How many total did you take with you? I am excited about my Bridal Expo on the 24th!!!!!
  • #16
I suggest having two people at a time working the booth so when one bride is getting information, everyone else doesn't just walk by.
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ashleirogers said:
How much should a booth at a fair/expo/etc. cost? Does it matter if it's a "general" fair vs. a "specific" fair (such as a "Wedding" Expo)?

I was quote $695 for a 1 day (12P-4P) Wedding Expo - includes 10 ft booth, 6 ft table, 2 chairs, waste basket, sign, contact info on website for 1 year...they quoting me on avg. 900-1,100 people in attendance, etc... Is this reasonable, or should I pass?

Macon Chef

I think the price really depends on what kind of area you are in. The expo I just did was in a town with about 30,000 people, so it's not a big city. The cost was $195 for a 6' table and 1 chair from 12:00 - 6:00 (everyone was pretty well fizzled out by 4:00 though).

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DizziePixie said:
Great job, Kearstin! I'm so glad I ran into your other strand. I have already printed out Quick Registry Forms...I'm thinking I should print more of them!!! How many total did you take with you? I am excited about my Bridal Expo on the 24th!!!!!

I'm glad I ran into you too! I used the coupons that you posted and passed out TONS of them!!!! Everyone wanted the one with the Touchdown Taco Dip since it was Super Bowl Sunday :)

I had a lot of fun and the expo I hope you will too!!! Make sure to let us know how yours goes.

As far as the Quick Registry Forms go, I took 200 copies with me and didn't need that many... I was told there would be between 200 - 300 brides in attendance so that's how I decided how many to take. Do you have a guestimate as to how many brides will be in attendance? I would probably take enough for 1/2 - 3/4 that number. It would definitely be better to have leftovers than not enough!!! I figure I'll use my leftovers for the next one, so they won't go to waste.

Related to How Many Brides Will Follow Through on Quick Registry Sign-Ups?

1. What is "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!"?

"31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!" is a promotion offered by Pampered Chef for brides who are looking to register for high-quality kitchen products in a quick and efficient manner.

2. How do I participate in "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!"?

To participate in "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!" simply visit our website and click on the promotion link. From there, you can easily register for the promotion and start browsing products.

3. Is there a limit to the products I can choose from for "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!"?

No, there is no limit to the products you can choose from for "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!" You can select any items from our catalog that are available for bridal registry.

4. Can I add or change products after I have registered for "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!"?

Yes, you can add or change products at any time before the promotion ends. Simply log in to your account and make the necessary changes to your registry.

5. Are there any special discounts or offers for "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!"?

Yes, "31 Brides Quick Registered!!!!!" offers exclusive discounts and special offers for registered brides. These discounts and offers will be automatically applied to your purchase when you check out.

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