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How Long Did It Take You to Make Director?

In summary, the speaker is feeling disappointed about their lack of progress towards Directorship despite having started their business in November and recruiting two people. They have had no success since March and are feeling pressure from their AD to promote. The speaker is demanding of themselves and others and is seeking advice on when others have promoted to Director and any suggestions for success. Other speakers respond with their own experiences, recommending listening to online recruiting courses, being sincere and respectful in recruiting, and not putting too much pressure on oneself. They also share their own timelines for promoting to Director.

When did you promote to Director?

  • Within 6 months of starting PC

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Within 1 year of starting PC

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Within 2 years of starting PC

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • More than 2 years after starting PC

    Votes: 10 41.7%

  • Total voters
Gold Member
I'm feeling pretty bummed about my lack of progress toward Directorship. I started PC last November recruited 2, then one pretty much kitnapped due to health issues. I have had zero success even handing out info since March. Meanwhile, my AD is gunning for the next level, so she's putting a lot of pressure on me and 3 others to promote.

I am very demanding of myself and others, so I need reality checks to keep from getting too disappointed. They also motivate me to rise to the occasion.

So, with all that said, when did you promote to Director? Within 6 months, a year, 2, or more than 2?

I'd of course also appreciate any and all suggestions.

Don't be so hard on yourself!
I signed in July 06.
I signed my FIRST recruit July 07!!
I now have 5---just 5! I have only recruited 5 people in 2 years!
Now I am panicky and MUST get 5 more, but anyway...
You are off to a GREAT start!!
It will come when the time is right. :)
I agree...don't put so much pressure on yourself....and don't let your AD do so either. People sense when someone is trying to 'sign them' and tend to back away...even if they are actually interested.

Here's my thoughts (for what pocket change they are worth :blushing: )

This is going to sound like I'm an HO plant, but I really recommend relistening to the Recruiting on-line courses on CC. Really listen and play the all audio clips. The focus and word choice is amazing.

The course does a great job of walking thru the steps of informing, inviting and interviewing.The interview isn't about 'getting the person to sign'; it's about finding out if this is a good fit for the potential consultant. If people sense we are going to respect their decision, they are more apt to relax and seriously consider what PC has to offer them.

As for generating interest in the first place, be sincere at your shows as to how you feel about the business. (Again, we all have been to home parties where we felt we were getting a recruiting 'pitch'. Be sincere and it will show.) I also suggest having a 'why bag' and/or doing the 'just ask' game. (I think there's already a great thread on how to do the 'just ask' game...which isn't really a game, more of an activity. I really like doing this because it gives everyone the chance to ask a question.)

Hopes this helps.
It was actually within 6 months of me deciding to do it, but it happened on my year anniversary.
ok, legacypc 46 where in PA are you from?...tpc in sales and recruiting in less than 2 years, you go !!!
I am from PA started in 1999, promoted to director 7/07.
Getting Directorship was a struggle for me BIG TIME. Never thought it would happen. Now that I have it it all seems so nature to ask everyone!!
When I first started I was not interested in promoting. Recruited my first after 14 months. Then stayed an FD for over a year. Got serious about wanting to promote 6 months ago. Promoted on June 1st!
pclinskie said:
ok, legacypc 46 where in PA are you from?...tpc in sales and recruiting in less than 2 years, you go !!!
I am from PA started in 1999, promoted to director 7/07.
Getting Directorship was a struggle for me BIG TIME. Never thought it would happen. Now that I have it it all seems so nature to ask everyone!!

I'm in the Carlise area, but most of my team signed while I was in Germany...then a few signed when I lived in Florida for a couple months...then I moved here in February (where I'm slowly building a team). Like you said, it nows feels natural to offer the opportunity to everyone. Where are you?

(apologies susan for the momentary hijack)
Don't be so hard on yourself, like everyone else said. I don't like when people put so much pressure on others to promote because they want to promote. Unfortunately that is how our business works but you have to want it and want it for the right reasons and be ready. I find consultants are more likely to stay when you are sincere in recruiting and it has to be about them and not about yourself or someone else. I am not saying you are not sincere in recruiting, please don't take that the wrong way...I would LOVE to be an advanced director, but no one on my team right now feels they are ready, nor do they want to promote..so I am still recruiting knowing somewhere there are consultants who want more, but I respect my team members that aren't ready, I still give them the info and encourage them but ultimately it is up to them....sorry to go on there...
I signed with PC 2/21/06...signed my first recruit 12/21/06 and promoted to Director on 6/1/07..so just 15 months after joining....when I signed I had no interest in being anything but a consultant..then I went to Conference...WOW..I wanted more and decided to promote :)
Good luck!!! unfortunately you have to take the good recruits with the bad...I've had some that haven't stuck around and it is frustrating but you can't take it personally, just keep recruiting...."bless and release" as they say :)
You need a "too d*mn long" option for me. :rolleyes: And a "not yet" selection, too.
  • #10
Ann, I feel your pain.

highjack, as you said... I am in the Pottstown area, which is closer to Philadelphia (for those who don't know PA)

Still you are doing awesome,,

Susan, you have relax. I have done the desperation thing. People feel it!
We are a great company we offer so much more than kitchen tools. I have many friends that sell many other products. People go with what they are comfortable with, I truly believe OUR company is the BEST direct sales company. Beyond the kitchen tools and money, we offer so much more. (did I already say that) I really feel there is a need for our service.
I learned to cook by selling PC (I signed up for my hubby who loves the product, loves to cook, and didn't have time to sell it himself)
  • #11
I don't even know how if start a post or anything of the like, I just send quick replies. i don't even know how to list my profile. BUT I sell lots of PC, people LOVE our product!!!!
I don't even know what half the lingo means!
  • #12
I love what you wrote Krissy. I whole heartedly agree! As pclinskie says, there is a need for our service...we just have to find those who need it. :)
  • #13
chefann said:
You need a "too d*mn long" option for me. :rolleyes: And a "not yet" selection, too.

Right there with ya! :blushing:
  • #15
I never even wanted to be a Director until the summer before I promted in November~I had a "lightbulb" moment at Conference and really never looked back! Now, as for maintaining Directorship...that's a whole other kettle of worms!
  • #16
9 months. But I once I really decided to do it, it took 4 months.
  • #17
I signed 2 1/2 years ago but decided to promote to Director in February. I promoted June first.
I think you need to be intentional about your recruiting and what you are doing and not doing.
Put up on the wall your recruiting goal for the month, then do something everyday to get there!!
Also, I would recommend the Step up to Director program. Ask your director if she offers it, if not ask her to find someone that will let you in. I read your posts and you seem to be a together type of girl. I am not worried that someday soon you will promote.
Just an FYI for anyone who wants to promote. It is so much easier to do the work if your show schedule is there. Meaning 6-8 shows a month. Consistently. You can do less and promote, but it may be harder. I know the step up class gives you great tools to use, but if you have no shows, you can't use the tools.
Chin up Susan, I am sure you can do it!
  • #18
Took me just over two years. I think two years is actually the average length of time to promote to Director.

During those first two years I had a couple of people come and go. I was a Future Director and then lost it. I could not even go to Leadership in Atlanta and I live in the suburbs of Atlanta! However, in February of that same year I signed my first person of the year and kept going until I promoted on July 1. I have been a Director for two years now and I just love it!

It will happen when it is meant to happen. Just keep being intentional and ask everyone.

Good luck!
  • #19
It took me FOREVER!!! I signed Nov. '98 and promoted June 1st, 2007! Didn't always have the desire though or really didn't think too much about it. Was a FD forever. The last 2-3 years was when I started working harder with my last year being the push that got me there! Don't be too hard on yourself!
  • #20
Well here I am at 6 years and still nothing. I have been a FD twice now, which is very sad:eek: to me. People just don't want to keep trying after they sign when they have a bad month or two. Believe me I have had many ups and downs but I just keep on going, I'm having a little one now too:yuck: . PC has paid off in many ways for my family so I try to always remember that in my down times. What really makes me sick is I have 14 fence sitters that I keep in contact with and every time, it's no I'm too busy/not yet. I guess I just don't know what to say to them to make them give it a shot or to stay doing it. OK I know, I'm having a pity party here, but dang it I should be a Director by now:cry:. My Directors are both Advance Directors and we have all been doing it for 6 yrs. how come I can't seem to get there? OK I'm done now. Back to working on my shows:chef:.
  • #21
pamperedalf said:
I'll third that response.....
I'll 4th that response......love it Ann!
I didn't want to promote until about a year or so ago....promoted to FD last Dec, but my recruits are inactive....I am TRYING.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
thank you so much to everyone who clicked on the poll and wrote as well. i feel a lot better about the situation and have realistic expectations.

i am still very happy that i joined pc and i get a lot out of the shows (more than just $). i don't want this to become yet another source of stress.

i think i will wait until NC and then figure out how to move forward. in the meantime, keep those votes and comments coming!

Related to How Long Did It Take You to Make Director?

1. How long did it take you to make Director?

The time it takes to make Director with Pampered Chef can vary greatly depending on individual efforts and dedication. Some people achieve Director status within a year, while others may take several years to reach this level.

2. What steps did you take to become a Director?

Becoming a Director with Pampered Chef involves consistently meeting sales and recruiting goals, attending trainings and conferences, building a strong team, and providing excellent customer service. It also requires a strong work ethic and determination to succeed.

3. Did you face any challenges on your journey to becoming a Director?

Like any goal, there were definitely challenges along the way. However, with hard work, perseverance, and the support of my team and mentors, I was able to overcome these challenges and reach the Director level.

4. What advice do you have for someone who wants to become a Director with Pampered Chef?

My advice would be to set clear goals, stay organized, and consistently work towards them. Surround yourself with a supportive team and take advantage of all the resources and trainings offered by Pampered Chef. And most importantly, never give up on your dream of becoming a Director.

5. How has becoming a Director impacted your life?

Becoming a Director with Pampered Chef has been a life-changing experience. It has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally, and has given me the opportunity to help others achieve their own goals. It has also provided me with a flexible and rewarding career that I am truly passionate about.

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