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How Have Your Pampered Chef Black Friday Sales Gone in the Past?

Michelle, maybe next year you want to send the email out on Sunday. That is what I did so I could catch anyone leaving town early. I am hoping this year's BF & BS sales will be good. Last year I got ZERO but I had a much smaller customer base! I am hoping to bring in a few of my infrequent buyers to hit the sale this year!Sent this out tonight - we'll see!
Gold Member
Just wanting to know how have your black friday sales gone for you in the past. I sent out my email yest. This is my 1st time doing it. Hope to get something!!!
I just sent out my email a few minutes ago. I have a kinda small customer base, so I really hope it brings in enough sales to call it a show. I have ZERO shows scheduled for December so I'm counting on this keeping me active!
Michelle, maybe next year you want to send the email out on Sunday. That is what I did so I could catch anyone leaving town early. I am hoping this year's BF & BS sales will be good. Last year I got ZERO but I had a much smaller customer base! I am hoping to bring in a few of my infrequent buyers to hit the sale this year!
Sent this out tonight - we'll see!


With a Pampered Chef BLACK FRIDAY SALE!!

The holidays are fast approaching! Why fight all the crowds when you can shop from your home, warm and comfy, while in your pajamas? Beat the clock on my

Annual Black Friday Sale!!


Friday, November 27th
between 4:00 AM and 12:00 NOON -

big savings! See full instructions below.

NOON-4pm for other specials!

4:00 a.m. - 5:59 a.m. allow me TO SLEEP IN and place an order either by email or on my website for 20% off your product total, plus a FREE Season's Best Recipe collection added to your order.

20% Off - Call, email or order from my website

6:00 a.m. by 7:59 a.m.
15% Off - Call, email or order from my website

8:00 a.m. by 9:59 a.m.
10% Off - Call, email or order from my website

10:00 a.m. by Noon

12 noon - 1:59 p.m. - Call, email or type your request on my website to host a show in December and RECEIVE ANY FLAT STONE for the Price Of The Day: on the FIRST, get a stone for $1...on the FOURTH, get a stone for $4...on the THIRTEENTH, get a stone for $13 etc...

I will get you your show on the date you request, even if I am unavailable - I have other consultants who can help!

My phone number is (425)463-9842

My email is [email protected]

My website is Welcome To My Personal Web Site

FULL INSTRUCTIONS: If ordering on my website, please be sure to type in the hosts name as Black Friday to get your discount, it will be applied to your credit card and I will email you with your correct total.


If you are calling and I am unable to answer, please leave a detailed message, including the time you are calling!!

Please make sure to let me know whether you'd like me to deliver your order (if you are local)… or direct ship it to someone else for you (additional charges apply). We can ship to anywhere in the USA and APO’s and all orders are guaranteed to arrive before Christmas.

Please indicate your form of payment: Visa, MC, Discover, or American Express.

Please don't forget to leave your phone number so I can contact you with your total or if I have any questions.

If you can't make the sale but would like to place holiday orders, this year's phone cut off is December 15th; online orders can be expedited through December 22nd. If you need some great gift ideas....I've got a ton - everything from great little to stocking stuffers to fabulous cookware and elegant entertaining pieces. I'm just a phone call or a recipe away!

Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

M. Scott Backus

(425) 4 6 3 - 9 8 4 2 Welcome To My Personal Web Site

Newest Products: Sneak Peek!

Full Color Catalog: <CLICK HERE!>
i had a $300 show last year and had only started my business in July. This year I have another year worth of contacts and have done it again. I have already gotten several email with anticipation of sales tomorrow (shipping costs, questions about specials, products, etc.). I find it worth it as I only use email and phone calls (I don't answer so the machine or voice mail picks up. Here is the deal I did. (mostly stuff I have laying around for give aways, stone bought 20% off in september).Please forward to everyone in your address book, they may be interested!! Season's Greetings and Let the Shopping Begin!!Don't miss the Day after ThanksgivingPampered Chef Black Friday Sale!!!!Friday, November 27 only!! Call or email your order from 5:00am-7:00am and receive aSmall Sheet or Bar Pan FREE!Call or email your order from 7:01am-10:00am and receive aFestive Holiday Dessert Cookbook FREE!Call or email your order from 10:01am-12:00pm and receive aMocha Hazelnut Sprinkle FREE!Call or email your order from 12:01pm-11:59pm and receive aSeason’s Best Fall/Winter 2009 FREE! November Guest Special20% off all Simple Addition pieces!!! All orders over $75 receive FREE Shipping!!! Book a January show and receive a FREE Garlic Press!January Hosts receive extra free products based on guest sales!(Example: Guests sales = $700Host gets $140 + $70 bonus = $210 in free products!!) Discounts only available through me!!Audra
Browse the catalog online at Orders must be called or emailed to receive discount—Outlet items are not included!!If I do not get to your call, please leave a detailed message.I accept Visa, MC, Discover, American Express, check or cash for your payment. **Don't forget to leave your phone number so I can return your call and give you a total!All orders are guaranteed for Christmas delivery! Cannot make the Day after Thanksgiving sale? The last date for placing orders to receive shipping in time for Christmas is December 15th, so please have all orders and payment to me by December 11th to ensure processing.
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I sent out an e-mail earlier this week and no takers ... but I did get some orders at a craft fair and have another one coming up ... so we'll see how it goes
Please remove all your personal websites from the postings!
I sent a "flyer" via email out for my first Black Friday sale. Only ONE taker so far ($84.00). Think it's a "bust", she was working on an order anyway, and when she got that, she sped it up to get the discount :-( Didn't think to take her name off the list. Out of over 500 people.. one person... sad but true. It's not over yet, but man, a lot of work for that small of an order (20% off at that, so I'll close it in December to help with the sella thon, I guess). Bummer since I was getting the order anyway!

How did others do?????:(
I sent out a Black Friday sale flyer on Sunday, and then a quickie one this morning ("Black Friday Sale in Full Swing"). My phone is quiet. I guess all those callers are getting "busy circuit" recordings and can't get through :eek:
  • #10
One customer $280 in sales. Better than if I didn't send the flyer!
  • #11
Just got an email stating I had a order $188.50!! YEAH!!!! I may hit the 3K level yet!
  • #12
LOL - I've had over $200 in orders from my website today, and I'm not even doing a black friday sale. I did send out an email earlier in the week just reminding people about the great deals on the outlet...but that's it.
  • #13
ChefBeckyD said:
LOL - I've had over $200 in orders from my website today, and I'm not even doing a black friday sale. I did send out an email earlier in the week just reminding people about the great deals on the outlet...but that's it.

Yep, I sent out an Outlet email earlier in the week and have received a few hundred in orders. Gotta love it!
  • #14
Well, I just sent one out! LOL!! You guys inspired me. We'll see if anything comes of it. I didn't want to have to keep up with an hourly deal and my family is going out tonight so it is strictly website orders only! For today it is FREE shipping and for Monday it is 15% off. Scott's special made me choose to include a booking special for January. Even though I kinda need another 3 parties for December my family just doesn't have the available date to accommodate it. So I'm focusing on January. I want a party each day of the triple points days!!
  • #15
I had a host turn in a show today ... she ordered it ALL herself ... and is OK with it being a December show ... I have other orders which I am turning into a show too. I missed November SAT, not b/c I didn't have two shows, but because they weren't turned in by the stupid 15th ... I will NOT miss December's!
  • #16
I haven't added up the orders yet, but I had 5 orders called in and 7 orders emailed. I'm pleased.
  • #17
Finally got an order about an hour ago, during the 10% off time frame. It was for less than $50, but every bit helps :)
  • #18
Rae, I think that is great!!.
  • #19
I got 2 orders for my Black Friday sale and it qualified as ashow so I was happy about that
  • #20
One of the calls was a confirmation of an email order, so there were actually only 11 orders. However, they added up to over $650, so I'm definitely pleased. The majority were during the 25% off period, but about 1/3 were less than that. A few were large enough to receive free shipping. All in all I'm very pleased.

I had to laugh at one of the calls. It was from a friend who said this was her first ever Black Friday purchase. She hates shopping and crowds, so she becomes a hermit on Black Friday. She has no internet access, so this was the first time she was able to do a lot of her Christmas shopping in her jammies. :)

  • Two of the orders were from people I gave sale flyers to at a networking event.

  • One was from a referral from a former consultant. She was directed to my website by the former consultant and was pleased to find out about my sale.

  • One was from a former consultant I met through CS. She's a sweetie, and I was thrilled to hear from her.

  • Two were from people at church who said that they wanted to order something. One of those was a guy who said something in front of The Furry Guy who said, "She's having a Black Friday Sale. You should order then."

  • The rest were regular customers who get my newsletter.

Not too bad.
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  • #21
I had no takers, kinda bummed :(
  • #22
I sold only two bar boards yesterday. Think I will send out an email about the Outlet and see what happens there!
  • #23
No sales yesterday, so I just popped off an email extending my sale through Monday. I sent out my Black Friday sale email a little to early I think so I am hopeful that my lovely customers just forgot and need a little reminding. Also sent out an outlet email!
  • #24
I have only had one taker but I don't count it because I knew she was ordering anyhow. I do know of a local cheffer though who has surpassed $1000 in Black Friday sales via her website/phone calls/emails. She took the time to send out mailings to her guests (snail mail we're talking). Perhaps that's what will work - I'm just too cheap. But I guess I do have to learn that you have to spend money to make money... Not hoard money to make money :)
  • #25
wadesgirl said:
Please remove all your personal websites from the postings!

it was my choice (and mistake) to put my personal info on the net. no need to freak out.
  • #26
AudraKYPCLady said:
it was my choice (and mistake) to put my personal info on the net. no need to freak out.

She was only saying so because it's against PC policy to do it.
  • #27
This is my first Holiday Season with Pampered Chef. I had sent out an email to 100 customers. My sale was from Friday- Monday. So far not 1 order. Hopefully the next few days will bring something in. I was really hoping to get $700 in orders, so I can qualify more SAT promotions. If not I would be happy for another $200 to get up to my next commission level. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am really trying to contact people and get out catalogs and mini catalogs.
  • #28
First black friday sale for me....and I had $787 in sales. One person had over $400, and saved over $100 (due to free shipping). That was kind of a kick in the pants, but I'll just have to wait until I get paid on the 8th to get it back :) Overall I'm very happy. I don't expect to make the $3k mark, but this is my best month ever. I'm at $2300ish for the month, and my personal goal was $2500 this month. I thought it was a big reach, but if I push this to include Cyber Monday Sales, I might make that!
  • #29
This was the first one that I did and I got $380 of sales - I thought it went pretty well. I only have 2 shows in Dec. and I wanted to put it with them to hopefully put me over the $1500.
  • #30
AudraKYPCLady said:
it was my choice (and mistake) to put my personal info on the net. no need to freak out.

She wasn't freaking out - she was trying to help you. PC monitors this site, and you could get into trouble with them if they were to find a direct link to your website. Always give people the benefit of the doubt...
  • #31
ChefBeckyD said:
She wasn't freaking out - she was trying to help you. PC monitors this site, and you could get into trouble with them if they were to find a direct link to your website. Always give people the benefit of the doubt...

leftymac said:
She was only saying so because it's against PC policy to do it.

AudraKYPCLady said:
it was my choice (and mistake) to put my personal info on the net. no need to freak out.

Yes as Lefty and Becky said I wasn't freaking out, just trying to encourage the rules of this board and PC. You are not allowed to post your website on any website including this one. You weren't the only one so don't take it so personally.

Related to How Have Your Pampered Chef Black Friday Sales Gone in the Past?

1. How successful have your Black Friday sales been in the past?

In the past, our Black Friday sales have been incredibly successful. We have seen a significant increase in sales and customer satisfaction during this time.

2. Did you send out an email about your Black Friday sale this year?

Yes, we did send out an email yesterday about our Black Friday sale. We want to make sure our customers are aware of the amazing deals we have to offer.

3. Is this your first time participating in Black Friday sales?

Yes, this is our first time participating in Black Friday sales. We are excited to offer our customers great deals and discounts on our products.

4. Are you hoping to see an increase in sales during this Black Friday sale?

Absolutely! We are hoping to see a significant increase in sales during this Black Friday sale as we have prepared some amazing deals for our customers.

5. Will there be any special promotions or offers during your Black Friday sale?

Yes, we have some special promotions and offers exclusively for our Black Friday sale. Our customers can expect to see discounts, free gifts, and other exciting deals during this time.

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