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How Has Moving to South Carolina Influenced a Military Wife's Career Choices?

In summary, Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen products and cooking tools. Their popular products include stoneware, cookware, and kitchen tools such as their garlic press and can opener. The company has been in business for over 40 years and was founded in 1980 by Doris Christopher. To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you can sign up through their website or contact a current consultant. You can also host a Pampered Chef party in South Carolina with the help of a consultant in the area.
Well I figured I'd post and introduce myself here. I've been on the board for about two weeks I think...Not for sure. This site has helped out soooooo much!!! Thank you all!!! :D

I'm 29 years old and a mother of three children, 8 yr old daughter, 7 yr old son and a 2 yr old daughter. I'm a military wife. My husband has been in the Air Force for 5 years and we've been here in South Carolina for 4 1/2. I never knew what Pampered Chef was till about three years ago. A friend of mine introduce me to it. So I've been buying for three years. LOL. I use to sell Sensaria Natural Bodycare but it wasn't going anywhere for me so I quit that last year. I started up with Pampered Chef here in April. I can tell you I've gotten more response with PC then I ever did with my Sensaria Business. I love it. I just love being able to meet new people too.

Thank you all for your tips, advice and the files you all share. It has been a very big help to me. I look forward to getting to know each of you and talking more with you all. I wish I could make it to the conference this year cause it seems like I would meet some of you there. But I can't I plan on being there next year for sure!!! Take Care and I look forward to talking with you all!!:p
First, welcome to PC:) Isn't it the best company?! And isn't this the best site? Everyone here is so awesome, it's like going to a cluster meeting everytime I log on.
I wish you much success with your business, and hope you can make it to conference next year--I guaruntee you'll love it!
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  • #3
lacychef said:
First, welcome to PC:) Isn't it the best company?! And isn't this the best site? Everyone here is so awesome, it's like going to a cluster meeting everytime I log on.
I wish you much success with your business, and hope you can make it to conference next year--I guaruntee you'll love it!

Thanks Lacy! Well if this is what cluster meetings are like I would love to go to one for real!!!
Welcome!!Hi Kathi!

Congratulations on starting your Pampered Chef business! I've had so much fun with it the past year and a half and I LOVE getting all the free products!

I wish you all the best and lots of success!

By the way, do people call you "Kat" too?
I just wanted to say Welcome and good luck w/ your biz!!!!:)
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  • #6
cat said:
Hi Kathi!

Congratulations on starting your Pampered Chef business! I've had so much fun with it the past year and a half and I LOVE getting all the free products!

I wish you all the best and lots of success!

By the way, do people call you "Kat" too?

Yes they call me "Kat". That is my nickname I've had since I was in school. LOL.:)

I do have a question for you all. How do I find a Hospitality Director where I'm at? I signed up under a friend of mine but our director is in GA(a little far for me to drive for meetings). And I really want to attend some meetings and stuff. Cause right now I'm on my own and the only source of information I have is this group, the yahoo groups, Consultants Corner and the Consultant News. Thanks for your help.
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Congrats on being a new consultant!!! Enjoy your business and have lots of fun with it. Good luck with everything!!!:)
Hi Kat - Welcome! Im just north of you in NC! Congrats on starting your business - you will love this site and PC. I'm in a military town too and a couple of my recruits are military wives. They make great hosts too!
There are a couple ways to get hooked up with hospitality - one being that the director of the cluster in GA that you signed up under contacts the home office for you - and they find a director in your area for you to attend meetings. Another way is to look at Consultant Directory here on this board and see if anyone is near Shaw. If all else fails - I guess you could call HO yourself.....Good Luck!
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  • #9
Well I didn't see any directors just future diretor on the consultant Directory. I'll be calling the HO here to see if they can help me. I haven't heard from my director since I qualified in May. No emails no phone calls. I've emailed her once to ask her a questions and never got a email back, I called her and got no answer. And this was back a couple of months when I was getting emails from her now, I don't get anything.:(

You all are great here on this site. This is site has been my life line on learning new things and stuff. I really thank you all for taking the time and actually posting. I've gotten so frustrated with bookings and stuff that I usually don't know what to do and I go looking and someone has something posted that is about what I'm going through. It's been a big help. If this is what cluster meetings are like I really love this site then. I can't wait to go to an actual meeting.:) Anyway, I got to run got a show I got to close. I think it will be my biggest one yet!! YAY!! Thank you all again. You all are so wonderful!! :D
  • #10
Hey Kat, My director's in near Myrtle Beach...I'm not sure how long that would take you to get here but I'm sure she would love to have you come to our meetings...PM me if you are interested....
  • #11
Kat - you need to let the HO know that your director is not calling or answering your emails. That is part of the agreement on becoming a Director - she should be there for support. Has she even offered to invite you to a cluster meeting - even tho it is too far for you to attend, she should have a newsletter or monthly flyer or something that goes out to her cluster. I would not hesitate in letting the HO know.
  • #12
Hey KatI am a consultant here at Shaw AFB as well. I have been here a little over 4 years. I am active duty so I am not as active in PC as I would like to me however I am active enough to get what I want at a good price so I am happy. I have been a consultant for a bit over a year. I absolutely love it. PM me and let me know who your dirctor is. My director started out a little weak but now she is really trying, and making an effort. Let me know and maybe I can get you in contact with her. Granted you would still fall under your director. Anyways. Welcome and good luck.
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  • #13
smarteez2 said:
I am a consultant here at Shaw AFB as well. I have been here a little over 4 years. I am active duty so I am not as active in PC as I would like to me however I am active enough to get what I want at a good price so I am happy. I have been a consultant for a bit over a year. I absolutely love it. PM me and let me know who your dirctor is. My director started out a little weak but now she is really trying, and making an effort. Let me know and maybe I can get you in contact with her. Granted you would still fall under your director. Anyways. Welcome and good luck.

Smarteez2 I pmed you. I hope you got it. I look forward to hearing from you.

:D OH boy I'm really excited. I closing my biggest show today!!! Then I have another Party tonight I hope it goes as good as this last one did. YAY!! God I love Pampered Chef!! :D

Sorry I had to tell someone! LOL :p
  • #14
Hello and welcome to PC! I've only been a consultant for 4 months and have had similar experience as you. My Director used to live out-of-state and my recruiter went inactive right after I signed. There are no cluster meetings within 1 hour of me. My Director has responded to a couple of emails I sent her, but otherwise no contact. She also moved back to Georgia but hasn't had a cluster meeting yet after a couple of months. Thankfully, the business is easy enough that you can do well on your own with the support of this site. Hang in there - sounds like you are doing great!

Jeanie Gay

Related to How Has Moving to South Carolina Influenced a Military Wife's Career Choices?

1. What is Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers high-quality kitchen products and cooking tools. Their mission is to help people create quick and delicious meals at home through their innovative products and recipes.

2. What are some popular products from Pampered Chef?

Some popular products from Pampered Chef include their stoneware, cookware, and kitchen tools such as their garlic press and can opener. Their quick and easy recipes are also a hit among customers.

3. How long has Pampered Chef been in business?

Pampered Chef has been in business for over 40 years. It was founded in 1980 by Doris Christopher and has since become a household name for quality kitchen products.

4. How can I become a Pampered Chef consultant?

To become a Pampered Chef consultant, you can sign up through their website or contact a current consultant for more information. You will need to purchase a starter kit and attend training to get started.

5. Can I host a Pampered Chef party in South Carolina?

Yes, you can host a Pampered Chef party in South Carolina. The company has consultants all over the country, including in South Carolina, who can help you host a fun and interactive cooking party with your friends and family.

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