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How Effective Can Weekend Calls Be for Bookings?

he said no...:(I know the feeling...I begged my DH for 15 mins of him watching the baby...he said no...:(
I posted this in another thread, but wanted to make sure everyone saw it.....

I made an hour worth of calls tonight -- Saturday (you know, the "maybe later"s, the hosts who cancelled and didn't reschedule and the hosts who held one year ago -- your PC discount is about to expire)....

In one hour I got 6 bookings! I am returning calls to 2 others tomorrow(they had company).

Call while it's cold out! EVERYONE is home!
Thanks for the reminder Janice. I'm going to try that this afternoon.
Thanks! I will making those calls today!

PS Great job on getting 6 shows! I hope that I do the same!
Great idea!! Especially since my show was cancelled today. It's -6 here right now!!! Yuck. Our garage wouldn't open to be able to go out and get the paper. I'm so glad there's no school tomorrow.
letscook04 said:
Thanks! I will making those calls today!

PS Great job on getting 6 shows! I hope that I do the same!

PamperedDor said:

I know that you will!! LOL

I am guessing that the women will either be home or shopping since football is on. I am one of those women that LOVE to watch football!! Gotta root for those NY Giants!! Ummm ......
letscook04 said:
I know that you will!! LOL

I am guessing that the women will either be home or shopping since football is on. I am one of those women that LOVE to watch football!! Gotta root for those NY Giants!! Ummm ......
OH Boy!! I am a Patriots fan, I won't be watching Football though. Not my thing. But I am a Patriots fan and will watch the Superbowl if they make it.
I will be making calls today!I need 6 more February shows and I have 19 people to call who said to check back with them in the new year. I should also call my past hosts from last year....
I am making calls today too. We should all cheer each other on and follow up to tell everyone how we did this afternoon. I need 3 more Ferbruary shows!!

Anyone one to join me so we can hold each other accountable?:chef:
  • #10
Will do! I need to do this!
  • #11
What time of day do you seem to get the most responses? I usually do my "power hour" on Sunday evening anywhere between 7pm and 8:30pm. I am looking for any suggestions.
  • #12
Aaahh! So scary! I made 2 calls (first time ever!) and got 1 catalog show and 1 answering machine! :eek: Unfortunately, I have to wait until this afternoon to call the rest. :( You are all right, once you get over the first one, it is exciting! :sing:
  • #14
I'll be making my calls this afternoon as I'm having my parents over this evening and I'm not sure I'll have time tonight. I'm going to call all 19 people!
  • #15
I have my list but it is so small right now!
  • #16
My cluster is doing the 24 bookings in 24 hours. We started at 4 pm today and so far I have 1!! I am excited. Hopefully, I will get some calls back from voicemails. Trying to find more to call.
  • #17
Well, right now it is pretty taboo to be on the phone, the Packers are on. If you call now, you may LOSE a customer!!!!
  • #18
janetupnorth said:
Well, right now it is pretty taboo to be on the phone, the Packers are on. If you call now, you may LOSE a customer!!!!

LOL my host told me during our coaching call that we had 10 minutes to kick-off!
I'm going to try calling for the next hour. I'll post back with results.
  • #19
Not doing so good with calls!!!:cry:
  • #20
jwpamp said:
I posted this in another thread, but wanted to make sure everyone saw it.....

I made an hour worth of calls tonight -- Saturday (you know, the "maybe later"s, the hosts who cancelled and didn't reschedule and the hosts who held one year ago -- your PC discount is about to expire)....

In one hour I got 6 bookings! I am returning calls to 2 others tomorrow(they had company).

Call while it's cold out! EVERYONE is home!

Anything particular that you said when you were calling??:)
  • #21
DS wasn't so cooperative in letting me have some quality phone time this afternoon. I was able to make a few calls. Got one Catalog booking and one Cooking Show booking, both for Feb.
  • #22
pamperedlinda said:
DS wasn't so cooperative in letting me have some quality phone time this afternoon. I was able to make a few calls. Got one Catalog booking and one Cooking Show booking, both for Feb.

I know the feeling...I begged my DH for 15 mins of him watching the baby during the game. Then wouldn't you know it, my pager went off for me to go see a patient :cry:

But I left 6 voice mails and got 2 no's. I like getting the No's, cuz then they get crossed off the list and I don't have to worry about calling them anymore!

But yes's are more FUN!

I'm going to try to get some Yes's at the hospital. I'll report back. Calling time is over here on the East coast.
GL everyone!
  • #23
No calls this afternoon but I now have an hour and a half by myself in which I will be calling...
  • #24
I finally had some voices today and not machines. That was nice. I had a host coaching call and then I had 3 people that are interested in March. (2 cooking and one catalog) I am happy they said yes, but would have been happier if they were in Jan or February. I will take what I can get.
  • #25
I called for 25 minutes today and got 3 February bookings...I am shooting for 10 and I have 4 now...
  • #26
Called 18 people...spoke to 6....3 No's...3 Maybes. No Yes's yet but I have to get ahold of 12 people still so we'll see...I have a trade show on February 2 and I'm hoping to get some Feb shows before then. I just want to book my Feb before the end of January!!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
I'm glad to see that everyone here took the opportunity to make some calls. I get frustrated when I get an answering machine or no answer, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to catch people at home.

By the way, I booked 2 at my show yesterday and another from a phone call last night!

Oh, and when I call, I just say that I was going thru some door prize slips from a while ago and I saw that they were "Maybe" interested in having a show in the future....and is this a good time? We have great specials coming up, and NEW products in March....they are for the most part very happy to have the opportunity to have friends over and break the winter blues!

Keep us posted on your successes!!!
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  • #28
I made the calls and got 2 cooking shows scheduled. One for Feb. and one for March. I still need 2 more for Feb. :chef:
  • #29
I am going to do just that today!!
I want to go to Mexico~~~
  • #30
I am going to make some calls today too. Hopefully I can get some more Feb shows scheduled. I did a bridal fair yesterday and have lots of leads to follow up with.
  • #31
Thank you for this wonderful incentive to make phone calls! Just made 6 calls, left 3 messages, booked 1 catalog show, and 2 possible shows-they need to look at their kids' calendars to find a date they will be home! I love this site-thank you all!
Suzy in Texas

Related to How Effective Can Weekend Calls Be for Bookings?

1. How long did it take you to make those calls?

It took me one hour to make the calls and I was able to secure 6 bookings.

2. How many bookings did you get from those calls?

I was able to get 6 bookings from the hour of calls I made.

3. What types of hosts did you call?

I called hosts who had previously cancelled, hosts who had held a party one year ago, and hosts who had a PC discount about to expire.

4. Did you have any success with the calls?

Yes, I was able to secure 6 bookings from the hour of calls I made. I will also be following up with 2 other potential bookings who were not available at the time of my call.

5. Is it better to make calls during certain times or days?

Based on my experience, making calls during the weekend when most people are home has proven to be successful. However, it may also vary depending on your target audience and their availability. It's important to experiment and find the best time and day for your specific target market.

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