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Director How Do You Train New Consultants Effectively?

In summary, Chantelle signed 3 recruits this weekend and has several more who are supposed to sign before the end of the month. She advises new consultants to learn how to resolve issues, stay available, and have a system of training.
I signed 3 recruits this weekend and have several more who are supposed to sign before the end of the month:sun: I am thinking that my system for training new consultants might need some updating and I wanted to see what everyone here does. Anything and everything that you do would be helpful. Phone calls, emails, online training etc. I thought we could all learn from each other!
Way to go girl! It's been a while since I've had local recruits, but I'm usually there at their first show as moral support. I give them a brief synopsis of what I do, then explain to them that they don't have to be a cookie cutter version of me. As long as they introduce themselves, get the food made & the guests have fun, that's the important part. But if they want to really make this business work, I encourage them to remember to do the booking/recruiting slide & the full service checkout. I also sit beside them while they enter their first show (whenever possible). To ensure that it gets done right & all the freebies are given to the appropriate people. If they skip something, I let them skip it & then let them look at the red dot screen to see what error message they are getting & let them try to figure out what they missed. I see learning to resolve issues super important, so I don't mention errors when I see them forget something. LOLSince I don't work during the day, I'm pretty open when they have questions. They know I have toddlers & may not have uninterrupted phone time, but I can usually chat when they call. If I'm doing something that I don't want to be disturbed, I usually either have the phone on mute or out of ear shot so that I don't have to tell them I can't talk right now. I also turn off the ringer when I go to bed. They know I stay up late & that they can call at 2AM. If I'm up, I'll answer. If I'm not up, they haven't disturbed my sleep. I've never had one call at that hour, but they do know it's an option.I also have the private FB group and my upline has a FB group. So they can go online & ask their questions at any time of the day or night. If I'm not online, one of the Directors under me or more seasoned consultants usually pop in fairly quickly & answer them.
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One more just emailed me this morning that she signed, that makes 5 for this month and another working on getting her money together. Sheila, thanks for the tips, I do the same thing with being available I take calls day and night, pretty much the only time I am not available is when I am at a show or when the kids are acting up. I also have the private FB group too. I don't go to their first show, but I have them come to one of mine so the word choices are great! I also will either be available in person or over the phone as they type and submit their first show, some need a lot more help than others.
More tips are greatly appreciated!! Especially if you have a system of training!! I am trying to figure out a way to do some group training with all of them.
I set up a half our phone call once a week for their first month or as long as they want or need to continue. I too am available most of the time for "emergency" calls.Congrats on your awesome month recruiting! what's your secret?!? I would definitely set up a new consultant training meeting at a different time than your regular meeting so that you can get the group dynamic and excitement going. You could do it the same day as your meeting - before or after - but that might make for a long evening for all of you. Another option would be to set up a group phone call with everyone on the line. That way they could hear each others questions and more important your answers to questions they may not have thought of yet.
WAY TO GO!!! WooHoo!! :woohoo:
Wahoo Chantelle!!!

I recorded a welcome phone call that they can call into when they first get started. It walks them through the Succeed with Us workbook. I do a new consultant training and train them on 3-cheese garden pizza, because it uses the mandoline. I also give them a binder that I got from Love Carpenter that walks them through the outline of a show. I do not always go to their grand opening. I find that many do not want me there. I also have them come to one of my shows so I can train them on the Full Service Checkout and the ticket game.
cookingwithlove said:
Wahoo Chantelle!!!

I recorded a welcome phone call that they can call into when they first get started. It walks them through the Succeed with Us workbook. I do a new consultant training and train them on 3-cheese garden pizza, because it uses the mandoline. I also give them a binder that I got from Love Carpenter that walks them through the outline of a show. I do not always go to their grand opening. I find that many do not want me there. I also have them come to one of my shows so I can train them on the Full Service Checkout and the ticket game.

I also do the same. I know I would not have wanted my director to be at my first show so I give them the choice and I encourage them to observe a show, especially check out. I also offer to let them key in an order if they are a hands on learner.
Way to go Chantelle! :woohoo:
  • #10
cookingwithlove said:
Wahoo Chantelle!!!

I recorded a welcome phone call that they can call into when they first get started. It walks them through the Succeed with Us workbook. I do a new consultant training and train them on 3-cheese garden pizza, because it uses the mandoline. I also give them a binder that I got from Love Carpenter that walks them through the outline of a show. I do not always go to their grand opening. I find that many do not want me there. I also have them come to one of my shows so I can train them on the Full Service Checkout and the ticket game.

can you share more about this? I'd love the file if you can share it.
  • #11
I add all of mine into my iContact account as they join the team. I've been thinking about setting up the automatic e-mails that will go out periodically in their first week, 30 days, 90 days to guide them & then anniversary e-mails to congratulate them on their continued success.Annastasia found a web conference page where she & the other girls can do an online video chat. She can also share documents from her computer & they can see what she's doing! She just did her first call the other night & I haven't gotten feedback from her yet to see how it went. If it's easy & successful for her, I may start doing that with my team since they are all so spread out. Time zones are a huge issue for me. Trying to get them all together at the same time for a conference call when I have them in all 4 continental US time zones, Alaska, Japan & Germany! LOL So I pretty much have just been helping the ones who want to be helped when I can on a one-on-one basis.
  • #12
Here is the binder. I do not take any credit for it. I use the "Swing Ring Easel" that you get at Staples. That way if flips open and stands up. One side faces the consultant and the other faces the guests.


  • Landscape- Binder for New Consultants.doc
    1.8 MB · Views: 621
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  • #13
Sheila said:
I add all of mine into my iContact account as they join the team. I've been thinking about setting up the automatic e-mails that will go out periodically in their first week, 30 days, 90 days to guide them & then anniversary e-mails to congratulate them on their continued success.

If you decide to do that please share on here!
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  • #14
This is all great!! I do have a welcome call that our Natl Exec did and I encourage them to take it, any tips on getting them to do it? I guess I could do a drawing. Also our Natl is in the middle of doing basic step up training calls and recording them so I am thinking about having them listen to them on their own time and then doing a follow up group call with them. That way some of my other consultants can join in if they want. Please keep sharing!
  • #15
Way to go Chantelle!
  • #16
Someone had once shared an email system they use but I can't find it anywhere! If anyone comes up with an email system for new consultants, I would love to see it as well. Congrats!!
  • #17
  • #18
I sent this as a welcome email:

Welcome to our Pampered Chef TEAM and Family!

I am so excited that you have decided to become a part of The Pampered Chef. An amazing opportunity awaits you and I am excited to work with you as you begin your venture.

The first thing I recommend is listening to a 20 minute recording. Just call this number below. You should do this in the next 1-2 days.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
Access Code:

You will need the Succeed with Us workbook. It will be in your kit and it is green, but I attached a copy here so you can get started. When you are finished with the recording call me and we can start your training right away.

This is what I have found to be helpful to new Consultants so they experience the benefits of a Successful START and a BIG first paycheck:

 Set GOALS for Yourself and Have FUN!

 Schedule at least 5-6 COOKING SHOWS in your First Month. This will help you to earn that first BIG paycheck, and also give you LOTS of PC money right away. Statistics show that consultants who schedule 6 or more shows in their introductory month are twice as likely to be successful than other consultants.

 Attend a MONTHLY MEETING. Check with your recruiter/Director for the dates of those meetings and put those dates on your calendar. You will learn lots of great tips and ideas at these meetings. Our next meeting is Februray 26th at 2:30. my address. Please RSVP to this event to email

 Be sure to take the ONLINE TRAINING that Pampered Chef offers on Consultant’s Corner. You will be entered into a $25 drawing for Logo products.

 If you really want to jump start your business, I recommend:

a. Purchasing “The Skinny on Direct Sales,” by Jim Randel. This book is a quick read and it focuses on what do to in the first 100 days of your direct selling business (the period that can dictate the outcome of your business.

b. Listening to the New Consultant Welcome Call sponsored by our home office. You will receive and email from Home Office about the details, it is only 30 minutes long. 424-203-8000, Code 673350, to be held on February 20th at 8 p.m. Central Time.

c. Join us for New Consultant Training February 29th at 6:30 pm. my address. Please RSVP to this event to email

Keep track of your New Consultant Rewards Program:
 $100 Pampered Chef Dollars® when you submit personal commissionable sales totaling $1,250 or more! When you submit that $1250 in your first 30 days (March 28th), you will also receive an additional $100 Pampered Chef Dollars.
 $100 Pampered Chef Dollars when you sign up a friend or relative to start a Pampered Chef® business (this is your first recruit - ask me for more details!)
 For your sales, you will earn one point for each $1 in commissionable sales and these points go toward The Pampered Chef® 2011 incentive trip!
 When you submit $1,250 in career sales, you will also receive a bonus of 2,000 points toward The Pampered Chef® 2011 incentive trip!

There’s more:
 In addition, when you hit $5000 in your first 90 days, you can earn a bonus of 100 PC Dollars!
 Also, when you submit $1250 in sales in your first 90 days, you will earn a FREE 90 day web site subscription! You will receive an email from Pampered Chef home office that you MUST respond to within 30 days to activate your FREE website subscription or IT WILL EXPIRE; so be sure to be on the lookout for this email.
 I’m so EXCITED FOR YOU because in addition to the above, since you joined Pampered Chef in the month of February, you also have the opportunity to earn Your choice of cookware free when you submit $1250 in commissionable sales by March 28th . I have attached a flyer with all the details.

You can spend your PC dollars on products, supplies or paperwork. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this program or consult our “Succeed with Us”.

One of the best benefits of The Pampered Chef is that you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself!

This is a FUN BUSINESS, so Have FUN!! I look forward to working with you! Feel free to call me anytime.

Welcome to The Love Team!!

Wendy Love
Independent Advanced Director & Trainer
  • #19
Our team has a recorded welcome call that gets them going (we speak "after" they listen to the call) and then every sunday at 8pm we have a 4 week rotating new consultant conference call series that goes thru the 4 key sections of the Green New Consultant Booklet. Trains 6 teams of new recruits at the same time. Then we have a FB group for asking questions but they are often given the answer, "Whats your Consultant Policy Guide say? When you find out let us know and we'll discuss it." so the lazy people stop relying on everyone to answer their questions.:yuck: They also give us 3 people's contact info that are willing to do "practice" recruiting 3-way call interviews on... we're finding a good 50% of these practice friends/family end up signing (they didn't know it was a real interview so they let their guard down) LOL The newbie gets training and a new recruit. That then leaves the few conversations left in the Guide to New Consultants that we do on an individual basis. I try to meet with my new recruits in person after their kit arrives and I bring my laptop and we cover a list I created from the green book and guide to new consultants as well as where to find things on CC, calendar, online trainings etc. The rest are all phone calls or conference calls.
  • #20
Our team has a recorded welcome call that gets them going (we speak "after" they listen to the call) and then every sunday at 8pm we have a 4 week rotating new consultant conference call series that goes thru the 4 key sections of the Green New Consultant Booklet
I would love to know more about this! Are the Sunday night calls live? Who does them? is it you or your upline?If anyone has scripts they use for these recorded calls I would really really really appreciate it!Oh and what service do you all use for pre-recorded messages?
  • #21
PamperedK said:
I would love to know more about this! Are the Sunday night calls live? Who does them? is it you or your upline?

If anyone has scripts they use for these recorded calls I would really really really appreciate it!

Oh and what service do you all use for pre-recorded messages?

Sunday night calls are live. They are mostly moderated by my AD & SD but we (directors in the downline) have taken turns doing them.

No scripts, just follow along in the green book and discuss it as if you were in person. I made lots of notes in mine to be sure to discuss when I did "Partner with your host for success". The calls run about 30min.

We use free conference call. We have a number for the team that all calls are on so that it makes it easy. Then we post the recording playback number for those who couldn't be on the call live.

Each week, its one of the 4 topics. At the end of 4wks, start back at the beginning. Since these calls are open to everyone and their new recruits, theres usually good attendance on them.

Then at 9pm we have business builder calls for everyone with a guest speaker each week and the topics are really anything from tax tips (had a CPA on that one who is also a consultant), Execs, Top Performers, Fellow consultants who may have something to share (ex: a team member just sat through a social media training for her full time work so she shared from that conference), Recruiting, Earning a trip etc...)

Related to How Do You Train New Consultants Effectively?

What exactly does a new consultant do?

As a new consultant, your main responsibility is to provide expert advice and guidance to clients in a specific industry or field. This can include conducting research, analyzing data, developing strategies, and making recommendations to improve business operations.

What industries or fields do new consultants typically work in?

New consultants can work in a variety of industries, depending on their area of expertise. Some common industries for new consultants include management consulting, financial consulting, marketing consulting, and technology consulting.

What skills are necessary to be a successful new consultant?

To be a successful new consultant, you should have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills. You should also have a good understanding of the industry you are consulting in and be able to adapt to different work environments and clients.

What is the typical career path for a new consultant?

The typical career path for a new consultant involves starting as an entry-level consultant and working your way up to more senior roles. This can include becoming a team leader, project manager, or even a partner in a consulting firm. Some consultants also choose to move on to other careers, such as working in industry or starting their own consulting business.

What are some common challenges faced by new consultants?

Some common challenges faced by new consultants include managing a heavy workload, adapting to different client expectations and work cultures, and building a strong network of clients. Additionally, new consultants may face challenges in developing their skills and expertise, as well as staying up-to-date with industry trends and changes.

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