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How Do You Start Your Pampered Chef Shows?

In summary, I host a show, introduce myself, ask everyone what their favorite PC product is, and go over the "rules" for the night.
at your shows? once everyone has gotten there do you go right into cooking? or do you talk a little at first then cook? do you move the guests to another room after and play a game or anything?
I thank the host, recap what she will receive for having a show, and ask her how easy it was to host with me, then I do introductions, I ask them to introduce themselves, how they know the host, and usually what their favorite PC product is, sometimes describe the host using the first letter of your name, sometimes other things, Then I tell them my favorite product is my apron, and go into a little bit of the recruiting talk, and ask them to observe tonight, and imagine themselves doing this. then get into the recipe. I forgot, I also pass a Season's Best and ask them to all sign it for the hostess. I ask them to thumb through the wonderful recipes,. and if they spot one they like, write on it for the hsotess to fix it for them next time they come for dinner. That always gets a laugh.
I introduce myself and do "my story" and then go right into the recipe. I do the "would anyone like to help with XX' type of interactve show, so I can drop in tips and info about the biz and hosting

After the recipe, I distribute the catalogs and prize drawing slips. I'm still playing around with this part - how much to follow thru on the slips, how much to pass around the available dates clipboard.

I am NOT a game player and would like to work on integrating this into my show, but still leave lots of time for catalog shopping.
I get everyone gathered around the table. I thank the host for having me and give her a SS. Then, I say "let me tell you a bit about myself...." and tell my story. Next, I say "now let me tell you how this evening is going to unfold" and I give them a quick rundown of what they can expect. Then, we get cookin'! :D
Thank host, talk about how PC "pampers" the hosts, but that I like to give them a SB

Go around the room- have guests introduce themselves and give one word to describe host (They have to write this into the SB that I pass around for her)

Give a SHORT intro of me/how I got into PC

Go over my "rules", find cheerleaders and negativity cop, tell them commercials will be coming (all of these are from Julie Weiss' Amazing Party Experience)

Get into cooking
Introduce myself and then have everyone introduce themselves if they don't know each other. Ask who has never been to a PC show or who doesn't own any PC products. Those who have never been to a show or owned a PC product I jokingly call my "special people" and they are to sit by me:) I always try to keep the mood fun!

I will then ask everyone what there favorite product is and why. If I do a demo I with then go into that.

If no demo then I start my explaining what my favorite products are and why I started with PC.
Introduction, recipe, game (while food is cooking), then we eat, I talk some more, and I take orders.

Debbie :D
KellyTheChef said:
Thank host, talk about how PC "pampers" the hosts, but that I like to give them a SB

Go around the room- have guests introduce themselves and give one word to describe host (They have to write this into the SB that I pass around for her)

Give a SHORT intro of me/how I got into PC

Go over my "rules", find cheerleaders and negativity cop, tell them commercials will be coming (all of these are from Julie Weiss' Amazing Party Experience)

Get into cooking

I must need to get this b/c it sounds WAY interesting!!
I introduce myself, "Hi everyone, I am Carol, your Pampered Chef Consultant for life."

After that, who knows. My shows are always different depending on the group, my relationship with the host and guests, etc.

Related to How Do You Start Your Pampered Chef Shows?

What Is the First Thing You Do?

The first thing you do when you work for Pampered Chef is to familiarize yourself with our product line and company values. This will help you better understand and promote our products to customers.

What Kind of Training Do You Receive?

Pampered Chef provides comprehensive training for all employees, including hands-on product demonstrations, online courses, and ongoing support from managers and team members. We want to ensure that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in your role.

Do You Need to Have Experience in Sales?

No, you do not need prior sales experience to work for Pampered Chef. We provide training and support to help you develop your sales skills. What is more important to us is your passion for our products and dedication to providing exceptional customer service.

What Are the Key Responsibilities of the Job?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, your key responsibilities include promoting and selling our products, providing exceptional customer service, and building relationships with customers. You will also be responsible for managing your inventory and scheduling parties or demonstrations.

What Are the Benefits of Working for Pampered Chef?

Working for Pampered Chef comes with a variety of benefits, including flexible hours, opportunities for career advancement, and a supportive and inclusive work culture. You will also have the chance to earn incentives and discounts on our products. Plus, you get to be a part of a company that is dedicated to making a positive impact on people's lives through food and cooking.

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