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How Do You Handle Returning Broken Items for Customers?

In summary, the author suggests that some people in the content's community send their customer's broken items back, while others just let the customer do it themselves. Additionally, the author advises those who run their own business to do things the way they want, as it is their own business.
Do you all send your customer's broken items back, or have them do it? I am really starting to get tired of having to deal with sending people's stuff back. I made the mistake of doing it a couple of times, and now everyone expects it. It's really costing me a lot too. I haven't been doing a lot of shows, and I do work part time. I get paid every two weeks and I have to stretch that money out to buy gas and groceries for 5 people. Not only do I have to find boxes to mail the stuff back, but it costs me gas when I have to drive to the post office.

I had one customer that I go to Church with bring me her broken stone. It took me forever to find a box for it. I apologized for it taking me so long and she said it was no big deal. Then she calls me a week or so later and starts wanting to know where it is. I told her I was waiting on my paycheck because I had to pay for the shipping. She said she thought PC paid for the shipping. I said no, only if it breaks in less than 30 days. Then she starts saying maybe she should just get it back from me and go through someone else. I tell her (as nice as I can) that really the customer is the one that is supposed to send it back, and I just do it to be nice, but I have to wait on my check. She was very mad and would barely even say anything after that. She kept talking to her kids while I just sat there on the phone. Finally she said she had to go. Funny thing is, she hadn't even been to Church in over a month, so even if I had it I couldn't have given it to her. I got the stone in Friday and took it with me today. She was actually there, but she kept avoiding looking at me. I finally just walked up to her and told her I had it in the car and she was just all smiles.

Then the other day a lady I never met in person called me to tell me she hadn't gotten something that she ordered back in February!! She had won a gift certificate that I had given away and she called me over the phone and ordered the silicone cupcake pan. I had it shipped directly to her. I tried to track it but couldn't since it was more than 90 days. I was like "No way am I going to pay for this twice!" (I didn't say this to her, just in my head). She is an older lady, and I really think she just misplaced it. I called PC and they said it shipped, but they also couldn't track it. Luckily, they said they would send her another one.

I have a friend that will sometimes order $200 or so worth of stuff just so it can go in as a show. She will ask me to bring her catalogs and I will drive to her house and take her some. Then she will tell me she will have to wait awhile before she can order. Then when she is ready, she will ask for more catalogs because she can't find the other ones (she's done this several times). She is about a 15 minute drive away, so it costs me in gas and catalogs everytime she does this. Well, I just emailed her and told her I would come over and get her orders tonight and she said that was good and that she also had a stone for me to send back :mad::cry:

Anyone else have trouble saying no :confused: I feel like such a pushover.

Sorry for venting. Just getting a little frustrated.
I do it for "special" customers - and let them know it - BUT I also charge them for the postage. I ask those I do it for to keep it to themselves as well....(makes them feel even more special!) Others I will do the adjustment on line and send or give them the paperwork, but then let them do the sending. SOME I just say - Call this number and do the adjustment yourself - if they need a new receipt, I gladly send it to them -

Take a breath....

I know it is frustrating, but you need to run the business they way you want to because it is your business. I know we have all heard this before, but sometime we have to hear it again.

I never send stuff back for my host/guests. I will get them the reference number and tell them how to do it, but I do not send it for them. Target will not come to their house to take something back to the store. I will do adjustments for a host/guest. I will box up the product and send it back so they can get what they orginally ordered, but they have to make arrangements to get me the product.

I recently ordered some pants from LLBean. They are a good company and I like their products. The pants did not fit so I asked to send them back. I called them 2 days after I got the pants. I had to pay for the return shipping! Not everyone is as generous as the Pampered Chef.

Basically, help a customer within reason, but do not go into debt doing things that they should be able to take care of.
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Well Said Wendy!!!!
I never send items back for my customers unless it is in the first 30 days and the company is going to pay to have it shipped backed to themselves. I just explain to the customer that the company likes to do the customer service of that kind themselves and I give them the 1-888 chef number and they call and handle it by themself. I have a sister consultant who does it herself and it costs her time, money, frustration and guests and hosts hounding her constantly about where is their stuff!! It's not worth it. I feel like, if they purchase something from anywhere else, they will have to take care of the return themself, that is why we tell them they need to keep the receipt right? It makes it easier, and I haven't had anyone upset over the fact that I don't do it.
I won't send the items back either. I just tell them its PC's policy and they have to send it themselves. THey are ok with it, as long as you tell them. HTH
Ditto to what everyone else said...you wouldn't return someone's defective cookware to Macy's for them, would you? :)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
I guess I need to just quit being a pushover. Don't the reps from most other direct sales companies have to send the products back? I guess I just didn't want to hear anyone say "Well, I don't have to send my Tupperware, Mary Kay etc... back"
Not sure if they do or not - but your not them anyway - Be confident, strong and polite - we sell and speak for ourselves - no other company.........Don't stress the small stuff Jennifer!
  • #10
The salesperson from a department store wouldn't come to their house to get a return item, nor would they handle it for them (other than the rep at the service desk). Why should we be any different?
  • #11
I agree w/the others, and I do not send products back for my customers. I will call and get the ref. number and tell them where to mail it to, but I will not mail it for them.

One thing you need to remember when you send a stone back you only need to send a small piece of it back, not the entire stone. Just break off a small piece and put it in a regular size envelope. It doesn't cost much.
  • #12
pampchefrhondab said:
I agree w/the others, and I do not send products back for my customers. I will call and get the ref. number and tell them where to mail it to, but I will not mail it for them.

One thing you need to remember when you send a stone back you only need to send a small piece of it back, not the entire stone. Just break off a small piece and put it in a regular size envelope. It doesn't cost much.

I do exactly the same as Rhonda - get the ref number and give it and the address for them. Also share the info of only a piece of stone not the entire stone. Shipping is about $2-4 depending on what they're sending back but I'm not sending it for them. I just tell them that it's PC policy.
  • #13
The only people I have ever paid to send stuff back for is my mom or MIL!! I do NOT pay to ship it back, for the reasons you described. I am not required to ship my customer's returns, so I don't do it. If they don't like it, I tell them to call the 800 number and complain. The cashier at Bed Bath & Beyond is not going to come to her house to pick up her broken item and ship her a new one free of charge, so why should we???
  • #14
pampchefrhondab said:
I agree w/the others, and I do not send products back for my customers. I will call and get the ref. number and tell them where to mail it to, but I will not mail it for them.

One thing you need to remember when you send a stone back you only need to send a small piece of it back, not the entire stone. Just break off a small piece and put it in a regular size envelope. It doesn't cost much.

I don't even call to get the reference number anymore, unless it's within the first 30 days. I send them a flyer called "Return Instructions" with a copy of their receipt (b/c they never have their receipt!) if it's past 30 days, and let them know how to handle it from there. They take it from there and I'm not held responsible if there is a delay.

Here's the flyer I made:


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  • #15
cathyskitchen said:
I don't even call to get the reference number anymore, unless it's within the first 30 days. I send them a flyer called "Return Instructions" with a copy of their receipt (b/c they never have their receipt!) if it's past 30 days, and let them know how to handle it from there. They take it from there and I'm not held responsible if there is a delay.

Here's the flyer I made:

Love the flyer. I am going to "borrow" it!
  • #16
Please do!! It has made my life SO much easier since I started using it!!
  • #17
I call and get the reference number for the customer and then send them the instructions on what to do.
  • #18
Besides only sending in a small piece of stoneware, you can also tell your customers you only send in items once a month on a certain date. Offer then to wait until them or mail it themselves.
  • #19
I will return some items for some people, but not everyone. I HATE when someone brings me a piece at a show. I tell them that on the back of the receipt are the instructions to return the item. I will not take the item the brought to me. When they mention Tupperware or MaryKay or another DS company, I simply say that each company does things different.
I feel your pain. When I first started I had to do a LOT of "saving the company" as there was a consultant in my area that stole the money from MANY people, including her best friend and a Special Olympics fundraiser. No one wanted to hear about PC, but EVERYONE had something to have replaced. I spent a LOT of money trying to make things right and build my business. I know it probably seems tough to change after all of the adjustments you have returned, but you can. Just from today forward you will do things different.
When you go to your friends house, have her adjustment paperwork ready (I will get them the info and adj #) and give her Cathy's form as well and let her know what she should do. If she gives you trouble, simply tell her that you are sorry, but this is part of your policy. Or since she does the $200 orders for you, just send it back for her.
I hope this helps!!

Cathy- GREAT job on the return instructions!! I love it and I am so borrowing this too!!
  • #20
I agree with all of the posts here although I have started doing SOME returns.

If the person purchased it from me AND can get the product to me, then I will return it...in my own time. I tell them that it may take up to three months and if they want it sooner, I explain how (but I am all over that excellent flyer!!) If they didn't purchase it from me, they must have the receipt and get the product to me.

When I gather a sufficient amount of products, I will then do the returns. I send it delivery confirmation and insured.

I too give in to people wanting us to do returns and at one time PC did have on their receipts that consultants are not to return products for customers...but they took that off!:mad:

For me, it is a customer service that I extend, however, they will wait. I have sent 2 shipments back this year. Maybe 3 by the end of the year.

But don't feel pressured by this. People will say anything to get a deal. They won't haggle or barter, they will guilt!!! Even the most liberal return policy in any store will not extend the guarantee that PC does!
  • #21
Hi! Chef Gilles here from Canada. I'm new on this site and love all the tips, news and your stories.

I always return the broken product myself and pay for it and have it delivered at my home address. That way, I can hand deliver the product myself and it gives me the chance to talk with the guest and schedule a party. I always try to con my way into having the guest that I so very well served return the favor by booking a party.

We are not a department store and we should not say that those store wouldn't come to a guest's door. It's your business but think on how you would like to be treated in your store. Just a thought !!!

Glad to hear all your comments and I'm also learning from you guys. Thanks !!!
  • #22
I have never returned a product for anyone. I will call for the Ref # and send them instructions but that's all I do and they are fine with that.
  • #23
It sounds like I'm the only one, but I make a point of doing returns for my customers... It is also how I have found many, many new customers... Often people don't realize that it can be sent back & would sooner complain to a friend than call their original consultant who hasn't done any sort of follow up. Of course, when their friend knows me, they give them my name & number or give me the customer's number and I do the follow up and gain a new loyal customer. Don't jump on my for "stealing" customers - when a person hasn't followed up with their customers & isn't providing customer service for over a year, the customers have a choice in who they deal with.

If they live far away, I will send them their receipt & give them the # to call. I follow up in about 2 weeks to make sure the return went smoothly or remind them to do the return already!

If they live close to me, I get their info (whether or not I was the consultant) and ask them to DROP OFF their defective product to me. So I don't go around the county to do pick ups so no gas there... Also, if the replacement product isn't being sent directly to them (which I usually do) , then I ask them to PICK IT UP from me too.

But the actual mailing of the returns I do as a service to my customers. No, Macy's & Target don't do that but that is one of the services that I provide above & beyond to my customers. That is why shopping with their own personal consultant is different & better than heading to a big store - remember our old phrase - the Kitchen Store that Comes to your Door!???

I agree that you shouldn't be driving around for pick ups or drop offs, but the $5 it takes a month to send broken stones (you know you only need a pie shaped piece to send back, not the whole stone?), cheese grater etc back is a cost of business that I write off at tax time. I also keep a mileage log for my vehicle just for PC - and write off the mileage at the end of the year.

So, maybe I'm the only one, but I think that as their consultant, I'm not just there for the sale, I am providing great customer service...
  • #24
I usually tell the customer that normally they will have to send the item back themselves, but if they are a new customer or new to Pampered Chef, as my gift to them I will mail it back the FIRST TIME. If they have any other issues after that I let them take care of it... I too can't afford to do this for everyone!
  • #25
Wow...evidently this struck a nerve with me, but I'll give my 2 cents regarding the question first.I don't think you have to send products back for customers, but that doesn't mean you can't give great customer service & be very helpful with the process. The above flyer is a great start! I'll be using that! Although I think putting the address on it would be helpful too. I don't know if it ever really changes? I just had someone call for it b/c she didn't want to be on hold for another 2 hours! Yikes!! I wish SHE had contacted me first!!I personally send returns periodically and if people don't mind waiting, they get the full service I guess. I've never had to spend more than $5 or so at a time...huh...must have been awhile since my last shipment! Otherwise, I am happy to help them with their adjustments. I can do it much quicker than they can since I'm familiar with the process. But, I don't mind it and can find the time. People really appreciate it and it's really not costing me anything. Of course, STRESS the 30 day free shipping on returns. That right there SHOULD tell them we have to pay for it.Also, I ship most everything from my home (just print postage and schedule pickup on usps.com). I have a little scale so I can weigh the box (even if it's in parts). It's actually cheaper sometimes when you print the postage too!! Plus, saves gas. As for boxes, I keep all smaller boxes I get from PC and anything else, plus padded envelopes. I love to recycle that kind of stuff, plus it's cheaper! Don't have room? Just break down the box and retape it when you are ready for it.Decide how you want to run your business. When you take charge, it's shocking how people are fine with it. You want to please everyone, but really they are usually fine with what you tell them as long as you are confident about it. Just know what you are going to do. This applies to returns, recipes, dates you'll have shows, how quickly you close them, etc. That being said...I wouldn't say anything about a Macy's, Target etc employee not coming to your door to process the return. We can't try to show how we are different from those stores and then say well THEY don't do it, why should I? I'm the owner of my own business and I can choose to act like the owner or an unhappy, underpaid employee.
  • #26
Jules - I didn't put the return address on it b/c I don't want anyone just returning products without getting a reference number. That's what customers were doing before PC changed to the "reference number" policy, and they had a lot of problems with people trying to send back items that were out of warranty with no receipts, etc. I would let them get the address from HO when they submit the request. JMO!
  • #27
Cathy~I figured that's why and I completely understand that! That would be my concern too. I just had someone that didn't get the whole zip code (or wanted to verify). Screaming kids and all. So if it was on there, we'd have to be sure to say MUST get reference # first!!!
  • #28
I constantly get items brought to shows (either by the original customer or a friend who's attending the show).

It's tough to tell them they need their receipt and if they don't ahve it, they can call HO, but they may not be able to get it replaced. Also, I let them know they need to call HO and do the adjutment on their own and that all of the info is on the receipt or I can give it to them.
  • #29
At times this bothers me too, with the PC name on it, however, the HO does not know if it is in or out of warrenty. Unfortunately, there are those out in the world that want PC or any other company to replace an item but that is not the company policy.
  • #30
Anyone know the address to send returns to? If not, I'll have to call and ask.

  • #31
I read all of this as a palm size piece of stone is sitting in my car.... someone gave it to me yesterday and I took it. Bad Jenni!! I am going to handle this (my first time) and let the customer know I took it cuz I wasn't sure how it worked being new, and that know that I know how to handle returns I will guide her next time. I have to go buy something to mail it in today, make a phone call, and go to the post office! Not looking forward to any of it! :cry:
  • #32
I agree with ChefEsther -- I believe this is a part of my customer service. This is why I stand out over Target and other stores. I have many people I sent in returns for later calling me for orders, booking shows; plus, I believe word of mouth is the strongest advertisement. If I can make my customers happy, then they will tell their friends! I figure all postage is tax deductible, so why not show my customers (and non-customers) how PC really takes care of them!
  • #33
For me it depends on the situation. I always call, because for some reason my customers get a hard time from HO. I always send them the paper with the reference # and tell them how to send it back.
  • #34
This Spring, I had a woman call me out of the blue. She was a friend of someone who had attended a party I did for a friend. So this person was three removed from anything
I had done. She had broken her large bar pan and admitted it was over 5 yr. old.
I checked the catalog and told her the warranty was for 3 years. Then she suggested that maybe I would give her a discount on a new one. I paried with the suggestion of her doing a party. I mailed her a current catalog. Four days later I picked up some orders from her, and showed her the Collapsible Bowl which she ordered at the hostess bonus price. She got a new bar pan as part of her hostess benefits, and both of us were happy. She was a Gift from God for me that month when my sales where thin.
  • #35
I do as Ann does... I will do the adjustment in my own time. As soon as I get a FlatRate box full - I ship it back...

If they want it sooner - I (from this point forward) will give them Cathy's flyer and they can do it themselves.

I have to drive myself to WlaMart with receipt in hand before anyone will "possibly" help me...

baychef said:
I agree with all of the posts here although I have started doing SOME returns.

If the person purchased it from me AND can get the product to me, then I will return it...in my own time. I tell them that it may take up to three months and if they want it sooner, I explain how (but I am all over that excellent flyer!!) If they didn't purchase it from me, they must have the receipt and get the product to me.

When I gather a sufficient amount of products, I will then do the returns. I send it delivery confirmation and insured.

I too give in to people wanting us to do returns and at one time PC did have on their receipts that consultants are not to return products for customers...but they took that off!:mad:

For me, it is a customer service that I extend, however, they will wait. I have sent 2 shipments back this year. Maybe 3 by the end of the year.

But don't feel pressured by this. People will say anything to get a deal. They won't haggle or barter, they will guilt!!! Even the most liberal return policy in any store will not extend the guarantee that PC does!
  • #36
cathyskitchen said:
I don't even call to get the reference number anymore, unless it's within the first 30 days. I send them a flyer called "Return Instructions" with a copy of their receipt (b/c they never have their receipt!) if it's past 30 days, and let them know how to handle it from there. They take it from there and I'm not held responsible if there is a delay.

Here's the flyer I made:

Thank you for sharing. I think I'll use that too. I just started putting a little blurb on sticky notes I get free from Vista Prints. I want them to READ the receipt & return policy so they know they need to keep it. I get alot of people bringing OLD PC stuff & expecting me to exchange it, like Tupperware. Also, I always go over the receipt & return policy at my shows, but the rude ones that are not paying attention are the ones that will call 4 months down the line & get mad because PC won't pick up the tab for return shipping. :grumpy:

The image is small but what it says is:

Thank you for your order. Please take a moment to inspect your products and review the return instructions on the back of your receipt. You have 30 days from the shipping date to return your products & The Pampered Chef will pay the return postage. Keep your receipt in a safe place as you will need it for any returns.

Your shipping date was:________________

On the very bottom right it says "Have a Pampered Day"

I figure this draws attention to the policies & covers those who were not paying attention or orders from catty shows.


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  • #37
That's great idea with the post-it, though don't you run out quickly? It MAY be idea for a "business card" size. It's not sticky, but you'd get way more at a time? I make sure to tell the host and ask HER to mention it to each person that she delivers to.
  • #38
Jules711 said:
That's great idea with the post-it, though don't you run out quickly? It MAY be idea for a "business card" size. It's not sticky, but you'd get way more at a time? I make sure to tell the host and ask HER to mention it to each person that she delivers to.

I just got my first pack this week. I only do 2-4 shows/month, so that's not an issue for me. The biz card idea is good for someone that does more shows. Whenever I do Vista Prints, I just add them from my portfolio when they are free. I have been doing alot of Vista Prints because I have been making recipe cards with the regular size postcards.

The attachments are too small to see, The front has my contact info.

The back has an easy recipe on the top and I offer the opportunity on the bottom. I copied from the opportunity section of the catalog.

Oops! Sorry about the hijack. :blushing:

We have a huge fair starting this week, so I will hand out some of those along with the PC recipe cards.


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  • #39
Thank you for telling us that you only have to return a part of a stone. I just booked a party for someone and when I stopped over for my first host coaching, she hands me a large bar pan that had broken in the oven but she never sent it back - too much of a hassle to fill out all the information online. So I reluctantly took it but haven't sent it back yet. So that will save me some money to just send part of it back. Thanks!
  • #40
I do not send back items for my customers. I call HO and get them the info they need to return it, and then send them instructions on how to return the product.

Related to How Do You Handle Returning Broken Items for Customers?

1. Do you all send your customer's broken items back, or have them do it?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, it is ultimately up to the customer to send back any broken items. However, some consultants may choose to do it as a courtesy to their customers. It is not a requirement and should not be expected every time.

2. What are the costs associated with sending items back?

The costs associated with sending items back include finding a suitable box, paying for shipping, and potentially losing valuable time and gas money. As a consultant, it is important to carefully consider the cost and effort involved before agreeing to send items back for customers.

3. How do you handle situations where customers expect you to send items back for them?

If a customer expects you to send back their broken items, it is important to politely explain the process and any associated costs. If necessary, you can also refer to the Pampered Chef policy that states it is the customer's responsibility to send back broken items. It is important to set boundaries and not feel obligated to do something that may not be financially feasible for you.

4. How do you handle customers who are unhappy with the time it takes to send back items?

It is important to communicate clearly and promptly with customers about the time it may take to send back items. If a customer becomes upset or impatient, it is important to remain calm and explain the process again. You can also offer alternative solutions, such as allowing the customer to send back the item themselves or providing a refund for the item.

5. How can I avoid being taken advantage of by customers who constantly ask me to send back items?

Sometimes, customers may not be aware of the costs and effort involved in sending back items. It is important to set boundaries and communicate clearly with customers about the process. If you find yourself constantly being asked to send back items, you may need to reevaluate your policies and consider implementing a fee for this service. Additionally, it is important to prioritize your own financial and time constraints, and not feel obligated to do something that may not be feasible for you in the long run.

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