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How Do You Handle Overly Helpful Co-Workers?

In summary, the secretary was trying to schedule a very critical meeting with the architect, but was having difficulty getting in touch with them. The co-worker decided to jump in and caused a delay. But, the secretary was nice most of the time, and the co-worker's "I have to do it if it is going to get done right" attitue created more work and more headaches for herself.
Silver Member
At my part-time job, I'm the secretary for the Construction department at a hospital. It has been years since this department had a secretary and it has taken them a long time to get used to having me here (mind you, it will be 2 years in July). I have one co-worker who often forgets that I'm a big girl and can do things all by myself and I find her "helping" me. Today I was trying to schedule a very critical meeting and was having difficulty getting in touch with someone from our architecture firm. Long story short, she decided to jump in to help (I guess) and ended up causing a delay in the getting the meeting time confirmed. But of course, she acts like she had to get involved because I wasn't getting it taken care of. However, if she had just stayed out of it, the architect would have called me back instead of calling her... which caused the confusion and delay.

She is a nice person (most of the time), but has an "I have to do it if it is going to get done right" attitue and ends up creating more work and more headaches for herself. I would love to tell her to back off, but that is just not my personality. This is not the first time she has done this to me and it is really starting to get annoying. I know she isn't doing it to make me look bad or to be mean or anything like that, but she needs to get out of the way and let me do my job. I'm GOOD at what I do... if I'm actually allowed to do it!

No advice needed, just needed to vent...
Hope you feel better! She sounds Type A, to be sure! Gotta love us--ahem, I mean "them!"

Hope the rest of your week is better. At least the sun is shining and it's warming up outside!

  • Thread starter
  • #5
I know EXACTLY what you mean about Type A's... I know I should just grow a spine and go talk to her, but I think that this is what I'd end up doing...
. Oh well!
I am SO loving all the emoticons!

You never know--depending upon your approach, she may listen and take it to heart. But, you didn't want advice... :)

Katie I also work in a construction department at a hospital here in Washington. I think it is too funny when people ask what I do at the hospital and I tell them I work in construction and they give me a weird look. :eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #8
RaggedyAunt said:
I am SO loving all the emoticons!

You never know--depending upon your approach, she may listen and take it to heart. But, you didn't want advice... :)


You can give me advice any time you want! <hee,hee>

If I did talk to her, should would listen, tell me she didn't intend to "butt in" and then promptly do it again later... that is just her personality. In two years, this is the first time it has bugged me enough to vent to anyone, so I think I'm doing pretty good!!!

pamperedpals said:
Katie I also work in a construction department at a hospital here in Washington. I think it is too funny when people ask what I do at the hospital and I tell them I work in construction and they give me a weird look. :eek:

What do you do for your hospital? We just - as in we are still in our year warranty period - finished a new $150M 8-story patient tower... new CVICU/MSICU, Ortho, cafeteria, parking garage, maintenance space... the WORKS!
I'll bet you don't have a Wendy's in the lobby, like the other hospital in town.
  • #10
Hey, Katie, if she gets too out of line, let me know. I could make a quick hop to Cincinnati to do a little ankle-kicking. :)
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  • #11
raebates said:
Hey, Katie, if she gets too out of line, let me know. I could make a quick hop to Cincinnati to do a little ankle-kicking. :)

My knight in shining stainless steel (yet surprisingly dishwasher safe) armor! :love:
  • #12
pamperedpals said:
Katie I also work in a construction department at a hospital here in Washington. I think it is too funny when people ask what I do at the hospital and I tell them I work in construction and they give me a weird look. :eek:
Tell them you make prosthetics from concrete.
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  • #13
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I'll bet you don't have a Wendy's in the lobby, like the other hospital in town.


Nope... sure don't. But it also doesn't take you an entire week to walk the length of our hospital!
  • #14
That's just what it took me to walk from the parking structure to the Wendy's!(If you want a Wendy's in the lobby, I know who to talk to. ;))
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  • #15
I do NOT want a Wendy's in our lobby or cafeteria or anywhere on the grounds for that matter. We have one down the street, but I don't want any more MAJOR construction for awhile. I've had enough of HEPA filters and temporary barriers and OACM meetings to last at least for a year or so!
  • #16
Well, you're all set for the process, then. You're just getting warmed up!(Which one is down the street? I'll have to see if I've been there.)
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  • #17
Mongtomgery Road - near Bethesda North Hosptial, just south of I-275.
  • #18
No, not that one.But I find it interesting that you're near a cemetery.
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  • #19
Not as bad as a funeral home and butcher shop being right next door... even sharing the same driveway. I heard the butcher was really excellent, but I could never bring myself to go in to that particular store... especially after I saw a funeral procession pulling out of the funeral home and someone at the butcher changing their sign to read "Fresh Meat".
  • #20
katie0128 said:
Not as bad as a funeral home and butcher shop being right next door... even sharing the same driveway. I heard the butcher was really excellent, but I could never bring myself to go in to that particular store... especially after I saw a funeral procession pulling out of the funeral home and someone at the butcher changing their sign to read "Fresh Meat".
EWWWWWW! Gross!! I don't think I would shop there either!!!
  • #21
Are you kiddin' me?That's my kinda place!
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  • #22
You come to Cincinnati and I'll take you there!
  • #23
katie0128 said:
Not as bad as a funeral home and butcher shop being right next door... even sharing the same driveway. I heard the butcher was really excellent, but I could never bring myself to go in to that particular store... especially after I saw a funeral procession pulling out of the funeral home and someone at the butcher changing their sign to read "Fresh Meat".

Oh that's a good one:yuck:

And here I thought a tanning bed at the butcher shop was bad:p
  • #24
Gee, and you gave me a rough time about Jungle Jim's!
  • #25
katie0128 said:
What do you do for your hospital? We just - as in we are still in our year warranty period - finished a new $150M 8-story patient tower... new CVICU/MSICU, Ortho, cafeteria, parking garage, maintenance space... the WORKS!

We just completed a joint venture for a 3-story medical office building at one of our hospitals, a new medical office building that looks like a ski lodge. We are in the process of expanding our Emergency, Oncology and Radiology Departments in 4-story addition, New Steam Plant, New Parent Apartments, Expanding our Uro/Ortho at the new 3-story medical office building. Those are just the new big projects.

As I am sure you are aware, there are many smaller projects we are currently working on. We just entered our new budget year and we are still waiting to see what is coming on-line for us. We do know there is a patient tower going up at one of our hospitals.
  • #26
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Tell them you make prosthetics from concrete.

LOL! My husband was giving me a weird look. I read him what you said and he started laughing also.

Related to How Do You Handle Overly Helpful Co-Workers?

1. How can I address a co-worker's annoying behavior without causing conflict?

It's important to approach the situation calmly and directly. First, try to understand the reason behind their behavior and communicate your concerns with empathy. You can also suggest alternative ways for them to be helpful that may not bother you as much.

2. How do I set boundaries with a co-worker who constantly interrupts me while I'm working?

Be assertive and politely let them know that their interruptions are affecting your productivity. Suggest specific times when you can chat or catch up, and ask them to respect your work time. It may also be helpful to have a designated quiet zone where interruptions are not allowed.

3. What should I do if a co-worker takes credit for my ideas or work?

If possible, address the issue with the co-worker directly and calmly. Clearly state your contribution to the idea or work and ask for acknowledgement. If the behavior continues, consider discussing the situation with a supervisor or HR representative.

4. How do I deal with a co-worker who constantly complains or vents to me?

Set boundaries and let them know that while you are there to listen, constant complaining can be draining and affect your own work. Suggest finding a different outlet for their frustrations, such as talking to a friend or keeping a journal. If the behavior persists, consider involving a manager or HR.

5. What should I do if a co-worker constantly asks for my help and it's affecting my own work?

Be honest and communicate your workload and priorities. Let them know that you are happy to help, but your own work needs to come first. You can also suggest alternative solutions, such as delegating tasks or setting specific times for them to come to you for help.

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